It's been a very long time. For those who read this years ago and reviewed, thank you. To my new readers: thank you as well. I forget where the original plot was going so I'm kind of taking it where the characters lead me. I recognize there are some continuity issues. If I get the time I will completely revise it.

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I bathe my feet in the ocean, grateful for its soft caress. I try my hardest not to think on the kindness of Mai and Ty Lee. They owe me nothing, and yet risk everything in order to help me. I am of no use to them. I am a hindrance, a strain on their relationship with Azula, and a cause for tension in the Fire Nation; yet they watch after me. I consider the importance of sisterhood in the United Water Tribes. The women from the separate tribes bonded over chores, story-telling, their love of their children, and the pain of war. They defend each other from unfaithful husbands, grief, and the pain of aging. I wonder if these bonds are as revered in the Fire Nation as they are in my home. Maybe they have an ulterior motive. Or maybe, I fear to hope, they see another female in need.

I try even harder not to imagine their betrayal when they discover I am an assassin. What my father failed to realize is that killing Prince Zuko alone won't be enough to stop the war. I would need to end the entire bloodline of Ozai, once and for all. My poisoned barb may work on Zuko, but I hardly think I'll be given the opportunity to catch Azula unguarded. Even after the death of his children, the Fire Lord could always produce more heirs. I clench my toes under the waters, watching the ripples ease by. No. I would need to kill the Fire Lord as well. Then I could end this war.

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My thoughts of murder are interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Catlike, they are almost invisible to my ear. I turn my head. "Princess Azula."

"Princess Katara." My enemy makes herself comfortable in the sand beside me. She is in her beachwear, looking the part of a tourist. She lays back, propped up by her elbows, her head tilted carelessly towards the scorching sun. "I thought you would've ran home by now, no doubt bored by our Fire Nation customs."

"My home is with my husband." I reply dryly.

"As is your bed I see." She replies carelessly. Too carelessly.

It has been two days since Zuko and I started sharing a bed. Each night we share a word or two of acknowledgement and go to sleep. Our relationship is strictly businesslike, we only speak when we need to. Yesterday at lunch he asked me to pass him a piece of fruit. This morning he said 'excuse me' when we nearly collided in a narrow hallway. And, the other night, as we watched a play, he asked if I wanted a firestick. This was still an improvement compared to our limited interactions in the royal palace.

I am careful not to react. I cannot answer too quickly or too slowly. This ruse is the only thing keeping me in the Fire Nation court. "Prince Zuko has shown courtesy and proves himself to be a worthy match. Why not make the most of my marriage?" I try not to giggle at my own innuendo.

If I were saying this to Sokka he would've covered his ears and ran away screaming in discomfort. Instead the princess smirks back at me, her hair gently tossing in the breeze revealing eyes sharper than knives. "I for one think it's charming that you and Zu-zu get along so well. Perhaps this match is exactly what we need to finally end this war."

I can sense a double meaning, but it confuses me. I am Princess of the United Water Tribes, but I am certainly not a catalyst in the status of the war. If anything, my death would only trigger more violence. My people may be cornered in the north pole, but we are completely surrounded by our element and empowered by the moon spirit. I pretend to misunderstand the coy princess.

"I'm glad we both feel the same way!" I decide it's time to end these stupid mind games. My time on this island paradise may be my last opportunity to breathe fresh air, unwatched by thousands of eyes. "So what fun are we participating in today? Scorching a few villages? Or how about beating up defenseless animals? Both sound right up your alley."

Azula rolls her eyes somewhat playfully. I can never read her moods. "Ha-ha," she says dryly "Actually Ty Lee made friends with a few of our opponents from yesterday's game. They invited us to a party this evening. I thought it might be fun to socialize and show you what normal fire nation teenagers do."

"Do YOU even know what normal Fire Nation teenagers do?" I ask doubtfully.

She considers for a moment and puffs out a short breath, amused. "No. I suppose this will be a learning experience for both of us. How hard is it to act normal?"

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As a strategist and foe, Azula is certainly at the top of her class. Her mind rivals that of some of my Father's generals. As a pedestrian, however, she leaves much to be desired. She insisted that we arrive early as that was customary for 'good party guests.' Zuko argued that we should arrive later so we won't look like a group of losers. Mai didn't care. Ty Lee, the only one among us with any true social skills, said we should arrive later but then again we're hot enough where it doesn't matter. Tired of the bickering, I interjected that since Ty Lee has the most experience we should wait until past sundown to make our arrival. Azula was surprisingly in agreement with me. I made sure to remain silent for the rest of the day in case her good mood shifts.

