Thanks a lot to my beta-reader,Duchess_Of_Arcadia , for correcting my mistakes.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.

I'm not a native speaker of English!

Dear readers,

finally the last chapter. I was very happy that so many people liked the story. Please give me a review on this chapter as well!

A special thank you to coffeeonthepatio for her wonderful detailed reviews! *hug*


Chapter 4 – Saying Goodbye


"What are you doing, Alastor?" Poppy asked puzzled. Hearing the loud scream and the pop of the cork was answer enough for her. Seconds later a dropping Molly stood before them. Alastor could hardly remain calm. The grin was very obvious on his face. "Don't dare to laugh, you old fool," Poppy said but could hardly contain her own laughter.

"Come on, Molly, lets get you dry," Poppy said and went over to the still shocked Molly.

"This was such an expensive champagne. I'm so sorry," Molly said miserably.

"You would never believe what a fantastic present you just gave my husband, Molly. Believe me that was the best use you could have done with that bottle," Poppy said to calm the red-haired witch.

"Poppy is right, my dear. This really made my day. Look there is still enough champagne in it to clink glasses with you." Alastor handed one glass to Molly and one to Poppy. "Salute," he said and lifted his own glass.

If Alastor thought that was the highlight of his party, he was very much mistaken.


A loud crash was heard as Tonks fell out of the fireplace. "Oops, I'm late. Sorry old man. Oh, I mean Alastor." Tonks grinned. "Look I have a present for you. I heard you wanted people to make something for you."

Alastor looked dumbfounded at the little tin man in his hand.

"It shall remind you of me," Tonks said and tapped the tin man's head. "Look he can change his hair like me."

Severus, who had dared to come close to Alastor again, giggle excitedly.

"Great, I always wanted a tin man that reminds me of you, Tonks," Alastor said teasingly but grinned about this creative present. "Will it also knock over my chairs and vases?"

"No, but he can do more. Just say the name of you wife," Tonks instructed.

Alastor eyed her closely. "You are aware that there are children in the room?"

"Of course I am, old man. Now do it!" Tonks ordered.

When Alastor said Poppy's name the little tin man grabbed his heart and moved his hands as if he had to hold his beating heart inside his body. His head started to become red and his eyes came out. The magical one even popped out completely and tangled on a little spring.

Severus, Fred, George and Harry laughed their lungs out. Most of the adults also laughed or tried hard to compose themselves.

"Hey, boys, could you please do me a favor?" Tonks asked the kids. "Tell Kingsley that I need him here and give us a bit of privacy, okay?"

"We are adults," Fred and George protested. They wanted to see what else the tin man could do.

"I know, and I'm sure Alastor will show you more, but right now I need you to entertain a little one that isn't supposed to see the next thing, okay?" Tonks whispered pleadingly.

Severus was occupied by examining the tin man and didn't realize that there would be something he would miss.

When the 'kids' were gone to get Kingsley, Tonks said excitedly, "The best you haven't even seen, Alastor. I promised you something, remember?"

"Yes, I remember, but calling Kingsley over here is against this wish," Alastor said, puzzled, but curious.

"So old, and still so impatient, Auror Moody." The little tin man jerked and saluted.

"Isn't he cute?" Tonks asked and patted the head of the tin man; his hair changed pink.

"Ah, Alastor, finally I can make it through the crowd to congratulate you. The whole Auror team," —Kingsley looked surprised at the little tin man who saluted—"sends you their regards."

"How very thoughtful of them," Alastor said. Kingsley still was one of his friends, and he had tried his best to prevent Severus' fate. He hadn't been minister at that time, and if he had been, all would have come to another end. That Alastor was sure about.

"I also want to give the wishes of the whole ministry." This time Kingsley even jumped aside because the tin man started to throw up heavily. Green, yellow liquid was coming out of his mouth in a fountain, and he grabbed his throat forcefully. To Poppy's relief the liquid vanished after a few seconds, and the tin man recovered. Alastor grinned madly.

"Ehm, where was I? Oh, yes, the Ministry—"

"I think you should stop saying that word, Minister Shacklebolt," Tonks said teasingly, grinning from one ear to the other when the tin man threw up again.

"Fine, I've already said their wishes, but really, Alastor, you should reconsider accepting the Order of Merlin." Again he jumped out of the way of the liquid in surprise. This time it was headed at him and the little tin man didn't puke, but peed.

"Get the hint, Kinglsey? Only private topics from now on," Tonks said and patted Kingsley's shoulder friendly.

"She is right. I want you here as a friend and not as the minister. You know my answer to your question. So let's just enjoy the party," Alastor said cheerfully. This really was one of the best presents he had ever got.

"You are right." Kingsley sighed. "I'm glad I didn't choose the same bottle as Albus, and I hope you don't already have a hellhound in your bottle collection." Kingsley held up the bottle of champagne with a black hellhound with red eyes shaped around the top.

"No, I haven't. That's fantastic. I have no idea how you all got those. They are so rare." Alastor looked dreamily at the bottle.

"This time I will place it in a safe place," Poppy said and took the bottle from Alastor.

"This woman is no fun," Alastor explained to the crowd.

"So a little dance as a thank you for this most enjoyable present, my little Auror?" Alastor asked Tonks, who agreed eagerly.

