Three jounin, a special jounin, two chounin, but the rest... "Kakashi-san..." Tsunade observed the jounin and the company behind him. Fear and worry reflected in brown eyes, the sannin hesitated before speaking. "Why so many genin, Kakashi?"

"Tsunade-sama. These are the only shinobi available for the estimated amount of time the mission is to be," he explained, somber, "I'm not happy about it either."

Tsunade ran a tired hand through blond hair, "Nemu-san, I'm sorry but it really doesn't seem like we can be of any help to you at the -"

"That is quite alright, genin -the lowest class of shinobi, to my understanding - will do," Nemu cut in, her green eyes studying the shinobi accompanying Kakashi, "After all, skill as shinobi is of no relevance."

"Yes, but, they lack battle experience -" Tsunade interjected, and the Hokage frowned at the obvious discomfort of some. One particular girl caught her eye, fidgeting in the corner. Of all the – what is Kakashi thinking, asking the Hyuuga heiress for this assignment?! Biting her lip, Tsunade's attention snapped back to the shinigami before her. "I don't know if I can entrust shinobi of this caliber to you, Nemu-san..."

"If shinobi are needed, I would be more than happy to provide some," a voice suddenly called from the door, and a chill ran up Tsunade's spine. A man with half his side covered in bandages and a distinctive x shaped scar on his chin entered the room, "Tsunade-hime. And I believe you called for me."

Great! Just great! Tsunade wanted to scream as everything got more and more out of hand. I knew being the Hokage wasn't worth it! "Danzo.." Tsunade muttered, keeping her tone even with a superhuman effort. "Considering the recent... Antics... Of your subordinates, that might not be wise..."

Tsunade glared at Nemu, venom in her eyes. This is all her fault, Tsunade fumed. It was so tempting the Hokage to turn away the girl, and only Shikamaru's testimony kept her. "All evidence points to her telling the truth... In which case I don't think we have much choice, Hokage-sama..."

The shinigami didn't pay any heed to Tsunade's glare, rather she studied the shinobi following Kakashi, no doubt analyzing them and just how well they would do in her 'experiment'.

"If you are afraid of my subordinates' 'antics', as you put it, I would consent to only having one sent along – one nof which the great Kakashi Hatake could no doubt keep in line, if that is your concern, Tsunade-hime."

Chewing on her lip, Tsunade glared at Kakashi. "Hokage-sama," the jounin began, "I understand you do not wish to entrust your genin to this shinigami. However, I am willing to look after them, and, as long as there is breath in my body, they will return," Kakashi finished with a slight – possibly nervous – adjustment of the hiate that covered his left eye.

Tsunade's attention flicked to a jounin in a corner, her own apprentice Shizune, who had been in Kakahsi's group before leaving to summon Danzo.

Tsunade sighed, knowing defeat when she saw it. "Very well, Hatake-san. I'm counting on you. And you as well, Shizune-san do not let me down..." And don't even about dying... The sannin risked a sideways glance at Danzo, What's he after...? You can never trust this one... The only thing to do that I can think of is to let him have his way if I want to know what he's scheming... "If you insist, Danzo, one of your subordinates may join."

Hobbling on his cane, Danzo made for the door. "Thank you, Tsunade-hime," he finally called over his shoulder as he paused before leaving the Hokage's office.

"I apologize for my request causing you so much turmoil. Rest assured, I would not be doing this had it not been absolutely necessary," Nemu bowed at the Hokage, "However, time is of the essence and I need to get started as soon as possible. Is there an open area where I can train these shinobi, preferably in secret?"

Half an hour later, Nemu and sixteen shinobi stood in training area 31, an open field cradled in a valley just to the east of Konoha.

"It is to my understanding that it is proper conduct to introduce ourselves. Therefore, I am Nemu Kurotsuchi, Lieutenant of the Twelfth Squad and Vice-Captain of the Department of Research and Development." Not knowing and not particularly caringn what to expect, Nemu awaited the shinobi before her.

"I am Kakashi Hatake, jounin-leader of Team Seven and ex-ANBU captain," the jounin with a crooked hiate over one eye.

"And I am his eternal rival, Maito Gai, and leader of Team Gai, composed of the most youthful Rock Lee, Tenten, and Neji Hyuuga, and, of course, myself. And we won't lose to your hip-coolness, Kakashi-san; I hope you're ready!" A loud, bright voice announced, and Nemu winced at the violent green jumpsuit and blinding white smile a black-haired well muscled man wore.

"Mhm. Remind me again, why you are on this team? I don't recall asking you..." Kakashi sighed, not looking up from the book he buried his nose in, the very air around the jounin the quintessence of nonchalance.

The one called Maito Gai twitched, displeasure evident. "Because you are my eternal rival, that is why, Kakashi Hatake-san," he declared after a pause of stony silence, "And I have no intention of you nor your team outdoing mine. Besides, why would I pass up a chance like this to feed the burning flames of youth?"

"Well, whatever. Suit yourself, Gai-san, and good luck..." Kakashi murmured, not looking up from his book. Nemu wondered what this 'fire of youth', business was all about, and if it was anything like the 'Will of Fire'. She made a mental note to look into it.

"Neji Hyuuga, if you must..." one boy stated, voice as flat as an experiment table, and Nemu remembered him from earlier, one of her escorts, the one that had interrupted her fight. His odd white eyes weren't even open as he maintained his expression, both smug and bored.

Another one of the girls Nemu had seen earlier jabbed Neji in the ribs, and he responded with a glare. "Neji! Be a little more respectful, won't you?" she hissed.

"I don't see why I should. The only reason I'm here is because it is a mission. If I had things my way, we would deal with this problem our own way, instead of entrusting our lives to that girl..." he growled, still glowering at his kunoichi teammate. Nemu watched the exchange and shrugged. It was of no matter to her whether or not these shinobi wanted to become shinigami.

The girl hung her head and sighed. "I'm sorry, Kurotsuchi-san, I am Tenten," she glanced up. Nemu nodded, acknowledging the kunoichi.

Nemu jerked upright as an excited gasp sounded from the group. "Ohmygosh! My rival Neji actually beat me to it! And so did Tenten-san" Someone that looked like a miniature Gai lept to the front of the crowd and bowed, forming a perfect 90 degree angle. "My name is Rock Lee. It is an honor to be training with you!!!"

The larger Lee nodded in approval at the miniature Gai, the Hyuuga boy remained indifferent, and Tenten looked like she might start laughing. Nemu stood there, unsure of what to do. Hesitating, the shinobi decided to treat the pair as if they were normal – after all, Nemu had met more... Exotic... characters in the Soul Society.

"Thank you, Lee-san," she responded, her voice even and polite, "I will do my best to train you as a shinigami, and I trust you will do your part in helping my master and reclaiming the Soul Society."

"You can count on me!" Lee grinned, practically bouncing in place.

"Ino Yamanaka,"

"Sakura Haruno,"

Two voices chimed simultaneously, and Nem glanced at the kunoichi – she recognized them, the pink haired and blonde, but was caught off guard by the look of ferocity the pair wore. The two continued to squabble, subdued, obviously holding back.

"Troublesome..." a boy with hair remniscent of Renji, but black, Nemu noted, groaned. Noticing the shinigami's glance, he sighed. "Name's Shikamaru Nara. Team Ten."

A fat boy came up to Shikamaru's side, and smiled at Nemu, all the while jamming his face with chips. "Chouji Akimichi," he guttered between bites, "Team ten, and it's a pleasure!," He held out a moist hand, and Nemu took it to be the common convention to shake it.

One of the girls – Ino, the blond, snapped her attention away from her opponent, allowing Sakura to lash out at Ino's knees. "Ah – I'm also team ten -" Looking up from the ground Ino winced.

"And I'm seven..." Sakura ceased her assault and frowned, a depressing cloud hung over the kunoichi. "My other teammates are in the hospital..." Kakashi frowned at his student, not happy about the situation either.

"Why?" Nemu asked, curious at why it would matter and the kunoichi found it necessary to state this.

"They tried to kill each other..." Sakura's voice trailed off until just the lonely wind was left whistling through the clearing. Nemu would say something, but the expressions on the people before her kept her silent.

"Well, let's try to stay on task here, why don't we?" Kakashi smiled through his mask.

"Sure," Nemu nodded and wondered who would be the next to introduce themselves from the crowd.

"I believe we've already met," a boy stated, matter-of-fact and his face hidden hunder his coat, "But I am Shino Aburame, in case you've forgotten... Team Eight..." Oh, yes... Nemu recalled, that bug boy... And perhaps the most interesting of these shinobi. Mayuri would be pleased to have him as a specimen...

An older girl with shoulder length chocolate hair and a pair of fang markings on her cheeks patted one of the three dogs milling about her. "Hana Inuzuka," she smiled up from where she knelt, "and these are the Haimaru." As if on cue, one of the Haimaru trotted up to Nemu, sniffing at the shinigami curiously. Tentative, the dog licked Nemu's hand before peeling back his lips, a low growl sounding. It doesn't like me...? Nemu frowned.

A boy with markings like Hana's looked up, clearly exhasperated. "Sheesh, sis, can't you even keep them under control?"

The girl called Hana rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, and the dog returned to her, ears perked and tail proudly waving.

"Sorry bout that, Kurotsuchi-san. You do remember me, right?" he scratched his head before sighing, and Nemu wondered if the Inuzuka got flees. "Anyways, I'm Kiba Inuzuka, Team Eight." A white puppy yipped, and Kiba glared at Nemu. "I don't have to tell you who he is, do I? Come here, Akamaru," he patted his pup's head.

Nemu smiled a little, Such odd creatures, these shinobi... I had to remember the dog but not the person? I can't wait to tell Mayuri about this race...

"Um-uh-uh-uh..." Hearing the shy stuttering, Nemu scanned the crowd for its source, finally finding her near Shino. "I-I-I a-am hi-Hina-a-ta h-Hyuuga," a girl with violet hair and the same eyes as that Neji boy stammered. Blushing, the girl continued, "I'm from Team Eight, as well..." she seemed to get her stuttering under control, and the puppy – Akamaru, Nemu remembered – crawled over to the girl, gently barking. Relief showing in a small upturning of the lips, she bent down and picked the dog up, cuddling him as he licked her face.

Nemu – and just about every shinobi present – went rigid as an amused chuckle sounded throughout the clearing. "Hey! What's all that stammerin' for?!" someone muscled her way up to the front of the crowd. "Heh," she grinned. Several of the genin took several steps back. Nemu, unimpressed, observed and analyzed the woman, calm and quiet. She her hair had a distinctive purple tint, she had large brown eyes, wearing a trench coat to match. A simple necklace hung from her neck, and a kunai spun lazily in her hand, and a smirk most would consider demonic pasted across her face.. "Anko Mitarashi, special jounin of Konoha. This'll be fun!"

"Hello," another shinobi deemed it the right time to speak up, and the only one completely unpertrubed by the newest kunoichi's odd behavior. Nemu's eyes flickered in recognition. Neji slid between the two in a subtle defensive stance. Kakashi didn't move an inch, but observed with a close eye. "My name is Sai."

Yes, Nemu narrowed her green eyes, It most certaintly was him; last night, it was him who attacked me... The boy wore all black, creating a sharp contrast with the bare paper-white skin of his midrift. Nemu remembered that tanto strapped to the back, but there was that one defining feature Nemu would never forget – that is, as long as her father didn't tamper with her memory. The smile.

The smiling boy cocked his head to one side, seemingly considering something. "Oh," That smile... Nemu couldn't focus on anything else, "It's you," Smile smile smile... "Don't worry. Danzo-sama made it quite clear that I am not to attack you again." Still smiling - Smiling, smiling! "So I hope we can get a long," he finished with a smile. Shivers ran up and down Nemu's spine.

Rigid with fear, it took all Nemu possessed to rally herself. Forcing her worried expression away, Nemu nodded at Sai, the smiling boy. "So do I."

A young woman with shoulder-length black hair, black robes, and a nervous expression eyed the boy, suspicious, but turned her attention to Nemu. Oh, this is their Hokage's assitant, isn't she...? "N-name's Shizune!" she chirped, trying to hide her discomfort, Nemu discerned. "S-So, why don't we get started?"

Nemu nodded in agreement. "Hai, Shizune-san," Nemu ruffled through her items and brought out sixteen phials.

Where... Where am I? The redhead thought. He had opened his teal eyes, but everything was just so blurry and bright that he had to shut them again.

"Oh. You're awake. Good. Just don't try to move..." That voice... Gaara turned his head and cracked his eye open in an attempt to see his rescuer. "I thought I told you not to move," she reprimanded him, her voice stern. Something fell inside the former jinchuuriki. I... Made her upset... For whatever the reason, and for the first time in his life, Gaara actually cared.

Why do I care? He wondered, What does she mean to me? For the life of him, Gaara couldn't understand why – but he just knew that he couldn't bare making her upset and angry at him.

"I... I was dead... I know it... I... Was..." Still as a rock – as if he would risk her wrath – Gaara finished, "Dead..."

A chuckle as light and soft as any cloud massaged Gaara's ear. "Yes, funny, isn't it? You really are a strange individual, you know that? Yes, boy,"

Boy? A longing welled up in Gaara. He didn't want to be a monster – or a mere boy – anymore, not after meeting 'Naruto Uzumaki'. "Gaara," he rasped. My name is Gaara, please, he practically prayed, Call me Gaara.

"Gaara then," she – whoever she was, amended, "You're body parished. Most of your soul particles had departed. It took every ounce of my skill to re-activate the body and tie the fleeing spirt back to it. Truly, it is mere chance that you are alive now... Gaara-san."

