Hillo ^^ I want to say thanks for checking this story out! If you're into darker fics with hot romance and danger then this may very well be the story for you… But there will be changes to the characters that I will be making with my little creative license-nothing major. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!!! It takes place at the end of book seven, but the "last battle" obviously had different outcome, but we'll get to that later!

Summary: ( Lupin, Siruis, Tonks are all in there early thirties!) The war is still going and not much progress has been made on either side with the exception that Hogwarts has now fallen into the hands of the DeathEaters. With the Order still fighting strong, betrayal and loyalties are tested. Only the Order stands in between Voldemort and the non-pureblooded. What happens when a Deatheater is found nearly dead and is soon after taken in by the Order? Will they have a new ally or will there downfall come faster then expected?

Disclaimer… This is fanfiction, so there shouldn't be a disclaimer!

Noise…there was so much…noise. The sound of spells flying high and trees being uprooted. The cries of pain and morning packed to the eardrums of the many that were near, but only fell deafened by the background of hums and beating hearts. Then silence. The battle was over and the walls that the Order of the Phoenix had worked so hard to build, had crumbled under Voldemort's advances…

Hogwarts was his now. Where he took control and only those of the purest bloods attended to learn the dark arts. It was inevitable, and the Order had suffered a major blow, but they left with few members passed on to the next world after death, while the survivors returned to lick their wounds to fight again. Voldemort may have taken the battle's victory, but there was still much to take back and for the Order…

They prepared for the next engagement.


Quickly she ran up the stairs with a small smile playing across her lips and her curls bounced wildly. Up the stairs she went with her strides swallowing two steps at a time until she reached the last landing of the Burrow. "Ron, Harry!" Hermione called as she followed down the hallway. Two heads peaked from the bedroom to see a slightly winded witch rushing towards them.

"What is it, 'moine?" Ron questioned as he revealed his body from behind the doorframe.

"It's Lupin. He's downstairs talking with your Mum," she looked back and forth between the two and her smile grew slightly. "He said there's a surprise for us, but we have to go with him."

"Go? Where are we going?" Harry spoke quietly. Dark rings filled under his eyes from lack of sleep. The pain in his scar had been immense the last two nights, but he only chopped it up to Voldemort being active. Of course this knowledge didn't set well with the dark haired boy, but he knew it was too soon to do anything yet. Only three weeks ago was it that they had lost Hogwarts to him and it would be Hell to get it back. But he was ready for a fight.

"Well…I'm not sure, but he's waiting on us now," she explained while taking a firm hold of each of their hands and pulling them out of their room. "Come on! I think it's something good."

"Something good?" Ron asked skeptically. "Well I'm not sure I want to find out what it is then… Every time something good happens, something worse follows." Though the three weeks had past, it wasn't near enough time for Ron to heal from the battle. She didn't expect anything less of him and was deeply touched that he was still in pain from it. The loss of his brother, Fred, had kept him quieter, but luckily he was coming around to his normal self. Harry though had still had a few dreams of the night that Sirius had died. The lack of sleep was due because of such haunting visions replaying in his mind, but he kept his chin up through it all. Stopping at the tops of the stairs, she spun around and embraced both Harry and Ron.

"We're in this together," she said quietly. "Inseparable to the end." Pulling back, she wiped a few stray tears from her cheeks and watched hopefully at the smiles that pushed upon her friend's lips before once again, she pulled them-not to kindly- down the stairs. Reaching the bottom, they saw Lupin showing Ginny and Luna a new jinx that had their clothes changing different lengths and styles as they both beamed down the front of them. "Tonks said you would love to learn to change your appearance incase a spilling accident happens in public," he explained unsurely as they smiled wildly.

"Wow! That's like the perfect spell! This is genius!" Ginny squealed while changing her shirt to a dark pink that had long sleeves flaring out around her wrists.

"Great," Ron sighed and rolled his eyes. "Now she'll never stop using that spell."

This earned him a glare from his red headed sister who realized he was standing there, but Lupin only chuckled while Hermione went to her friends and started asking questions about the spell; clearly interested in how it worked. Lupin left the three girls and made his way to Harry and Ron with his hands in his pockets. "I had promised Tonks that I would show them that. If I didn't she would have had a fit," he explained sheepishly.

Both guys laughed, knowing their fair share of women.

