Yeah, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of the Naruto vs. Neji fight. It's iconic like the Gaara vs. Sasuke.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Chapter Nine: Separation

Nobody looked too surprised that Naruto and Sasuke weren't there to pick out of the basket. It didn't pair them up because that would be awfully cruel. She just watched as the matches were drawn and the reactions to them. Neji shook his head at his opponent. It was the joke of a Genin who still believed in foolish things like friendship and goodness. Despite this, Neji couldn't forget the scene in the forest. He had watched the same boy take down two other Genin without any help, and his eyes were a blazing red. He would have to remember that in his training.

"I will be glad if everyone came back alive," Anko said, dismissing everyone. Neji looked over at Kakashi and Kurenai and noticed how they were looking over each contestant. It wasn't illegal, but it was annoying. Gaara, Neji, Naruto, Dosu, Temari, Kankuro, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Shino, and Sakura had all made it. Neji figured he would beat Naruto without too much trouble and wanted a chance to fight Gaara. He was going to become a Chunin, and he didn't care if he had to defeat Naruto to an inch of his life. He needed the promotion to be allowed to move away from the compound.

"Neji, Gai-sensei is waiting for us at the hospital," Tenten said, waiting by the exit. Lee fought Gaara and had been crushed in several spots on his body. Everyone was now anxious for Gaara's fight against Sasuke. Neji personally thought Gaara should've fought Naruto. Keep the monsters together. "He told me Lee is in surgery still." Neji nodded and followed Tenten out without another look at the two Jonin.


Kakashi met his team at the hospital. It seemed like the meeting area for a lot of teams as he could hear Gai down the hall talking rather loudly to his own students. Kakashi looked at the two in the hospital beds. Sasuke had passed out after he and Naruto left, and Sakura was recovering from her fight. She was conscious for the drawing of matches and then passed out too from her broken bones. Naruto sat on the windowsill and was trying to keep the cigarette smoke away from the door. Windows in the hospital don't open anymore because a few depressed shinobi made life hell when windows opened.

"I've managed to secure someone to instruct you more during this month of training," Kakashi said. This made everyone look at him. He was breaking up the team because they needed to focus more on themselves in case they fought one another. Sakura didn't like the thought of facing her teammates because she was sure that she could only take down Sasuke without help because of his refusal to strike to kill. "Flower, Anko expressed an interest in teaching you, but I've gotten my old teammate, Rin, to help you." Naruto turned away at the sound of that name. Rin was that woman in the rain of that hellish day. He wanted to thank her, but she truly did nothing. "Flame, I will be your teacher because of the sharingan." Naruto didn't envy Sasuke because he didn't want Kakashi training him because it would be back into the killing room. "Fox, I actually managed to get Uzumaki Kushina to teach you." Naruto paled. He looked at Kakashi and shook his head.

"Please tell Uzumaki-sama that I won't need her teachings," Naruto said. They've never heard Naruto speak formally about anyone. Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "This is just being sick, you bastard. The villagers will have my head if I speak one word to the lady. I've managed to keep my distance as she doesn't acknowledge my adoption into the clan." Kakashi knew why. He knew of the guilt that Kushina carried for stealing someone else's son. She couldn't look the two in the eyes anymore and told Kakashi over many bottles of alcohol that she couldn't ever look at Naruto without seeing his parents. "I think I might try to find my own teacher." Naruto would rather die by a stranger's hand than by his own village's. Kakashi shook his head.

"At least talk to her. She might be of some help, Fox. Give her a chance," Kakashi said. He told Kushina of Naruto's fear of approaching her. He wanted Naruto to learn about the man who sealed the demon and the child who should've been in Naruto's spot. It was really Minato's fault Naruto was named as such because that was supposed to be Kushina's boy's name, but Kushina didn't take it in the end. She allowed Naruto to keep it, and Kakashi knew why. Naruto just got up and walked out. He no longer cared about his team as that was to be expected. "Until further notice, Headquarters isn't home anymore." Kakashi left the two alone as he went to talk to Kushina.


