Aquarium Piece (I haven't been to an Aquarium in California, so this story will not depict truth to the aquariums in California. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

The Day after the Beach Trip

"Mommy where are we going?" Yuuhei asked as the family was sitting in a rental van. The drive was a fairly long one, so it was amazing Yuuhei was asking just now.

"We're going to the Aquarium today" Yuki said to his son, turning in his seat to look at him

"Oh" Yuuhei said "What's an Aquaium?"

"Well remember when we went to the beach yesterday, and how daddy and I said that there were lots of fishes in the ocean. Well at the Aquarium they have some of those fishes plus lots more that we can actually see."

"Ooooh fishies" Yuuhei exclaimed, Yuuhei was actually the only one up at the moment. He had just woken up from his slumber when he asked where they were going.

The other three were sleeping soundly, which wasn't really a surprise, seeing as they left pretty early in the morning. The kids were half asleep already when they had breakfast and then shoved in the van, so it was a very quiet drive.

At the Aquarium

Kyo parked near the entryway, when he parked Yuki got out of the van and opened the side door. Yuuhei and Kayla were in the middle seat, where as Ken and Yukiko were in the back seat.

It was about 10 to 15 minutes before they got there that the other three finally woke up, so it made unloading much easier. Yuki climbed in to the van and moved to the very back so he could unbuckle Ken and Kayla's car seats first. He helped them down from the seats, and moved back out of the van and helped the two down out of the van.

"You two stay very close to me, no wandering off" Yuki said seriously. The two didn't just stay close after Yuki's warning, they grabbed onto his leg. They remembered their momma's warning when they first went to Disney Land, about how people might take them or they might get separated from their momma and daddy and never see them again! They didn't want that to happen, they loved their mommy and daddy.

Yuuhei unbuckled his own seat belt, so Yuki just helped him down from the van where he too clutched onto Yuki.

Kyo got Kayla from the other side of the van, and had her buckled into the stroller before Yuki and the three children walked around to the other side. Yuki grabbed their bag from his seat.

The family walked across the street to the sidewalk leading to the entrance, Yukiko was clutching onto the stroller Kyo was pushing and the two boys were holding onto Yuki's hands. When everybody got up to the sidewalk, they started walking down a short beautiful shaded path; they ended up in front of a very tall building with a sign that said AQUARIUM over the top.

There wasn't a huge line to get in, so they were able to get in pretty quick without having to wait for very long.

One of the things they did first was go to the bathroom

"Everyone follow daddy" Yuki said as he manned the stroller with Kayla, Kyo took the bag full of pull ups and diapers.

"Hello baby girl, daddy will be right back to get you changed" Yuki said as he brought the stroller around so Kayla was facing him. He tickled her tummy

*giggle* "Ma Ma"

"I love you too baby" Yuki said before leaning in to kiss her nose.

A few minutes later his other three children came out, and Yuki and Kyo did a swap.

"Come sit down with momma as we wait for daddy and Kayla to come back"

"Okay momma" Yuuhei said as he climbed up on the bench his mommy was sitting at. Yukiko raised her arms up in front of Yuki; she wanted to be picked up. Yuki picked her up and sat her on his leg, and cuddled with his baby girl. Meanwhile Ken stood in between Yuki's separated legs, with one hand resting on each calf.

"Don't you want to sit down sweetie? There's enough room up here" Yuki said. Ken shook his head with a smile

"No momma I swand"

"Okay sweetie"

"Momma we see pwetty fishies?" Yukiko asked from her place on Yuki's lap, her head turning to look at him

"I'm positive we will baby"

"Daddy's back!" Yuuhei called out, interrupting anything Yukiko was going to say. Kyo put Kayla back in the stroller, and they were off. Yuki placed Yukiko down on the ground so she could walk with her brothers. Yuki then turned and took the bag from Kyo and put it in the compartment the stroller had.

They entered the park with great excitement; there was a gift shop right to their right, and then two pathways they could take, going to the left or straight. One took you back into another building, and the other took you out into a courtyard.

"Mommy mommy look a huge cage" Yuuhei exclaimed, so it looked like that was going to be their first stop. There was a huge turkey Vulture; Yuki read the description out loud.

"It no fwing, wha doing mommy?" Yukiko asked as she stared into the cage

"It looks like it might be taking a nap, just like when you go to sleep at night"


"Let's walk down this path to see what's over there" Yuki directed the kids down a walkway. It wasn't long before they came to another building 'Passages of the Deep,' as they entered the building and it was a whole shop full of shark stuff. There was even a huge shark jaw in the middle of the room.

"Hey you guys go stand behind that jaw for me please, mommy wants to take a picture" Yuki motioned everyone to go, he got the camera out and waited for everyone to get ready

"Excuse me, do you want me to take the picture?" a voice said behind Yuki. Yuki looked behind him, it was an employee

"That would be great" Yuki said as he handed the man their camera, he walked quickly to stand next to Kyo's right side, seeing as Kyo was holding Kayla on his other side.

"Okay ready? In three, two, one cheese"

"Cheese" they all said at the same time.

"Looks great, let's take one more picture" said the employee "Okay one more time in three, two, one cheese"


"Fantastic" Yuki walked back towards the employee and took the camera back

"Thank you so much"

"No problem" he said before walking away to help another family. Kyo put Kayla back in the stroller; he turned around when his son called out to him

"Daddy look at that, its hugeormous!" Yuuhei exclaimed to Kyo, he pointed to a great white shark model hanging from the ceiling.

"Wow that's pretty big; I wouldn't want to come up against one of those"

"No I wouldn't either it would eat us whole!" Yuuhei shuddered in fright

"Don't worry baby, we'll stick close to the shore line. Great whites won't be able to get up there, not enough water" Kyo reassured Yuuhei; he rubbed Yuuhei's back in comfort

"Daddy you save me?" Yuuhei asked

"I would most definitely save you, how about we just look at them from far away?"

"Okay daddy" Yuuhei grabbed a hold of Kyo's hand

"Hey you two look over here, it looks like there's a tunnel here" Yuki called out to Kyo and Yuuhei.

"Ohhh lets go see what mommy has found" Kyo led the way, pushing the stroller with one hand and holding Yuuhei's with the other.

"Mommy what you find?" Yuuhei called out

"It looks like an underwater tunnel" Yuki replied when they got closer

"Ooooh" they walked inside there were fishes swimming around above them.

"Lookie there" Yuki pointed above them

"Whas that momma?" Ken asked as a shark passed above

"That's a shark" Yuki said

"A great white?" Yuuhei exclaimed in fear he clutched onto his daddy's hand tightly

"No sweetie, it's a smaller shark" Yuki said in a soothing voice "And plus they can't get through the glass, so they can't hurt us"

"Oh good" Yuuhei sighed in relief, he walked over to where his brother and sister were standing and looked through the glass.

"What that momma?" Yukiko asked this time, she pointed to a stingray.

"That's called a stingray baby, they have funny faces don't they?"

"Yea they smiling" she said giggling


"Hey you guys come look over here" Kyo waved them over, him a Kayla was around a section of glass floor "You can see the fishies underneath us"

They toddled towards him "Really?" they fell to their hands and knees on the glass, and watched in amazement as the sharks, sting rays, and other fish swim beneath their hands and feet.

Yuki was taking lots of pictures of the kids, the pure amazement in their facial expressions were one that Yuki did not want to miss getting on camera. They were such adorable babies, finding everything new interesting.

"Come on lets go investigate some more" Kyo said "There looks to be another tunnel" Kyo helped Ken and Yukiko up off the ground "But before we do that how about I put some hand sanitizer on your hands, we don't know what's been on this floor" Kyo explained as he dug through their bag for the hand sanitizer.

He squeezed a couple drops on each child's hand

"Okay rub your hands all over" Yuki said next to them, he showed them how to do it with his own hands.

They walked through the last two underwater tunnels; there was a little something different in each one. They even saw a scuba diver employee cleaning in the tanks, which was interesting to the kids. How could there be a person underwater? They watched the scuba man swim underneath them and come out on the other side

"Tha cool" Ken exclaimed as he watched the scuba man swim away past the fishies.

"It is isn't it?" Yuki came up behind Ken and rubbed his back "Let's go check out what else they have" he patted Ken's back and herded them out of the building.