"How are you doing? And how is Teddy?" Harry asked up to his friend. He was still a little taller then him; only by a few inches. From the last time he had seen him, Lupin looked considerably well rested and his arm that had been burned severely was moving as it should. He had shaved his mustache and his hair was growing in its usual messy style that hung around his ears. He looked every bit of his age as 35, which was an improvement from when he appeared nearly 50. Teddy and Tonks had been a blessing in his life and he looked to have enjoyed every minute of it. Harry's smile only grew at his friend's happiness.

"Oh, he is doing fine. Happy as can be… He absolutely adores that blanket you got for him. Always pulling it around with him, that boy."

"So was that spell the "good thing" you were going to show us?" Ron asked as he watched the girls giggle to themselves.

"Hm?" Lupin turned back to the three girls and chuckled. "Oh, no. Actually I was going to take you somewhere, if you're up for it."

Harry couldn't help the curious thought that left him before he could keep it in. "Where to?"

"Oh, that, Harry, is for you to find out… But we should probably have only you, Ron and Hermione go. It's still too dangerous to have a large group go through the Floo Network…." He glanced around before leaning in and saying in a quieter voice, "But we have to go soon. I told Molly that I would have you three back for supper."

"Alright," Harry shrugged. "What are we waiting for?"

"Well, who wants to pull Hermione away?"

"I'll do it," Ron volunteered. He took a step away from Harry and Lupin before yelling out, "Oi, we're goin' leave without you if you don't get ove' here!"

A deadly glare was thrown at him by the auburn haired witch and he gulped thinking that may have not been quite the best way to go about it. Hermione only murmured something to the others and rushed to Ron before stomping on his toe. "Manners, Ronald," she reminded in a dry tone and followed to where Harry snickered to himself.

"Right then," Lupin sighed and walked to the fireplace with the others following. "Are you ready?"

"Wait-where are we-" Hermione started before Lupin interrupted.

"Ah-uh. Where's the surprise if I told you?"

Hermione closed her mouth and scowled. She never liked not knowing something. It was always good to have an idea of what to expect. "Right. So what do we say, then?"

"St. Isis."

"What? Where is that?-Oh sorry. You can't tell us," Ron said sarcastically.

"That's right. So who's up first?"

There was a pause, before Harry stepped forward and took a handful of dark powder. It seeped from his fingers slowly, but he ignored the trail of grains; knowing that Molly would have a word with him when he returned about making a mess. Turning to face the others he said in a sharp voice, "St. Isis."

Flames of green engulfed him and he disappeared with a small pop. "Alright whose next?"

Harry felt the pop of his presence and he opened his eyes to see the blinding light of the setting sun through a large window just outside of the small fireplace. He stepped out carefully and dusted some soot from his blue t-shirt while drinking in the room around him. It was a large room with tables lined in rows with a clean white tile floor stretching out like a dance floor. At the far wall, just off from two large grey doors, was a cafeteria that looked to be busy with a few people cooking up food for the empty room. Another pop turned his attention to see Ron come stumbling out of the fireplace while coughing violently. Once he calmed he looked up to Harry with watery eyes. "I forgot to hold my breath when I went," he cleared his throat. "Dad really needs to clean our fire pit out. Too much travelling."

"You think, Ron?"

Hermione followed out with Lupin bringing up the rear. He glanced around while straightening his patched up jacket and started walking towards the salty grey doors.

"Umm, where is this?" Hermione questioned. It was surprisingly clean with the small linger of bleach in the air. Remus opened the doors and held it for the three to walk through. "This is St. Isis Hospital. Similar to St. Mungo's, except considerably smaller. It actually much more subtle then what you would have at Mungo's."

"Really? I've never heard of it," Hermione commented as they walked down a hall where a few nurses nodded curtly as they passed.

"Well that's not surprising. This is not much of a public hospital. Actually this is more of the emergency hospital then what you would find in Mungo's. Some of the best doctors and surgeons of the magical world work here… with the exception of Madam Pomfrey, of course." There was a pause as they turned the corner. "Actually I remember James being sent here after a terrible stunt on his broom. It was quite a disaster."

Harry grinned. "Luckily that hasn't happened to me yet."

"Hmm, yes be grateful for that one."

"So… Who exactly is here that we're seeing? I mean I thought you said it was "something good" and I haven't heard anything of the sort yet," Ron clarified.

