
Charter 1 Merge

Summery: Naruto Finds a way to save Sasuke, but it comes at a cost. His Freedom. And maybe the freedom of others!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did then it would all have turned out differently!

"demon speaking"


"Naruto talking to kyuubi"



"Are you sure you want to do this Kit?" Questioned Kyuubi, at what Naruto was asking.

"There no other choice! It's the only way Kyuu!" Naruto all but screamed at the kyuubi!

"If your sure kit"

Naruto walked calmly up to the great cage that held the Kyuubi. Taking a deep breath he jumped up and grabbed the seal the held the Kyuubi back, and ripped it off. The gates slowly opened and Kyuubi's charka engulfed Naruto.

Naruto tried to bite back a scream from the pain of the youki charka suddenly entering his coils.

Naruto slowly got up. He looked around noticing he was back in his apparent and not in his mindscape.

"Agu. Feels like I just got punched by Sakura!"

Feeling something wrap around his waste he looked down to see 1 of the nine golden fox tails around his waste, he bit back a gasp, and reached his hand up to feel his head and low and bohold he felt 2 fox ears.

He ran to the small bathroom and looked in the mirror. There looking back at him was what you think was a girl. His Azure blue eyes had become silted like a cat and had darkened a little bit. The whisker marks had become darker and much more defined. Next came the hair First he noticed that it wasn't it original sunny blonde, it had become tinted red, it was also a lot longer it came to his bottom. He looked down and almost screamed he wasn't wearing his bright orange KILL ME NOW jumpsuit, what he was though was a black sleeveless top that showed off his toned stomach, black short shorts, boots that went a little past his knees, they were opened toed. On his arms were black fingerless gloves that went past his elbows. He noticed he was a long high collared trench coat with a picture of Kyuubi on the back.

Sighing he went into his mindscape to say a few choice words to the Fox. When he arrived there all he saw was the open gate and a little piece of paper.

Walking up to the cell he picked up the piece of paper.

Dear Kit,

You probably have a few words to say to me I can guess.

"Damn straight I do"

Before you start freaking out no I'm not out destroying your village, since you ripped off the seal we've merged so all my memories and powers now belong to you. Also since you're a demon now and lord of the foxes your contract with the frogs has been atomically terminated. And about your looks I had no control over that, but the outfit, seriously kit how could you walk around in that KILL ME NOW orange! It had to go. I hope your plan works.

The all powerful


The newly appointed fox lord looked down at the paper a tear falling down and hitting the paper. Quickly wiping the tear away he came out of his mindscape.

Taking off his headband and laying it on his bed along with a scroll he summoned a fox and gave it a second scroll, "Give this to Itachi." And dismissed the summon to do its task, he picked up the third scroll stuffing it in his pocket he jumped out the window.

Reaching the wall that surround the village he looked back for what was probably the last time, "Good-bye Kohano."

Saying this he jumped off the wood and disappeared into the forest.


Mia: He left

Kia: You wrote it

Mia: SOOO He left!!

Kia: Mia what are you planning to do

Mia: Nothing the story goes were story pleases

Kia: So you haven't planned anything

Mia: Of course I've planned a little bit

Kia: Whatever your not going to tell me

Mia: Exactly so if you wanna know what happens REVIEW!!