I am dressed in red yet again. My hair is twisted into a knot that Ty Lee insists is fashionable. My top is short, revealing my shoulders and midriff and for a bottom I wear pants which drape out down the leg and cinch together at my ankle. I am learning that Fire Nation clothes are fashioned with the weather in mind.

Zuko is wearing black with gold and red accents. His hair is slightly mussed but reaches past his shoulders. He wears his topknot but insists on no crown so he can blend in. We still haven't spoken. I know Azula's sharp gaze has noticed the frostiness between my husband and myself. I make sure she catches me staring dazedly at Zuko and blushing. She needs to believe the consummation happened. Zuko, who is completely oblivious, furrows his eyebrows slightly before resuming his gaze elsewhere.

We are all standing on the doorstep of a large wooden house. It creaks slightly in the wind, and is at least three stories high with balconies facing the ocean. Ty Lee explained that Fire Nation nobles like to invest in 'beach houses.' This home is certainly luxurious, it reeks of money and prestige.

The door opens revealing a pair of teenage boys. One is more muscular than the other, with light brown hair and a firm jawline. The leaner boy is the one who answered the door. He has black hair and a bored expression on his face. Behind him is the warm glow of lanterns and the electric hum of several people in conversation. I can hear a twangy lively sound that I recognize as an instrument.

The darker haired boy takes his time admiring each of us females and releases a grin "What's up?"

Azula glances up at the roof. "Is this a trick question?"

The two boys share a look. I feel myself prickle with hostility. The one closest to us, presumably our host, flicks his hair out of his face. "I'm Kazu. This is my party palace. My dad bought this place years ago and never uses it, so me and Uzon use it to host the raddest parties in the Fire Nation!"

He pauses. Does he expect applause? Mai sighs pointedly.

Affronted, he regroups "Look, only the coolest kids in the Fire Nation party here, alright?"

Azula does her best to laugh it off. She gestures towards us "Well that's why we're here."

He doesn't hear her. He's suddenly at Ty Lee's side "Hey beautiful, can I bring you any refreshments?"

Ty Lee titters "Oh, well I could use some fruit punch!"

The muscular boy, having the advantage of being further in the house, turns on his heel racing presumably towards the fruit punch. Our host growls something incomprehensible, before pasting another smile on his face. "And you ladies?" his gaze lingers on me. I can see both Azula and Zuko shifting.

"I'll have some fruit punch as well." Azula interjects before I can respond. "Extra fruit please."

I try not to make a face. Was she... competing with me?

The host seems to relent under her awkward presence. "Ha ha, I'll try to save the punch part for combat haha."

Azula laughs loudly in response. Zuko and I share a mortified glance. That joke was so bad even Sokka wouldn't laugh. Is she trying to flirt? Does she like this guy? I glance at him. He is dressed in what I recognize as the latest Fire Nation fashions, which includes pants similar to mine and an open vest revealing his abs. His hair is carefully combed across his eye, making the other look even more piercing. I suppose he is cute, but he hardly seems Azula's type.

Regardless of my assessment, she follows him into the party, laughing at another corny line. This leaves me, Mai, and Zuko. Mai releases a sigh from the depths of her soul. "Well... shall we?"

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Fire Nation teens don't dance. I learn that quickly. I had approached the musician, he plucked on a long rectangular instrument with strings, creating a pleasant rhythm. I glanced around, expecting other teens to be moving, reacting to the rhythm so pleasing and primal. Instead they seemed impervious to the music. It was merely background noise. Too shy to dance, I gave the musician another smile and walked away.

Now I lean against a wall sighing. Mai and Zuko disappeared onto a balcony, no doubt whispering of their love for each other. I believe Azula is doing her best to keep our host's attention, while Ty Lee is fending off waves of admirers. The teens for the most part are hesitant about approaching me. They notice the dark of my skin and my blue eyes. The latest treaty between our nations has made my appearance completely legal, but I can sense their discomfort. Perhaps they believe me to be the brave daughter of an influential merchant. They must assume I'm important, no water tribe peasant would willingly go straight into the mouth of the dragon.