Naruto set the small kitten down on the floor of the kitchen after showing him where everything was. Ritoruman was happily exploring his new home. Anko had been waiting for him as he returned to his apartment. She gave the kitten back and told him that she was proud of him. Naruto felt happiness as she hugged him tightly before she had left. It was nice to be hugged by his precious people. Naruto shook his head of the thought as he walked around his apartment. He could remember how much laughter was stored in the walls from being a son and a little brother. He remembered the tears more because they were plenty. He cried for Tora and Hikari back then, but he never cried for Itachi. Never had it in him because he believed that it was all a lie, and Itachi would be back from his mission soon. He gave up on that belief soon.

"Just do it," Naruto whispered to himself as he stood before the only door he never touched. Tora's bedroom lay behind it, a room Naruto barely remembered. One he refused to enter for years. He put his fingers around the knob and placed the other hand against the wood. He turned the doorknob and closed his eyes. He was being childish. The boy that could kill criminals without blinking couldn't cross the doorway into his adopted father's room. He pushed the door and allowed it to open all the way as he slowly opened his eyes.

Tora's room was dusty from being abandoned. The curtains and bedspread showed the signs of being touched by endless sunlight. The bed was made except for a small crinkle near the foot of the bed. Three-year-old Naruto had sat there as Tora put on all his armor. He chased Naruto out because he didn't want the child to see the weapons. Trying to preserve whatever innocence Naruto had. The present Naruto walked over to it and brushed his fingers against the still soft blanket. Tora's room had a desk that was cluttered with scrolls on techniques and old mission reports and a dresser that only had a few trinkets from other countries. On Tora's nightstand was a thick book on fairytales. Naruto picked it up and brushed away the dust from the title. He opened it and saw the note from Tora's mother. Live long and strong and never forget the tales of the princes and heroes. Life is about chances – Love, Kana.

"You okay?" Naruto jumped slightly and looked at the door at Kurenai. She looked worried about him. Naruto knew why. He didn't realize until now that tears were making trails down his face. He put the book down on the nightstand as Kurenai invaded the room Naruto held sacred. He sat on the dusty bed and cried as if he was a child again. Kurenai sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulders. "He meant a lot to you, so it's okay." This was just another side to Naruto, who tried to stop crying. He wished to be three and back to the day Tora left. He wished the hardest that he had begged Tora not to leave. "Naruto, I can help you wherever you need it." Naruto removed her arm from his shoulder and chose to keep a hold of her hand. They sat like that for awhile.

"I want him to be proud of me. Of how I live now," Naruto whispered softly. He just stared at their hands together. He closed his eyes and stood up, letting go of Kurenai's hand in the process. "I should probably do this on my own." Kurenai nodded and got up to leave. She kissed his forehead without another word and left. Naruto could hear her entertaining Ritoruman in the kitchen, but he didn't care. He got onto his knees and pulled out a wooden box from under Tora's bed. The only thing Tora took from his clan when he was kicked out of the compound was his mother's sword. Uzumaki Kana died with her sword, and Tora had been the one to receive the bad news about his parents' death. The wooden box wasn't locked, so Naruto opened it to see the sword. It looked like a regular ANBU sword, but Naruto knew there was poison that could be released from it.

Inside the wooden box with the sword was a wrapped gift with Naruto's name written in black ink. Naruto took it carefully and sat cross legged on the ground. This looked like it was something that Tora planned to give awhile ago, not necessarily when Naruto was three. He cautiously examined the thin package before slowly opening it. Out tumbled a small bronze key and a note written in what Naruto recognized as Tora's handwriting.

