
I don't know the lock from the key,

but I know one of them is you,

and the other one's me."

Rise Up

By Diane Birch.

Ciel woke up.

A strange sensation, one he had forgotten. He had been dormant while ensnared in the soul of his granddaughter, though he hadn't been exactly 'asleep'. His eyes opened to greet a pair of copper red ones directly in front of him, and for long minutes they simply stared into each other silently.

Ciel broke the comfortably quiet air first, "I thought it wasn't real. That I'd made it up."

Sebastian's eyes continued to gaze the never orbs of never ending royal blue in front of him. "As did I."

The younger of the two ran a hand through his hair sleepily before sitting up. He looked down at his body, frowning. "Sebastian."


"What on earth am I going to do? I'm a woman's body." Ciel sighed and looked at his companion warily. "I don't suppose you're going to tell me you can change me into a man?"

Sebastian chuckled. "I'm afraid I can't just switch your body so easily like that. I can't even change my own gender, though I can change my form to look like other men. The most I could do for you is make the illusion that you were male, you'd still be female though. Don't worry though."

Ciel frowned. "Why not?"

"I took care of it."

He scowled. "You took care of what? I'm not a man, so as far as I'm concerned you haven't taken care of anything."

Sebastian continued smirking, clearly thrilled that Ciel was frustrated that he couldn't understand what the hell he was talking about. After all these years he still took joy in these mind games they played. He decided to be nice though and leaned close to Ciel, so that their lips were almost touching.

"I put an enchantment on you. While you were sleeping." Sebastian said in his low voice.

Ciel blinked at him before frowning suspiciously, "What kind?"

"You won't be a woman forever. Just for now." He replied, smiling cryptically.

His human sighed, clearly exasperated. "Fine. When am I going to turn into a man?"

"When you die." Sebastian answered, still smiling.

Ciel's mouth actually fell open. "WHAT?!"

The demon leaned back a little. "And you can't commit suicide, that's cheating. And I can't kill you or it won't work. That's the problem with spells; they'll work but come with irritating little regulations attached to them." Sebastian sighed a little and for all his tone might have been complaining how difficult growing orchids are.

In fury, Ciel grabbed the front of Sebastian's night shirt and pulled him so they were eye level. "What are you talking about?! I'll be dead! What makes you think I'll give a damn about what gender I am when I'm a rotting corpse?!"

"Oh. So you want to be a woman for all eternity?" Sebastian asked with mock innocent curiosity.

Ciel stared long and hard at Sebastian before tiredly shoving him away and rubbing his temples. "I suddenly have a horrible headache. I suspect you're the cause. Would you please just explain to me what it is you're blathering in riddles about?"

Sebastian did his usual sudden ability to change his mood, like a flip of a coin from mischievous to sober. He was still smiling in that trademark way of his.

"I can't just flip your gender. You're set in this body for the rest of your life, whether you like it or not. I can't change that fact."

"Alright…" Ciel said warily. "So what did you do?"

"When you die, you'll be given a new body. I know you're not religious at all, but you know how they say when you die you'll become an angel and go to Heaven?" By 'they' he obviously meant anyone who believed in such a thing.

"Yes, of course."

"That's completely false. Priests and people who actually have read the bible will tell you the truth. Humans don't turn into angels when they go to Heaven. They're given unbreakable, eternally healthy and youthful bodies. They're immortals, and will never die, will never suffer, will never feel any kind of pain, will never become ill. They are given brand new forms. The main mystery humans try to solve is whether or not they will have the appearance as they did of when they were in their prime fitness, or if they are given new bodies that don't look like themselves at all."

"What does this have to do with that…that…spell you put on me?"

"The same concept applies to Hell. Except, those immortal bodies can feel pain and can suffer, a sensation of overwhelming starvation is one example, another is that though they can't really be diseased they can experience the illusion that they are. I hear it's quite unpleasant."

Ciel's face was unreadable and blank when he asked, "I thought I couldn't go to either place. Are you telling me I'm going to Hell when I die?"

Sebastian nodded. "Well, of course. I didn't devour you completely, so you never technically died in the first place. And, delicious as you were I'm not going to be doing that again."

His master's expression was still blank. "I see." Ciel finally said after a long moment and his eyes suddenly looked determined. "I chose this path, so I'll follow through it steadfastly."

