LL: sup ya'll sorry about the delay!

RY: about time you wrote it

LL: yeah yeah

Jake: when do I show up?

LL and RY: you'll see (soon but not now) XD

Jake: great…

Saku: CCS is owned by CLAMP

Amuto: Shugo Chara is also owned by CLAMP

Jake: I'm owned by LL

LL: roll it!

RY: editing was done by me. Thank you.

For the next couple of weeks sakura acted as normal as she could around Amu and Ikuto. One morning she woke up when Amu appeared in her room yelling. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her.

"W-what?" she asked

Amu smiled back at her before replying

"Time for school Saku-chan"

Sakura looked at her alarm clock that read 5AM in red blinking letters. She yawned once again and turned back to look at the pink headed girl with drooping eyes

"I'm not going today"

She noticed amu look at her sadly and questionably just as Ikuto stuck his head in to see what was going on then leave once again.

"Why don't you go anyway?" she asked

Amu watched as sakura sat up in bed quickly in shock of not knowing how to answer that. The best thing to do was lie and say she had gotten sick and just couldn't go but another part of her wanted her to just suck it up and go to school despite her previous condition at the moment but she settled to just taking them to school for the day.

"No reason"

She quickly sprang up from the bed and ran past her toward the bathroom to take a shower and get ready she turned toward her to see her nodding and walking out of the room

"I'll drive you two today"

She offered and shut the bathroom door not waiting to see if amu had left and turned on the shower with a sigh. She really wanted to stay home that day not go where she wasn't ready to go yet.


When she emerged from the bathroom the first thing she was happy to notice was that amu had indeed left her room when she had gone to take the shower and no longer hovered around her room.

"That was close" she sighed

She walked over to her closet and pulled out her black skinny's, her TMNT shirt that did nothing to cover the now ever growing bulge on her stomach, green flats, and a green/black hat that she found the night before hidden in the deep corners of her large closet. After trying it on and then throwing on a sweatshirt to try and cover the bulge she ran into the bathroom to straighten her hair before running back downstairs for a quick breakfast.

"Hurry up!"

She turned to see Ikuto already grabbing her car keys and pushing the pink haired amu out the door toward her car with a grin.

"Wait! You're so not driving my car!"

Sakura ran up to them locking the door behind them and stopped Ikuto from opening the drivers seat. They stared at each other for awhile as amu sat snickering at them at what she thought was too quiet to notice. He sighed and she pushed Ikuto to the back of her car before starting the car and driving the short 3 blocks to school. After a long drive in which Ikuto begged her to drive next time and her shaking her head no each time, they finally reached the school.

When the car came to a stop in her usual parking spot amu jumped out of the car and grabbed her stuff and ikuto's before quickly walking into the school get them a seat in their first period class while Ikuto lingered a little longer by her window.


He took something from his pocket and gently placed it around her neck. She touched the cold object and gasped. A heart shaped necklace.

"But why give me something this wonderful?" she asked

Ikuto smirked and replied

"Just go sakura"

As he turned and walked away toward the school entrance she almost stayed when she noticed Jake approaching her. Not in the mood for him, or anything he had to say, she quickly pulled out of the parking lot and drove her way back home to sleep and relax for awhile until she had to come pick those two up from the school which was something she did not look forward to.


Taking his eyes off the freshman girl in front of him for a second he noticed sakura and her car parked in the usual space. He smiled which caused the girl in front of him to squeal and continue talking. What made him frown and walk away from her toward sakura was when one of the new freshmen she had arrived with handed her a necklace that she had taken easily from him. When she had left, he looked toward the freshman who walked into the building. They were going to have a little chat.


After parking she entered the house and walked upstairs to her room and shut the door loudly behind her then slumped onto the bed back faced and sighed exhausted. She slowly closed her eyes ready to surrender into a nice long nap when her cell phone started ringing the tone she had given Amu from Lady Gaga's Bad Romance.

Rah rah ah ah ah

Roma roma ma

Gaga ooh la la

Want your bad romance

I want your ugly, I want your disease

I want you're everything as long as it's free


After the second ring she reached into her pocket and answered it with a loud sigh.


She mumbled half asleep


Amu yelled into the phone. Noticing the panic in her voice she jumped up quickly but somewhat slowly from the bed

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

There were some muffled noises on the other side and someone yelling stand still


She yelled into the phone

"Sakura get over here! Some guy's trying to beat up Ikuto"

I froze

"I'll be right there just hold on"

I paused

"Tell him to hold on too, as long as he can"

She agreed and I rushed downstairs to my car.


When I reached the school I noticed a group or people running over to me that I noticed as Tomoyo, Mei-ling, and Amu.

"What's going on here?"

I yelled glancing behind them at Ikuto and, wait, huh? Jake?"

"I don't know"

Amu answered quickly

"Jake started following that other dude and before we knew it they were trying to punch each other" Mei-ling answered


They yelled as I dashed across the parking lot toward the guys and stupidly stepped in front of Ikuto so that, instead, caught the punch directed at him.


I fell to the floor and gasped before falling into the dark wall of unconsciousness.

LL: Sorry for the delay ya'll

I: about time you remembered

LL: sorry. School sucks

RY: next one?

LL: Heck yeah but I may need some ideas

RY: If you want to help send some ideas to LL

LL: Much appreciated

A: What happened everyone else?

? : What about us?