Haha well...I hope I could continue with this story xD High school is just starting for me and so is Rukia in this story. Hope you enjoy!

Damnit, where the hell did I put that paper?!

First day of high school, new clothes, new classes, new things, new people. Everything seems to be just going too fast, the years went by fast, living in a new city, leaving old friends, now its back to the same old meet-and-greet thing. Everybody seems to be so different, passing by each faces with different expression, different features, different…well I don't know it's just all new.

Well enough of that, the bell just rang and I could not find my schedule which I swear I shoved inside the side pocket of my purple backpack. I mean…where else could it go?! Unless there's like an invisible hole in that certain pocket then I would completely understand…

"Hey watch where you're going."

I look up, nothing. I look down I see a guy with an unusual red hair died back in a spiky pony, picking up the books that he dropped from bumping into me.

"Uh…sorry 'bout that." I said, still staring at his bright hair, but then I managed to cut it off and actually start helping him pick up his books. Too bad he was currently picking up the last book and swiftly walked away.

What the heck is his problem? It was just a bump…no biggie. I shrugged it off and put my attention back to looking for the missing paper. I turned to the other pocket which I thought I checked earlier, my hands wandered inside the small rough pocket, feeling a candy wrapper, a paper clip, and a folded paper…

Wow, I'm sooo smart.

I yanked the paper out of the pocket unfolding it reading the class next to the number that indicates "PERIOD 1".

Okay…so…first period…is, Spanish on room D210. I look up from the paper only noticing now that everybody's gone and only a janitor dressed in carpenter pants and a white beaten t-shirt sweeping the floor was present. I run up to him and ask.

"Excuse me but could you please tell me where this room is located?" I pointed at the "D210" several times.

"Um…uh…" He scratched his chin with a calloused thumb and flashed a wide grin at me. "THAT'S WHERE IT IS!" He pointed at a building about fifty yards away from where I am now.

"Aw damnit!" I cursed then look up to the blonde man then look at his flashy name tag printed in caps saying "URAHARA". I yelled a thanks the started running to the building as fast as my legs could. Great…first day…first tardy means… first detention.


I rushed up the stairs passing rooms D204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210… finally. I slowly opened the heavy brown door my hands clammy against the silver doorknob. I take a peek inside I see peop-!

My head met with the carpeted floor with a loud "thump" and my hands twisted behind my back. Ow…

"Oops, my bad." A guys' voice slurred from the back followed by several talking voices coming closer.

"Is she okay?"

"Whoa! Great job to start the first day of school freshMEAT! Hahahaha!"

"Poor girl."

"Nice one, Kurosaki."


I could barely move a finger. I could feel hands sliding on my back and behind my knees then slowly lifting me up. My eyes are closed feeling tired and dry, my back continued to ache even if I'm in the school clinic now, my back still aching.

My vision slurred at first then cleared up when I started to open my eyes.

"Where exactly am I?" I pretended.

"Sweetie you're in the nurses' office, we had to treat your back since you've been accidentally pushed by one of the students earlier." An olive-skinned lady with purple hair tied back in a clean bundle, and catlike features.


"Yes, just keep on resting because later on you have something to serve."

"Serve what?" I asked, bemused.

"Detention. Your teacher still gave you detention for being late. She just felt sorry for you earlier since you looked like a messed up pretzel with grape jelly on the top."

"Are you kidding me?! And wait…purple jelly?" I slapped a hand to me forehead.

Her eyes trailed to my backpack and I just gave her a slight nod after telling her that I could move now. She handed me the pink slip with my name written in messy cursive and my purple backpack.

"Now be careful out there! It's only your first day and you've already created quite a stir!" She flashed me a smile and a waving hand then went back in the plain looking room.


I missed two periods now it's lunch and I'd have to go back to that wretched classroom again to serve my first ever detention. My brother would be sooo pissed if he finds out about this…

The door was left half open; I could make out a guy's voice and a woman's voice so I entered slowly. Right there in front of me was a middle aged woman with glasses and a cup of what smells like dark coffee and a bundle of paperwork heading out the room.

"You're Kuchiki right? Sit over there," she pointed at an empty desk next to one that was occupied by a guy wearing a black t-shirt and gray straight jeans, not to mention his hair which sticks out like a sore thumb.

"Kurosaki, I expect you to stay here and serve this detention properly. Be a great example for lowerclassmen for once! Now I am OUTTA here!"

Wow, this school is pretty abnormal but oh well…I could get used to this…maybe.

I sat at the desk quietly, trying to amuse myself by playing with a pencil or a rubber band but nothing worked. So I figured my last resort would be talking to this stranger.



"I just said hi, is it hard to say hi back?"

He gave me a scowl.

"Geeze…Nevermind then!"

"Okay, hi."


"So, what are you here for?"

"Got tardy. And got pushed by some bastard while I was entering this class for the very first time." I said annoyingly.

He gave a small laugh then smirked.

"So, what are YOU here for?" I asked.

"For pushing you." He said casually then turned to the window and stared off into space.

My mouth hang open, I could feel the terrible back ache creep up again.

"You bastard."

"Thanks." He smirked.

AU: haha well I would try really hard to make this a continuing story. Seems like every story I start couldn't be finished. This is kind of based on me since high school is just starting for me so I thought that I could mix my experience with this. Well this didn't really happen to me (thank goodness) but I would mix some on the upcoming ones xD still need ideas to flow in.