Warnings: Misa-being-a-retard-because-she-was-born-that-way themes. Yaoi/Shounen-ai/Slashable characters: L and Light. Rated M for smut, language and boy kissing.

Summary: Kira brought Raito to L, the one person he could love. But, is love enough to concur the evil that is Kira? Or, is that love itself the true evil? L's life is at stake, and Raito is the only one who can save it, but will he? L/Light, Mello/Near. Yaoi.

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Death Note.

Chibi L: Ahem.

Chibi Raito: Why are we here again?

Me: To say hello to readers, of course!

Chibi Raito: But you could've done that yourse-

Chibi Misa: Ohemgeee! A new Death Note fan fic!

Me: Yep! It's my first fan fic ever!

Chibi Misa: So, this idea came to Ninja when she was at a friend's.

Me: Eh, pretty much. Now my friends say I'm anti-social.

Chibi Misa: Which is true.

Me: Meh. Anyway, tell me if you like it and if you've heard-

Chibi Raito: Or read.

Me: -anything you don't like, tell me.

Chibi L: Read, Enjoy, and Review!





It's gonna take a long time to love
It's gonna take a life to hold on
It's gonna be a long way to happy






Death Note:

By NinjaKittyx3


"What's wrong with you?" Raito asked, facing towards L, whom was currently sitting on the sofa - if anyone could call that sitting - beside Raito. "I thought moving here was supposed to help us catch Kira, but since we've been here you don't seem all that motivated to me."

L had started to remind him of a drunken panda.

A drunken panda.

Why, you ask? Because the man acted so oddly that it was laughable. There he sat, admiring his fork, and complaining about everything that came his way. His dark and scary panda eyes didn't really help his case of sanity either.

Yeah, in truth, he was just a tall, dark, drunken panda.

Said panda-man stopped admiring his fork, which was well on it's way to being devoured, and looked at Raito. "Not motivated?" Pausing dramatically, panda-man dropped the fork back on his plate and let his hand dangle in thin air for a moment. "You're right. Actually, I'm depressed."

Well, what do you know? The panda was drunk and depressed.

… Oh geez.

Raito really needed to stop talking to himself… even if it was in his head.

"Depressed?" Raito folded his arms and turned his body in L's, eyeing him carefully. "What for?"

Drunk and depressed panda-man picked up his fork again, probably just to be a pain, and held it in mid air, contemplating silently where to drop it next. Eventually he decided to fork his piece of cake on the coffee table and shove it in his face, chewing, and then deciding to talk with is mouth full. "Well… truthfully, I thought you were Kira, and my entire case was based on that fact." He stopped and swallowed loudly. "I guess I just can't get past the fact that my deduction was wrong. Although, having said that, I'm still suspicious of you. That's why we're wearing these…"

Raito glared as L lifted his arm to indicate that he was referring to the chain that linked them together twenty-four-fucking-seven. Oh, he needn't remind Raito of that fact.

Raito opened his mouth to say something, but L cut him off, moving his head and looking as though he was going to die of boredom. "And we also know that Kira can control people's actions…" he tilted his head towards Raito, "which means it's highly likely that Kira was controlling your actions so that I would suspect you."

He paused for breath, and Raito wanted to use this opportunity to defend himself, but L spoke again. "If I assume both you and Misa were being controlled by him… then everything we've observed so far makes a lot more sense to me."

Oh, he's stopped talking now. Say something, Raito! Gotta act smart around the panda-man.

"But if that's what you think, Misa and I were both Kira during the time that we were being controlled, right?" Raito obeyed his conscience… or whatever the hell it was. The voices in his head.

… Great, now he sounded like a mad man.

Heh. That was an image. A panda-man and a mad-man having a conversation. About Kira.

Oh, this can't end well.

L's eyes moved towards Raito. "Yes. I don't think I could have been wrong about that. The two of you are Kira."

Both Misa and Raito made aggravated noises at L's statement, but he continued anyway, turning his attention to Raito. "If what I'm thinking is correct, when your confinement began you were Kira. I don't believe its coincidence that as soon as you were imprisoned all the killings stopped. Until then, everything pointed to you being Kira… but after two weeks, criminals actually began dying again." L paused and put down his cake onto the coffee table, resting his hands on his knees, glancing from Misa to Raito. "Based on that evidence, I can only conclude that Kira's power passes between people."