The demon actually looked baffled. Sebastian took in Ciel's rigid posture and the grim set of his lips, trying to understand what brought on this unexpected reaction.


Oh, of course he would think that! What else would he think when Sebastian told him he was going to Hell when he died?

Sebastian chuckled lightly before he seized Ciel and pulled him tight against him, trapping his master in his embrace.

"Young Mas-Ciel. Ciel, that's not what I meant."

"Didn't you?" His dear cohort asked, his voice slightly hollow.

"No. Yes, you're going to Hell. No, you're not going to be tortured for eternity. If anyone will, it'll be me." Sebastian added darkly and his grip tightened. "Hell isn't all fire and brimstone you know. It's another world entirely."

Ciel pulled away to gaze up at Sebastian, he looked confused and exhausted and asked tiredly, "What?"

Sebastian thought quickly how to explain this to a mortal.

"There is the Universe. You understand that much right?"

Ciel sighed and leaned his forehead against Sebastian's chest. "Yes. I read a book on it many, many years ago. The universe is infinite. It has billions and billions of galaxies inside of it, which in turn each galaxy has millions of stars and varying numbers of planets."

"That's right. However, the Universe is just one world."

"I don't understand." Ciel commented.

"I know," Sebastian admitted. "I've never tried to explain the concept to a human before. I've never had to explain it, period. Everyone where I come from knows it as fact as easily as you know the sky is blue."

"Try again then." The young human coaxed.

"Every human has their own world. Their own world consists of the people they love, their family, those they are fond of, those they hate, their home, and their jobs. That is their own private world, their reality." Sebastian thought a moment.

"Most humans think of the Earth as the world. That's false. The entire Universe is the world, and those who likewise share the Universe with them. Every living thing in this Universe is part of that world."

Ciel nodded a little, his forehead rubbing against Sebastian's shoulder. "Fine. I get that now."

"Okay, so imagine the Universe as one world. There isn't only one Universe though. There are more than any one person could count in several lifetimes. They vary, each one is different yet similar to the other. And God made all of them. Once more, all of those infinite Universes are all part of one gigantic world."

"Sebastian. What, does this have to do with anything? I'd love for you to enlighten me on that." Ciel said, glaring half heartedly up at him.

"You humans have this assumption that Heaven is somewhere in the sky, and Hell is in the core of the Earth. That's completely untrue. Heaven and Hell are each a separate world. They're huge, and just as infinite in size as the one that holds all those universes in one world. Hell is another universe. Another plane of existence with different realms constructed for certain sins, and likewise entire other realms exclusively for my kind."

Ciel was quiet for a few minutes before he looked up at him. "Sebastian."


He sighed, sounding annoyed yet weary. "You could have just simply said: 'Don't worry. You're going to Hell but you're not going to burn for eternity.' And left it as that, instead of making me think about things I've never bothered contemplating before."

Sebastian chuckled. "What? You've never wondered about the meaning of life before?"

Ciel sighed and pulled away. "No. I was always too busy for things like that. So, I'm stuck as a woman until I die? And then I'll go to Hell as a man? With you?"

Sebastian smiled. "Yes. With me." He pinched Ciel's cheek. "No hellfire for you, unless you particularly irritate me."

Ciel slapped his hand away and rolled his eyes. "Fabulous. How horrible can being a woman be?"

"Have you heard of menstruation?"

He blushed a deep red and glared at Sebastian. "Yes, of course I've heard of that! I was married for four or so years as you know."

The demon next to him hummed, "Oh good. If you didn't…well, that would be somewhat hilarious. You'd probably think your insides were bleeding out and that you were about to die." He grinned at the idea of Ciel panicking and completely hysterical like the one time Sebastian and Madam Red had forced him to wear a corset and he was convinced his guts were going to gush out.

Ciel glared and Sebastian's face turned a little somber. "Also, on a less physical note, there's a reason why being a woman is difficult."

His human companion raised an eyebrow to indicate he was listening.

"We're in a different era from the one you died in. The nineteen hundreds. And the year is November of nineteen thirty-eight, to be exact. I'm afraid women don't have much more rights than they did in your time, my lord."

"I thought I said you didn't have to call me that."

"Baby steps." Sebastian replied before he continued. "You're in a very different position politically from where you used to be. Before, you were the soul heir of your family and because you were male you inherited your family's business with ease…even though you were practically still a child."

