Disclaimer: I don't own them.

This, Dean decided, was Hell, both literally and metaphorically. He sighed, handing over the colored slips of paper in his hand. Alistair took it with a cackle, depositing it amongst his own bits of paper. Another demon grumbled as she eyed the board. "Alistair always wins at Monopoly," she complained aloud, just in case anyone was interested in her opinion, "Next week we're playing Sorry."

"I hate Sorry," a third creature protested, "No self-respecting demon would play a game named after a plea for forgiveness. I want to play Jumanji."

Yes, Dean thought to himself as the argument raged on, Hell's weekly game night was a thing to be feared.

"On the Head of a Pin" = wondering when Alistair got around to playing Monopoly = Game Night in Hell.

Reviews are greatly appreciated.