
- Will you, Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer, make me the happiest man on earth, and marry me?

He hold his breath while opening the little black box in his hand.

God I'm so lame, I can't be this nervous, of course she will say yes when I ask her. She's the woman of my life.

Lucas closed the box and put it inside his pocket. He looked into the mirror again and smiled.

Life is good!

- Luke honey, we're going to be late. - Peyton said from the living room.

- I'm coming sorry.

He left the room and that's when he saw her, standing next to the front door, in a beautiful black dress with her hair down, and those blonde curls he loved. She had that goofy smile on her face, while looking at something. His heart always stopped when looking at her.

God, blondie, someday you'll kill me...

She looked up from what she was holding, and tried to put on an angry face

- Oh, finally Luke. You took so long to get ready, one of these days I'll le... - She was interrupted with a sudden kiss. He had his arms all around her. Finally they stopped, Peyton was out of breath.

- Wow, I guess you like me angry then. - She laughed.

- I just love you, Peyton Sawyer, always have and always will.

- I love you too Lucas Scott!

- What's that you're holding?

- Oh this...- She raised her right hand - It's just a picture.

Lucas took it from her hand. It was a picture of her and Brooke, when they were 10 years old. They were sitting in a tree, he could see Peyton's house in the back. They were holding they're little hands, and laughing. Just two little happy girls, against the whole world.

- This is a beautiful picture Peyton.

- Yeah it is, those were other times.

- I can't believe we're seeing her today, after 3 years, it's been so long, so much has happened.

- You can say that. - She now had a sad face - Well let's go, we're already late.

They left the house and went to the car. Peyton still couldn't let go of her 1963 Mercury Comet Convertible, it had her whole "life" in there.

As Lucas drove, she kept looking outside the window, watching people pass by, the familiar streets and houses.

Brooke...I'm going to see Brooke. How should I act? Angry? Sad? Happy? Arghhh, I don't know what to do. Why did she leave Tree Hill 3 years ago? Why did she leave us? Leave me?

Peyton's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden stopping of the car. They arrived.

- Let's go my lady. - Lucas opened her door and hold her hand.

They looked at the house in front of them. It was huge, and had a deck, over the river. Everything about it said Brooke Davis.

- She sure still knows how to live big. - Lucas smiled. - Let's go.

They approached the front door and before they could actually knock, it opened. -

- OH...MY...GOD! - The person in front of them screamed. - The once hot couple of Tree Hill is here!

- Hi Rachel! - Peyton said with much less entusiasm. - Didn't know you'd be here.

- Nice to see you too. Of course I'm here, biatch. Brooke and I are best friends since she left. We live together in L.A.

Peyton felt her stomach take a turn when hearing that. Because now it was official, Brooke was no longer her best friend.

- Well as much as we would love to talk here in the cold Rachel, could you take us inside? - Lucas said.

- Come on in. I see you're still hot Broody! - She said while checking him out, when they entered the house.

Peyton just gave her a look, one of those looks.

- Whatever Skinny! Let's go meet the others.

Rachel passed the living room, that was empty and opened the back door, that went to the deck. They saw some tables, with food, bottles and candles.

There was a big group of people, they're friends and one or two that they had never seen.

- Look who's here. - Rachel announced.

Everyone looked to the door.

- Hey. - Peyton and Lucas both said.

Hailey and Nathan were the first to greet them.

- What's up my big brother and his lovely girlfriend? - Nathan high-fived him.

- Hey guys - Hailey said, showing her big smile, she always had.

- Who's that? - Peyton pointed to some guy, who was talking to Rachel.

- That's Julian, he's Brooke's boyfriend. I think he is some movie producer she met in L.A. Still don't know the whole story.

- Movie producer you say? - Lucas said with a smirk. - Nate wanna introduce us? Gotta find Brooke by the way.

- Sure buddy, come on.

- So... - Hailey had a serious face now

- Hales I know that face. What do you wanna ask? - Peyton said now looking at her, after starring at that Julian guy.

- What do you think about all this? Brooke leaving and you guys stop being friends like before.

- I don't know Hailey, I still don't understand why she left that way. After that it was never the same, I tried talking to her, and you remember I even went to L.A, but she kept a distance between us. I'm not even sure if I should be here, if I want to be here, she was my best friend. How could she do this?

Hailey just nodded and looked at Peyton, she looked more than sad, she seemed crushed, Hailey understood her friend.

- Well you're here right? So let's try and make a good time. And you better say something to Brooke, you can't be hiding in her house.

- Yeah, you're right Hales.

Just then, someone came from the living room and passed the door. Peyton looked and there she was. Dark brown hair, that used to be long, now was straight short. She wore an amazing red dress, that exposed both her back and shoulders.

Brooke Davis...beautiful and breath-taking as always. - She thought

Peyton, as for the rest of the group, could only stare at that woman, worthy of a Greek godess statue beauty.

Brooke didn't notice Peyton as she walked by, and went to Julian. He grabbed her waist and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

- You look amazing Brooke Davis. - He said with his famous grin.

- Well thank you Julian. You don't look too bad yourself. Now I need to go talk to my old friends.

She let go of him and when she turned around, her heart almost stopped.

There she was, standing next to Hailey, looking right at her. She had all her blonde curls, falling and resting on her shoulders. She was in a simple but beautiful black dress, that showed her skinny body, Brooke always teased about. She could spot those green eyes miles and miles away.

Peyton Sawyer...beautiful as always. - Brooke smiled

- Peyton. - She walked towards Peyton.

- Brooke. - She almost whispered.

They just looked at each other, before taking another step.

God, I just want to hold you Peyton. Should I?

I want to hug you, in my arms, like we used to...But I bet you donĀ“t want that - Peyton had a sad and worried face.

They stayed there, without doing or saying anything. Hailey quickly stepped in.

- Well ladies, I have a suggestion, tonight is a party right? So let's have drinking games or something. I'll go put some music to dance. Peyton wanna help me?

Peyton couldn't take her eyes from the other pair that stared at her but she managed to say something.

- You go ahead Hailey, I gotta go find Luke.

Hailey looked at them and left to go find the stereo.

- Well it's been a good conversation so far, but I have to go find my boyfriend. - Peyton said with an upset face.

Brooke caught her arm before she walked away.

- Peyt...I'm sorry. - Her voice was cracking.

Oh no Brooke, don't start crying.

- I hope someday I can understand or actually know the reasons you left that way, but not today Brooke, I'm here because Lucas wanted me to come, and my friends are here. I can't talk about this now.

Brooke let go of her arm and watched her leave.

It wasn't supposed to be this way...Peyt, I loved you!