Just thought I'd knock this story off in one night. I just feel the need to finish it quickly. I have no idea why. But here it goes. The final chapter of the Operation Buckett series (is it a series if there is only two books? I have no idea. If someone wants to tell me then that would be fab).

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed! Virtual hugs guys! You rock!

This chapter takes place a few weeks after the success of Operation Band-Aid Buckett.

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly.

If you had told me my best friends Sam Puckett and Freddie Benson would get together a few years ago I would have laughed and said 'You have got to be joking' now if you told me I'd say 'Well duh! What was your first clue Sherlock?' It's kind of funny how those things happen.

But I guess it did happen. And Operation Buckett is a success. Oh yes, Seddie Buckett are a success. I mean not everyone agrees with their relationship. All those 'creddie' shippers from iCarly are positively distraught, Shannon is in utter shock (serves her right the traitor) and Mrs Benson barely lets her son out her sight. It's understandable. Sam is one scary girl and if I knew my son was going out with Sam Puckett I would be as crazy as Mrs Benson. Well maybe not THAT crazy, Mrs Benson is in a league of her own when it comes to crazy.

So Sam and Freddie have to be the best couple I know. They aren't constantly joined at the hip, they are really cute, they have amazing chemistry, they still have little fights, they always have time to hang out as friends, they always have time to hang out with friends, they don't let their relationship interfere with anything like school work or iCarly but they do look like a couple. They are truly perfect and I am SO jealous.

I mean all I want is a boyfriend. Is that so bad? I want someone creative, kind, funny, cool, smart, someone that likes me and someone that I like. Is that too much to ask? I don't know like anyone with those qualities. Jake is not creative or that funny. Shane is going out with Wendy now (he turned up on her door step with roses, it was so sweet). Gibby is not cool and Sam said he was going out with this girl called Tasha now. Germy is too germy. Who else is there? Nate won't go out with me because I spit in his eye. It was NOT cool. There's like no one left! Aw! I'm gonna die alone with 52 cats!

DING DING! The door bell rang.

I got up from my place on the couch where I had been eating popcorn and watching girly cow (but not really paying attention) and opened the door. It was Griffin.

"Hey," he said in his lazy drawl like kind of voice. "Can I borrow your scissors?"

"Sure." I said. "Come on in." I hadn't seen Griffin in awhile. Not since we broke up. Oh, unless you count that awkward time in the elevator. Man that was awkward.

"So how's it going?" he asked as he sauntered his way in.

"Pretty good. I got Sam and Freddie together-"

"Sam and Freddie? Your blonde haired aggressive friend and your dorky nerd friend? No way." He said.

"Yes way! They are like perfect for each other. But as you haven't really seen them together you probably won't know." I said understandingly. If I didn't really know Sam and Freddie I would say you were mental if you said they were perfect for each other.

"I suppose." He said causally. "Doesn't that make you feel kinda lonely though?"

"Yeah I suppose. But I suppose someone will come at the right time you know." I handed him the scissors.

"Cool. Thanks for these." He held up the scissors.

"Bring them back!" I warned him. "Or I'll get that cop to arrest you."

"I haven't stolen anything in my life." He told me.

"My brother's motorcycle?" I told him.

"I took it for a joy ride." He smiled.

"I suppose." I grumbled. Stupid Griffin.

"So got a boyfriend at the moment?" he asked me.

"Didn't I already say I didn't?"

"No, you said you were a bit lonely. Maybe you have like a boyfriend who lives in England or something?"

"English accents are cute, unless they are saying tuna." I stated. "But no I don't. Why?"

"Cos I was wondering if, maybe, if you weren't busy or anything, if you wanted to go out sometime?" he asked.

"Sure." I replied smiling. "As long as Spencer doesn't freak like last time."

"I'm sure he won't. Bye." He kissed me on the forehead and then left.