Happy Birthday Naruto! It's not every day that a young man turns ten, right? I've had this planned out forever because I was so excited about adopting you. Yeah, probably confused many people because Uzumaki Tora really doesn't look like the average family man. Well, you're probably confused now. The key is to another part of the apartment. It's where I keep all my shinobi supplies, extra clothes, and a training room. When I bought the apartment, I also bought the one below and sealed it off because I figured if I had children, I wanted that stuff kept separate. Now, normally, I would have you search for the entrance, but I'm too excited. Your next present is down there, so under the box of tattered shoes in my closet is a hatch with a lock. Go for!

PS: Try not to wake me. I like sleeping in if you didn't already know.

Naruto stared at the note and looked at the key. He had never known about the apartment below. Tora's will mentioned none of it, and Naruto was positive that Hikari knew nothing about it. He took the key and got off the floor. Tora planned on being alive when Naruto turned ten. He planned on being there for when Naruto started shinobi training. Too bad Itachi was instead. Naruto snorted at that thought. He walked over to the closet and opened it. Tora's dress clothes and uniforms still hung there. A tattered looking Jonin vest with bloodstains on it remained in the back. Hikari put it there because that was all she was given of Tora. His hitai-ate hung with it while his dog tags stayed in Naruto's room. Naruto briefly paused to look at it. His blue eyes flickered over the largest tear. Most families burn the clothes. Hikari wasn't able to. Naruto looked away as he moved the box of shoes. Sure enough a little keyhole was there.

Using the key, he opened the door and jumped down into the apartment's master bedroom, which was just a room with a desk and several scrolls lying around on the floor. It was more like a study for Tora to compose his thoughts in peacefully. A baby monitor sat on the desk with different dials. Naruto examined the room more and found it to be also full of extra clothing that Tora outgrew or extras for ones that were destroyed.

"Leave it to Tora to do this," Naruto said as he shook his head. He walked around the apartment that was set up differently than what it was originally. The place where the kitchen was became a cleaning station for weapons as there were gleaming kunai hanging from several hooks. The cleaner was left out on the old countertop. Naruto walked down the hall to storage rooms for rations and supplies. There was a library in the room beneath Naruto's bedroom. The living room had the floor replaced with padding as it was a training area. There were baby monitors everywhere. Many of them were turned off. Naruto picked one up and smirked. This was how Tora knew so much about what Naruto did every day. He put the monitor down and looked at the training room. A tattered dummy sat in the corner, and an old calendar hung to the wall. There were little notes on it like Naruto needs haircut or Hikari is on a mission. Naruto turned and went to explore the place more. The place where a door was, Naruto found, just a wall. There was only one entrance and exit. Naruto moved to go back when he spotted it. Tora's desk, as cluttered as it was in the actual apartment, was so much worse down here, so he was lucky he spotted the package. It wasn't small, but it wasn't very big.

Naruto opened it and found something that made his heart sink. He pulled out a brand new set of kunai and a cleaning set. Tora's note that came with it stated that ten was the best time to give a boy real kunai to clean and practice with. Naruto took the set to the kitchen and sat them next to the sink. He put away the cleaning kit in the organized places Tora had for them. He left the set sitting there as he went back to the study. A rope ladder had hung from the entrance. Naruto didn't want to think about it too much as he knew Tora didn't need a rope ladder to get up. He used it and entered Tora's bedroom again with a heavy heart. One last note, something he hadn't noticed earlier, was tapped to the side of the box with the tattered shoes.

Pretty cool, huh? Naruto, my father taught me that I should have an escape no matter where I am. I first thought he meant a way out, but he just meant a place to relax. Maybe that place could be a place for you too. Don't tell Hikari about because she doesn't know. I don't want her worried about you or me. We're okay. Heroes in the making. I guess I'm rambling, so I will wrap this up. Happy Birthday, and go enjoy some cake if I actually remembered to buy one. Enjoy the kunai set. Proud of you, little man.


