
Chapter One - Prologue

How long had she been running?

It felt like hours had passed since she'd stopped for a breath. Her lungs were burning in her chest and her heart pounded inside of her with a fierce, hammering force. Every step was becoming harder and harder to take and she knew it was only a matter of time before she slipped or stumbled. The thought of what would happen when he caught up to her afterwards gave her another surge of adrenaline, and she stampeded through the darkened alleyways with a quick, renewed burst of speed.

Alleyways. Why alleyways? Of all the places she could have run to, she took the damn alleyways. At the time she hadn't even really thought about it, but now she could only curse beneath her breath as she turned a corner. All the while she could hear that mocking laughter follow her. That strange, garbled and twisted laugh that bounced off the walls and echoed in her ears.

Other than that and her breathing she was fairly sure she'd gone deaf.

Her eyes were stinging with the burn of barely shed tears. She furiously wiped across her face with her sleeve, dragging in ragged, heavy breaths. She knew she couldn't afford to cry right now, even though the desperation that stormed inside of her made her just want to give up and fall. But she couldn't.

She didn't know why he was chasing her. Why he was doing this to her. He had yet to do anything to actually hurt her, but that strange, malicious glint in his eyes and that laughter terrified her beyond belief.

Whatever he was, he wasn't human.

And the thought of that was beyond her comprehension. It was impossible. Not human, what else could he be? He had two legs and arms, hair and eyes. He... it looked human.

But then why did his voice cause unnatural chills to travel along her spine? Why did that evil look in his eyes tell her to run? Run and never stop.

She was in agony. Every nerve ending felt like it was on fire. Her legs were burning and her breath was catching in her throat now, tearing it raw and leaving her mouth so, so dry. God, what she wouldn't give for some water. A rest, a moment to catch her breath.

She could hear him laughing still. Always laughing, following her. It sounded like he was right behind her.

Her resolve began to die. She heard her steps begin to slow and could feel her legs become heavier. Suddenly it didn't seem like could pull in enough air and she felt like she was suffocating. The next thing she knew she was slumped over, hands on her knees as she sobbed, coughing viciously. She could feel a thick, wet mucous in her throat. Her tears stung as they slid down her cheeks. She felt like she was going to be sick, feeling her stomach roll over and over, her abdomen muscles clenching so tightly she thought they would shatter.

Please... please no more!

She cried wordlessly, her voice torn as she sobbed uncontrollably. Fear clutched her head and she could hear him laughing still. Laughing... laughing... It bounced off the walls of the alleyway around her and she fell weakly to the ground, covering her mouth to cover a scream. She didn't understand why this was happening to her. Maybe it was just her luck, picking the ones that turned out crazy. She should've known better, she should have seen the signs... But she had no idea. No idea.

"There you are...."

His voice slithered into her ears like a snake, dripping venom into her mind. She clapped both hands over her mouth now to stifle her scream, afraid of what he'd do if she even dared. Her eyes were shut tightly, she was too afraid to look. She didn't want to look, to see those eyes. Those inhuman, glowing eyes staring back at her.

"Gotta hand it to ya. You're pretty fast."

She jumped, tightening herself into a ball as his voice sounded from someplace closer.

God, he didn't even sound like he was out of breath.

What was he?

"But like all good games, I guess this one has gotta come to an end."

A whimper escaped her and she screamed soundlessly into the palms of her hands, her heart racing. His voice was right behind her. He was right behind her. She could feel him. Not the warmth of a human being, but the coldness of something supernatural and evil. The hair on the back of her neck was on end and she felt bumps rise up and down her arms. She cried and prepared herself, knowing there was no escape now.

A moment passed and nothing happened. He didn't say anything else and for a brief second she wondered if he had gone. She waited, continuing to sob into her hands and refusing to open her eyes. She knew, she just knew that he'd be right there in front of her, smirking so darkly.

But a minute passed by now without hearing anything. She felt the faint glimmer of hope begin to stir in her breast and slowly began to struggle to get her sobbing under control. The only sounds she could hear were now the beating of her heart, the rush of her breath and the faint hiccups as her tears slowed. She strained her senses, listening carefully for anything else. His breathing, a shifting of weight or the soft crunch of broken gravel. Anything.


Slowly, she opened her eyes and dared to squint out from behind her thick eyelashes. The alleyway was empty in front of her. In the distance she could see the street and could hear the idling engine of a car stopped at a nearby traffic light. The hope in her heart blossomed.

Was he gone?

She opened her eyes a bit more and looked more carefully. Nothing in front of her.


Panic shot through her body, burning like a wildfire. She was paralyzed, barely able to move her head. But she had to. Something compelled her and she forced herself to turn and look, to see standing behind her -

Golden eyes staring back from the shadows, burning right into her very soul.


She screamed.

Well, here it is, my first attempt at Bleach fanfiction.

To say I'm nervous is an understatement.

This will be a multi-chaptered fic, with an epic storyline filled with wonderful Bleach goodness.