Disclaimer- I do not own Harry Potter

Sorry it's taken me so long to update. I'm working on updating more quickly. This is the last chapter I think. Well I'm pretty sure at least. It wasn't suppose to be very long. I hope you enjoy it.

When Are You Going To Get It?

O.W.L.s were upon the fifth years. Rose stood in front of the doors that were for Transfiguration. She was freaking out. She just knew that she had failed Charms. Albus stood next to her. He was next. Scorpius had already gone in to preform the Transfiguration for the witches and wizards here.

"Rose, you're going to be fine," Albus comforted.

"Don't tell me I'm going to be fine Al!" she yelled frantically. "I'm just sure I've failed the Potions written part. Maybe even the demonstration. Gosh why is this so stressful! Just think about what will happen to me during seventh year?"

Albus immediately backed down. Is this how aunt Hermione was to dad, he thought? He watched as Rose paced back and forth muttering to herself. She was completely mental right now.

"Potter, Albus?" asked a thin looking witch.

"See ya Rose," Albus waved and followed the witch into the set of doors.

A group of students finished with testing walked out. Scorpius was among them. Rose didn't care that she was still upset with him. She ran up to him.

"Scorpius, was it hard?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "It wasn't too bad. I thought it was pretty easy. If I did you should be fine. You're first in the class."

Rose nodded, looking like a lunatic.

"Rosie it's going to be alright. I promise you'll be fine," he engulfed her in a hug. "Good luck," he waved to her and walked off.

Rose instantly felt at peace for some strange reason. Right after the hug she instantly relaxed. Why was she such an idiot?! Why did she go out with Tim? Ugh!

"Weasley, Rose."

Rose was too busy having an argument inside herself she didn't hear her name called.

"Weasley, Rose?"

Rose was still paying no attention to the voice. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around.

"Are you Weasley, Rose?" asked a short wizard.

"Oh yes," she responded. Rose shook her head, bracing herself.

"Follow me please."

She walked through the doors as confident as she would ever be. It was time.


Scorpius reached the entrance to the Slytherin House. Luckily he was still an acquaintance with some of the Slytherin's still. He said the password and it opened. He needed to find Ophelia. It was time to break up with her.

"Hey, have you seen Ophelia Nott?" he asked some fourth year on a couch.

"She's down by the lake I think," the girl replied.


He turned around and started jogging down to the lake. As he ran he wondered how Rose was doing on her exam. He was sure she would pass. She was brilliant.

He finally got down to the lake and saw Ophelia and her friend's in bathing suits sunbathing. He just shook his head and ran up to her.

"Can I talk to you?" Scorpius asked her.

"Absolutely Scorpy," she looked at her friends, smirking.

Oh she was not going to like the news he was about to say.

They walked over to the Beech Tree.

"Listen Ophelia, you've been great the past weeks. It's been great dating you. I just don't think this relationship is going to work out."

"You're breaking up with me?!" she cried in her high girlish shriek.

He flinched a little.

"Yes," he replied, rubbing his ears.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed, and then she burst into tears. "How could you?" she sobbed.

"I'm really sorry."

He had to get away before she pummeled him. Scorpius got up and walked back to the Gryffindor common room, free for the first time in a while. It was time to win Rose.


Rose had just finished her Transfiguration exam and it had been really easy. She was so glad it was her last one. Now she could relax for the next couple of days before term was done, along with school. There was something she had to do. It was time to say goodbye to Tim and let the truth come out.

Rose found him where she had guessed. In the empty classroom he used for studying. He never particularly liked studying in the library. She never understood why.

"Hi Tim," Rose walked in and sat down next to him.

"Hi Rosie," he smiled, closing the book he was reading. "How did your exam go?"

"Really well I think," she admitted. "I'm just glad exams are finally over."

"Same here."

They sat in a moment of silence. Rose wasn't sure how to approach the topic of breaking up. It had to be done somehow.

"Um Tim. Can I tell you something?" she questioned. She took a deep breath.

"Yeah of course."

"This is going to really hurt but I used you. I am so sorry about it too. You're an amazing guy and an awesome friend. I really think we work out better as friend/friend. Not girlfriend/boyfriend. I hope you understand," she looked at him.

He sat there in thought. "Thank you for telling me Rose. It just seems better hearing it from you then finding out for myself. I need to say that I was about to break up with you too. You've been moping around for the past couple of days," he said in an understanding tone.

"So you're not mad?" Rose was in disbelief. Most guys would explode. That was including Scorpius.

"No," he shook his head. "Disappointed yes. A little hurt too. I'll be okay though. I promise."

"Thank you Tim," she hugged him. "I'm still really sorry."

"It's okay Rosie. Really, it is," he hugged her back.

She stood up.

"I'll see you around then?"

"Yeah, see you around."

Rose turned and walked out. It felt good to be single and guilty free again.


Since exams were over, fifth years lounged outside enjoying the summer sunshine. Rose and Macy were on top of the Astronomy Tower laughing. It sure felt good to laugh.

"So you two broke up?" Macy asked.

"Yeah, and I've never felt better," Rose smiled.

"My advice didn't work out after all," Macy shook her head. "Oh well."

The door to the Astronomy Tower opened. There was Scorpius.

"Hey Macy, can I talk to Rose alone?" he asked.

Macy eyed Rose with a smile. Rose just rolled her eyes.

"Surrrrrre," Macy got up from where she was sitting. She gave her a wink and walked out. Once the Astronomy Tower door shut, Rose began.

"So how's Ophelia?"

"I don't know really. You see, we broke up."

Rose turned from where she was standing by the edge of the tower.

"You broke up?"

"Yep," he said. "Let me tell you it wasn't pretty."

They both laughed.

"I broke up with Tim," Rose looked into Scorpius' eyes. "I used him. To make you jealous." she admitted.

"Really," he said looking shocked. He rubbed the back of his neck absentmindedly. "I never knew you had it in you Rosie Posie," he looked at her, eyes gleaming.

"Shut up. Yes you do."

"I used Ophelia. I thought it would fill up the empty feeling in me. It didn't though," he looked at her.

"Same here Scorpius," she took a deep breath. "I should of told you a long time ago but----"

"I love you," he blurted out, then without thinking he pressed his lips against hers. The kiss wasn't long but it felt like a spark to both of them.

"I love you too," Rose said, breaking them apart. "And I was too shy to tell you."

"No Rose. That's me. I'm the brave on remember. I should have told you. You're the smart one."

"Want to take this slow?" she asked him. "I mean if it doesn't work out we can still be friends right?"

"Of course. Now we'd better go find Albus." They both started towards the door.



Rose grabbed his tie and sealed the distance between them again.

When they broke apart Scorpius asked, "You and Macy up for a two on two game of Quidditch?"

"Definitely," she opened the door.

Albus and Macy came tumbling out.

"I can explain," Albus hurriedly started. "She made me," he pointed to Macy.

"I did not make you."

"I guess you guys heard about Quidditch. You up for it?" Scorpius smiled.

"Sure Macy," said.

The four of them headed down towards the Quidditch field. Rose and Scorpius were in the front talking and laughing. Macy and Albus saw a major improvement in their friend's attitude.

"They finally got it," Albus said to Macy.

"Yes they did Al. Yes they did."

The last few days of school would be spent well.

I hope you liked it. I don't have plans on a sequel. Reviews!