AW! Yay I got that boyfriend I wanted. And don't go 'you only got together with him cos you wanted a boyfriend' but that's not true. I liked Griffin a whole lot before I found out about his Peewee Baby collection. He's smart, cool, funny, kind, creative and he obviously likes me. If Sam can put up with Freddie and his dorky obsessions then I am sure that I can put up with Griffin and his Peewee babies. It's about give and take.

I suppose everyone does get their happy endings.


10 Years Later.

Even after 10 years I could still say Seddie Buckett was the cutest couple I'd ever seen. I can't say perfect but definitely the cutest.

I mean I could say perfect but really they aren't perfect. They are definitely perfect for each other but they had quite a few ups and downs. And downs and downs.

Like that time Freddie thought Sam cheated on her and they broke up for 6 months and THEN worked out it was her sister Melanie. Also like that time when Freddie moved to go to college and Sam broke-up with him because she was scared he would cheat on her while he was away. Also like that time when Freddie was going to talk to Sam about getting back together after they had broken up and hadn't spoken for a week and then he found her on a date making out with some other guy. That certainly didn't help. Oh and there was that time where Sam and Freddie were in a car crash and Sam blamed herself and told Freddie he should stay away from her and that she didn't deserve him. Luckily he told her she was being stupid and he didn't blame her one bit. There was that time where Mrs Benson went absolutely mental when she saw Sam and Freddie kiss one day about a year after they started going out. She told Sam to stay away from her son. That lasted for all of day. Thank goodness. There were heaps of little things, fights over saying 'hi' to ex boyfriends or girlfriends. Fights over being late. Fights over pretty much everything but through it all they stayed strong.

I'm really proud of them as best friends. They got through all of these fights and break-ups but never once did they stop being friends. Alright sometimes they were moody for a day or two but that's normal and then they would just act like friends again. It was really professional and I felt that they could make it through.

In fact they are getting married next year.

As for me. Well Griffin and I went out for about a year and then we both realised we just weren't meant to be. I dated a bit. And then about 5 years ago I met Drew. We've been together ever since and I love everything about him. He's creative, kind, funny, cool and smart, he likes me and I like him. He's my perfect match really.

We see Mr and Mrs Buckett all the time. It's like we never left high school. We're still the three musketeers, the three amigos or whatever. We're still best friends.

And I think that's the key to a great relationship. Being friends. You need to genuinely like the person you are going out with before anything else. I think that's what has helped keep Sam and Freddie's relationship alive.

Friendship. That's all there is to it. Well actually in Operation Buckett (plus the Band-Aid variety) it's Frienemyship.

Operation Buckett (Plus Operation Band-Aid Buckett) started with a frienemyship.

Author's note: Thanks so much for reading. Sorry if you disliked the bit with Griffin but I thought it was only fair that Carly got her happy ending and I don't like her with Jake and I think her and Griffin are really sweet together but not for a long term relationship. That's why she ends up with Drew (which is the name of the guy who plays Griffin's if you didn't know) who I reckon is a really nice guy.

Now I know this chapter wasn't needed but I kind of needed something for myself so I knew it was all finished and I couldn't change anything. It was basically for my piece of mind.

So PLEASE review. This is the END of Operation Buckett. You MUST have something to say. Love it? Hate it? I don't mind just send me a review and I'll be grateful!

Thanks to: XxLucyP5xX, KeyLimePie14, BetterThanGold, Dark Avenger01, GossipGirlHere, . Smarty. Panted. Dork., Purplerain105, lilypad456, XxiLove AmandaxX, pandafluff, Apathetically Concerned, 1995Stargirl, d4nc3iitupgiirl, FizzyPurple and konfusion for your reviews. If I have missed anyone I am majorly sorry but I thank you too. Plus any new reviewers after this point. Thanks heaps guys. Every review makes me a better, more enthusiastic writer and I can't wait to write more fan-fictions!

Anyone who has any questions just ask me. I don't mind answering them.

So for the last time in the whole Operation Buckett history:


