A/N: I'M NOT DEAD. The story is not dead. Might be in a coma though.

It's been five years since the last update. Ouch. I'm sorry about leaving the story on a cliffhanger; truth is I can't remember what Dumbledore's dastardly plan was and now I'm stuck.

I want to keep on writing TNSBL, and it's not abandoned, but I'm stuck. I don't know where it was supposed to go (that's why I stopped writing it in the first place) and until I find a direction I can't update it. I never meant this story to have a plot, and it caught me by surprise.

Here's the thing: I'm going to keep trying, every couple of months, to figure out where it's supposed to go. BUT, I would really appreciate it if you could take a few seconds and drop me a line with whatever idea you think might fit -your fresh eyes might be just what this story needs to kick into gear.

Thank you for bearing with me, dear reader, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

Amber Akasha