Naruto realized something. Tora repeated set this up because he wasn't sure he'd survive any of his missions. He wanted Naruto to never lose hope. He sounded hopeful in the notes that he would be there for Naruto's birthdays. Naruto shut the closet door and put the note on the desk. He put the key in the case with the sword and put the sword away. He shut the door behind him as he walked out of the room. Tora's room didn't seem to weigh heavily on his mind anymore. Kurenai was waiting in the living room with Ritoruman lying on her lap like a lazy animal.

"Did you find your answers?" Kurenai asked. She knew Naruto was searching for some way to know that Tora wasn't ashamed of him and was proud. Naruto sat next to her and took the cat off of her. Ritoruman meowed as he stretched. Kurenai didn't press for answers as they sat in comfortable silence. Naruto was glad she was there because he knew that if she wasn't, he would go search her out.

"I found them. I'll show this place to you later," Naruto said. He sighed as Kurenai started to ask about his month of training. "Kakashi set up for Kushina to train me." He saw the look in her eyes as surprise. "I told him that would be the last person I'd let train me. I would rather train myself." Kurenai trusted Naruto's decision. He was considered an adult despite his age being well below it. Naruto looked down at the cat to avoid looking at Kurenai. "We both know what the village would do to me. They kept me away with threats before, so if I actually talk to her, they might keep them." The villagers didn't want Naruto near the Yondaime's wife and child because they were deluding into thinking he would go for revenge. "I agreed to meet with her at least, so tomorrow, I will meet the woman that makes many shake in their clothes." Kurenai smiled at the one.

"Naruto," Kurenai said softly. She remembered what favor Kakashi wanted from her and now doubted she could do it. Kurenai saw the logic in it, but she didn't have to like it. "I would like to help you out, but I have to go." Naruto heard the forcefulness in her voice and didn't like it. "The Hokage wanted to talk to me, and I just remembered that." Kurenai rushed out of his apartment, and Naruto sat there with a sick feeling in his stomach. He didn't move for the longest time and only did so because he had to go to bed. He would find out later what was going on despite the fact that this sick feeling wasn't going away.


Naruto sat with his legs dangling over the edge of the bridge he once sat at during the rain and defended his hair. He quickly removed his cigarette from his mouth to allow a yawn to escape his lips. He watched the fish chase after the ashes without any thoughts. He liked Konoha when it was waking up. The people moved slow and didn't notice anything different about their lives. It gave Naruto a way to actually know the villagers and the patterns of certain shinobi. Sakura had already passed him on her way to Rin's appointed meeting spot, and she commented that he finally found a shirt. Her bones were finished healing the night before, so she was just released from the hospital. Naruto gave her a good luck before she sped off, running behind on time.

"So this is the brat that Kakashi told me about. Here I thought you died when Hikari was killed," a sharp voice interrupted his memories. Naruto allowed a smoke ring to pass his lips as it floated into the face of a purple eyed woman with ridiculous hair coloring. The assassin had resisted the urge to smirk at the face of the blonde boy who was watching him with shock. "I thought you'd be scarier." Naruto said nothing as he looked down at the fish and watched them flock to go after more ashes. "Rule one to our training: no smoking." Naruto caught the hand that reached for his cigarette.

"Obviously Founder forgot to tell you a few things about my team and myself. He also forgot to tell you that this isn't the start of our training because there will be no training. I refuse," Naruto growled. He released Kushina's hand and glared as she cut his cigarette in half using a kunai in the other hand. "Look, I need to get going before these villagers wake up and see me here with you and the boy." He refused to acknowledge they had names. Some part of him hated both of them because they were related to the Yondaime. "Got other women to see today, so I'll see you…never." Naruto turned to leave, but a tight hand caught his collar and held on. He looked into the purple eyes of Uzumaki Kushina and couldn't bring himself to fake being afraid of her anger.

