Summary: Everyone has a destined partner, but not everyone finds them. Even though Yuugi can't control his powers, will he find his destined partner? Will his partner accept him?

Disclaimer: Do. Not. Own. Happy?

AN: Yeah, just so you know ahead of time, I'm not naming or describing the HMA in this chapter. To much effort…

Unum promissum contra omnem

Chapter 8

Someone's Else's View Point

It was pitch black in every direction, not a slither of light anywhere but he could still see.

"Hello, anyone there?" he called out to no avail.

His throat tightened, 'I'm dead I just know it.'

No, you're very much alive.


"I don't understand, what do you mean there's 'nothing wrong' with him? He isn't breathing!" Yami took out his frustration on an unsuspecting HMA.

This day hadn't gone exactly as he had expected it to, he planned to meet up with his guardians and show them that he was safe and sound, like he had to everyday, he expected Seto to be dragged off by Jou because that's what he always seemed to do, he expected Marik and Bakura to hunt him down somehow and bitch at him about their nonexistent love lives. All of which happened, he even had plans to hang out with Anzu and Malik so they could discuss about what plays they could perform this year now that Yami had joined, and all the attention they'd receive because of him.

But this, he never expected this. He never expected some kid to go off his rocker and destroy half the dorms, at least, not until combat and defense classes started picking up.

Now he was standing the infirmary with some punk, at least in his eyes, HMA telling him that the boy lying on the infirmary bed was fine. Telling him that there was nothing wrong with him while he wasn't breathing!

Yami had pinned the HMA to the wall, snarling. Needless to say he was terrified, but he hid it well.

He pushed Yami, gently, aside and walked over to Yuugi.

"Listen, Sepetior (1), as far as I can tell, and I'm third in my class," he said looking at Yami over his shoulder, "There's absolutely nothing wrong with him. Beside the fact he's not breathing, his heart rate is normal- slow but normal, and his brain is functioning properly." He said after placing his hands on either side of Yuugi's head.

"And what does that mean exactly?" Yami asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, and we won't until Ishizu can get here, but I think he's stuck inside a dream."

"Can you at least tell me his name?"

"Not until-"

Yami raised his hand to stop him, "yeah I get it, what about them?" Yami gestured behind him to his friends also on their own separate beds.

"I don't know about them," The HMA looked over to them.

"You know, you're pretty much useless." Yami said, crossing his arms.

"Gee, that's-"

The door suddenly flew open, Ishizu stormed in with her younger brother and his friends in tow.


Anzu and Ryou were currently on their way to their little 'meeting spot' together, and happened to run into Shizuka and Malik on the way, all coming from different directions.

"Hey, Anzu, Ryou, which way are you coming from?" Malik greeted them; Shizka just smiled and gave a simple wave in their direction.

"The administrators' office just finished the last of my paper work for being a top tutor." Ryou answered.

"Library," Anzu emphasized by rising up a bag of books in her left hand, "research for the theater club."

"Wow, so soon? I thought we were going with Yami."

"You know me," she waved off the praise with a faux-embarrassed blush, "I always need to be kept up with the latest and greatest."

"Hey, what wrong Shizuka you alright?" Ryou asked.

"She woke up late," Malik answered, "she didn't make it in time to get her morning coffee." He whispered loudly only giving her a reason to jab her pointy elbow into his ribcage, in a 'friendly' matter.


"Jerk," her voice was as harsh as she could pretend it to be, but they could still hear how tired she was.

The other two just laughed. They understood, Shizuka was a zombie without her coffee.

"Come on; let's go, before we're all late." Ryou reminded them.

"Yes, mom." They all chorused.

Shizuka and Ryou headed to the Tower of Horus immediately, but Malik had Anzu stay about five steps behind so they could talk privately.

"What is it, Malik?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"Are you sure you can do this?" He asked, he looked straight ahead his voice completely serious.

Anzu was shocked, to say the least, but she refused to falter. "What do you mean?"

He gave her a quick glance, 'alright if she wants to play that game…'

"I mean, Yami," he said slowly, it caused her to flinch.

"So? What about him?" She turned her head away from Malik.

"You were in love with him!" He hissed, glaring at her fully now.

"Y-yeah, and you point is?" Her face was burning red now.

"Well, you're our best actress, and he's… well fucking perfect, and if he plays prince charming and you're the princess…" Malik trailed off, she knew where he was going with that, and he knew she didn't want him to finish.

"Nothing happened! Okay! Two months and he let me down gently, you know that he agrees to date anyone who asks him out, and everyone knows my chance lasted the longest!" she huffed, "But, as much as I hate it, NOTHING HAPPENED! We're just friends." She ended her little rant softly, she almost looked dejected.


"Promise," she held out her right hand showing off her little finger, he took and smiled softly.

"Why do you always have to make things so awkward?" She joked.