I am scanning the crowd for a inconspicuous corner to sip my fruit punch when I see him. Green eyes. I feel an ache in my heart so visceral that I at first assume someone punched me. Then the memories flash through my mind, each one as loud as a drum. Our first kiss. Holding hands as I taught him how to ice skate. Sharing laughter and stories over a campfire. Running headfirst into battle. Sneaking past the guards and into the great ocean. Crying. Fighting. Laughing. Loving.

"Haru..." I whisper.

Ty Lee, who completely mishears me, bumps my hip with hers "That's right girl! Woo! This is a great party!" she laughs before being carried away by yet another admirer.

He is dressed in slightly loose fitting Fire Nation colors. His hair is swept back from his face, making him appear older, harsher. Every muscle in my body aches to be near him. I yearn to slam through the bodies and fling myself into his arms, inhaling his earthy scent. I clench my fist, digging my nails into the soft flesh of my palm. I can't let my feelings compromise my mission. I casually continue scanning the crowd. Whispering soft apologies, I bump through the crowd towards the refreshments. Every bite of the spicy dessert feels like torture. I force myself to linger, as if interested in Fire Nation cuisine. I take little samples and chew thoughtfully, making a show of my consideration as intoxicated teens brush past.

Within minutes I sense him at my side, also perusing the snacks. I point towards the fire flakes. "Try these ones, they're really good!"

He glances at me, as if for the first time. He smiles flirtatiously. Haru was never a good actor, but he does not need to feign attraction. "Oh? Thanks. I'm Haru by the way."

"Katara." I can't remember which bow is used among peers. I settle for a deep nod. I allow silence as he tries the snack.

"I was excited when I heard that the new Princess would be here on Ember Island." He says sincerely, his eyes on his food. He is suffering as well. I inhale sharply, willing my emotions back into the recesses of my mind. Now is not the time for lovers. "She is just as beautiful as I imagine."

I giggle. It sounds flat but I'm hoping any spying eyes will think I'm flirting. "Thank you. The royal family has been as courteous as expected."

"I understand that married life must be hard," he permits himself a glance at me. His eyes full of warning "When one marries, it is not just to their husband. They marry into the entire family."

I feel myself grow cold as Haru confirms what I already know. Father must've realized that Zuko is not the only threat to our world. My mission just became more dangerous. "That is true..."

I can hear the cackle of Azula's laughter, as she flirts with our host. I glance to see her mouth stretched in forced laughter. She meets my eyes and cocks and eyebrow, but is distracted by Kuzo says.

"You're looking a little thin." He says with sudden urgency. If he lingers much longer he'll attract suspicion. Azula, no doubt, is already memorizing his features. He willfully put his life in jeopardy to pass this message, it must be important. "You should spend some more time in the kitchen, regain your strength."

Father has another spy in the kitchen? Or reinforcements? Or maybe Haru thinks I truly am losing weight. I haven't developed a taste for Fire Nation cuisine yet, although my tolerance for spice has increased. Regardless, I make a mental note to visit the kitchen when we return to the palace.

"The Fire Nation is beautiful," I say quickly, as he begins his retreat. "but I will always love home best."

Haru glances over his shoulder. Pain, exhaustion, and longing fill the eyes of my beloved. I wish I could touch him, smooth the expression off his face and nestle against his strong chest. "Home can be anywhere or anything."

I puzzle over that as I feel someone approach me from behind. It's Mai and Zuko, both equally bored. Ty Lee rushes to approach, interrupting whatever they had to say "See guys? This party is so fun! Even Katara is making friends!"

"I see that." Mai intones "But we're bored. And we got called weirdoes, so... we're out."

Azula, seeing us gathered, excuses herself from a conversation. She stands directly beside me "Look how good Katara is at being normal guys!" I can't tell if it's an insult. My head is still spinning from Haru's visit. "Our host, Kazu says that there will be fireworks in an hour."

Zuko can barely contain his impatience. "Yeah, because that's exactly what excites me. Fire."

Azula cocks her head "Well you certainly shouldn't leave me alone, unescorted."

"I really doubt you're in any danger." Mai sighs "It's everyone else at this party I'm worried about."

As if to prove her point, we all look towards Kazu who is cozying up to a pretty girl in the corner. She is small, dressed in pink, and easily one of the prettiest girls in the room. He has clearly forgotten about Azula's attempts to earn his attention. I share a glance with Zuko before watching Azula. A vein pulses behind her ear. I can see her swallow. Otherwise she is the image of calm. I can almost feel her blood pulsing faster.

