SC: This is my first story!!!

Saku: Why am i like this?

SC: * rolls eyes* Get over it saku.... now say what i told you to say...

Saku: Fine ok CCS isn't owned by SC

SC: thank you now lets go!!!








The Reunion

Boys: Syaoran Li~18 years old

Eriol Hiragizawa~19 years old

Jake Uzimo~ 16 years old

Girls: Sakura Kinomoto~17 years old

Mei-ling~16 years old

Tomoyo Daidouji~17 years old







It was a sunny day in Japan when an auburn, red highlight streaked, long haired girl, with emerald eyes got dressed in a red tank top with a black and red skirt black long boots and came downstairs for breakfast.

"Ohayo okaa-san! Ohayo odo-san, Touya-kun!" the group seated around the table turned their heads and smiled "Ohayo Sakura!" Sakura smiled back and grabbed some juice and a muffin then stuffed her backpack with her lunch.

She was half-way out the door when her mom called. "SAKURA! GET BACK IN HER!"

"Uh Oh" she mumbled and walked back into the room where her mom sat legs and arms crossed looking slightly annoyed.

"Yes ?" Her mom is a very famous singer and traveled a lot and the money was used on the mansion the family lived in now with a tall iron gate ,swimming pool ,mahogany tables ,and expensive chairs.

Sakura remembered her 16th birthday when she had gotten her car a pink Ferrari with sakura blossoms painted on, a sun roof, and leather seats and the loudest radio ever. She still loved her mom for it.

Sakura's mom had emerald green eyes like her daughter and brown hair. Like her daughter her eyes glowed when she was in a great mood and darkened when she wasn't and right now you could say that was a possibility.

"Sakura honey I have to use your car for a trip to Seattle to meet up with the band for the concert so you have to use mine but be careful with it ok?" Sakura knew how much her mom loved her car and was very serious about being careful.

She looked at her watch and replied "I'll be really careful I promise now I have to go bye mom!" she quickly kissed her mom, her dad, and after slapping touya grabbed the keys and left. The weather was nice so she put down the roof top and the wind blew her hair while she drove. she loved it.

When she arrived at school, Tomoyo and Eriol were already there waiting for her under a large cherry blossom tree. She got out of the car and walked over to them. "Ohayo Eriol-kun and Tomoyo-Chan" they turned around smiling "Ohayo Sakura".

Tomoyo and Eriol were two of Sakura's best friends. They had been together ever since elementary school but there was a fourth person with them then but he had to go back to china.

Sakura and Eriol could never stop laughing at how Tomoyo still always carried around her camera and at how she went on about how Sakura should let her dress her up more.

While Sakura and her friends talked about funny stuff and school off in a mansion somewhere a boy with messy but appealing brown hair and amber eyes was leaving for school.

Saku: Awesome red highlights!!!

Mystery Man: When will i get to be in here???!!!!!!

SC~ Don't complain very soon....

Mystery Man:Fine

SC: This was something short but review and comment and tell me if i should continue!!!!!!