Ninapolitan's D.I.L.F. Contest

Story Title: Wicked Game

Author: My Ed-iction

Pairing: Carlisle & Bella

Vamp or Human: Human

Attn: I've just been rec'd on the Fornication Station. Super excited! If you get a chance please check it out. http:// fornicationstation . blogspot . Just take out the spaces. Also will have it linked in my profile.

Disclaimer: Not mine I don't own. SM owns all, I just put them in compromising situations.


There was really only one reason I even decided to go out with the widowed Esme let alone marry her. She was a bit of a gold digger and not much for a home maker. But I wasn't finally getting down on one knee and proposing to her because I wanted Suzy home maker. No the reason I did that was in one word Bella, or Isabella Swan. The daughter of Esme's late husband Charlie Swan. Esme is a well known gold digger among the country club we belonged to, but given her connections and various other marriages and subsequent divorces she had gained an in.

When she married Swan she hit the jackpot, literally. He was fresh off his marriage from his first wife Renee who had left him for some up and coming baseball star and quite lonely if the gossip was right. In under a year she had secured a proposal from him with the 5 carat ring on her finger to prove it. But when I say she hit the jackpot what I mean is she only had to be married to the old man for less then a year before he had a stroke, I should know I was the attending the night he was rushed to the ER. He had lived long enough to see his daughter graduate from high school. And being the daddy's girl Bella is she decided to stay with Esme than try and live with her mother who was out whoring it around with her new boyfriend.

Which brings me back to Bella. I first noticed Bella on her 18th birthday . She was at the country club with all of her friends and from the looks of it definitely drinking. I could only watch transfixed as her and her two friends Rosalie and Alice danced together. Rubbing their lithe young bodies against each other. She had caught me staring at her as she danced and our eyes locked. She was looking at me with what I hoped was lust. Her mouth slightly parted as she grinded between her two friends. That's when I decided to have a little fun with her and gave her my signature smirk before raising my drink to my lips in a silent cheers. And damn if her little pink tongue didn't come out to slowly lick her lips as she winked at me and then turned back to her friends.

After that night I made it my mission to find out who she was and how I could get her. I spent the next couple of weeks asking around but not too much as to throw up any red flags. I didn't want anyone to think of me as a pervy old man. Granted being in my late 30's wasn't young but at that age I don't think anyone would consider me old enough to be her father. Well maybe if I had gotten started young.

But I digress. It took me less then a week to learn all the gossip surrounding the Swan's. Everyone all to eager to tell me about poor old Charlie and his lovely daughter Isabella. I'll admit I listened a lot closer to the gossip when she was involved. I learned a lot of new and interesting facts about Bella in that week. Like for instance she danced ballet and was a gymnast. Two pieces of information I filed away for later. I saw her several times over the following months before she went off to University. Always at the club and always dressed in what I'm sure constituted clothing for a 12 year old.

It was after she left for college that I instituted my plan to get Bella. I figured the fastest and easiest way to get to her was through Esme. It was the simplest way to work my way into her life and her house. The more I was around Esme the more I got to see Bella. A bit unconventional, but boy did it work.


The first time I got to see Bella again was when she was home over winter break from the University of Florida. She walked into the house yelling to Esme that she was home and then began instructing the help to carry her bags in. As soon as I heard her voice I came into the foyer to see her. She was to busy bossing everyone around to notice me standing off to her left.

But I definitely noticed her.

If anything she got even more remarkable looking while away. Her legs seemed longer toner, her hair just a bit shorter but still long enough to wrap around my hand and pull well I thrust into her making her scream my name.

I had to shake my head of those thoughts before they became to obvious by the tightening of my pants.

She had finally finished with her orders and was turning to head up the stairs when I cleared my throat. She spun around with a slightly surprised look on her face. Her beautiful plump lips slightly parted in an O shape. And then, Jesus fuck, she smiled at me. And not any smile. No this was a devious little smirk that pulled up one side of her lips with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

She walked past me going up the stairs and brushing her wonderful body against mine. And I swear it took everything in me not to reach out and grab her. Instead she stopped about half way up the steps looking down at me over her shoulder, and I had to thank whatever god that made skirts possible. Because, Goddamn! I could see right up it and the hint of red lace made me ache for more.