"Well," Remus said as he stopped at a door with a blue label on the wall amid files hanging just below E16. "Why don't you see for yourself? But I must warn you that it will be a shock and I don't want any yelling, or jinx throwing, understand?"

Harry gave a wary glance to the others, and Lupin took that as a sign that it was agreed as he turned back to the door. Two soft knocks later he cracked the door open and peaked his head inside. "I brought visitors to see you," he said imploringly.

The man in the room looked up and smiled from where he sat up in the dankly hospital bed. "Well don't stand in the doorway Remus, come in," came his scratchy voice that sounded as if it hadn't been used in a while.

Remus obeyed and opened the door to step in with the hesitant three following behind. Harry was the first who walked to the room, but one glance to the man in the bed and he stopped dead in his tracks. Green eyes widened to its limit, convincing Remus that they very well would fall out, but they stayed where they were and the color drained from his face. Hermione and Ron looked questioningly at Harry who still blocked their way before pulling their gaze to the bed. "W-w-what…. The Hell?" Ron stuttered under his breath.

Well at least there was some reaction coming from him, Remus mused. "Harry," the man in the center of the room breathed as if testing the name on his lips. "It's been too long." The sound of a thud hit behind Harry who didn't register it until a shuffle of clothes and Hermione kneeled to the passed out Ron. But the dark haired boy merely spared a glance at his friend with Remus shaking his head dispassionately.

"S-Sirius? But I thought…. I saw…How is this possible?"

"Long story," his hoarse reply came. Without him knowing, Harry's legs started walking towards the side of the bed before taking a long look at his god father. His face was gaunt, with cheeks hollowed in and his hair was much longer; falling past his shoulders. He eyes looked tired, sunken, and glazed in an unusual dull form, but there was that ghost of a smile among his chapped lips that cracked to the slightest, allowing blood to trickle.

"So this isn't a dream?"

"If it was then I wouldn't want to wake up," Sirius teased with the tilt of his head. "I've had enough dreams these past two years."

"What's going on? If this is some joke, I swear-"

"This is no joke, Hermione," Lupin assured.

"Ah, Hermione," greeted Sirius as he finally noticed that Harry wasn't the only one other than Remus there. "Are you going to come say hi to me?"

Hermione glance warily to Ron who was still on the ground then back to the man in the bed. "Oh, don't worry about him," he waved his hand nonchalantly. "He'll wake up in a while."

"What is going on? I saw you die…." Harry said slowly, still staring in awe at Sirius's body. He hadn't made a step closer, not sure whether this was still a dream, let alone a trick. "I-I saw her hit you with the killing curse…"

"Tell me…" he said calmly. He really looked tired and worn as he gazed up to Harry. "What do you remember of the night?"

"I was over with Neville and you were mocking Bellatrix," at this, Sirius grinned cheekily. "Then you were hit with a red spell-"

"That's it Harry-" he interrupted before Remus raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Let him finish, Padfoot."

"Right. Go ahead, continue."

"Er…That's when… you went through the veil and….disappeared…"

"And what of that made you think I was dead?"

Harry's eyes shot towards his, but even through the dull glaze, he saw mirth. "Well…er…You didn't come out and the look on your face… it was…I knew it had to be but I didn't want to believe it…"

"No," Lupin confirmed as he placed a hand onto Harry's shoulder firmly. "We hadn't expected him to live either. So it was a common and well reason judgment."

"You're jus' covering your mistake at not knowing I was alive," Sirius teased.

"Am not," he defended with a look of mock hurt.

"Then what exactly…happened," Hermione chimed in from her spot next to Ron.

Again Sirius's eyes landed to her. "Why are you still over with him? I said he would be fine."

"Oh." Harry's look of disbelief finally ebbed from his expression and he leaned to Siruis's ear to whisper something. Sirius's eyes widened in the slightest before a bark of laughter pushed from him. It was hoarse and cracked, but it still had that same charm that only Sirius Black could posses.

"Oh, that's great! I always thought there was something between you two," he said to Hermione whose cheeks flushed but she still gave a small smile.

Lupin shook his head and walked back to her side with his wand out. "Episkey." Ron suddenly jolted up with a strange squeak and gripping his forearm.

"OW! That bloody hurt."

"No it didn't," Hermione sighed.

"Well it felt funny."

"That doesn't mean it hurt you."

