FASH: A bit on the short side, but a little cheesy Shin/Sena is better than none.

Disclaimer: Still don't own, please don't sue.

N is for: Noble


Sena was, and would probably always be, under the strong impression that Shin was as close to perfection as a mere human could be. Not just as an athlete, student, friend or boyfriend, but in everything he was he managed to embody flawlessness.

Usually if Sena told anyone these thoughts they would fondly roll their eyes and say that love made him think that way, and they didn't seem to believe him when he insisted it was true.

Shin was loyal, faithful, determined, and Sena would even go so far as to say he was noble. He had high moral principals, and it was almost funny how well his team's mascot suited him.

Not that he was saying Shin was like a knight in shining armour; constantly on quests to save damsels from distress, or Sakuraba from obsessed fangirls, but there was something almost chivalrous about him, in the way he acted towards people, especially the ones he truly respected. Furthermore, if the girls who obsessively attended the Oujou games pried their eyes away from Sakuraba for a moment to look Shin's way they would realize he was pretty easy on the eyes too, which was really all those girls seemed to care about anyways.

It wasn't just a handful of traits, everything about Shin made him a man amongst men, and everything about Sena made him the luckiest guy in the world; because Shin liked him back.