Wow, I didn't expect you guys to like it. I don't know, I just felt down that night and needed to write this. And I said I didn't like it because...Well, English is not my first language (I'm Spanish, I think you all knew that) and I felt like I couldn't do my best. But thank you sooo much for your reviews! They make me feel sooo happy! Thank you to:

-randomcards227: Aw, my girl! We PM a lot ;) Thank you so much for your review!!! Can't wait to read all of your stories. They'll all be awesome.
Mizz Stud Muffin: thank you so much!!! You're a great friend, you always review me!! And you and I share the same opinion: no Joe/Stella. Aw, I'm really touched reading that you cried reading this. Thank you!!!!
kolirox: thank you so much!! It's always great to meat Jacy fans
mademymistakesx: you're the best review (to the other girls, don't forget that I also love you!!). You are the mainly reason to write this second chapter. Thank you soooo much! This is for you!


After the kiss, they just stood there, hugging each other, getting wet. The days after, Joe was still a bit down because of Stella and Van Dyke, but Macy comforted him. Nobody but them knew what was going on.

It was June, there were just two days left for leaving school.

"Agh, I can't wait! I need vacation so bad!" Kevin exclaimed while he waited for Nick and Joe at his locker.

"I know, but remember that it's not totally vacation. We're gonna do some concerts and need to prepare the new album and..." Nick told him.

"I know, I know" Kevin cut him. "I just say that I want to finish school". Joe smiled as he saw their two brothers arguing. He also wanted to finish school. Then he could hang out with Macy almost every day.

"Hey guys" Stella said happily. "Can you believe it? Just two days and we'll be free!" she said clapping her hands.

"I know! That was exactly what I was saying!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Hey Stella, how about if you come home tonight and we talk about the concert that we have in two weeks?" Nick told her.

"Oh guys, I'd love to, but..." she started as her smile disappeared.

"You have a date with Van Dyke?" Joe asked a bit angry. He knew that Stella was happy with him, but he still was a bit jealous about it. Stella was his little sister, and he still didn't like Van Dyke.

"No" she answered tired. "I'm going to have a sleepover with Macy"

"Tonight? But it's Thursday. Why don't you wait, I don't know, 'till tomorrow?" Kevin asked.

"You know why" she said seriously. "We try to use the remaining time".

"What are you talking about?" Joe laughed. "You have the whole summer to hang out" he said. Then he looked at Stella and his brothers. They weren't laughing. They were very serious, almost...sad. Something was going on. Something he didn't know.

"Joe..." Stella started.

"Why are you so sad? What's going on?" Joe asked scared. Something was wrong. Something about Macy. About his Macy. "You know something about her that I don't know. What. Is. It." He said very slowly.

"Look, I think we're not the ones who have to tell you. You should talk to her" Nick said. They all looked Joe again and walked again. Joe was just so confused.

"What?" he whispered. Then he reacted and started to run to find Macy. He really needed to talk to her.

He found her at her locker, hugging a girl. It was like they were...saying goodbye.

"I'll miss you Mace" the girl said.

"I'll miss you too, Alice" the brunette said. Then they pulled away and waved goodbye.

"Macy" Joe said. Then the girl looked at him.

"Joe? Hi!" she said happily. But Joe wasn't happy. He was scared.

"Macy, the guys are acting strange and..." then Macy's phone rang.

"Oups, wait a sec" she said picked up her phone. "Hello? Hey, Stella! Yeah. All right. Yes, I'm coming right now. See ya!" then she hung up. "I'm sorry, Joe. Can we talk later? Stella wants to see me right now, and you know that she doesn't like to wait" she said with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, right..." he said, still a bit confused.

"Great, then we'll talk tomorrow" she said and kissed his cheek. "Bye!" and she ran away.

"Bye..." he murmured. He didn't understand anything.

:. DAY AFTER.:.:

Joe was walking on the school hallways happily, it was the last school day. Then he saw Stella and Nick talking very low. He decided to spy a little. Maybe that way he'd found out what was going on with Macy.

"Did you talk with Macy?" Nick asked.

"Yes, and perhaps she hasn't told Joe yet" Stella answered sadly.

"What?! But... It's Joe! He has to know" Nick said.

"I know. I still don't understand why Macy didn't want to tell him. They're so close to each other" Stella admitted with lower voice.

"Yeah... I just hope that she tell him before she leaves"

Joe froze. Leave? Macy was leaving? She was going away? Without him? Without telling him? Then the bell rang and he got mad cause he had to go to class. The only thing he wanted to do at that moment was talk to Macy.

During the whole day, Joe couldn't talk to Macy. She never was where he thought she was. Was she avoiding him? No way. Macy couldn't do that...right? And she wasn't leaving either...right? She wouldn't go away and leave him alone...right? Agh, those thoughts weren't helping! Joe ran to her locker, but she wasn't there either. The gym, no success. The blench[you know, that place that it's like a little garden with a blench and doors made of glass (yes, Kevin, it's glass xDD) where Nick played his song to Penny, Macy "sang", etc], the classrooms... She wasn't anywhere. Joe decided to go outside, hoping she hasn't gone yet.

It was raining hard, like that night. The night when everything changed. She finally found her watching the rain, seating on the grass.

"Macy!" Joe shouted. The girl turned around and then he could see that she was crying. He just knew when she was crying, even when it was raining.

"Joe? What are you doing here?" she asked nervously and trying to dry her tears.