"Look, brat, I'm only doing this because Kakashi asked. He said it would be good for you in the end, and he did mention the fear you have of even coming close to me or Obito. What is it that you really fear, Naruto?" Kushina asked, smirking. Obito, the boy, watch nervously as Naruto smirked and looked his mother in the eye with a daring look. "Why would Tora ever want to parent such a disrespectful boy who is frightened by his own shadow? You're just like Tora, you know. Weak, scared, and worthless." Naruto growled as she went through the list. He clenched his hands into white knuckled fists. His eyes spelled hatred at Kushina. Obito was starting to get nervous as Naruto's arms moved. Naruto allowed it all to go limp as his eyes grew ice cold.

"Call me every name you can think of, every insult, and, hell, kick me when I'm down, but never bring Tora or Hikari into it," Naruto warned. Kushina released her hold, and Naruto looked at Obito. "Don't." Kushina shrugged as she began running through a quick schedule. Naruto already lit another cigarette. "Wait until you've seen what it does before you disagree." Children smoking wasn't something Kushina wanted on her mind. Naruto seemed to accept everything she said. They kept a reasonable distance as Naruto watched the sky. He eventually started saying goodbye.

"Naruto, drop the Uzumaki name because it isn't your name. One day, your parents will claim you, I promise," Kushina said. Naruto didn't want to believe her. So many promises. "Oh, before you go, the Hokage wants you in his office after we finished, so don't keep him waiting." Naruto only nodded that he heard. He walked the path to the Hokage's office as he tried to figure out where Kurenai would be at this hour. He wanted to talk to her.

"Naruto, you seem trouble?" Hiruzen asked as Naruto walked in and sat down. The boy said nothing as he waited. "I'm reevaluating Team Seven being in the Assassination Corp. Your face and title are known pretty far, which is known only because of Zabuza. I might pull the entire team anyhow or just certain members." Naruto knew who, but he kept silent. "I heard you have an interest in the medical studies. Sakura said you had a real knack for it, making her believe your actual family had a talent for it. Even Sasuke and Kakashi have spoken about it." Naruto didn't like the look Hiruzen had in his eyes. It was one of interest as if analyzing an experiment. Naruto wasn't sure when his relationship with the Hokage deteriorated to this. "If I remember correctly your mother was a legend among medics. The best this village had ever had since her own grandmother." Naruto got up and went to the door. "Naruto, before you go, take some time to decide your future. Where would you like to go? Perhaps down the same path as your dearest mother?" Naruto walked out, not wanting to hear anymore about the mother he never had.


Naruto could remember when he was younger, a few months into his stay with Tora, he would watch families interact. He remembered the words Tora used to describe everyone in a family. Mother, Father, Children (Siblings to each other). He remembered asking about each one and how they went with the family. Siblings were there for support, rivalry, and friendship. Fathers were there to be teachers, to love, and to be a role model. Mothers…Naruto never asked about the mothers then. Tora didn't say anything until Naruto did ask just as bedtime rolled around. Mothers were to care, to show the children love, to give guidance, and to be there no matter what just because they loved their children so. Naruto hated mothers most of all because he didn't believe there were kind women behind the glares.

"Mothers are liars," Naruto said as he currently sat against the wall of Tora's training room. He wanted nobody to find him as he stormed into the apartment. His own mother was someone Naruto thought very little about. He really didn't both to understand mothers, so why would he try to picture his own? Naruto had believed for the longest time that he didn't have one and didn't come from one. "Mothers hate me." It was the maternal population that sent the fiercer glares. The more children they had lost to the Kyuubi, the less they cared about what happened if they stepped over the line. "I hate mothers." Naruto sat in silence as darkness rolled in. He didn't both with the lights because he wanted to the darkness due to his belief of it removing his abnormal thoughts of his own mother. Naruto decided one thing that night. His own mother loved him not.


Kushina tried to ignore the changes she watched go through Naruto. He had days where he would talk and ones where he wouldn't speak a word. She heard Jiraiya was in town and had sought the pervert out to speak about Naruto's training. The white haired man was where he could usually be found. Peeking on the bathing houses. Kushina sighed as she covered Obito's eyes from Jiraiya's blushing madness. She tried very hard to keep her boy from becoming a pervert like her husband, his student, and his sensei. Jiraiya must've felt the angry rolling off of Kushina in waves because he turned around.