I tore my eyes away from her firm luscious ass and smiled up at her raising an eye brow in silent question. She slyly bit that full bottom lips of hers that I just wanted to suck into my mouth and said. "I see it didn't take Esme very long did it Carlisle?"

Then she started walking back up the stairs. And I swear if I hadn't been watching her wonderful ass sway back and forth as she walked away I never would have heard her say, "But now that you are here, I hope to see much, much more of ALLof you very soon."

And with that she walked around the corner disappearing from sight. Leaving me shaking where I was standing. Which really is ridiculous. I'm a 37 year old man and a 19 year old girl should not be affecting me like this.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs fighting with myself to not run up there and just take her. And hard. Up against every available flat surface in this ridiculously huge house. Instead I clenched my hands into tight fists and forced myself to turn around and walk out of the house.

It was too soon.

I had to work up to getting Bella. And when I was done she'd be the one shaking with need, not me.

The next couple of days were an exercise in restraint for me. I swear the girl was trying to give me a premature heart attack. She spent her morning walking around in shorts so short I doubt you could even call them that. I wasn't really complaining about her clothing choice. Just wishing I could do something about the constant hard on that took up residence in my pants. My cock was getting rubbed raw on a daily basis against the zipper of my pants. And just when I thought she couldn't possibly wear any less she started to parade around the house in nothing but her bikini's.

The next went a little like this;

Monday: white string bikini that when wet I discovered became slightly transparent.

Tuesday: pink bikini with little ruffles on the ass, like I needed more of a reason to look at it.

Wednesday: was what I thought to be a plain black bikini until she turned around. Then you got to see the heart cut out right in the center of her ass and all I could look at was the delicious cleft. I may have not mentioned it but she has an astonishing ass.

Thursday: she pulled out what had to have been the smallest bikini known to man. It was white with little cherries all over it, and if that wasn't enough she also had her hair in braids. Completing the charade of innocence she was trying to portray.

But Friday, oh Friday. Friday will forever be my favorite day of the week. Friday was the day she came down in a fire engine red bikini. But not just any bikini. A thong.

By Friday I had decided to start joining her at the pool. I was already at her house everyday anyways. Esme just assumed I was the attentive suitor. I tried my hardest to get to the house and out to the pool before she did so I could watch her walk out but unfortunately I was late leaving he hospital and by the time I had gotten there she was already laying out. So I walked out trying my hardest not to look in her direction and took off my t-shirt leaving me in just the board shorts I had put on before leaving the hospital. I swear I could feel the moment her gaze strayed to me. It was like my whole body was on fire in the most delightful way possible. I stepped up to the edge of the pool stretching a bit before getting ready to dive in and that's when I heard her gasp. I took off my sunglasses throwing them on the table next to the pool which just so happened to be next to her, giving me a good reason to turn and look at her. I smirked at her and winked before diving in. I knew exactly what made her gasp. She had seen my tattoo. I gotten it my first year of medical school. It's the Hippocratic Oath, it ran down the side of my body over my ribs down to the top of my shorts. It hurt like a bitch but it was a promise to myself to always do what I can for the people I treat.

I was doing a couple laps in the pool when I heard a small splash come from the other end of the pool. I smiled to myself and kept swimming. I knew it was her, who else would it be? I knew for a fact Esme was gone today. Something about needing to update her winter wardrobe. It really sounded like a reason to go out and spend the millions left to her by old man Swan. I stopped close to Bella, pushing my hair out of my eyes. That was when I felt a small warm hand on the side of my body and I froze. Slowly turning to look at her I watched transfixed as her fingers traced over my ink. The entire side of my body broke out in flames and I had to clench my fists to stop myself from grabbing her and pulling her closer. I'm pretty sure I heard her mumble "so hot" before running her hand all the way down my side and stopping at the top of my shorts. Then just as soon as she was there touching me she was turning around and walking up the stairs and out of the water. It was like watching the scene with Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, only in reverse and in a thong. That was the first time I saw that magnificent ass in a thong and it was my turn to gasp, and her turn to look at me and wink before walking away.

