This story is mpreg, if you don't know what that means, I'll tell you. Mpreg is where a male gets pregnant, it's that simple. So it's YAOI

I hope you like it; I've been wanting to write this for awhile now.


"Kyo I think I'm pregnant"

"What how is that possible?" Kyo asked his boyfriend, Yuki, with confusion clearly written in his voice

"I don't know" Yuki started sobbing, the tears falling freely down his face

"Baby what's wrong?" Kyo walks over to Yuki and wraps his arms gently around Yuki's waist pulling him into his chest; he rests his head on top of Yuki's

"I'm a freak, a guy can't get pregnant" a choked sob reached Kyo's ears "I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to leave me" Yuki forced out. Kyo turned Yuki around so they faced each other; but Yuki put his head down so he couldn't see Kyo's expression.

"Baby look at me" Kyo placed his hand on Yuki's chin and lifted it up ever so gently so their eyes could meet. "Baby I would never leave you, this..." Kyo put his other hand on Yuki's stomach "this is a miracle, baby. You're having our child." Kyo said in soothing voice

"Thank you Kyo" Kyo brings Yuki into a hug and places a gentle kiss on his forehead. Yuki's sobs becoming quieter until none could be heard at all.

"Sweetheart we can't stay here, we have to leave" Kyo said

"You really think so?" Yuki asked

"Yeah, I know we can't stay here. It's true that Akito is changing her ways but this could set her off again, she hasn't completely changed." Yuki looked at Kyo noticing he was dead serious

"Why don't we move to Okinawa, it's very far from here" Yuki suggested, wrapping his arms tighter around Kyo as they hugged.

"That sounds perfect, but what are we going to do about money?" Kyo asked realizing that neither of them has any money.

"Why don't we borrow some from Shigure and pay him back later" Yuki suggested

"That's great; we'll just take enough for a hotel and food."

"I'll go pack" Yuki said, he was actually pretty excited about this.

"Pack for me too, I'll go get the money"

"Okay" Yuki replied. Yuki started walking up the stairs to start packing for the start of their new life.

I'm really sorry it's short BUT it's only the prelude, I'm hoping the next chapter will be longer