She surprises me by giving the slightest of shrugs. "Or... we can do our own fireworks show."

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Burning down a Fire Nation summer home is exactly as fun as it sounded. I drew the water from the fruit punch bowl and formed a whip, smashing furniture and vases. I used the whip as a herding device, slapping the legs of fleeing teenagers, guiding them towards the doors. Destruction of property is one thing, but I would not be accountable for anyone's death. Azula stood in the middle of the room laughing with absolute girlish delight as she sent small puffs of fire upward. Zuko was somewhere on the roof, sending up spirals of flame, while Mai and Ty Lee watched from the shore.

"Wasn't that technically a crime?" I ask later. We are all seated near the shallows of the ocean, watching the smoke clouds billow upwards.

Azula allows the water to lap near her feet. "His father owed taxes on the house for years. We were simply doing the government a favor."

There is a slight trace of bitterness in her statement. She won't vocalize what we all know. She was angry at Kazu's rejection. The Princess of the Fire Nation has probably never been told 'no' in her life. We destroyed an entire summer home because of her royal temper tantrum.

For some reason, this strikes me as funny. Laughter forces its way up my throat and into the night air. Ty Lee joins me, and even Mai and Zuko look amused.

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I climb into mine and Zuko's shared bed, exhausted. He is somewhere walking, no doubt avoiding the awkwardness that night brings. It's our last night at Ember Island. The smell and sound of the ocean calms me. Even though we committed a crime earlier, I felt a sense of camaraderie as we destroyed that house. I had surprised Azula by agreeing quickly. I rejoiced over the distraction, knowing it would make Haru's exit much easier and erase his face from their minds.

I pull the sheets up to my chin, the windows let in a breeze. I think of Haru's patience with me. Even when my combativeness brought trouble. I remember how eager he was to learn about my culture so he could better assimilate. He never complained, even when snowstorms brought on frostbite and fevers. I knew he volunteered to pass the message to me. Any of Father's spies could have easily volunteered, but he knew I was scared and alone. Well, not entirely alone.

Laying on the beach earlier this evening, I felt a sense of peace. Perhaps it was the ocean, soothing away all my anxieties or fear. Or maybe it was the adrenaline wearing down from destroying the party palace. I was seated between Ty Lee and Zuko, each lost in their own thoughts. I stole glances at my husband. He carried himself like a warrior, but I could sense a great sorrow. I thought of all the hard lessons my father taught me. Whenever he scolded me, I felt truly foolish and small. In the end I knew that I had my father's love. Zuko... he carries the sign of his shame on his face. Fire Lord Ozai married him without a thought about his own son's happiness.

The door to my room slides open . I shut my eyes, feigning sleep. I inhale slowly, loudly.

"I know you're awake." Zuko grumbles, laying on top of the covers.

"Oh." There's no point in pretending. I watch as he rolls over, facing the wall away from me. We lay in a silence both tense and fragile. The ocean whispers through the window, sending peace. "Today was fun." I venture.

His shoulder twitches. "Yeah... it was."

I can go to sleep now. I acknowledged his presence and we clearly are both tired. And yet, part of me yearns to know more about this person beside me. What was it his uncle said? We should think of our enemies as people. There is a danger to that. I could become attached, sympathetic, and lose my resolve. On the upside, I could better learn Fire Nation secrets and how to destroy this family from the inside.

I war silently before blurting out "Why did your father hurt you?"

There is no mistaking the tension that grips his body. I lay frozen, afraid to breathe. Of all the stupid ice breakers, I choose the one that could turn him against me. I mentally berate myself for tactlessness.

"When?" he asks humorlessly.

"The, um... the burn on your face."

"I brought it on myself." There is no pain, only resignation.

"I don't..." I gather my courage "I don't believe you. I've met your father, and he holds no regard for anyone's feelings, let alone yours."

The thump of Zuko rolling over startled me. Suddenly we are very close, noses nearly brushing, his eyes glowing in the moonlight. "You know NOTHING of my father or this family."

I feel myself heat up, flustered. "You forget, I'm PART of this family now." I hiss back. "If I know nothing, then maybe it's time someone teach me."

Zuko's eyes narrow "You could be funneling information back to the Water Tribe."