"You're saying I don't have power? Is that what you're telling me Sebastian?" Ciel didn't look pleased. Not. One. Bit. He wasn't angry at Sebastian specifically, just his situation.

His demon sighed. "Yes. In a nutshell, that's what I'm saying. You don't like it, but you're a young woman in a prestigious family. You're only useful to your 'father' as being married off to a richer family to strengthen his assets. You'd be expected to be a pretty little wife and give your husband heirs."

Ciel actually looked disgusted. "And right now, my 'father' is actually my son. And here I never thought my life could become even more warped than what it once was."

Sebastian smirked a little. "Truly. You're a magnet for these strange situations, I've noticed. I enjoy it because it makes my life interesting though."

Ciel snorted, "I think that's candying it up a bit. 'Strange situations', indeed." He started to get out of the bed, but was stopped when Sebastian slipped a hand around his ankle. The younger turned and blinked at him. "What?"

Sebastian smiled; a purely sinful expression and his eyes seemed to glow a little. "I think a reunion is in order." He pulled Ciel towards and under him, hiking up his night shirt up well past his female thighs.

Ciel put his hands firmly on Sebastian's chest. "Wait, we need to talk about this."

Long fingers slipped up under the elastic of Ciel's underwear, and pulled them down creamy smooth legs. "We need to talk about sex?" Sebastian kissed his partner's neck, and used his teeth a little.

"N-No. We need to talk about what we're going to do, and more importantly why you didn't finish me off the time I gave you permission to devour me. And why you want to take me to Hell with you, instead of just eating me."

Sebastian was unbuttoning Ciel's shirt with ease, despite the smaller's best efforts to make it difficult. He ran a hand up Ciel's soft stomach, up to his female chest. "We can talk about the first afterward. The answer to the second is much simpler than you think it is, Ciel." He purred the name before he kissed his favorite master deeply, and pulled off his own night shirt in between kisses.

Ciel glared at him, he hated how Sebastian could use sex to manipulate him. He was really, really good at it. It made Ciel surrender control, it made him vulnerable, that such a ridiculous, carnal thing could make him bend so easily. He took comfort in that if it was anyone other than Sebastian, he would have poked their eyes out with his thumbs by now.

He stopped resisting and wrapped his arms around his demon. Sebastian had left Ciel's long night shirt on, though it was unbuttoned and he was naked otherwise. Sebastian was shirtless himself yet still had his night pants on.

There was something strangely erotic about being partially dressed during sex. Maybe it suggested a lustful rush, in such haste to taste that blaze of terrible passion and pleasure that they couldn't possibly be bothered to properly take all their clothes off.

And they rightly were. The last time they were together in such a way was so long ago, and they were starved for the other. Evidence of this was the way Sebastian's fingers left harsh bruises on his human's thighs and hips, how Ciel's own nails dug a little too deep in his demon's flesh and caused blood to bead out of the skin.

Ciel hissed from the raw pain when Sebastian thrust inside of his female opening.

Of course this girl had been a virgin. Of course it hurt like hell Ciel thought with aggravation.

Blood scented the air along with the smell of heat and sex, it was a heady combination, especially for Sebastian whom could taste Ciel's soul on his tongue.

The flavor had never really gone away, even after he devoured that girl barely hours ago. He had a truly possessive master, so possessive that even his soul had stained Sebastian in every sense of the word. And Ciel was indeed his master still, despite what the human argued about contract technicalities. If Ciel was not, then he would not constantly be in Sebastian's thoughts as he was. Sebastian would not always consider his 'young master' in all of his plans, both long and short term. Ciel had somehow won ownership of him, along the years of Sebastian's initial servitude to him. And the demon was alright with it. Truly, he was.

Ciel gasped as the pain had changed into something more pleasurable, the hurt was still there but the pleasure was more so. He heard himself gasp and whimper softly, noises he'd kill himself before letting anyone else besides Sebastian hear them. It was especially bad because his girl's voice was higher pitched, and his sounds of pleasure embarrassed him more than they did before.

Teeth were at his neck, and he rolled his hips up in encouragement. It was probably very demented of Ciel, but he was attracted to the thrill of knowing that Sebastian was deadly and could very easily kill him. Maybe it was because he was so used to being in control, of being dominant in everything else and this was the one and only situation he could let go and let Sebastian lead.

