Author's note: We'll give Ichigo some time to rest before we go about tormenting him again. After all, a victim- Ackhem, 'scuse me, a main character is more fun when he's wide awake to take all the abuse. Onwards!

DISCLAIMER: Do not try the "Tamaki Reviving" method at home, kids. I am not a medical expert, and I can't say that Yoshiyuki Sadamoto is either. I am completely serious; Imitating stunts in this chapter potentially lead to someone dying or having further harm caused to them. Whenever someone hyperventilates uncontrollably, call 911 immediately!

Now that I've got a keyboard and a captive audience, it's time to get started.

Switching time~

-Tamaki's point of view-

So far, this proves to be a wonderful idea. Renge, Kyouya, Hunni, Mori, the twins, and of course, Haruhi-chan are adapting well. In any case, it's not surprising that Haruhi is doing the best out of all of us. Not only does her upbringing prove to be an advantage in such situations, but she does seem to bear no grudge at for us making her attend. Now if only she'd wear the girl's uniform. As her father (figure), it's only natural that I'd want to see my cute daughter in a short skirt, right?

Back onto the subject of Karakura High, it's amazing! Everyone is so organized, and considering that the uniform was structured around such a low budget, it's almost charming. The common folk have a wonderful way of education. All my classmates are very diverse, and it seems that despite their lack of being tutored under a private school, they are just as intelligent as we are, and they're all very kind. Except…

There is this boy I was seated next to. Like Kyouya, he has short black hair and glasses, and he seems utterly unfazed by the Host Club's arrival. However, when I tried to start a friendly, engaging conversation, it led huge amounts of unforeseen trouble.

Currently, I sit in an uncomfortable yellow plastic chair that seems flimsy. The hallway smells like dusty chalk, and I, along with another, await the door with the gray peeling letters declaring it to be the principal's office to open and receive us. The one sitting with me that I now know to be called Uryu Ishida has scooted his own chair all the way down the hall and glares at me viciously even though I constantly offer him chocolate that Hunni smuggled me before I, along with Uryu, were forcibly ejected out of the classroom.

Where had this all gone wrong?

Hmm… I suppose I should think back on my attempt at conversation with him…


An hour had passed since the Host Club had introduced themselves to the class. I decided that I would try and connect with someone personally in the class. Best of friends… Nakama, the Japanese call it?

Let's see… The spiky orange headed one was asleep… The girl with a… considerably sized bosom was happily chatting away with Renge… A-ha! The person who sat next to me would do just fine!

"Hello!" I had announced, putting out my hand for him to shake as most people of Haruhi's social status would do. "I'm Tamaki Suoh, but no need for formalities. Just do as people like you usually do!"

Instead of taking my hand, he gave me a look I could only describe as similar to how Haruhi looks when she is annoyed by something and by chance happens to be looking at me for whatever reason I can't guess at all. After all, what daughter would be irritated at her father? Such a beautiful, loving bond prevents such things. Maybe in her moment of frustration, she looks at me to be consoled. Yes, that must be it! (I'm such a genius!) Anyway, the boy shot me a look and didn't shake my hand, but asked me carefully:

"Do as people like me do..?"

By the tone of his voice, I would almost say that it was suspicion of some sort. But that's impossible; We've only just met, after all. It's almost as if he was wary that I was some sort of person sent out to eliminate the last of his kind, but that's simply absurd!

I begin to wonder whether or not I have offended him. No one has taken to me with such dislike before. Panicking, I reconsidered my actions. Had I observed common people wrongly? Was my judgment tainted to the point where I am socially inacceptable? Did he…

Hate me?

Oh no! I hastily ran through my options, hoping to redeem myself somehow.

Was this envy of my wealth? If I gave him money, perhaps he would consider me to be no better than a spoiled aristocrat and would be offended to be considered drearily poor despite what reality dictates. Such is a harsh and unforgiving truth that tries to break a poor man's pride!

Do I go onto me knees and beg forgiveness? No, for even a man of the common folk would never let their pride fall to such depths. What would I gain besides losing respect? We could never be friends if such a thing occurred.

Should I propose to him? No, simply ridiculous! That's taboo anywhere, and Haruhi would want a mother-!

….No. She wouldn't.

I… Haruhi…

I never meant to disrespect the memory of…


Think, Tamaki! There is a greater issue at hand!

There was only one solution to such a problem.

I picked this up by accompanying Renge to what she calls a "kawn" when I was developing the B.L.E.A.C.H transfer program idea. A huge gathering of people of normal status sharing the same hobby passionately- She assured me that I was sure to learn many things about regular people. And so I watched, and was fascinated by a maneuver that was regularly performed, particularly by eager girls who donned kitty ears of many colors.

I leapt from my chair and "glomped" him with all my might, signifying embracement of whomever that person may be, the potential of an 'I-will-never-let-you-go' friendship, and a platonic bond that only men could share.

A note about "glomping" - With a name that good, what bad could come of it? It just sounds so… so… huggy. When I told everyone of it, Kaoru and Hikaru proposed that I do this to every unknown guy I met, but I refused, saving it for the most special, or in my case, dire of occasions.

The result?

Why, only the most bloodcurdling, high pitched scream I have ever had the misfortune to hear in my entire life. Frightened, I clung on even tighter and stroked the back of his palm gently in an attempt to calm his frayed nerves, but that just seem to make the poor student hyperventilate even worse as the students and teachers stared wide-eyed at us. (Well, Kaoru and Hikaru were giving me the thumbs-up signal and I think Renge was squee-ing, but…)

Wait, hyperventilate?

Introducing myself to normal high school students and learning their customs was devilishly tricky, but this I knew how to deal with, from that strange show Renge made me watch. (Something about Angels and giant robots and interestingly, high school students who weren't so normal.)

Without hesitation, I gently brought my mouth to his and proceeded to try and get his breathing to steady, lacking a paper bag for the proper method. His hands quickly grabbed onto my wrists tightly like handcuffs, and whether he wished for me to die or come even closer in his state of panic, I knew not. Perhaps both.

Pressed so close to him, my chest to his, through his thin shirt I could feel his heart fluttering like a butterfly desperate to find refuge. (Or was that my own?) What I had taken for a slender build at first was actually a thin, vulnerable body.

His lips were immensely soft, and I regretted viewing them as cynical because of his initial treatment of me. Such silken, sweet lips… I couldn't get enough…

I hesitantly poked out my tongue to taste them just for the briefest of moments. The taste was heavenly.

And that's when I knew.

I really had to ask him what flavor of chapstick he used when he calmed down.

Finally, he did. His glasses were askew, and I gently pushed them back in place with my finger. With surprising calmness, I registered the fact that I may have stolen his first kiss. In all fairness, would it be more accurate to say he stole mine by panicking like that? Of course!

Before we were shoved violently out the door by the outraged teacher and Uryu refused to speak to me at all, I had managed to whisper one thing in his ear.

"Was that strawberry or cherry flavored?"

-Finish Chapter 2, continuation on Chapter 3-

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! Reviews are loved and prompt me to put out chapters faster, comments to improve my writing are awesome, and any mistakes I make, please tell me of them! That's all for now! Bye~ (P.S. Tamaki x Strawberry/Cherry(?) chapstick is now my one true pairing)