"Psh… details."

"Ron," she snapped when she saw him roll his eyes.

"Ehem," Remus cleared his throat.

Both looked to him before turning their attention to Harry and Sirius. With his mouth dropping low and his hand pointing accusingly, Ron gawked at Black. "He's… He's alive!"

"Yes, we already covered that when you were resting," Lupin said shortly.

Standing to his feet he walked over to stand beside Harry with his face pale of color and eyes never leaving Sirius. Ron swallowed once before slowly raising his hand to the bed, ignoring the strange looks he was receiving from the others until he quickly with force, poked his finger into Sirius's knee before jumping back as if he had been burned. "H-he's not a ghost, Harry," he whispered urgently.

Poor Harry wasn't sure he should laugh or agree with his red-haired friend. Sirius was a little confused over the action as well as he stared at Ron as if he had grown an extra head with a single purple eye. "Did he get hit by a bludger or something?"

"It's questionable," Hermione sighed.

"Well, let's not waste anymore time." Lupin clapped his hands together and took refuge on the other side of Sirius. "Explanations are in order, and I promised Molly I would have them back for supper."

"Still bossing everyone around, is she?"

"Oh, sometimes I had envied you in this bed with your ears away from her," Lupin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "But she means well. A lot has happened since you were last conscious, remember?"

"Wait, so you were alive this whole time?" Harry questioned.

"Well you can't bring back the dead now, can you?"

"But you told me he was dead." His voice was rising as was his temper. How was it possible that his Godfather was still alive and no one bothered o tell him? Instead they had lied to his face!

"Harry, we thought he had died. We hadn't expected his body to appear in a completely different room two floors up in the Ministry."

"But that doesn't mean--….what?"

"After the whole ordeal was over," Lupin began as the others gathered closer. "Many of us returned to help repair the building. Myself and Kingsley went to the top floors to take care of a few walls and stairs. There was one wall in particular that was crumbled in fairly well for a spell so we went to attend to that first. Apparently the room that was attached was a small library where we found Padfoot's body lying in the middle of the floor."

"How did he get up there though?" Ron asked. "I can't imagine You-know-who taking him up there to play 'Hide Black'."

"We only assume that the veil transported him to safety. It still isn't known how the strange arch works. For some it kills, others, well…"


"So it seems. Long story short, we took him to St. Mungo's to have him healed, but after many tries, he wouldn't wake up." Lupin saw Harry look thoughtfully to Sirius who had closed his eyes and was leaning back, but it was still clear he was listening, though Lupin had already discussed the whole ordeal with him. "They said he was in a coma and whether he was going to wake up or not wasn't clear… We didn't want to worry you Harry. Much less get your hopes up. With everything going on, there was no need for you to be distracted."

Harry stared at Lupin with understanding. No matter how much he tried to be angry at him, he couldn't find it in him. He knew he should have felt angry that he went two years believing that his godfather had died, and that he still could have visited, but with this last year, it could have only caused more problems right? Either way he gave a nod to show he understood.

"Two years later and here I am!" Sirius snickered. "They just can't get rid of me, can they?"

"Looks like we'll have to tie his ankles to a boulder and through him in a lake," whispered Lupin to Ron teasingly. "I don't think a dog can hold his breath that long."

Ron laughed with color returning to his face and Harry couldn't help the bubble of enjoyment that rushed over him. Hermione though, let out a sharp gasp and tossed a pointed glare to Lupin then back to Siruis who was smiling at the joke. "That's not funny! Am I honestly the only one who thinks we shouldn't be joking about that?"

"You sound like Molly," Sirius grinned but started to cough with his face screwing in pain. Harry's smile vanished and he leaned forward with a concern hand on the dark man's shoulders.

"You alright, mate?" Ron questioned with a look of pure fear as if this man's solid form was going to turn liquid at any moment.

"Fine," he waved off.

"After two years of bed rest, it turns out that there is a lot of stress put on the body when you awake up. It's only been four days since he came to, but the nurse said he should be back to his normal self by next week," Lupin explained.

"I'll be like new by Friday."

This comment was ignored by Harry who looked to Lupin. "When can he come back?"

"Well the start of next week, but he will still need rest for a few days after that until he can regain his strength."

"Don't worry, Harry. I'll be home first thing Friday morning-"

"You will not," Harry replied with a shake of his head. "You're too reckless. I can't have you actually killing yourself before you get home."