"Mommy what next" Yuuhei asked as he held Yuki's hand, he started swinging their arms

"I'm not sure, it's going to be a surprise" Yuki said excitedly to Yuuhei and Ken, who was on his other side.

"Okay!" they got even more excited than they were previously. They stayed to the right of the walkway, where they shortly came up to a hole in the wall with a few porthole windows placed in. Yuki picked Ken and Yuuhei up so they could get a better view, they could only see the back of whatever was in there.

"Yuki, kids there's a better view over here" they heard Kyo calling up to them

"Oh lets go see daddy" Yuki said as he put them down, the two boys started running towards where they heard Kyo's voice. Yuki didn't want to chide them, so he ran with them easily catching up to them. He had to direct them back on track; they almost ran right past Kyo.

"Momma what's that?" Ken said excitedly when he ran up to Kyo by the glass

"It's huge!" Yuuhei exclaimed. Yukiko and Ken became speechless with their mouths hanging open, as they watched it uncurl from its sleeping position. Yuki couldn't help but take some pictures of their reaction, and of Kyo, Yuuhei, and Kayla looking at the sea lion. Kyo turned when he heard a picture being taken, and when he saw it was Yuki he smiled lovingly. Yuki took another picture of Kyo with his loving face; Yuki always loved seeing this face. Yuki always loved smiles like that, so he wanted to take a picture to capture that moment.

"Momma did you see it?" Yukiko asked after pulling on Yuki's shirt. For good measure he took a picture of the sea lion

"I did baby, isn't he huge?" Yuki asked

"Momma how you know it's 'he'?" Yukiko asked curiously. Yuki looked down at her and back up at the sea lion, it was lying on its stomach

"That is a very good question baby, it might be a girl. I can't tell from here"

"Siwy momma" Yukiko giggled, Yuki just tickled her stomach making her laugh harder

"Alright kids shall we go see what else is here?" Kyo asked, cheers sounded in affirmation, so they walked on. They walked through a little tunnel which they found another porthole view glass. It was low enough so the kids could easily see what was in there.

"Mommy what ha?" Ken said excitedly, as he pointed to something swimming past the viewing hole. Yuki bent down behind the kids and explained that those were seals swimming around.

"They funny" Yukiko laughed

"Hey guys come and look at this" Kyo called over to the, he was a few feet away.

The three kids pulled Yuki along excited to see what their daddy wanted to show them, Yuki half fast walked, since the kids had short legs they couldn't run very fast. It was only a few steps away.

"Aww they look like they're washing their face" Yuuhei said happily about the sea otters, Ken and Yukiko had their faces pressed to the glass waiting for something exciting to happen. They watched for a few more seconds before growing bored with it, the sea otters weren't doing anything exciting though, so the family moved on.

They walked around a small waterfall passing a building, but there was a tunnel right across from the buildings that they hadn't gone through yet.

"Let's go see what's in there" Yuki pointed to the tunnel, the kids rushed in with Kyo

"There's supposed to be an octopus in there" Kyo said when they reached the glass.

"Mommy I don't see it" Yuuhei looked back at Yuki

"Sweetie look beneath you" Kyo said as he ruffled Yuuhei's hair. Yuuhei looked down and gasped

"Wow" he exclaimed. Kyo unbuckled Kayla and lifted her up so she could see the octopus; she reached out trying to touch it.

"It wook wied" Yukiko said as she looked at the octopus

*giggle* "It has big head" Ken said. To their amazement it started moving around, and they got to see its tentacles


"Oh no it's going away" Yuuhei said, the three looked as it went behind the rocks.

"It wen away" Yukiko said sadly.

"Sorry princess, but we have lots of interesting things left to see"

"Okay" Yukiko said as they followed Kyo out of the tunnel's archway. They came out and they were back to where they were before, on the left was going back down to the 'Passage of the Deep' but on the right was the 'Aviary'

"I think there are birds in here" Kyo said as he opened the door to let his family in.

"Don't eat them baby" Yuki teased his husband as he walked passed him

"Ha Ha" Kyo laughed sarcastically, he gently slapped Yuki's butt. Yuki looked behind him and smirked lovingly.

