This may be a bit OOC, for all the characters. Most likely because I haven't actually watched the show in years. v.v
Probably a bit AU-ish too. I wouldn't know. So, don't get angry with me.
I own nothing. Nothing. Anything I may use in this, isn't honestly mine. :[

Ryou watched his friends with wistful brown eyes. Yugi, Jou, and even Malik had lovers, while he, Ryou, did not. It wasn't that he didn't love someone. He did, but as he often told himself, he'd never be loved back.

Turning his stare from his friends, his eyes focused on the window next to him. There were dark clouds forming over the city, and he knew it would most likely begin to rain. Ryou lost himself in his thoughts, not noticing that his friend was trying to get his attention.

"Ryou.......Ryoooou......RYOU!' The last time his name was called, it was accompanied by a poke to his side. Startled, Ryou looked over his shoulder to see his friend, Malik standing behind him. There was an almost sad look in Malik's eyes, as he looked at his smaller friend. "You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" Malik asked Ryou quietly.

Ryou nodded his head once before moving his gaze back to the window. He'd have to leave soon, to avoid being caught in the rain on his way home. He was currently at the apartment Malik shared with his lover and yami, Marik. Joining them there that night was Yugi and his lover, Yami, and Jou along with his lover, Seto

Earlier that day, at school, Malik had asked Ryou if Bakura was coming along. Ryou had asked his yami if he wanted to, but Bakura had refused to go. Malik had seen the reluctance in Ryou's eyes to go, if his Yami wasn't going. However, Malik had pleaded with Ryou to come.

So Ryou had come, only to stay to himself for most of the night. He knew Bakura would be angry if he stayed out too late, and got caught in the storm. So, not long after Malik had attempted to talk to him, Ryou headed home.

Walking slowly towards the home he shared with his yami, Ryou couldn't help the smile that fell into place on his face. Even if the love he felt for him was some what painful at times, he couldn't help it. The spirit of the ring was always in his thoughts.

Though Bakura could be rude at times, he had a softer side, one that not many saw. Not that many cared to see it, however. Ryou was pulled out of his thoughts as the rain he'd been hoping to bet began to fall. Sighing to himself, the white haired hikari sped his pace up, hoping that by the time he got home, he wasn't soaked.

I hope that was somewhat okay. It's not finished, obviously. :] Reviews will make me write faster! Hope you enjoyed.
Er, also, if anyone spots a mistake of mine, don't fear to point it out. I'd be grateful.