The next couple of days came and went. Christmas flew by and before I knew it she was gone and I was left with Esme. Ah Esme. We haven't even consummated the relationship yet. Not that I'm complaining, I'm sure she's pleasant enough, but I prefer my women brunette and younger then me. And Esme has this odd almost caramel colored hair that you can tell comes straight from the bottle and she's got almost 8 years on me. She'd probably notice if she wasn't spending all of her spare time lusting after the pool boy and the gardener. I know the only reason she's seeing me is the prestige she gets from hanging off my arm. I doubt she knows the only reason I'm seeing her though is to get into her step-daughters little panties.

I knew Bella was coming home over spring break because she was looking me right in the eye when she was telling Esme to expect her to be home over break. So I patiently cooled my heels till Bella came back. She really could have gone anywhere she wanted but when you already live in South Miami why go anywhere else?


To keep up appearances I did what I needed to do to be able to stay around. I could tell Esme was starting to get bored and one of the other guys at the club was starting to show interest. I couldn't have that happen so I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. Like the predictable gold digger she is, she said yes. And a week later Bella arrived home for spring break. Only this time I was a permanent resident in their home, having moved in days after popping the big question.

If Bella was surprised to see me she didn't show it. She walked right in and purred "Hello Carlisle" before walking up the stairs and going to her bedroom.

I decided this time I wasn't letting her get away that easily and followed her upstairs. If nothing else I could use the excuse of the upcoming nuptials as a reason to talk to her. Show that I cared about how she's accepting her step-mom moving on from her father already. So I took a deep breath and knocked on her door. Hearing a soft, come in, I walked into her bedroom. I took a moment to look around and take in all that is Bella. It was feminine but not overly so. Soft cream walls and linens with a dark cherry headboard and to top it off a chandelier right above the bed. It was understated but elegant and smelled like the very essence of Bella, light fruity and mouthwatering.

I sat on her bed waiting for her to acknowledge me. Given the current predicament in my pants that probably wasn't the best place to sit but the only available seating was the bench at the foot of her bed. And lets face it I had to take my chance to get into her bed whenever the opportunity may arise. She turned slowly and smiled when she saw it was me waiting for her. I watched her long tan legs in that unbelievably short denim skirt as she moved closer to me stopping so her legs almost brushed up against my knees. She crossed her arms over her chest unknowingly pushing her breasts up and causing her tight white tank top to lift up showing me a hint of her flat toned stomach.

"Well Carlisle what do I owe the distinct pleasure of you in my bedroom to?" Bella asked.

I smiled up at her slowly licking my lips and reached out putting my hands on the outside of her thighs so the tips of my fingers disappeared under the hem of her short skirt. "Bella, please sit. I'd like to talk to you about my engagement to Esme," I said.

And to my pleasure and mortification she didn't decide to sit down next to me but rather right on my lap. I swear if I wasn't already about as hard as a steel rod I would have bust through my pants with that move. I groaned as she wiggled just a bit and she tried to hide smile. "Just trying to make myself comfy that's all. You don't mind do you?"

I swallowed hard and said, "Not at all."

Then Bella looked up at me from under those thick eye lashes of hers and asked, "So what did you want to talk about?"

"Well I just wanted to make sure you were ok with her moving on so fast. I know you two aren't exactly close," I said.

She snorted and mumbled "You have no idea." But then looked up at me coyly and ran her hands up my chest and around my shoulders, I could feel her nails scraping over the nape of my neck. She leaned in close to me, her lips alongside my ear. I could feel her hot breath stroking over my ear sending a chill down my spine. "Does this mean I get to call you Daddy now?" she asked. Then I felt her tongue slowly lick around the outer shell of my ear and every single drop of blood in my body rushed straight to my cock.