"I want my husband back in one piece, Tonks," Poppy called after them.

While they danced Alastor said how happy she had made him with this tin man and told her about Molly's involuntary bath. They both laughed. "And I feared this party would be boring without Severus." He regretted this sliping the moment the words left his mouth.

"So that was the problem?" Tonks asked seriously.

"I hate it when you are serious, Tonks."

"And I hate it when you treat me like a kid and try to distract me from the real problem."

Alastor sighed. "Just let us enjoy the party."

"He is still there. Deep inside of little Sev, Alastor. He just doesn't have all the pain and sorrow in him and has lost all the bad memories."

"But also all the good ones, he was a close friend. I liked him like he was."

"I know, but we can't turn back the time. We have to make the best of what we have and that is little Sev. You have to let go."

"So young and so wise, my little Auror," Alastor grinned at her.

"I'm twenty eight, old man."

"Like I said a little girl." Alastor's grinned became even brighter.

"You are unbelievable," Tonks hit Alastor playfully against his chest.

"Unbelievable, my dear, is that nothing has been broken until—"

He didn't get any further because in that moment Tonks crashed into Arthur, who carried the big birthday cake. In a wide bow it flew through the air as if in slow motion and landed in Albus' face.

"Nice one, Tonks," Alastor said roaring with laughter.

Tonks looked shocked at the Headmaster, who still possessed a lot of respect from her. Only when Albus drew his finger over his cake-covered face, put some cake in his mouth and said 'Very delicious. Thanks for throwing it at me', Tonks relaxed and grinned.

"I also want some, Daddy," Severus shouted and giggled excitedly when Albus lifted him up. Severus took some cake from Albus' cheek and tasted it. "Yummy, strawberry."

"Oh really? I love strawberry," Alastor stated and took some cake from Albus' other cheek. "Strawberry with a touch of peppermint. What does this remind me of?" Alastor grinned at his wife.

Poppy just shook her head grinning. "Before more people molest Albus by eating from him, there is more cake over there." She pointed at the big table with all kind of cakes and sweets. With a flick of his wand Albus was clean and Severus looked disappointed.

"Here, tyke, why don't you take one of these? The ones in the black paper are without alcohol and you can eat them." Alastor offered Severus the box of chocolate from Fred and George.

Happily Severus grabbed for one and popped it in his mouth. "Hmm, they are yummy, Daddy. Take one!"

"Here you are old friend. That's the least I can do for apologizing for this accident," Alastor said innocently. When Albus had taken one piece he offered Kingsley one as well.

Seconds later Severus giggled like hell when Albus' hair and his beard changed to feathers of a very colourful parrot.

Kingsley looked shocked when the realization of what he had just eaten hit him. No time to do anything because he already felt the hair in his nose growing. In the end he could have braided a nice plait of nose hair.

"I want one, too," Rolanda Hooch screamed excited. That was something she really liked. "Come on Tonks take one as well. Which one are the jokes?"

"Only the ones covered in black paper are safe," Alastor explained.

"Ah, that explains why our little sunshine here isn't a parrot or hairy monster now." Tonks ruffled Severus' hair.

"But I want to be a parrot," Severus said sullenly. "Only the adults get all the fun."

Tonks and Rolanda took a chocolate and all eyes were on them. When Rolanda opened her mouth to say 'Nothing 's happened', the only things that left her mouth were 'caws' like a crow. When Tonks wanted to say something to that, she started to sing. That was all she could do, sing. No single word she could speak normally; not even her laughter came out normally but in a sing-song way.

After giggling wildly, Severus pleaded, "Please, Daddy, I want to be a parrot like you."

"Is this safe, Charlie?" Albus asked his new Potions master and brother of the two creative brewers.

"Yes, they're safe. These products have all been proofed by myself and a nonpartisan assessor," Charlie said seriously.

"Fine, so which one did I take? I believe the one with the green pistachio on top." Seconds later Severus was giggling and running around, his arms spread wide and pretending to fly. His head was covered with feathers like Albus' was.

In the end they all stood outside to watch the fireworks the twins had organized. Severus was in Alastor's arms, and Poppy snuggled close to him while linking her arm with his free one. At one point Alastor looked from the firework show to the improvised grave of Severus. Then he looked at the awed child in his arms. Little Sev had put his thumb in his mouth because the day had really been a bit too much for him.

Alastor looked back at the grave. Time to say good bye, my old friend. I will never forget you, but know it is time to look into the future and make the best out of the situation.

He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Then he turned back to little Sev. The almost black eyes of the child sparkled while the fireworks reflected in them.

Somewhere deep inside there you still live Severus. Without all the pain and bad memories. I will try to make your second life much better than the first one.

With that he hugged his little Sev tighter and watched the fireworks in awe.


I still plan to write the real sequel to "A better childhood" which will start the moment the students come into the castle. This story was just a little bonus for you all and especially for Amandine as her birthday present.

There are two ways to write the sequel. 1. Only Sev centric. That would mean I will write a seperated story for Harry's time with Alastor and Poppy. 2. A Sev and HArry centric sequel. I will put up a poll now. Please vote!

Please review!!! I need your feedback to be motivated to write the sequel as soon as possible!