It was a bit strange, having sex as a woman. To be honest though, it wasn't a whole lot different, just less painful since women were actually built to be penetrated this way.

Ciel's head tilted back and he moaned, tangling his fingers into ink colored hair. Sebastian kissed up his white throat and open mouthed on the lips. Ciel was…glad. He was relieved that there was no strange awkwardness between them, and they appeared to be picking up right where they left off at. He knew they argued often and had their battles of wits with each other, but when they were truly on the outs, Ciel found the tense drawn out silences aggravating and made him anxious, he knew Sebastian felt the same.

Sebastian emitted a moan that was half a growl, a feral noise that Ciel had grown accustomed him making during sex. His eyes opened to look into Ciel's, and they seemed to have that same fire like glow they did when he was in a violent or demonic mood. His eyes stared into Ciel's, and the intensity of the gaze seemed to penetrate Ciel to his core making him shudder and gasp out his completion. Sebastian made that growling, pleasured noise again as tight heat clenched around him. That, the glazed pleasure drugged haze in Ciel's eyes and the taste of his soul on his tongue caused him to reach his own rapturous peak, tightly holding his master in his embrace as he came.

"That, was completely uncalled for." Ciel said in between pants, leaning his head back against the bed. They were actually lying diagonally across it, instead of the proper way so there weren't any pillows by them.

"Yes, and completely enjoyable." Sebastian replied with a trademark smile "You may now get off the bed and dress now." He stroked a hand down Ciel's side. "Unless you want me to help you."

Ciel rolled his eyes, "No, I'm sure I'll manage. My back doesn't hurt."

"Mmm. It's too my knowledge that women don't usually hurt after sex unless they do it repeatedly in one night, roughly…"

Ciel stepped off the bed and winced. "Ow."

"…Or if they were virgins." Sebastian added as he slinked off the bed himself and gripped the human's shoulder. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

"This is nothing compared to our real first time."

Sebastian smiled fondly. "I remember. You couldn't stand to move for the rest of the day."

"You beast, you don't have to look so cheerful remembering it!"

The demon was still smiling. "I find it endearing when you're helpless. Pride without pride, remember?"

Ciel sighed, rolling his eyes. "I'm not going to have a lengthy conversation with you about your fetishes. I need clothes. Where are they?"

His older companion looked Ciel over. "Hmmmm."

"What?" Ciel asked, getting impatient.

"I'm deciding if I should dress you in male or female clothing. Both sound enticing to me."

The human groaned. "I don't care if I'm in a woman's body, I don't want to wear girl clothes. By the way, what are we going to do?"

Sebastian had turned towards the wardrobe in the room, he quickly dressed in a dark vest, shirt and pants. He then pulled out a black dress with a white collar and silver buttons up the back. He handed it to his human with a smirk.

Ciel glared at the garment as though Sebastian had just offered him a dead rat. "Are you deaf? What did I just say?"

"Women don't wear pants often in this era, and you look undoubtedly female. It would seem odd. And we're going back to Phantomhive, so it'll be all the more strange if you're seen in men's clothing."

Ciel took his shirt off with irritation, unbuttoned the back of the article and slipped the dress over his head. Sebastian came up behind him, fastening the sliver buttons that went up the back of the dress. "I'll find you some wool tights, it's rather cold."

The younger nodded, sighing a little. "What are we going to do at Phantomhive? You said it yourself, I'm powerless now."

Ciel sat down on the bed, and reached a hand out to take the leggings from Sebastian but the demon shook his head and crouched down in front of his Faust instead. The demon put Ciel's naked foot on his raised knee before slipping the stocking on his leg, kissing the inside of Ciel's thigh before it was covered. He did the same to the other leg, and looked up at the pseudo woman.

"James is in love with his sister, remember? He loves her enough that I was able to convince him to threaten Henry, though I'm the one who killed him. You're in her body. We can use that to an advantage."

Ciel frowned, "It's bad enough that my conscious is fine with you devouring my granddaughter's soul and then me possessing her body.I'm not sleeping with my grandson if that's what you're implying."

A dark look passed through Sebastian's eyes before he smiled pleasantly at Ciel. "No. You're not going to sleep with him. He has morals, and I doubt he'd ever act on his affections, unless pressured to do so. That company of yours has grown weak under the direction of your son; he's a poor business man."