I groaned and pulled my head away from her wonderful mouth and looked her right in the eyes. Watching her eyes darken in lust as I leaned in closer to her our lips just centimeters from each other. "Isabella you can call me whatever you want to." And with that I stood up setting her on the bed and walked out of her bedroom.

I left for two reasons: 1. If I didn't she was going to end up flat on her back, and 2. I couldn't think with her right on top of me asking if she could call me Daddy in the most inappropriately erotic use of the word known to man.

That night I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed, not even worrying about waking Esme from her RX induced slumber and made my way down into the kitchen for a midnight snack. And to think more about what had happened early today with Bella. I was lost deep in thought and didn't even hear the kitchen door open or see her walk in until the refrigerator door was open and the light revealed her back facing me. I let my eyes travel over her scantily clad back for a minute, down to her cream and tan lace panties enclosing her ass until I cleared my throat making my presence known.

She jumped at the soft noise clearly not expecting anyone to be up at this hour and I watched hypnotized as her breasts bounced up and down with her movements. I got up off the stool at the island counter and walked over to her.

"Carlisle," Bella said startled. "What are you doing up?"

I just smiled and took a step closer to her. "I could ask you the same thing Isabella." I said and ran the tip of my finger down her shoulder across the soft smooth skin of her arm to her elbow and finally ending at her wrist and repeating the same course up her arm, watching in satisfaction as she shivered slightly. I reached over her shoulder and softly shut the door to the refrigerator and took another step closer to her closing the distance between our bodies. I pushed my thigh between her legs and leaned my face down into the crook of her neck breathing in the scent that is Bella. Then I kissed her softly right under her ear.

"You look just sinful Isabella," I whispered in her ear. "The things I want to do this body of yours."

I nibbled on her ear softly and was satisfied to feel her pressing her body closer to mine her hands gripping onto my biceps tightly. I could feel her hips undulating back and forth against my leg and I pressed my thigh up against her hot pussy rubbing and grinding against her. Looking in her eyes both of our breathing picking up at the sensation, but she was practically gasping for air.

I removed my thigh from between her legs and she whimpered softly "Don't stop."

Chuckling quietly I ran my hand down her body between the valley of her breasts and over her hip bones. Stopping to cup her sex, I leaned in close to her ear rubbing her roughly through her panties and whispered in her ear. "My beautiful Isabella I'm nowhere near done with you. But I think this is enough for one night."

It took all the self control I possessed to stop what I was doing and walk away knowing that at that moment she was mine. Mine to do with as I pleased. I could still smell her heady scent all around me and feel her wetness on my fingers.

The next couple of days were a flurry of secret touching, groping, and teasing. Now I'm a doctor and I know this can't actually happen but I'm pretty sure my balls were permanently blue. I'd wake up every morning with a hard on, take a shower, rub one out and inevitably run into Bella as she walked out of her room in small boy shorts and matching tank tops. She'd smile at me and walk towards me pressing her body against mine and say good morning. First it was just a "Good morning Carlisle" and a little wiggle of her body against mine. But then it quickly escalated to "Good morning Daddy" then "Good morning Hot Daddy Carlisle". The first morning she called me that I was momentarily shocked before I smirked at her and reached down grabbing her ass and pulling her tight to me. Making sure she could feel my hard cock between us. The product of all our teasing.

It was now the day before she had to leave to head back to school before returning for summer break. I was determined to see her alone before she left. But to my dismay she had made plans to go out with friends before returning to school. The night before Bella left I was saddened and pretty positive the next time I saw her I'd be a married man, or on the way to being married. Esme had decided to push up the date of the wedding, wanting a June ceremony.

I was sitting in the family room watching a re-run of an episode of Mad Men when Bella came down stairs to let us know she was leaving for the night. When I looked up to tell her to have a good evening the breath caught in my lungs and I was pretty sure my heart was trying to escape from my chest. She was wearing a short black dress which stopped mid thigh, that sparkled and shimmered in the light when she moved her body. Her legs were left bare and her feet were in a pair of silver heels. I let my eyes travel down her body and back up slowly savoring the sight of her before looking back up at her face. She had a glorious mane of sex hair and her eyes were dark and smoldering. She smiled at me when she caught my eyes. Well aware of the fact that I had been pretty much eye fucking her into oblivion.