"Kushina, what a lovely surprise?" Jiraiya said. He quickly put away his things and gave the woman his full attention. He learned the hard way a long time ago. "Is Obito ready to learn his father's techniques?" Kushina shook her head as she pointed to Naruto, who was standing back a bit. "The Kyuubi boy." Jiraiya had never heard the boy's name before because nobody referred to the boy by name. They called him by his demon. Jiraiya sized the kid up as if Naruto were an enemy. The white haired had to be a side effect of years worth of stress.

"Naruto," Naruto said softly, stunning Jiraiya with just his name. He looked at Jiraiya with deep blue eyes that made Jiraiya think of his own father. Jiraiya didn't like the air the boy had. It was as if the boy wished not to be seen. "For some reason, Lady here said you can help me. Why should I trust her or you?" Naruto's eyes showed that he would never trust either one of them no matter how many times proven he could. Jiraiya didn't like that look. It reminded him of himself as a child, orphaned young and trusted no adult in the world except his teacher. Naruto had every reason not to trust easily.

"Jiraiya," the hermit said, holding out his hand. Naruto walked over and cautiously shook hands with Jiraiya. "If Kushina wants my help, it must be about power. Seeking more?" Naruto said nothing. He sought only ways to protect what little he could. He didn't care if it was power or knowledge. "I can't help you if you're only going for it because you want to overpower someone. Power is a dangerous thing, Naruto." Jiraiya felt old as he stood next to the kid. Kushina was already ushering Obito away from such a dirty scene. "What are your strengths?" Get to know the student that way it would be easier when he went crazy. Naruto allowed his hands to glow green.

"I'm a medic and an assassin. Deadly combination," Naruto said. Jiraiya agreed. He watched Naruto release the medic chakra. It was interesting. "I'm aware you can't train me in the medical arts. Not your style. Teach me anything." Naruto didn't know what he was getting into. He didn't know if he really cared. A part of him felt familiar with this man. A part of him remembered a smile and a feeling of what he knew now as pride. He didn't understand it, but it was familiar, so he left it go.


Naruto walked to Rin's house because he was going to lunch with Sakura just because it was sort of fun. He took his shoes off at the door and walked down the halls where he heard the voices coming from. He stood in the doorway as Sakura was concentrating on how to make medic skills into something deadly. Sakura spotted him and broke her thoughts, so the jutsu backfired. Naruto smirked as he walked over to Sakura. Rin sat there with a small smile.

"Hello again, Naruto," Rin said. She had learned his name through Sakura and was glad to see him again. Naruto nodded at her, sitting next to Sakura. The jutsu caused a few cuts on her face and arms, so Naruto spent some time fixing them up. "A medic?" Naruto didn't know how to explain himself, so he left Sakura do it for him.

"Naruto started learning after Sasuke had to get stitches from a stranger. He's pretty much our team's medic," Sakura said, not trying to be modest for Naruto's sake. She smiled at him as he finished healing her cuts. "I have to say that he's most familiar with Kakashi-sensei's body, huh?" Naruto's glare wasn't noticed as Rin and Sakura laughed. He listened quietly as Rin explained the rest of the lesson. It wasn't long until Sakura was finally dismissed for lunch.

"Sakura! Naruto!" Sasuke shouted as he rushed over to them as they stepped out of Rin's house. Sakura smiled and waved while Naruto just stood there. "Kakashi-sensei is waiting for us, so we better get going." As they walked to the restaurant, Naruto noticed how only Sakura talked about anything random. She talked and talked while Sasuke would give small replies and Naruto just nodded. He wasn't in a talking mood since his training with Jiraiya. "I think Kakashi misses having us under his watch. He doesn't act the same without all three of us." Naruto dodged questions about his life because, unlike Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto wasn't ready to talk about it.