Malik gave his best mock 'I'm hurt' face, "I do not," and they couldn't help but laugh. "I think we should catch up before Ryou has our heads." Malik gestured to the way their friend had taken off.

Anzu hadn't even realized they stopped walking, "Oops, guess you're right." She giggled.

They had been standing so long that they couldn't even spot their friends in the distance. Once they started walking, Anzu kept silent, she knew now that Malik had said what he wanted to any attempt at small talk would be wasted on him.

After walking for only about two minutes their trip was interrupted, an earthquake tore through the ground causing them both to fall over. It only lasted a few moments, Malik got up almost immediately, but Anzu was too freaked out to stand up.

"What was that, an earthquake?" She asked, completely startled.

"Doubtful, Nixara doesn't get earthquakes." Malik scanned the area, his eyes widened. "Anzu get up!" he ordered then grabbed her arm pulling her up giving her no choice.

"What do you thin-" She was taken aback by his sudden rudeness, that is, until herds of students came running I their direction.

Anzu held onto Malik with one arm and made a circle with her free hand blew through her fingers as she faced towards the ground and they flew up in an instant.

"Thanks," He said as the crowd ran underneath them, "can you land on that building over there?" he pointed about twenty meters to their right.

She nodded and dropped Malik catching his hand, he didn't panic. Evasion and defense was Anzu specialty, her natural talent, he knew she wouldn't drop him.

She took a deep breath in and faced to her left, they started to fall slowly, and then she pushed out hard. Malik kept a good eye on the roof top, they were headed at it at a slope, and he was ready for his part.

When Malik's feet landed on top of the building, Anzu stopped and dropped fast and Malik quickly took her into her arms before she'd crashed.

"Thanks," She said as he let her down.

"Yeah, what are friends-," Malik didn't have the chance to finish before the sudden ring from his cell phone cut him off. He wasted no time to answer it.


'Malik, I-I need your help!' Ryou voice was breaking, he sounded like he was crying.

"Where are you?"

'It's Shizuka, we, we were h-headed towards the tower, and,' He sobbed, 'she…she's hurt, and I can't help her!'

"Ryou, where are you?" Malik asked again, his voice more stern.

'By… the, um,' Ryou hesitated, 'the history building.' He said finally.

"Okay, I'll be right there, don't worry. I'm gonna let you go and call Ishizu, 'kay?"

'M'kay,' Ryou sniffed.

He hung up and hit his speed dial. It started ringing and he turned to Anzu if she could take them to the history building, she agreed unsure of what was wrong.

Ishizu finally answered after six rings.

'Malik, why are you calling me, there's an-,' she answered, angrily.

"Shizuka's hurt, and she really needs someone. You're the only one I could call."

'What? What about Ryou? Isn't he with you?'

"He can't help her," he said quickly.

Ishizu didn't reply right away, 'Let me talk to him, maybe I can guide him over the phone.'

"He's in hysterics," Malik half-lied. He could tell she was mulling it over, chewing on her bottom lip.

'Okay, where are you?'

"The history building, please hurry." He hung up.


They arrived is what felt like eternity, they saw Ryou before they saw the damage.

"Gods, Ryou are you alright!" Anzu rushed over to him wrapping her arms around him, he was on the ground hunched over, sobbing into his knees his hands covering his face.

"Where's Shizuka," Malik asked looking all around for their friend.

Half of the building was completely caved in; it was dark in the crevices so they couldn't see in.

"She's gone, I can't sense her anymore." Ryou grabbed onto Anzu for support and comfort.

Malik was shocked, "Y-you mean she was in there?" he said pointing at the ruined building. The only thing Ryou do was give a weak, silent nod. He couldn't even open his eyes.

"She was going to meet with Jounochi," he gasped for air, it was so hard for him to breathe, "there, there; were so many people… she's one of, of the last to fade."

Malik fought back the tears that burned his eyes, he hadn't known Shizuka as long as Ryou or Anzu, but she was still one his closest friends.

"Malik? Malik, where are you?"

The three of them heard Ishizu call out for them, Anzu was crying along with Ryou so she couldn't answer no matter how much she wanted to. By default Malik was the most composed.

He bit his lip as he wiped his tears away. A stuttered, "over here," was all he could manage out.

"Gods, what happed here?" Ishizu rushed over to her younger brother and started to inspect him, "are you alright, Malik?"

"'M fine, Ishizu." He looked down at her feet, "they're all gone, everyone in that building."

"Excuse me? What are you talking about, there's no one in tha-"

"You can't sense them because they're dead!" Ryou screamed, "All of them!"

"Including Shizuka," Anzu finally said, looking up at Ishizu, her once bright blue eyes were now clouded and dull with tears.


If you see any errors PLEASE tell me! I'll fix them!

Respected senior or superior.

This is all (the Malik/Ryou/Anzu/Shizuka scenes) based during Yuugi's… 'Episode'. Yes, that's what I'm gonna call it (for now).