Raito's gaze moved from L and to the far wall. "That's an interesting idea." Raito groaned inwardly. "But if it's true, it'll be nearly impossible for us to catch Kira."

L tilted his head in Raito's direction. "Yes, that's why I'm overwhelmed. Even if we catch someone under his control, they'll likely lose their powers and any memory of their crimes, so in the end, pursuing them becomes… futile." The panda sighed.

"But, at this point, we have no way of knowing if that's the case." Raito interjected. "Cheer up, would you?"

L turned to Raito. "Cheer up?" he turned away again. "No, I'm sorry, I can't. It's probably better if I stop trying so hard." L took a deep breath while Raito's eyes widened. L put his finger in his mouth and suddenly his 'I'm thinking' face appeared. "By chasing Kira so desperately we're just putting our lives at risk for nothing. Yes…" L took his finger away from his mouth and crouched down towards his feet. "It's just a waste of time."

Raito hmphed. Both inwardly, and outwardly.

How dare L say that! Who the hell did he think he was? Did he think he could just come in, put Raito and Misa in confinement, and then decide it wasn't needed and he'd just give up?!

Raito thought not.

Ratio stood rigidly from his place one the sofa. Misa looked up at him and made a move to stand up also, sensing his anger. Turning to face the positively aggravating panda-man, Raito pulled his fist back. "Ryuzaki…"

Only when Raito said his name, L decided to turn to him sharply. His eyes widened even further, if possible, at Raito's raised fist. "Huh?" He blurted out in surprise.

Peh. Idiot probably wont even see this coming.

That was when Raito punched him. And it was possibly the most awesome punch in history, if he said so himself.

Misa gasped loudly in shock as Raito's fist connected with L's face and the coffee table toppled over as L was thrown back, something Raito hadn't quite planned on.

Because of their handcuffs, Raito went tumbling after L, who was thrown to the far side of the room, landing on the floor with an audible "Damnit!" but Raito, however, managed to stay silent as he toppled over and landed on his bottom.

A plant pot fell over during the chaos; successfully landing on L's foot. Misa tumbled backwards in shock that her beloved Raito could ever do such a thing to the detective –not that she liked L that much anyway- and stepped on top of L's un-eaten cake that had fallen over along with the coffee table. She made a disgusted noise and, paying no attention to the boys, tried to get it off of her sock.

L straightened up into a sitting position on the floor, staring at Raito, having the wind blew out of him. "You know…" L started, staring at Raito, who glared back. "That really hurt."

"That's enough!" Raito exclaimed at L. "You don't feel like doing anything just because your genius deduction was wrong and I'm not Kira?

L brought a hand to his damaged jaw and glared at Raito. "Fine. Maybe I phrased it the wrong way. I meant it would be pointless for us to make a move so we shouldn't even both-"

"If we don't chase Kira, he'll never be caught! Is that what you want?" Raito had stood up and interrupted L, moving his handcuffed arm and yelling. "If you were just going to give up then why did you involve all those innocent people?!" During his speech, he had marched over to L and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him upwards so Raito could get in his face. "More importantly, what was the point of putting Misa and me behind bars?!"

L's hair was in the way of his eyes, so he couldn't see Raito properly, but made no move to get rid of the offending hair and was highly annoyed at how Raito was treating him.

"I understand." L said quietly, then his voice turned evil. "But still, whatever the reason…" he broke free of Raito's hold, falling to the ground but was able to get his foot to Raito's face before hitting the floor. His foot hit Raito's face with great force and sent Raito flying backwards, much like L had done before, only in the other direction. "An eye for an eye, my friend…" L mumbled as his foot began to lower.

Suddenly, Raito's wrist tilted and the chain between them was tightened, pulling L towards Raito. Raito yelled and L let out a surprised "Woah!" as they both flew through the air due to the handcuffs and the force of L's kick.

Raito gasped as his back connected with the pink sofa they had just been sitting on before the hitting match had began. He opened his eyes slightly long enough to see L flying right at him. His eyes shut defensively and L landed on top of him on the sofa.

"Oomph!" Raito made a noise at the weight of L crushing him. For someone so skinny, he was very heavy.

Raito assumed it was all the facts his brain was holding.

L lifted his head up, continuing the conversation. "It's not my deduction that was wrong. The fact is…"

By this time, Raito had opened his eyes and found himself staring right up into L's, making L pause and take in their position. L was lying on top of Raito completely, their faces completely level, looking into one another's eyes.