"Hello, Naruto," Kakashi said as Naruto slid into the booth. The white haired boy immediately took the ashtray and played with his lighter. "How are things going for you with Kurenai?" By the look that crossed Naruto's eyes, Kakashi had to say that she was listening to him. "Not good. Well, can't win everything. Hear Kushina has doubled up with Jiraiya in training you. How is that?" Naruto couldn't avoid the questions any longer. He didn't like talking about it.

"She trains me mornings, and Jiraiya has afternoons. We're working on controlling the fox," Naruto said. Kushina preferred Naruto never mention the demon to her, and he told her never to mention her husband to him. "Things between Kushina and I have calmed since the first meeting. She used to bring her son to the training sessions, but she told me that he no longer needed to be there." Naruto pulled out his cigarettes and noticed he was running low. He was such an addict. Kakashi noticed Naruto's face at the almost empty pack.

"I'll meet you there this evening so that we can stock up again," Kakashi said. Naruto nodded. He needed more green ones as well, and Kakashi made buying them easier. "It's been awhile since we've met up, and with only two weeks left, we'll all be pretty busy." Kakashi waited until after Team Seven had eaten and the waitress refilled their drinks before he got down to serious business. "The Hokage told me he spoke with each of you about deciding who should stay and who should go. Please don't consider yourselves pressured to stay in or to leave the group." Kakashi noticed how dark Naruto's face looked at the mention of the meeting. "I want you three to know that, regardless of familial status, your parents would be proud because I'm proud of how far we've come." Kakashi decided that after the decision was made, he would tell them the truth behind the killing room. He would never repeat the process again with any of his students. "Good luck, and I hope you three become Chunin." Kakashi watched Sakura and Naruto leave. He felt bad for what he was doing, but he was trying to get Naruto to see the other people who cared. Kakashi smirked as he noticed Sakura's blush as Naruto's goodbye.

"Kakashi-sensei, don't do that to Naruto. She all he has left of a blood soaked past," Sasuke said. He knew Kakashi's plan and didn't like it. Naruto was a good friend when he was needed. He let Sasuke and Sakura learn about some of his past. He left out the name of the ANBU who cared for him until he was eight. Naruto always refused to speak about it. "Kurenai is Naruto's most precious person, and he'd be a shell without her." Kakashi didn't say anything as he paid the bill. Training had to continue.


Two days were all he had left. Naruto skipped training because he had to talk to Kurenai. He stood outside her house in the rain because it seemed nobody was home. He remembered every happy moment he had. Many of them were with Kurenai, and he didn't want that to end. He wasn't ready to give up as noon came creeping up. He shivered and ignored the red haired woman holding an umbrella behind him. She said nothing as Naruto waited for someone who wasn't there.

"You can't be serious about loving this woman, Naruto," Kushina said. He was barely more than a child! Kushina hated the part she was to play. Kakashi was a cruel man at moments. "It's sick. She's fifteen years older than you. What kind of pervert do you think she is? You can get her arrested, Naruto. It's best to let her go and forget about her." Naruto clenched his fists and tried his hardest to ignore her words. Kushina didn't say anything more as she walked away. Naruto waited until he collapsed in the mud. He hated the feeling of loneliness in his chest.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I guess I'll see you around some other day," Naruto barely muttered. He got out of the mud and walked away. He never knew about the crying woman in the dining room because this was for his own good. Kakashi forced her to realize that with his words. Naruto wasn't a boy, but he wasn't a man. He was just a tool, barely anything human. Kurenai suddenly hated the rain because bad things happened when it rained.

Yeah, I'm a bastard. Remember that for next time. Don't worry about this little problem. Naruto isn't going to give up that easily. Next: the Chunin Exams! Sorry that Ritoruman's part is tiny, but he's still tiny and will be important soon. Another apology for if it seemed too rushed. I get excited sometimes…or a lot.