Chapter IV.

Evening At The Alligator Grill

It didn't take long to find a good place to eat, because New Orleans is full of great restaurants. They found a Cajun grill, called The Alligator Grill. Fortunately, alligator were not actually on the menu, because they are endangered species.

"How's your foot?" Alyson asked Danny, after they were seated at a table. "That rat bit it pretty hard."

Danny rubbed the sole of his shoe, remembering the painful toothy chomp that the rodent had taken into it. "Eh, well it's better, but I think that it might be a little bit swollen. I just hope that rat didn't have rabies or anything like that."

Alyson laughed. "If you get rabies, I'm sure that we can get you to a doctor. It'll be no big deal. If you start foaming at the mouth, I'll call 911."

Danny just pretended to laugh at Alyson's joke. In reality, he wanted to list every swear word in the dictionary because of the pain, but it was a public restaurant and that would probably not be a very good idea. So instead he just winced and tried to ignore it all.

"So anyways," Alyson went on, "now that we're here, what are your plans? I mean, what do we do from here?"

"Not a clue," Danny replied.

Alyson sighed. "That's exactly what you said to me during the show. Remember, when it was your turn to do your trick for Challenge #1? And remember how you just improvised the whole damn thing? Is that what you are going to do this time? Again?"

"Well, do you have a better idea?"

"I think we need to come up with a plan of attack," Alyson said. "You know, with back up as well. Like a plan B if plan A fails, and a plan C if plan B fails."

"Yeah, well at that rate we'll get all the way down to like a plan Z or something," Danny just said, chuckling slightly sarcastically. He sighed. "I just don't know. I don't know if my parents are still here. New Orleans is the first puzzle peace, but I don't know how to put the rest together. That's why I brought you along, to help."

"Is that the only reason that you brought me along?" Alyson asked, looking at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you like me? Just say it."

"Of course I like you Alyson! You're my best friend!"
"I'm not talking about that type of like. I'm talking about the other kind. Do you like me?"

Danny was lost at words. "I uh…um…"

Alyson smiled. "It's ok. We'll find out the answer to that question back at the hotel room."


Before Alyson could answer Danny's question, the waitress came over to their table to take the order.

"Hello, my name is Rolanda, I'll be your waitress this evening. Is there anything I can get you before I take your order like drinks or anything?"

"Well, I'll just have water," Alyson said.

"And you sir?" the waitress asked Danny.

"Uh…I'll just have water also," he replied.

"Very good, I'll be back with those shortly, and then I'll take your order," she said.

"What are you going to order Danny?" Alyson asked.

"Uh…I think I'm just going to go with this hamburger and fries."

"Really? Come on Danny, you're in New Orleans. You need to eat the local cuisine. You can eat hamburgers all you want back in Pensacola. Live a little. Eating a hamburger in New Orleans is like eating cereal in Paris."

Danny sighed. "Ok…um I'll have a um…let's see here. I guess I'll have the spicy Cajun shrimp kabobs. They are deep fried."

"Ok, I'm gonna get shrimp creole," Alyson replied.

After a few moments, Rolanda the waitress returned to their table, and Danny and Alyson gave her their orders. Finally, the food arrived.

"Damn, this stuff is spicy!" Danny said, surprised, after stuffing a mouthful of shrimp and roasted vegetables into his mouth. "How's your food?"
"Mmmmm… so good," Alyson replied. "I love Cajun food. Almost as much as Italian and Greek food. And Chinese food is pretty good too."

Danny smiled. Alyson had travelled all over the world, and so she had probably tasted all of these types of foods in the actual countries they had come from. She'd been all over Europe and Asia.

When they were finished, the waitress came to take their plates away and gave them the bill. Then, the two of them returned to the hotel room.


When they arrived at the hotel room, they realized that although the rats were gone, their hotel room was full of yet another vermin: spiders!

"Well, at least they're not poisonous," Danny reasoned. He knew all the spider species of North America because he had had been extremely obsessed with bugs and insects as a younger kid. "Uh hey Alyson, I think I'm going to take a shower before we go to bed."

"Ok, that's fine," Alyson said. She had an unusual grin on her face. "I'm going to go down to the main desk really quick while you are in there."

"Uh…ok," Danny agreed. He knew she was up to something, but he decided not to ask.

Danny was disgusted to find out that the water in the hotel was pretty bad. When he turned on the showerhead, greenish slime squirted out at first before more clear looking water finally came. But at least it was a hot shower. When he was done, he grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist, then stepped outside of the shower to get his clothes; which were not there.

"Uh, hey Alyson did you see what happened to my clothes?" he asked her.

"I've got them right here Danny" said Alyson's voice, in a strangely seductive tone. Danny looked over to see that Alyson was on the bed, dangling his clothes in a teasing manor. In the other hand Danny saw that she had a package of…oh no! The condoms that the man at the front desk had told them about!

Danny gulped nervously. "Um…Alyson, what are you doing?"

"Why are you so shy Danny?" Alyson asked. "Just relax. We're doing it the safe way."

"Well yeah, but this…this is my first time."

Alyson laughed. "It's mine too. Don't worry, how bad can it be?"

"But what if our parents find out?" Danny asked. "I mean…what will they think?"

"Danny, we're both eighteen. We can make our own decisions now. And they don't need to know about this. Come on, it'll be fun."

"Um…" Danny was about to say something else but then Alyson got up from the bed and planted a kiss on his lips. She wrapped her hand around the back of his head and stroked it a she made out with him. Then she paused and looked at him.

"Uh…that was, that was…" Danny stuttered, too stunned to actually say anything coherent.

"Don't talk, just do," Alyson said, placing her finger on his lips. Then, she paused and slowly took off her shirt.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Danny's eyes were almost bulging as he stared at her. He couldn't think of anything to say, so he just remained silent. Alyson giggled softly. Then without warning, she walked over to Danny and stripped the towel off of him, and shoved him onto the bed.

Danny was surprised at first, but by now he was beginning forget his worries and was starting to enjoy it.

"So, about that question I asked you at the restaurant," Alyson said to Danny between kissing, "do you have an answer yet?"

"Yes," Danny answered. "The answer is yes. I like you. I love you. I have ever since we met on the show!"

"I love you too," Alyson agreed.

And so that night was one of the most pleasurable and memorable nights that either Danny or Alyson had ever had. Little did they know what was soon in store for them at the Magic Mansion. But for now, the only thing that reminded them of the outside world was the soft Dixieland jazz music playing somewhere nearby, which added to the romantic atmosphere.

Well, there you go, the sex scene! I hope you enjoyed it. I've never written one before, so hopefully it wasn't too bad. I tried to keep it fairly mild, because after all this is still an action/adventure story, not a porno. And it's not going to become one! But yeah, I hope you enjoyed, and please review! Sincerely, Rainforest Treefrog