"Harry's right," Hermione confirmed. "You're going to heal and you're going to do it properly. If I find you at the Burrow before you're let go, then I'll jinx you myself."

"Right…." He said slowly. "You've been hanging with Molly for too long."

"Get used to it, mate." Ron grinned.

"Excuse me?" Hermione asked inquisitively to her red-headed friend.

"Not you. I was talking 'bout Mum."


"Honest I was. Tell her Harry."

Harry sighed, not liking that he was being pulled into it. "Whatever you say Ron."

"See?" he said happily as if it cleared everything up. Hermione gave a shake of her head and smiled.

"Well, we should be off now." Lupin stood up from where he sat and patted Sirius on his shoulder. "Try not to harass the nurses now."

Sirius pulled his signature curl-you-toes grin. "Ah. When I get a good cleaning up, they will be the ones harassing me."

Hermione reached across Harry and playfully tapped Sirius on the head. "Be nice."


"See ya soon, mate," Ron said as he followed Hermione out and Lupin trailing behind.

"Can I visit later?" Harry asked once he was alone with his godfather.

"I don't think that would be the best now would it? Mooney told me everything that has happened and if the Floo Network isn't as safe as it once was then I wouldn't want something to happen to you."

"But you would still do it if I was in your situation," he argued.

Again Sirius laughed but the pain in his chest cut it off short. "Yes, well. Look where I've ended up. Doesn't mean I'll change, but let's hope you don't pick up any habits, agreed?"

"… If you say so-"

"I do. But no worries. I'll be back next week."

"Right. I'll see you then." Harry turned back and walked to the door but was stopped by his voice.

"Harry…" the said boy turned around. "You've gotten taller."

A smile broke through before Harry closed the door behind him and he walked to meet the others. Sirius frowned and leaned back in his bed. He was so tired and his body felt like it hadn't been used… then again it hadn't but surely it wasn't supposed to feel like Azkaban all over again, right? The silence that filled the room was peaceful but lacked that little spark when he was with his friends. Only one more week, he repeated to himself. One more week and he was as free as a bird… or dog. Either way it was much better then before he got the blasted coma.

Now that Voldemort and all others thought he was dead… not to mention that according to Remus and Kingsley, his name had been cleared after his death by the Ministry… the pricks… he had the freedom to walk out in public and not be blasted at. No more hiding in his mother's-or his- house. No more bored days. Just one more week and he could help in the war like he hadn't been able to before with Harry by his side. Lupin had a family to look after now and Sirius couldn't help but feel the same protection he had when he was with James and Lily. The boy's name was Teddy if he remembered correctly. Leave it up to Remus and Tonks to come up with that name. Always reminded Sirius of a teddy bear. "Hopefully it won't be like his dad and have fur too," he said aloud. Nevertheless, surely this was the start of something new.


"Who trailed powder across the floor into the fireplace?" huffed a flustered Molly once every one had returned from St. Isis. With hands on her hips and foot tapping, Harry saw the chunks of mashed potatoes caked onto her left shoulder and pieces hanging off of her curly red-hair. Tonks came rushing in with her wand drawn out before a quick swipe through the air left the potatoes to disappear. Obviously, clumsy Tonks had spilled the food again and Molly was in the line of fire.

"I'm so sorry, Molly—It was that stupid chair that got me," Tonks apologized.

"Don't fuss over it."

"Sorry, about the mess, Molly," Remus smiled sheepishly. "My hands were so shaky when I took the powder… not enough sleep the past few nights."

Harry looked expectantly at Lupin. He had yet again taken the blame for him…

The lie bought them time as Molly pondered before nodding her head. "Alright, it's nothing that I was worried about. I thought it was that owl of Ron's still trying to nest in the powder."

"Mum he stopped that habit long ago."

"Doesn't mean he won't start it again." With that she turned with Tonks and they went back to the kitchen. "Supper is ready everyone!"

"Great, I'm starving," Ron muttered as they went to the large table through the doorway.

"Thanks for that," Harry said as he took a seat next to Ron and Lupin sat across from them.

"Not a problem. She's still trying to get over…" he trailed off.

"Fred? Go ahead and say it," Ron assured.

"Yes. Well Fred's death was a terrible blow to all of us." Lupin sat back in his chair and pulled a napkin into his collar as Tonks and Molly walked and took a seat. The sound of footsteps rushed down the stairs and Luna, Ginny, and George walked in.

"Mmm it smells delicious," Luna said in her very normal, for her, dreamy voice.

"It sure does," Goerge grinned and plopped a seat next to Lupin and Molly. Tonks sat on the other side of Lupin with a stool holding little Teddy near her, but he was sleeping soundly. "He had a big day," Tonks told Remus who smiled at his son. "Was playing with Ginny and Luna all day."

"He's such an angel," Ginny smiled, turning Harry's attention to her as she sat next to him. Her hair had grown longer but her freckles that he had grown to love so much were still placid. The sweet smell of strawberries hit him and he felt a smile curl his lips as she talked about what they did with Teddy and all the magic that he loved to watch. Lupin nodded as he listened and Molly only smiled while she started serving everyone.

"Where's dad at?" Ron asked as he took the vegetables from her.

"He's bringing what's-his-name over, remember?" George reminded. "Or did you already forget?"

"No, I thought he was back already is all," he grumbled in reply.

"George, Ron, I want you to be polite to our guest. He has had a rough start, but I think he's coming around just fine," Molly commented.

"Molly's right. Everyone has their own pace so you'll have to try and find a level ground with him," Lupin informed.

"But he could be a spy-"

"Ron, we've been through this enough times," Ginny sighed. "Just give him a chance."

Ron shook his head. "What if he goes back to them? Harry, you believe me right?"

"I'm not sure where I stand on it, actually," he dead-panned. "He was supposed to kill Dumbledore, but he refused to, after knowing that he would be punished… or better yet killed."

Ron scowled but didn't push the subject. He knew Harry wasn't going to trust their "guest" so that let the thought settle easier.

"So, Harry. Tell us how Sirius is doing," Molly said cheerfully.

"Sirius? Sirius Black?" Ginny said as she dropped her spoon with a clatter on the plate. Harry grinned at her look of shock that he found cute.

"Yeah. He wasn't killed like we thought. Apparently he was in a coma for the last two years."

"Oh, that's so great!" Ginny squealed wrapped her arms around Harry's neck, nearly knocking him off the chair. His arm came around her waist to balance himself-among other things, but she pulled back quickly once she realized what she was doing at the dinner table no less. A fine blush tinted her cheeks but she tried to play it off. "When is he coming?"

"Next week," Harry answered as he scooted back to the table and fixed his glasses while Hermione giggled to herself.

"That soon? Well I'm happy for you Harry," Molly said happily as she placed a napkin in her lap.

"In a coma for two years?" Luna mused aloud, completely un-phased by the news. "Oh I can only imagine the amount of Wrackspurt hiding in his head. I'll have to take care of him when he comes."

"Riiight," George dragged on before looking to Harry. "So how did he survive? I thought that Lestrange killed him."

"Not at all," Lupin intervened. "The veil had transported his body to another room in the Ministry, but it wasn't until recently that he had woken up."

A creak at the door and a few foot falls were heard. "Molly, we're back from Bradford," called Arthur from the door while Molly stood from her seat and walked in to great her husband.

"Bradford?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah. That's were they had to pick him up. Kingsley had him in a flat there so that the Death Eaters wouldn't catch hold of him," came his response from George.

Before anyone could say anything else, Arthur walked to the dining room with his pea-coat draped over his arm and Molly at his heels. His nose was a tinted pink and his lips a slight blue. "A bit chilly tonight," he commented as he took a seat at the head of the table next to Molly and Luna. "How is everyone tonight?"

A few people opened their mouths to say something, but his attention left them towards another presence walking through the doorway. "Come, come, Draco. No need to be nervous," he waved in. He gave a pointed look to Ron and George- clearly warning them about their manners.

Draco stepped in, looking much like Harry in the way he hadn't gotten much sleep. With his pale complexion, his dark rings under his eyes were apparent and he looked a little skinnier. The dark clothes contrasted his straggly blonde locks that were in a messy fashion, complimenting his aristocratic features. With his collar turned up and his long sleeves rolled halfway up his arms, it was clear he was rather trying to pull of the rockstar look…or hiding something. At the full sight of his thin figure, Molly picked up his plate across the table and began to eagerly pile food up while he carefully took a seat next to Teddy. "Here you are, dear," she said and handed him the plate that he gratefully took.

He set it down in front of him and stared at it as if in thought; completely aware of all the eyes on him. Finally lifting his head he nodded once with a "Thank you."

"Oh, nonsense," she smiled. "You look thinner then a whippet. I would've thought Kingsley would've fed you proper, that man."

"Now don't go blaming Kingsley. He's a busy man, isn't that right Draco?" Arthur inclined kindly.

"Yes, sir. He's been gone nearly every night for some business."

"Some business?" Ron couldn't help but repeat. "You mean jobs for the Order? I don't expect he told you where he went?"

For the first time Draco looked to Ron and the others at the table; and although a small sneer started to cross his face, he didn't reply with angry words as expected. "He told me a few assignments he was taking up, but the rest he didn't say."

"…" Ron looked utterly dumbfounded at the lack of spiteful words. Was Draco actually acting civilized? All he could think to say was… "Oh."

Harry felt the awkward silence start to birth and he eagerly sat up in his chair. After the news of Sirius being alive, he was in no mood to let this ruin his uplifted spirit. Apparently neither was Luna.

"How was your trip here, Malfoy?"

The man shot his head to Harry and he visibly bristled. "Don't call me that."

Harry was taken aback for a moment before nodding. "Right. Well let's start over." This was easier said then done and the last statement had more then one reason. According to the Order, they were now allies. They had to start finding level ground as they said earlier. "How was your trip, Draco."

The narrowed grey eyes softened, surprisingly and his shoulders slouched. "It was a nice night to fly. Perfect for a game of quidditch."

"Quidditch? At night?" Hermione asked as if he was mental. "Those bludgers are trouble enough during the daylight—why on earth would you want to play at night?"

"It's a guy thing," Ron answered, knowing it would get under her skin.

"It wouldn't be wise to play out there now," Arthur said. "You'll catch a cold and Molly will never let you live it down."

"Oh pish-posh. Everyone get's sick," Molly replied. "If these two get sick then they'll get better soon enough."

A pause filled the room and all that was heard was silverware against plates. The strange comment didn't get by most of them, but they didn't say a word. After Molly had lost Fred, she was going through her own healing. Fred and George had always gotten ill, hurt, or into trouble on a daily basis where she had to tend to them and enhance her more motherly protectiveness. Now however, it seemed to have slowed to a slow crawl with only George and the other kids, who were busy in their own ways that didn't include experiments-gone-wrong.

"This is really good," Luna said in her dreamy voice.

"Why thank you Luna," Molly said. "Tonks had made most of it."

"Yes… Then made a terrible mess."

"Don't worry about it," Mrs. Weasley waved off.

"So what have you been up to since I've been gone?" Arthur said as he pulled out a biscuit from the plate. "No one had any broom accidents or spells backfire?"

"Oh, no," Luna assured. "Though I think you had Snigles in your room. They like to scurry around under the floor boards and steal you left socks."

Arthur stared at her before looking around the table quickly then back to her. "Is that so? Well how do they know which sock is the left one?"

"My father says it's the odor. You're right foot always has a sweeter smell to it. Snigles have large noses to detect the slightest smell that we can't."

"That is… fascinating. Tell me, what does your father think about muggle inventions?"

The conversation began to grow around the table as each person found their own topic of interest. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were talking about Sirius and what they could do as a welcome home. Ginny was already in a fast paced conversation with Lupin about her sudden interest in the werewolf's behavior and had finally worked the nerve to ask him. He was at first a little hesitant at the random, not to mention troublesome topic, but after they broke the ice, the information came, his worries settled, and the conversation picked up. George was bouncing from conversation to conversation as he always was; once bored with one topic, he turned to the next. His mind could only stay entertained for so long. He found that the most abnormal talk was Luna and his parents which was no surprise to the red-head but he only scooted closer to find his own place in the discussion.

Draco, however was silent… almost grim as he pushed food around on his plate. There wasn't much he could talk about with these people. It was very much like a wall that separated him and the cheerful group that sat before him, not to mention that he wasn't used to a family dinner quite like this. Not only were they full of mirth and light, but they were comfortable around each other. It was a light-hearted aura that surrounded them and yet here he was, not eating, not talking… Not knowing where to start with this new place. How did one start over when all he could think about was that these people were keeping him safe with their arms open after all he had said and done to them? He didn't deserve this. He deserved to die after all he had been pulled through. To think that he had no place to turn to… His father would kill him, and these people had a life of their own. Where did he go from here?