Bella turned on her heel walking away. But not before yelling over her shoulder. "I'll be out all night at Heathrow, Carlisle. Esme have a good night."

I'm sure she was just saying that so that we would know where she would be but it sounded like she was telling me where I could find her. I looked over at Esme and found her not even paying attention to our little exchange. She was more interested in the glass of wine in front of her then where Bella was going and what she was doing.

I quickly made my excuses to Esme and made my way upstairs to pack a bag quickly. I came back down telling her I had been paged to the hospital and to not expect me until late or possibly early morning. I hadn't actually been paged but I needed an excuse to get out of the house and had packed a bag with a change of clothes. I was going to go see Bella tonight. There was no way I wasn't going to find out what was under that little black dress she was wearing.

Once away from the house I quickly changed into jeans and a tan button up shirt rolling up the sleeves, and made my way to the club she said she'd be at. When I got there I noticed there was a long line to get in. I briefly wondered how she had gotten in there, but forgot that idea once I remembered what she was wearing. There would be no way she wasn't getting in anywhere she wanted tonight.

I quickly made my way to the front door handing the bouncer a hundred, not wanting to waste time in line or negotiating with the meat head at the front door. He looked at the money in his palm and lifted the rope letting me in. Making my way into the dark club I looked around trying to familiarize myself with my surrounding and looking for the best place to stand so I could see most of the club and spot Bella easier. I made my way over the bar and ordered a beer. I smiled at the cute bartender flashing her my most charming one. She quickly gave me my drink and told me it was on the house along with slipping me her card. I just smiled and pocketed her card reminding myself to toss it once out of sight, there was only one woman I was here for tonight. Leaning back against the bar I scanned the place looking for any signs of Bella.

I spotted her in the middle of the dance floor with her friends Alice and Rosalie. The scene slightly reminiscent of her birthday over a year ago. They were holding court in the middle of the floor. Guys surrounding them as they moved their hot little bodies against each other in beat to the music. Bella was a vision under the throbbing lights, tucked between the beautifully blonde Rosalie and the adorably raven Alice. I watched in hunger as Rose ran her hands down Bella's side and coming up the front of her body to briefly cup her breasts as Alice booty dropped to the floor in front of her. All I could think about was how to get Bella alone to let my own hands wander over that taut body.

I watched as some generic club guy finally got up the balls to make his way over to the three of them zeroing in on Bella. I could barely contain my rage as he pressed his body to hers and put his hands on her hips pulling her tight to him. Those should be my hands grabbing her hips and moving her superb ass against the growing bulge in my pants. And then to my shock another guy made his way over to her only this time pressing against the front of her. And instead of pushing him away like she should have done to the first guy she just threw her head back and laughed hooking her arm around his shoulders pulling him down and against her.

I watched her like this through several songs. My beer completely forgotten in one hand and my other hand absently balling into a fist only to release it again. I was trying so hard to control my fury at having to watch other guys with their hands all over the body that I wanted to claim as my own. Just as the third song was getting ready to start she untangled her self from the two douche's that were wrapped around her and made her way from the dance floor towards the back of the club.

I took that as my sign to finally get her alone and stalked behind her. I came to the hallway leading back towards the bathrooms just as I saw the door to the women's bathroom close. I waited next to the door for her to come out. Biding the minutes until I could touch her. Just as the door opened I recognized the heeled foot stepping out and I quickly grabbed her wrist pulling her back down the hallway further until we were immersed in darkness. Pressing her body up against the wall I wedged my knee between her legs watching in satisfaction as her dress rode up her thighs just a couple inches higher. I'm pretty sure I heard her whimper softly as my knee made contact with the heat between her legs. She was breathing hard her chest rising and falling with each breath she took and her hands were pressed against my shoulders. I could faintly feel the pressure of her hands as she tried to push back. I quickly grabbed both hands pinning them above her head with one of my hands, her small ones fitting perfectly in my grasp.