"Welcome, currently the majority of the birds are on the other side" and employee motioned towards a walkway going down to the left.

"Thank you" Yuki said to the man, he led his children down the path. They walked down to the pond

"Those are funny looking birds" Yuuhei said as he looked through the glass separating them and the water.

"Oh look!" Yuuhei pointed to the side over to a group of birds "One just flew in the water"

"Oh wow that was pretty cool" Kyo said as he held Kayla on his hip, he was standing behind Yuuhei. Yuuhei reached behind him and grabbed onto Kyo's pant leg and leaned into him

"Daddy why is the net up there" Yuki pointed up to the sky

"That is so the birds won't fly away"

"Oh" Yuuhei looked over the area the covered

"Bye Bye bwdies" Ken and Yukiko waved at them "We gowin now" they started walking off

"Well I guess were leaving" Yuki said as he smiled at Kyo. Kyo shrugged in amusement, but followed them none the less.

They waited at the doors for either their mom or dad to open it

"Thank you for waiting you two" Yuki said as he rubbed his hands through their hair, Yuki held the door open for his family. Kyo was holding Kayla in his arm while the other arm was pushing the stroller, and Yuuhei was walking in front of Kyo.

"Momma thewe bwlding wight thewe" Yukiko pointed to a building that said 'Costal Waters,' so Yuki opened the other door that was leading out.

"Alright that looks like the next place we should go" Yuki said. Yukiko, Yuuhei, and Ken were walking around Kyo and Kayla.

They saw some amazing things in the next few exhibits, there were lots of fishies. There were a few amazing things that stood out. The jelly fish being one of them, they were almost magical. They were beautiful just swimming around without a care, mindlessly floating around.

"So pwetty" Yukiko mentioned, her and Kayla were especially interested in them. Kayla had her hands on the glass, just watching them move around.

When they went to leave, Kayla gave a little sound of disappointment

"I'm sorry my baby girl, but we more pretty fishies to see" Yuki said in a soft voice as he took Kayla from Kyo.

"Ma Ma" she said pitifully with her big doe eyes looking sadly at Yuki

"Aww baby don't worry" Yuki cuddled with her, he knew the next thing they saw she would forget about missing the jelly fishies.

They were in the last room, when they came across a tidal pool. There were star fishes and sea urchins that you could physically touch, that was a big turn on for the kids. Kyo helped Yukiko and Ken up so they could feel the star fish and sea urchins; there was a ledge to stand on for little kids. Yuuhei being just the right height steeped up on the ledge and bent over to feel what was in front of him. Yuki leaned down by the water so Kayla could touch if she wanted to

"Do you want to feel the sea urchins?" Yuki asked her, she gave a little nod before reaching into the water. When she touched the tentacles of the sea urchin her hand immediately came out, but she giggled at the sensation. She reached back in this time to feel a star fish, she giggled even more as she rubbed the star fish's back.

"There's some anti bacterial soap over on that wall over there when they're done" an employee working with the tidal pool informed them

"Thank you sir" Yuki replied.

They left through the doors, and that was their exit. They came out on the same path they came from when they entered the park but on the other end of the path. Yuki put Kayla back into the stroller, before walking down the path

"Why don't we go in the gift store?" Yuki suggested, it was right there, so he led them in. He led them all the way to the back of the store where the children stuff was, he wanted to get them a shirt that said aquarium on it.

"Mommy can we buy one?" Yuuhei asked, Yuki looked to the side of him and noticed Yuuhei had found the stuffed animals.

"Just one okay"

"Kay" Yuuhei turned around and started looking through the animals, soon to be joined by Ken and Kayla

"Kyo I'm going to look for some shirts for them" Yuki told Kyo

"Alright, we'll be here" Kyo smiled over to Yuki giving him an amused glance when Yukiko squealed in surprise.

Yuki shook his head in amusement before leaving them to in search for some new shirts for his children.

Kyo was keeping a watchful eye on his roaming three; luckily they kept pretty much together in the same place.

"Daddy I wan this one" Yukiko said as she held up a stuffed plush animal of a pink sea horse

"Oooh good pick baby girl, now hold on to it until we have to pay okay"

"Okay daddy" she held tightly onto her sea horse as she stood by Kyo, waiting for her brothers to find a stuff animal. Yuuhei and Ken were looking intently at the plushies wondering which one to get.