Just the thought of his father made him sick. Everything he knew and believed in had been a lie. All he had known was false and he couldn't do anything about it. The strong burn of vile rose towards his throat but he pushed it down with a deep and much needed breath. It wouldn't do any good to get sick here. All he wanted was to sleep.

Draco dropped his spoon and made to take his plate to the kitchen when the little baby next to him began to cry. This startled him as he jumped and his hand flexed instinctively to his wand. Before he knew it, he had the wand pointing at the baby so fast that his own chair had fallen behind him. The room went eerily silent and everyone looked to Draco. Tonks's eyes went wide at first until she saw the startled expression plastered to Draco's pale features. Realizing his own mistake, he started to lower his wand until out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ron move towards his own.

"I knew you were a liar! You'll actually attack a helpless baby? Why am I not surprised, you git," Ron hissed.

"It's fine," Tonks said before anyone else could chime in. She turned her attention to Draco. "It's fine… All it was, was an accident, right, Remus?"

He nodded, though his keen eyes stuck to Draco's wand that was still out and gripped in white knuckles.

"Are you serious-" Ron and George started, but was silenced with a glared from Molly.

"Just put your wand away, Draco. No one is angry." Her voice was calm and her hair naturally turned to a light blue, almost matching her sparkling eyes. With a calm smile, she reached to Draco and set his arm at his side, shaking him from his trance.

"S-sorry," he muttered before leaving in a rush up stairs.

"What a git," Ron started as he sat back in his seat.

"Ron, it isn't his fault," Lupin sighed as he looked to Tonks who held Teddy in her arms. "He's been through a lot."

"So have we! Look at Harry. He doesn't go around pointing wands at babies."

"It was just a startle. Just give him time to adjust."

"…Er what happened to him exactly?" Harry finally asked.

"Yeah. All you have told us was that he wasn't with the Death Eaters anymore after Snape brought him to Kingsley," Hermione added.

"Well, you have to remember who his father is," Arthur said as he leaned his arms on the table. "According to Severus, Draco found out-"

"That isn't a conversation for now," Molly interrupted.

"They have a right to know," Lupin reminded with Tonks nodding in agreement.

"Alright-alright. I'll start cleaning up."

"I'll help," Ginny and Luna offered. They could still listen as they pulled plates away.

"So what happened?" Ginny pushed as she started collecting plates. Harry shortly after stood up and started as well.

"Draco hadn't wanted to kill Dumbledore nor did he want to help Voldemort in anyway," Lupin started. "It wasn't until the attack at Hogwarts that he realized he had no desire to be around the Death Eaters. Unlike them he had morals, no matter how deep they are hidden."

Ron snorted which earned him an elbow by Hermione. Lupin continued as if he hadn't heard a thing. "It wasn't until right after we retreated- that night I think- that Lucuis lost all self control and ran a dagger through his wife."


"It's true. Draco had seen the whole thing," Molly added as she pulled up a few pots. "Anyone who serves the You-know-who has to have lost their mind at some point, I suppose."

"Yeah," Ron said quietly.

"That's horrible," Ginny commented before bumping into Harry who had stopped in his tracks.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"It's fine."

"So what happened? Did he try and kill Draco?" Hermione asked though she wasn't sure if she wanted to know.

"We're not sure what the interaction between his father and him was but he went straight to Severus and told him. He was particularly close to Narcissus, with her being the only one who treated him respectfully," Arthur commented. "Not to mention that Draco is his godchild."

"Oh that's right," Hermione remembered.

"Afterwards, Severus helped his get away before Lucius came to his senses and went after. Since then Draco has been a target to You-know-who."

"That's terrible. For him to see his mother murdered by his own father… And he trusted his father too," Luna mused aloud.

"Great…" Ron muttered. Now he felt stupid. Hermione seemed to know this as she put and arm round him.

Harry let his eyes wonder back to the stairs where Draco had disappeared to and sighed. He hadn't expected this to be an emotional roller coaster. First Sirius then Draco… Maybe tonight he could get some sleep…

Tadaa! Hope you liked it! Please review and tell me what you think!! Next time we'll see what's going on with my OC Milo…

Flames are welcomed but please be prepared for a flame in return ^^ Thank you!!

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