May 1975


"Hey, Evans!" The ever annoying Potter called to me. I wondered if he'd ever realize I had absolutely no interest in him or if he'd just continue to ask me out until he eventually annoyed me to death.

"What do you want, Potter?" I shot. I was tired and I didn't feel like having him ask me out yet again.

"Is a hug out of the question?" He said, spreading his arms. I was about to answer, when Violet Potter jumped onto the couch I was on, standing on it.

"How 'bout a kiss?" Violet kissed her brother's forehead before she sat next to me. I laughed out loud as Potter looked deflated.

"Not cool, Vi." He said before turning to sit with the Marauders at the other end of the common room.

"Have I mentioned that you're my best friend ever?" I said setting my book down. She gave me a dazzling smile.

Violet was a female version of James, aside from the glasses. She had long black hair, beautiful hazel eyes, gorgeous brown skin, and a body to kill for. And James often threatened to kill any guy that thought of, fantasized about, or touched his sister. So, needless to say, Violet never had a date. She was also the only girl Keeper (or Quidditch player) that Hogwarts had. It was amazing that, while Violet and James acted alike in most aspects, I had immediately taken to Violet and hadn't even given James a second thought.

My other best friend, Severus Snape, plopped onto an overstuffed arm chair near us. "Hey, Sev." Violet and I said in unison.

"Hello," He said, slumping into his chair, with the sullen look that always graced his face.

"What's up, buttercup?" Violet asked. Severus curled his lip into a smile.

"Quidditch players," He answered smartly, earning a pillow in the face from Violet.

"Only a week left of school," Violet said, excitedly, clapping her hands. "Ready for summer?"

Me and Severus scoffed. Neither of us wanted to leave the comfort of Hogwarts. It gave him an escape from his parents, while it got me away from my rotten sister and her putrid boyfriend, "Vernie".

"I'd rather stay here. Petunia brings her friends around and they get into 'who's better' arguments." I said, rolling my eyes, "I'd rather deal with one of McGonagall's essays than listen to that."

"You don't have to," Violet said, smiling. Severus and I looked at her, interested, "I asked my mum and dad. You and Sev can stay at my house this summer."

I gave a loud laugh, "My god, Violet, do you know who lives at your house?"

"Your brother," Severus said, nodding his head to the gathering of Marauders in the corner.

"Yeah, he does. I tried to get Mum to put him in the shed, but she wouldn't have it." Violet joked.

"Your parents would let me stay?" Severus asked, actually thinking the offer over. I knew he'd deal with Potter and his gang over the summer if it meant not dealing with his father.

"Well, yeah. They've listened to enough of James' stories to know you would try anything."

"Don't the Marauders stay at your house every summer?" I asked.

"Yes!" She said, as if that were a selling point on the subject. "That's why I need you two there. I cannot handle another game of 'Steal Violet's Bra and Wear it Around the House', by myself." Severus blushed at the word 'bra'. For only having girl friends, he could be a bit squeamish when it came to references to the female body.

"I don't know, Vi." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease." She begged.

"I'll only go if Sev does. It's a good way to get away from Tuney." I said, giving up. Sev sighed.

"Sure. I'll go." Severus held up his hands in defeat.

"Since I love you guys so much, who wants to see me bug and/or scare the dementors out of my brother?" Severus and I raised our hands.


"How bout a kiss?" My sister said, before planting one right on my forehead.

"Not cool, Vi." I gave up and turned to where my friends were sitting.

"Better luck next time, Prongs." Moony said. Padfoot was glaring at Lily, my sister, and the newly seated Snivellus.

"You get rid of every other guy around your sister, yet, you don't get rid of Snivellus." Padfoot complained.

"Eh, he's not going to try anything." I put my feet on the table and leaned back in my chair. "Plus, we torture him on a daily basis. And having to deal with Violet's chatter is painful enough."

"How does an ugly little git like him, get to hang around with the the most gorgeous girls at Hogwarts?" Padfoot thought aloud.

"I think you mean, the most gorgeous girl at Hogwarts and Prongs' baby sister." I corrected.

"Mate, I hate to break this to you, but, your sister is A) is, by far, as hot as Evans, and B) is your twin, meaning the same age."

"I'm older by an hour." I whined. Padfoot straightened up and I turned to see Violet walking over.

"Hi, guys." She gave a small wave to Moony, Wormtail, and Padfoot as she sat down.

"What do you want, Violet?" I asked, irritably.

"Mum said I could invite friends over for the summer." My day immediately brightened. Violet talked to nearly everyone at Hogwarts, but she only really hung out with my favourite ginger.

"Lily's staying at our house for the summer?"

"Yeah, so is Severus." I dropped my chair to the floor.

"You're taking the piss."


"Mum would not let you have a boy stay for the summer."

"Oh yes, because I'm so safe with your friends at the house."

"Yeah, you are. We treat you like our own sister." Moony defended. If anyone was as protective towards Violet as me, it was him. Just yesterday, he pushed a Ravenclaw boy into the toilet for making a comment on Violet's ass.

"Sure you do." Violet said, sarcastically.

"Well, we're better than that bastard." Padfoot growled, "He's a slimy little git, it's only a matter of time before he tries something with you or Evans."

"Oh, he doesn't need to try." Violet said in a seductive tone, something I never wanted to hear from her.

"What?" Moony, Padfoot, and I said together. Wormtail was watching us like some muggle sport, his head whipping back and forth between speakers.

"I said, he doesn't need to try. It's not like we haven't shacked up before." My eyes widened, Padfoot and Moony looked sick at the thought. She continued, "Yep, James, I was deflowered by a Slytherin. Aren't you proud? It was fun, too. I'm surprised you didn't hear us. He rode me so hard."

I stood up so fast that my chair flung backwards. Padfoot and Moony stood and followed me to where Lily and Snape were sitting. Snape looked like he was holding something back. I was thisclose to jumping on the git and beating him to death, magic-less.

Violet stood between me and her friend.

"WAIT!" She yelled.

"For what?" I snapped.

"You wouldn't kill the father of your nephew would you?" She said, clutching her stomach.

I could feel my throat close and I could almost hear Padfoot and Moony's jaws hit the floor. That's when Violet, Snape, and Lily laughed hysterically.

"I-I –can't –believe –you fell – for that!" Lily rolled on the floor, shaking with laughter. Violet calmed down a bit.

"Relax, twin brother, Sev did nothing." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder. "So don't get you're knickers in a twist. That goes for all of you." Violet gave my friends pointed glances.

"Yeah, you'll be saying that when Snivily actually tries to get in your pants," Padfoot said.

"Hey, I'm more worried about Lily and my darling brother, here," Violet said, earning her a smack in the arm from Lily.