To say the least.

"…I can say that Yagami Raito is Kira, and Amane Misa is the second Kira, but it won't be enough to solve the case."

Raito wasn't listening. He was too busy staring into L's eyes, which were so wide Raito thought he'd fallen into them.

He took a deep breath and tried to give their faces some distance, but failed miserably because of the sofa and the fact that L didn't seem to be moving any time soon.

Raito was inwardly panicking, and he was sure L saw it in his eyes. The same feeling he had when L had handcuffed them together in the first place, returned.

It was unidentifiable to Raito at the time. He'd never felt it before, and he didn't know quite what to make of it.

Maybe he should make an appointment at the doctors?

L suddenly finished his sentence, after watching Raito's eyes, whispering; "Is that so unreasonable?"

L leaned in closer to invade Raito's personal bubble, smirking slightly at him. Light smirked back; realising that there was no escape, for L was doing everything but literally kissing him right now.

What the hell? Bad thoughts, Raito! Bad thoughts!

"Yes." Raito whispered back, holding L's gaze. "Yes it is. Besides, you should hear yourself. It's as if you won't be satisfied unless I am Kira."

"I… I won't be satisfied unless you are Kira?" L looked thoughtful, breaking Raito's gaze to glance at the oblivious Misa, who was sitting on the floor picking cake off of her sock. "Well…there might be some truth to that… In fact, now that you mention it, you're right. I think I wanted you to be Kira."

Light's eyes widened.

Panda-man wants me to be Kira?


Raito wanted nothing more than to hit panda-man again for that. He raised his right hand, his left being crushed by L's bony thigh, and made to hit the back of L's head.

Unfortunately for Raito, L was used to his attacks and stopped him easily. He caught Raito's fist inside his own and lowered it, turning his head towards Raito again, glaring. Raito took the opportunity and managed to knee L in an inappropriate spot, causing him to groan in pain, and leaving him vulnerable. Raito retrieved his hand and attempted to shove L off of him. L was heading for the floor beside the sofa and Raito thought he was free for a moment, until L got a good grip on his shirt and dragged him with him.

Great. Now we're on the floor and not the sofa.

I don't like the view down here. Guh.

Raito straddled L's waist, pinning him down and putting his hands at either side of his head. L glared up at him, clearly still recovering from the un-needed assault.

"Now, listen to me." Raito began, growling at L, who looked plain bored to be honest. Misa made a noise of disgust in the background as she flicked cake off of her foot. Raito started to wonder if she had even noticed him and L at all. "You and I both know that Misa and I are innocent, and have been all along. Even if Kira were controlling us, it'd be against our free will, meaning we would never do such a thing in our right minds; therefore, we'd still be innocent."

L studied Raito's facial features as he continued ranting.

Okay, he had a point, but that didn't rule him, or Amane, out completely, and L was sure Raito realised that. What Raito was saying only suggested that during the time Kira was, if that was true, controlling them, they were innocent.

It was not a coincidence that when both Amane and Raito were put under surveillance that the Kira killings stopped completely. When they restarted again two weeks on, it was noticeable that Misa and Raito had completely changed. Raito's whole piece of mind changed, and Misa… well, Misa got simply more annoying. Therefore, Kira's power passed through them both, and when they lost that power, they were robbed of their memories.

It was the only way Raito could be Kira, and L was staying sane because of that fact.

"You're trying to talk your way out of my words." Raito said to L underneath him. "I can see you doing it."

Damn. Raito knew L too well, and they'd only been together for about three weeks. L stared up at him when Raito restarted his rant about how they were innocent and L was sure the word 'baka' was used frequently when his name was mentioned. When speaking, Raito was the only one who could ever hold L's gaze, everyone else just turned away, but not Raito. And now was no exception. Raito's stare/glare at this proximity made L slightly uncomfortable and… nervous? He was nervous?

Why was he nervous?

"Raito-kun…" L began, taking an annoyed breath.

But Raito kept going, not even paying attention to L in any way. L sighed and tried to move his back; the floor wasn't very comfortable, to say the least. "Raito-kun… be q-" L moaned.

"-quiet?" Raito finished. "Not until you realise that you're wrong and that I'm innocent."

"Just you?" L asked. "What about Miss Amane?"