Ciel smirked, "You think I can do better?"

Sebastian stood up, and helped Ciel off of the bed. He returned the smirk. "No. I know you can."

The human chuckled. "Alright, I'll take your vote of confidence. So, are we leaving now? Do you even have a story you can tell the police whom are undoubtedly searching for my granddaughter?"

"And Elizabeth." Sebastian added.

Ciel stared up at him blankly. "Elizabeth? Why would they be searching for her?"

Sebastian cleared his throat. "Because, she's here."

"Here?" Ciel asked, as though he couldn't quite believe it.

"Yes." The demon admitted, albeit somewhat awkwardly.

The Phantomhive blinked, before he shook his head with a resigned air and made a sweeping, dismissive like motion with his hand. "Very well then, let's fetch her and take her back to the mansion with us."

They headed to a door that was along the grandiose hallway, it was eerily silent. Ciel would have expected to see at least a maid wandering around doing her rounds. It was the morning, but the hallway was silent except for the soft footfalls of Sebastian and Ciel's feet as they walked. Sebastian opened the dark wood door before closing it behind them when they were in the room.

Sebastian looked down at Ciel, becoming concerned when he noticed his companion's face was pale and strained.

"Ciel?" He pressed his hand against his master's forehead which was a bit too warm. "You're feverish. Are you alright?" Sebastian crouched down a little to get a better look at the youth.

Ciel nodded. "I'm fine. I'm just sort of tired. I don't think I'm quite used to moving a body around." He glared. "It didn't help that you jumped be back there."

Sebastian chuckled as he straightened back up. "If you can make snarky comments, then you must be alright." He pointed in front of him. "She's over there." Ciel followed the gesture to the figure.

Elizabeth had been carefully placed on the bed in the room, and was sleeping so soundly Armageddon could have happened and she'd have been none the wiser.

Ciel blinked. "She's sleeping?"

Sebastian sighed. "I'm afraid she insisted on coming, and I decided it would be less traumatic for her than just leaving her at the Beaufort mansion without a memory of what happened to her granddaughter."

Without warning, Sebastian picked Ciel up and carried him over to her, carefully depositing his master on the edge of the bed. Ciel looked down at her for a few moments before he hesitantly ran a hand through her soft golden hair, a somber expression in his face. "She's alright?"

"Of course, I just put her into a sleep. She won't wake up unless I will it." Sebastian answered.

He looked back down at Elizabeth. "She's still beautiful. She's the only woman I've ever found attractive or even tolerable for that manner."

She was fifty three, but Elizabeth had aged gracefully and her face was not as filled with wrinkles as other women her age were. Her hair was still the same golden blond, save for some streaks of silver that only added to her beauty, making her look distinguished and ethereal.

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "Yes, she is. And she's still so incredibly kind. She'll be an ally, as she was against Vincent marrying her granddaughter off."

Ciel withdrew his hand from Elizabeth's hair, and looked up at Sebastian. "You'll have to enchant her, along with anyone who thought I was kidnapped. Including the police. And the witnesses at the party." The former count rubbed his temples in slight aggravation. "Is that going to even be possible? There were so many. Also, about this mansion what are you going to do with it?"

"I'm going to keep this place for now. Oh, and that's all been taken care of." Sebastian remarked lightly.

"Excuse me?" Ciel stared at him, almost with disbelief. "Taken care of? All of them? But even the servants at the Phantomhive mansion along with Vincent and James would need to have their memories altered."

Sebastian gazed down at Ciel, and stroked his face fondly before leaning down to press a kiss against his master's lips. He pulled back a little, and smiled slyly at the younger.

"What kind of lover would I be, if I could not even manage to do this for you?"

"There are few who deny, at what I do I am the best, for my talents are renowned far and wide.

When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night, I excel without ever even trying.

With the slightest little effort of my ghost like charm, I have seen grown men give out of shriek.

With a wave of my hand, and a well placed moan, I have swept the very bravest off their feet."

Jack's Lament

Nightmare Before Christmas

Author's notes: There's a new poll, so go vote okay? :D It's about Ciel.

Uhm *coughs* I'm truly sorry I haven't updated for so long. College has just been a total bitch lately. I'm really sorry, I'll try to update sooner this time.

Edit:10/27/09 I took the Tics for Tacs down. I realized it was just me ranting, and not pertinent to the story at all.