It has begun. XD I'm really hoping that y'all dig this as much as I do. Sorry, I forgot to change the status for The Burning to Complete… but it is. Thanks for hangin in there—don't forget to review. Oh yeah, please check out my other story, Sex for Breakfast and other Secret Wishes... reviews are amazing



"Come in," Carlisle's voice is soft and deep. I squeeze Edward's hand in mine again, it's cooler than mine though not like ice. He's trembling as I turn the handle and walk in. "Hello Jacob, Edwa—" He narrows his eyes before his face freezes in awe. His eyes soak up the sight before much like I did the second he blacked out after I bit him.

Edward was gorgeous as a vampire (no shit, sherlock) but as a human, he was extraordinary. He had the same wild bronze hair, the wide eyes, though they were a vibrant green and freckles the same shade of his hair were dusted across his cheeks and nose, they stood out against his skin which was only the slightest bit pale, totally human. He was still shaking with nerves, his heart (God, it felt so good to hear his heart) picked up the pace as he breathed shallowly, drumming his fingers against his thigh. He even smelled different, like a meadow. I wondered if he'd been this nervous as a kid. He probably was, seeing as high-strung he was by nature.

"Oh my…" Carlisle finally regains speech and stands slowly. He walks over to Edward and cups his jaw in his hands, turns it to the right, then the left. "Spitting image of your father," he murmurs. "But your mother's eyes." Edward blushes and I can't help but grin, he's almost as bad as Bella, crimson pools in his cheeks then creeps down his neck. I lick my lips, wondering just how far that blush travels when he snaps his head toward me and tries in vain to make a scolding face.

I forgot. Though as a vampire, I strictly prevented him from getting in my head, as a human his power (though somewhat muted) was still present. I shrug my shoulders.

"We were wondering what.." he clears his throat. "What happened to make me like this?" Carlisle drops his hands back to his sides and eyes us concentratedly.

"Has anything unusal happened between you two?" Edward only blushes deeper, even the tips of his ears a bright red. I smirk proudly, picturing the faint pink scar on his shoulder. "You don't have to give me details…"

"I bit him." Carlisle looks even more confused.

"That's happened before, in wars between the species, but never with these resu—"

"While we were having sex." Edward's voice is hoarse and soft but Carlisle hears him.


Silence reigns supreme in the office. Carlisle leans back against his desk, and clears his throat, though we all know he doesn't need to.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to ask another thing…" I think that Edward is about to faint from embarassment. I squeeze his hand again before releasing it and placing my hands over his ears. He clenches his eyes shut. "Was there culmination by either of you?" My confused stare must've prodded him to continue. "Ejaculation?"

"Edward. Immediately as I bit him, I was…" God this is so uncomfortable. "a few seconds after him." Carlisel nods his ancient head slowly, truning from us to face his floor-to-ceiling wall of glass. It faces east and the sun is cresting just above a hill outside the hospital, setting the clouds afire. I drop my hands from Edward's ears and his eyes slowly open.

"I'll have to run some tests to know for sure, but there's reason to believe that Edward may in fact be pregnant."

Everything is a blur. Carlisle is calling my name and Edward looks worried, I try to return to them, to tell them I'm all right but the world spins and swallows me in black.


I wake up, disoriented and slightly pissed that I don't know what time it is. Edward is curled up in an oversized chair next to the bed I'm in. I think we're in his old room, yes we must be, his posters are up and the CDs are still in piles on the floor. I lay quietly and listen, to the race of Edward's seventeen year old heart, the soft snores that escape his mouth. He talks in his sleep, says my name a lot. Sitting up, I see that he's shirtless, one of his hands caresses his stomach, the other clenches at the armrest.

"You're awake!" Bella enters, whispering softly. She comes and sits at the foot of the bed, looking over at Edward. "He was so worried that he exhausted himself." I laugh at that, it sounds so him. She takes my hand and looks me in the eye, and for a second I want to cry. "Carlisle will be up here soon." She pats my leg and kisses my cheek, then leaves, saying she'll be back in the morning.

"Hello?" Carlisle knocks on the door.

"Hello yourself." I mutter. I know it's not the time to be rude but hey, Edward's not awake and I'm wanting answers and fast.

"I ran some tests today, Jacob." He looks straight into my soul with those eyes and I hold my breath. "Edward is carrying your child."

A strange blend of terror and pride grips my chest. I'm a father. A father. At the same time, I'm worried for Edward. How will this end? What the hell will our child be? I let my head drop back to the pillow and stare up at the ceiling.

"I know you must be scared. You would be pretty arrogant not to be," I look over at him, he's twiddling with his fingers, fear dancing at the corners of his eyes. This has got to be tearing him up too, Edward, human or not, might as well be his son. "I'm not going to lie to you. He could die." Tears leak out my eyes, trailing down my cheeks. "But he loves you, and I love you… don't forget that. We'll be trying our hardest to keep him safe."

I turn away, facing the sleeping boy I've loved for so long. How beautiful he is, whispering in his sleep, his bronze eyelashes long against his lovely cheeks. My eyes wander to his belly. Soon he'll be rounder, no doubt even more lovely. I smile despite myself, picturing him with a little girl in his arms. I'll go out tomorrow and by some books, I heard somewhere that reading to your kid in the womb will make them smarter.

I hope to god that this child has Edward's looks and not my leaky eyes. Surprisingly, I fall right back asleep, faintly aware that Carlisle rises, kisses both of us on the forehead and leaves.

I'm a father.