Hardly anything the woman said made any sense whatsoever, but by the fact that Gaara breathed then was proof of the truth of her unbelievable words.

His breathing lazy, Gaara half-opened his eyes. "That should be impossible... Just who are you...?"

He couldn't see the woman's face, but Gaara swore he could feel her smile. "Retsu Unohana, Captain of the Fourth Squad of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads of the Soul Society," she declared, voice crisp and clean.

"Th-Thank you... Unohana...san..." fatigue washed over the boy, and his consciousness slipped away. Kankuro...kun... Temari... chan...

Kankuro?! Temari?! Gaara's eyes snapped open and he jerked upright. Pain seared through every cell in his body but he ignored it. He wobbled to his feet, looking around. Only to be firmly pushed back down and a soothing glowing hand pressed on his chest.

"Kankuro! Temari!" he thrashed, pushing away the woman. Frowning, the woman took a step back.

"What is the matter, Gaara-san?"

Gaara grit his teeth. He – and his teammates – had been ambushed by the black-and-red garbed shinobi on their way back to Suna after helping Konoha. Gaara had n o idea whether or not they were still alive, but he had to try to find them.

"Thank you, Unohana-san, but I am afraid that I must leave now to find my companions."

Unohana frowned, then shook her head. "i'm sorry, Gaara-san, but you are in no condition to leave," a smile of fearsome measures slipped over her features, "If you do, you'll die."

"I don't care!" They fought to protect me! I have to find them! "I'm sorry Unohana-san, but I have to go!" Wincing in pain, he limped a way as quick as his weakened legs could carry him.

A firm, hard, and cool weight suddenly pressed down on Gaara's shoulder. And something else, like there was a weight on his very spirit and being. Gaara bent to one knee, glanced over his shoulder, and glared at the woman holding him in place.

"Gaara-san," she declared in that mesmerizing angelic voice of hers, and the boy froze. "You are not leaving my care. Is that understood?" Unohana smiled, "Now then. Where was the last place you saw your companions?" she asked, drawing the katana from her back.


Gaara watched in awe as the blade vaporized and then slowly coallesced into a gaint one-eyed manta ray.

"Drink this," the shinigami had said, "it is the first step to becoming a shinigami. And with the aid of those who are both shinobi and shinigami, we may retake the Soul Society yet."

Shizune examined the phial, and to say the jounin was a little suspicious would be an understatement. Separates body and soul... That is what Nemu had told Tsunade-sama, and as unbelievable as it seemed, Tsunade appeared to accept it.

"You have one hour," the Nemu girl continued, "One hour before you have to return to your body. That is the limitations of this particular solution, there is no articial soul like in soul candies to keep the body alive. This will continue bodily functions for one hour. I won't lie, this will be difficult," Shizuneand quite a few of the other shinoboi frowned in mild confusion.

The shinigami raised an eyebrow. "What are you waiting for? I asure youit will be alright given you return in an hour..." she prodded

"Well, remember, this is the mission Tsunade-sama has given us," Kakashi examined the phial between his fingers before gulping it down.

Kakashi-san is right.. This is a mission, no time to be hesitating... Turning over her shoulder, she called with a false smile, "Well, let's go genin..." She drank the tasteless substance.

The strangest sensation the jounin had ever felt coursed through Shizune. What the? A thud sounded, and Shizune turned to see her body fall to the ground. Looking down, she saaw a chain attached to her chest Swallowing a shriek, she stared at Nemu.

"Very good," the shinigami said, nodding in approval, "As of now, You are all pluses."

Pluses? Tsunade-sama, just what have you gotten us into?..

"My understanding is that you shinobi use chakra – a combination of physical and spiritual energy – and therefore we can skip the first step. Now then," a glow wrapped itself around Nemu's hand, "I must be sure to thank the substitute shinigami Kurosaki Ichigo. This technique was formed by my master after the drastic and barbaric measures required to turn Kurosaki-san..." she nodded, as if to herself, and moved forward.

Shizune blinked as the shinigami's hand was now right over her heart. Shizune felt her consciousness flutter away and breathing seemed hard. Emotions ran through her, making her want to shiver.

"There," Nemu said, a blade lain across her hands. "Your zanpakuto, Shizune-san."

Consternated, Shizune grasped the katana. Energy surged around her, and she gasped as her clothing had transformed, and her chain disappeared.

"You are now a shinigami, Shizune-san. Now then, who's next?"

Okay, so we didn't get as far as I would have liked in this chapter – sorry, I didn't think that introducing the shinboi would take so long. Next chapter, I promise you all. So, be a kind person and tell me what you think of this little story of mine. How is the idea? The style? Are the characters ooc? Let me know, so drop a review.

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