"I needed to find you" he started as he took one step closer to her. "Macy, what's that you're leaving?" he asked with sad eyes.

"Who...How did you know?" she asked surprised.

"The question is how did I not know?! Macy, you were planning to leave without telling me?" he said furious, tears falling from his eyes.

"Not, Joe, it's just..." she said crying.

"What?!" he asked frustrated.

"I didn't know how to tell you... I didn't want to hurt you"

"Didn't you think that maybe this hurts me worse?"

"Yeah, I mean no, but... Look, I knew you would've reacted like this. I knew that you'd break down, like when Stella and Van Dyke's thing. I didn't want you to feel bad for me"

"What you did you think? That I won't feel bad if you gone? Macy, I can't be without you" he said calmly, as he put a hand on her cheek. Macy sighed.

"I'm sorry, Joe. I'm going to Spain this summer and... I leave tomorrow" she said getting lost in his eyes. Then Joe hugged her, like he didn't want to let her go. That was true. He didn't want her to go... He almost lost her one time. He couldn't let it happen again.

They stood there, hugging in the rain for like half an hour.

"Joe, I'm sorry. It was just too hard for me. You know that I love you more than anything" she said crying on his shoulder.

"Macy, I---"

"Don't say anything. I know. I know that you don't love me and it's OK with me. Really" she said as they pulled apart. More tears were falling through her face. Joe wanted to say something, but he didn't know what. "Joe, could you do me a favor, please?"

"Sure, Mace. Whatever it is, I'll do it"

"Could you please kiss me goodbye?" she begged. Joe smirked.

"It would be a total pleasure, Mrs. Misa" he said. Macy smiled. Joe grabbed her chin slowly, as he looked in her deep, beautiful eyes. He took a deep breath and kissed her sweetly. It didn't take her long to kiss him back. He placed his hands on her neck and she placed hers on his chest. The kiss was the most beautiful you could ever imagine. Even though it was in the rain, even though they were crying, even though they were saying goodbye... It was magic again.


It was raining. Again. But somehow, Joe loved the rain. Their best moments with Macy were always when it was raining. And that day, Macy would finally come back from Spain. He had missed her so much. After those eternal three months, he finally realized: he loved her. Maybe that first time, when they first kissed in the rain, it was too soon for him to say it, but now he was sure. He loved her. More than anything. He'd lie for her. He'd kill for her. He'd die for her. She was his everything. And that rainy September day, when she came back, he'd tell her that the truth.

He laughed when he started thinking about Stella. She was so happy with Van Dyke now, and he felt totally stupid when he broke down because of them. If he hadn't acted like that, if he had told Macy that he loved her right then, maybe she would've never left and they could've spent the summer together. He shook his head. It wasn't time to think about that. He just could feel happy for having Macy with him again.

When he finally saw her walking through the airport door and probably heading to the parking lot, he drew his biggest smile. He ran to her and hugged her.

"Joe---I---can't---breath" she said, or at least she tried to speak.

"Oups, sorry" he said as he pulled away.

"Why are you here? How did you know that---" but she couldn't keep talking cause Joe put his hands on her cheeks and kissed her passionately. At first, she didn't react, but then she kissed him back as soon as she realized that she wasn't dreaming. After a several minutes, they pulled apart, fighting for air. "Wow" she just said breathing hardly. "What was that for?"

"I love you, Macy Anne Misa. I love you more than anything. Promise me you'll never leave me alone" he said as he took her hands in his. Macy was shocked, totally happy.

"You...really mean that?" she asked. She couldn't believe it. Was it real? Had Joe Lucas said that he loved her?

"Totally" he answered smiling. Her smile was the biggest and sweetest that Joe could've ever imagined. She started jumping happily. Joe laughed and stopped her. He slowly start getting close to her lips. "You promise that you'll never leave me again?"

"I promise" she said still smiling.

"I love you, Macy Anne Misa" he laughed.

"And I love you, Joseph Adam Lucas" she said. They finally kissed again.

That time was different. They knew that they were feeling the same: love. It was too big and too pure to describe. They danced and sang in the rain. They were finally happy again. They'll never be alone. Cause they were never going to stay away from each other. And probably, it'll be in the rain. As always.


Well, well, well, I didn't think that I'll write another chapter, but here it is! I just started imagining it and couldn't stop writing ^^ But I promise that I'll really really really try to end the chapter 4 of "Thanks to Frankie" by the end of the week. It was just that this idea didn't let me sleep.

If you want to, I might write a last chapter for this story: maybe a definitely epilogue of their life, how it was back to the school, etc. IDK, just give me your opinion. I love reviews, but I love you more, people (cheesy, yeah, so what? xD).

Thank you so so much for reading!!

P.S: I know you kinda don't mind what I'm going to say, but now I'm listening to a mix CD that I have just made and I think that:

-Catch Me (by Demi Lovato) fits perfectly at the moment of the rain, when Macy asks Joe to kiss her. You know, "Kiss me quick, but make it lastso I can see how badly this will hurt mewhen you say goodbye" and the whole song, in fact, fits perfectly.

- What Hurts The Most (by Rascal Flatts) fits perfectly with Joe, when he realizes that he loves Macy and he just didn't tell her. "What hurts the most was being so close, and having so much to say, and watching you walk away... And never knowing what could've been, and not seein' that loving you is what I was trying to do".

Just saying : ) If you guys want to check them out, they are very good and beautiful songs. Thanks for reading again!