"One week, Abbs. It's only one week without your music."

"A week, Gibbs? That's entirely unfair! It's not like this whole thing was my fault!"

"Well, yeah, Abby, it kinda was."

Now that was a bit harsh, in Abby's opinion. Just because she stopped working for a tiny bit and started dancing around the lab instead, now she was being punished? It didn't matter that she accidently bumped into the fire alarm, resulting in the building being evacuated and the fire department being called. Apparently, they took fire scares in labs filled with chemicals very seriously. Who knew?

Now, Gibbs seemed to be more than little pissed off with her. She had expected him to be, but being grounded from her music like a teenager? That, she hadn't seen coming.

"But, Gibbs! It was an accident, I didn't mean for it to happen!"

"It was an accident that happened because you were wrapped up in that racket of yours instead of doing your job. A week without that noise will do you good. It'll give you time to think about why it was taken away."

Abby sniffled and crossed her arms. It still wasn't fair. Gibbs sighed and laid a hand on her shoulder, catching her chin is his other hand.

"It's not like I wanted to do this, Abbs. I don't like it when I have to punish you, but sometimes, there's no other way to get my point across. End of story."

And with that, he dropped a kiss to her forehead and left the room.

End of story, Abby scoffed.

We'll just see about that.


Now, someone who loved music far less than Abby and feared Gibbs a whole lot more, might have listened to him. However Abby, being Abby, had no intention of being kept from her music. It just wasn't right.

So, the first thing she did after Gibbs left? Cranked up the stereo. Needless to say, her boss was less than pleased when he arrived in her lab later that day to hear her favorite band blaring through her speakers. After stern words issued in a deadly calm tone, Gibbs walked out of the lab, cord from the stereo in hand.

The routine continued throughout the day, the only variation being what was removed from the lab. Gibbs' desk drawer was now filled with everything from headphones, radios, and a little silver harmonica, to Abby's cell phone, which had been playing loudly when he came to check up on her earlier.

Now, he was staring at a squirming forensics scientist, who earlier had music streaming through her computer. He sighed and grabbed her forearm, gently leading her towards the elevator.

"You're making this way harder than it needs to be, Abbs. You know that you've been adding time to your punishment all day?"

Abby grumbled incoherently and fidgeted in his hold. It just wasn't fair, she worked better with her music.

Minutes later, a stuttering McGee was sent down to the lab to erase any music he found and keep Abby from being able to find more. In the bullpen, she sulked as she sat in his chair, which Gibbs had moved from McGee's work space, to behind his own desk and sat her down on. Her boss continued to work silently, his team being the only ones in the bullpen, working late to finish the work on that day's case.

"Gibbs," she whined, only to have her chair swiveled around so she was facing the corner.

Her feet fidgeted in her platform boots, and she twisted her hands in random signs.

Finally, the tension cleared a bit. Gibbs stood abruptly and strode out of the bullpen, only pausing to growl instructions at DiNozzo. Abby sighed in relief and spun around.

"Err, Abbs?" Tony hesitated once he had her attention, "Bossman says you stay in the corner."

A pale jaw almost hit the floor, and Tony and Ziva shared a long look.

"How dare he?" she sputtered, "Someone needs a serious attitude adjustment."

Tony sighed and knelt down next to her chair, turning it back to the corner.

"Yeah, Abbs. You do."


Ziva glared at Tony, before crouching down next to him, placing a hand on Abby's forearm.

"What Tony meant to say was, maybe it is time to stop testing Gibbs. We do not want for you to get into trouble."

She stood up straight again, patting the younger woman's arm and pausing to slide a new chair over to McGee, who had just come back to the bullpen.

When Gibbs returned, he was pleased to see that Abby was still where he left her. He was less so, when he realized that she was smugly signing lyrics to songs he didn't pretend to know into her lap.

Swiveling her chair to face him, he quickly signed that she was to wait for him in her lab. Abby crossed her arms, but still started slightly when he pushed the chair that she was seated in to the front of the desk.

Gibbs stared at her sternly and raised his hands to sign again.

Now, Abigail.

He pulled her up off the chair, eyebrows raising in surprise when she stubbornly refused to head for the elevator.

It's your choice, Abbs. You can either go to your lab and wait, or I can spank you here and now.

Abby glared back and dropped into the chair.

There! This one should be finished by the end of the week. My Tony and Abby story should be out tomorrow. So, keep an eye out for Snowed In.