His accusation startles me. I know they dislike me, but I didn't realize that mistrust works both ways. I need to earn his trust. False promises balance on the tip of my tongue. I swallow. I need to be myself and I need to be as honest as I can afford. "That's true," I concede, watching the moon reflect off his eyes "and you could be planning to kill me or use me as some kind of leverage."

He meets my challenge with a molten glare.

"We don't like or trust each other," I continue, fighting the waver in my voice. "And none of that is going to change if we don't start talking.."

"Why would I need to talk to you?" He scoffs, incredulous "This marriage is arranged. The only thing I need from you is for you to stay out of my way."

He's right of course. I search my brain for a weak spot, a hole in his immaculate facade. Zuko is like a fortress. Strong, impenetrable, alone. "You don't have any friends."

He stills. I finally scored a blow. I try to quell my excitement, but I've already gained momentum "I've said this before, but we can at least be friends Zuko. This marriage is the only thing standing between me and a painful death. Like it or not, I need you." I spit out, ashamed of how honest I've become.

An unreadable emotion flickers across his face. He quickly masks it.

"You can teach me about life in the Fire Nation. And-and I can tell you about my life and what life is like on the other side of the world! This arrangement forced us together, and I think everyone expects us to be miserable." I say truthfully, envisioning Azula's smirks "We can prove them wrong. We're not just pawns in some sick war games, we're real human beings. This arrangement was made as a truce, but we can use it to prove that our countries really can coexist."

Zuko is so silent I begin to wonder if he fell asleep with his eyes open. He exhales wearily "You talk a lot."

"I do." I admit "But I mean what I say. Every word."

Slowly, like a walrus, he rolls over so his back is to me once more. Dismissed, I roll onto my back staring at the wooden ceilings. For the first time in my life, I wish I were a Firebender so I could burn this place to the ground.

"What..." his voice rumbles hesitantly. "What do you make your houses out of, if there are no trees in the North Pole?"

I'm glad he's not facing me so he doesn't see the sudden grin that stretches across my face. This question, though random, is the gesture I was waiting on. Maybe, just maybe I can earn his trust.

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We board our ship the next morning. We were originally scheduled to spend another day on the Island, but Azula was likely to torch another house after being confronted by some angry teens. Packing was easy, I only brought a handful of outfits. I stand outside the house, gazing fondly back at the building. This unexpected vacation was exactly what I needed. Zuko and I spent at least an hour bouncing questions back and forth about each other's culture. Whenever a question became too personal, we quickly brought the conversation back to neutral territory. We weren't close yet by any means, but I believe we made a step in the right direction.

Although it is only morning, I am already sticky with sweat. The sun glares down at us from a thin cloud covering. I do not look forward to the journey ahead. I see Mai gliding down the steps of the house, servants behind her carrying her trunk. I had insisted on carrying my own belongings, only because they were so few in number it wasn't worth the effort. I'm surprised by the amount of luggage Mai has, considering she mainly wears one outfit. Zuko walks down next. I'm suddenly nervous. Are we friendly enough to greet each other, or is it back to business?

"You have your stuff already?" He calls down from the porch.

My mouth grows dry as Mai sends an inquisitive glance in my direction. I pretend I can't see her. "I carried it myself. It wasn't worth calling servants for."

He looks a little puzzled "Next time let the servants do it."

"Why? I didn't need it, I could carry it myself."

"It's a..." he searches for the right words "royalty thing." he finishes flatly.

"I understand. Royalty in my home behave much differently."

"That's because you don't even HAVE royalty." Azula interjects, appearing from the side of the house. "Isn't it just a gathering of people who randomly picked a leader?"

I decide ignoring her is the safest option. "Thanks Zuko."

"You're welcome." He clears his throat awkwardly. He is withdrawing again. I send an uncertain smile as he continues walking towards the ship. I mentally thank him for stepping out of his comfort zone to engage in conversation. He wants to attempt friendship or at least a truce, and I owe it to him to try. He has unwittingly given me some leverage in my mission.

I shove that nasty thought to the back of my mind. My first priority is discovering what my father has for me in the royal kitchen.

*End Chapter

The chapter is short, I know. This was really hard to write. I haven't thought about this story in years. Also, Zuko's hair is long in this story. He hasn't been banished so it's as long as Ozai's at this point. I should've written it earlier. Like I said, there's a lot of continuity issues and I'm not sure where 2011 Nikki was going with this story. I have a few ideas and hopefully I can motivate myself to continue.

Thanks for reading!