"…" A shy glance to the side. "Her too."

L had to smile at this. "I'm afraid your plan is not working, unless it was to injure me in a private area. If that was the case, I must congratulate you."

Raito blushed slightly at that.

Damn it, L could be so… so… ugh, he didn't know. He could be so L sometimes!

Wait… what the hell? Am I… am I blushing?!

No. Freaking. Way.

Raito got prepared to answer and thought of a pretty good comeback, and he would have won the argument too… if not for one thing…

He couldn't speak. Well… properly anyway.

L had ceased the opportunity to silence Raito while he was silently muffled at his won actions.

For a very brief moment, Raito just stared at L's closed eyes, not responding.

There was no way…

Wake up Light! L is not kissing you! L is not kissing you!

Then… what the hell is his lips doing on mine?!

That shut the voice up.

But, why? Why was L kissing him?

Before Raito had time to gather his thoughts evenly, L pulled away, breathless and leaned his head against the floor. Raito's hands were still at either side of his face, holding himself up, his legs still straddling L's waist. L said nothing, just looked at Raito's eyes, which were nervously darting around the room, trying to look anywhere but at L.

L didn't just do that.

He didn't. He didn't. He didn't. He didn't. He didn't. He didn't.









Raito most certainly waspanicking… to the point where he had actually started arguing with himself.

He needed to move. He needed to get far away. Far away from L.

But, his body wasn't obeying him. He didn't want to move. He didn't want to go far away.

What was happening?

This was so wrong… wasn't it? It was, of course it was.

Then… why did it feel so right?

Raito's eyes silently widened.

No way. No way.

Not possible. He didn't like L that way. Hell, he didn't even like L as a friend, never mind like… like that. Did he?


Raito silently turned to L, looking him in the eyes.

Well… there's only one way to find out, isn't there, Raito?

Slowly, as not to alarm him self and L, Raito descended his face towards L's. As he got closer, he watched as L's eyes slowly drifted closed.

Their lips met softly at first, Raito experimenting, but when he discovered that he liked kissing L, it became a bit more lustful. He placed soft chaste kisses upon L's lips, making L moan quietly. Raito paused for the shortest moment, after hearing L's moan, but continued again.

Since Raito didn't seem to be doing anything else, L licked Raito's lips in attempt to deepen the kiss. Once Raito realised what L wanted, he parted his lips slightly and allowed L to explore his mouth. Surprisingly, kissing L was very pleasant, and Raito, who didn't like sweet things, was enjoying tongue battling with L.

L, un-surprisingly, tasted of sugar. He particularly tasted like the cake he was eating earlier, and since he ate his own, Raito's and part of Misa's, he tasted strongly of it.

Raito must try it again sometime.

Uh... the cake that is…

Yeah, right. Cake.

Shut up!

One of L's hands suddenly found Raito's hair and pulled his head down for a deeper kiss. Raito's left hand held L's face, gently rubbing his cheek, while the other was on the side of his head so he wouldn't fall on L.

In the end, it had to be the longest, and perhaps best, but he wasn't going to admit that, kiss that Raito had ever had. He was gasping for air when they finally tore apart.

Raito actually had to lean on L's chest for support, while L played with his hair.

L bent his head towards Raito's ear and muttered something along the lines of "Aishiteru" … but Light didn't think he had caught it properly.

After a good five minutes, Raito finally regained his breath, and it sounded as though L had too, who was stoking Raito's hair.

Okay, it was official to him. Raito… liked L.


Somewhere deep down inside his being, something was shouting at him, kicking him, if you will, but it was too vague for Raito to take any notice of it.

Raito brought his head up slowly to look at L, whose eyes seemed to be waiting on him. Raito was about to say something, but L beat him to it.

"Kira." He whispered.

Chibi Raito: What?

Me: Hooray! Chapter one edit is done!

Chibi Misa: Yay! And ohemgee you are buying me new socks!

Me: Yes, I am.

Chibi L: That's kind of you.

Chibi Misa: Boyfriend stealer.

Chibi Raito: What?

Me: So, cookies for reviews. I'd like to know what you think.

Chibi L: Read and Review. It's the law.

Chibi Misa: Right. And you'll be breaking the fan fiction law if you don't review.

Chibi Raito: What?

Me: … What is wrong with Raito?

Chibi L: I don't know. –shrugs-

Chibi Misa: Review, Review, Review!