"Oh!" Ken exclaimed "I wan this one" he grabbed the animal with both hands off the shelf and showed it to his daddy, smiling happily. It was a fluffy stuffed animal of a sea otter,

"I like that one baby it's very adorable, just like you" Kyo said as he gently poked Ken's stomach when Ken got closer to him

*giggle* "Daddy no tickles" Ken went to step back from the offending fingers, but accidently tripped over the wheel of the stroller falling right onto his bottom. He stared up in shock at his daddy; Kyo was fighting back a chuckle and a smile

"Are you alright buddy?" he asked as he crouched down, Ken smiled and nodded at his daddy. "Alright then well let's get you off the floor" Kyo helped Ken up with one arm, making sure he was study before letting go.

"Oh I found it!" Yuuhei exclaimed, Kyo looked up to his oldest son. The boy had found a stuffed animal of a sting ray "They the ones that had the funny faces, see?" Yuuhei turned the plushie around so he could show Kyo the face. It was cute

"Very cute baby, it suits you. Our smiling baby" Kyo said to his son, making sure Yuuhei was close enough to him; he started to look around for a stuffed animal for Kayla. He immediately found the perfect one, there on the shelf was a multi colored jelly fish, Kyo knew Kayla would love it. So he grabbed it and kneeled down in front of the stroller, and showed it off to Kayla

"What do you think sweetie?" Kyo asked Kayla, when she saw she squealed and made a grab for it. Kyo gave her the animal and watched her cuddle with it, he knew he chose wisely

"Alright shall we go find mommy now that we have our animals?" Kyo asked the kids

"Mommy" Yuuhei called out in confirmation

"I'm over here Yuuhei" Yuki called out hearing the distinct sound of his son's voice. He found a perfect t-shirt for the children; he was now finding the correct sizes. Yuki decided on a shirt that had a wide variety of sea creatures swimming around the words 'California Aquarium,' it came in pink and blue, so it was perfect.

Yuki looked down when a pair of small arms wrapped around his leg, it was Ken.

"Hey baby, you find a stuffed animal?" Yuki asked as he kneeled down on the floor, Ken nodded

"I did momma" he brought his sea otter up to Yuki's face

"It's so cute" Yuki kissed the toy on the head, making Ken giggle some more.

"You wan see mine mommy" Yukiko asked, coming up him

"Of course I do" Yukiko showed him a pink sea horse "baby that suits a princess perfectly" she grinned as she cuddled the toy

"Yuuhei what did you get?" Yuki asked his son that just came up to him

"A sting ray" he replied, showing Yuki he's new toy

"The ones with the funny face, good pick sweetie" Yuki replied "It can also make a good pillow too" he noticed the flatness of the toy"

"Ma Ma" Kayla called out from her seat, waving a stuffed animal around

"Did you find one too baby?" Yuki asked "Oh and look it's a jelly fish, your favorite"

"Alright let mommy stand up so we can go pay for the shirts and animals" Kyo said in amusement. He never got tired of his children's hyperness, Kyo helped Yuki stand back up

"We should go eat something also, I'm getting hungry" Yuki said to Kyo when he stood up.

"There's a restaurant in the building where we paid to get in, let's just eat there"

"Sounds good" Yuki said as they walked towards the cash register

"Guess what you guys?" Kyo asked Yuuhei, Yukiko, and Ken

"What daddy?" "Wha daddy?" "Wha daddy?"

"When we get back to the hotel, it'll be almost your bedtimes, but you guys get to have a sleepover with grandpa"

"Gwanpa!" they cheered

"I tell him what we see today" Yuuhei said to Kyo

"He will love that, he's looking forward to it" Kyo said, he was glad that they took Kazuma in so lovingly.

"Alright it's all paid for" Yuki said as he handed each child their toy back

"Thank you mommy"

"You're welcome my babies, now let's go eat" Yuki said, he was excited for tonight. He loved his kids to death, but Kyo and him haven't had alone time with each other since Yuuhei was born. They were taking Kazuma up on his offer, so they could have a night to themselves for once.

To Be Continued