"Hello Isabella," I breathed in her ear. "Imagine running into you here." I pressed my knee into her tighter and was pleased to hear her low moan.

"I was watching you out there with those guys rubbing against you, practically using you. You liked that didn't you? Letting them fondle you, acting like a little slut." I bit down on her neck with that last statement and heard her groan. I licked the same spot to ease the pain from the bite a little.

I leaned my head into the crook of her neck breathing in her scent then taking her ear lobe into my mouth softly nibbling on it. I could feel her wiggling against my body making me harder, her hips moving back and forth trying to gain some sort of friction between our bodies. With a sinister smile I stepped back barely a couple of inches and she whined at the loss of my body pressed to hers. I put one hand on her outer thigh rubbing up and down, occasionally moving towards her inner thigh and slowly making my way farther up her leg with each pass back and forth and up and down.

Just as my fingers grazed the lace at the juncture of her thighs I leaned in closely to her our foreheads barely touching. "Let's see just how much you liked what those guys were doing, huh Isabella," I said.

I let my finger slide up under the lace to feel just how wet she really was. And I gasped, she was bare, not a trace of hair anywhere. She gasped the same time I did then moaned low in her throat when I let my finger slowly graze back and forth over her hard and swollen little clit.

"My, my Isabella. Your so very wet. It's safe to say those horny little boys rubbing against you turned you on. Didn't it?" I punctuated that question by quickly thrusting one of my fingers deep into her.

I dropped my head to her shoulder groaning at the feel of her tight wet heat wrapped around my finger. I started stroking my finger in and out of her using the pad of my thumb to rub her clit.

"I asked you a question Isabella and I expect an answer. Did those guys rubbing against you make you this wet?" I dropped my hold on her hands and wound that hand in her hair tugging her head back. "Huh?"

I stopped what I was doing waiting to hear her response. Determined to not move my fingers until she told me. I gave her hair another quick tug and leaned my head to her ear nipping at her.

She whimpered softly and whispered, "No."

"I'm sorry Isabella I couldn't hear you." I said. "Did those guys make you this wet?"

I sucked softly on her neck and wiggled my finger inside of her and she gasped. "No Carlisle! This is all for you."

Satisfied I quickly added another finger and began to furiously pump in and out of her curling my fingers in a come here motion stroking her g-spot. Watching her twist against me. I released her hair and grabbed her hips hard anchoring her to the wall. The beading from her dress cutting into my palm.

I could feel her body tightening around my fingers and I picked up my pace wanting to push her over the ledge she was close to. I leaned in close to her my lips just hovering above hers. "Come for me Isabella."

And just like that she got impossibly tighter around me and my lips crashed down against hers as she threw her head back. Swallowing her screams of ecstasy.

I pulled my hand out from between her legs and she slumped back against the wall without my strength to keep her fully upright. I smirked at her and brought my fingers to my lips and licked one of them clean. My eyes rolling back in my head from the divine taste of her. I opened my eyes to smile down at her. Here breathing finally under control she pushed herself up off the wall and came closer to me.

"How do I taste Carlisle?" she said. She reached out and grabbed my hand away from my lips and brought my other finger to her mouth and licked up to the very tip before circling her tongue around it and then enveloping my finger in the wet heat of her mouth.

"Mmm, I taste so good." she practically moaned after releasing my finger with a loud pop. "Makes me wonder how good you taste."

She reached down and palmed me through my jeans rubbing up and down against the bulge straining to be free from my pants. I groaned and she leaned up against me nipping at my neck.

"Would you like me to tell you how you taste? Huh Hot Daddy Carlisle?" She practically purred against my neck while stroking me up and down through my jeans.

I was just about to tell her yes and ask her to get on her knees when we both heard someone calling her name. "Bella? Bella are you down here?" I groaned at the untimely interruption and Bella stepped back away from me straightening her dress.

She yelled out, "Ya Alice I'm here. I just needed, ahh, a break from all the noise?"

She didn't sound convincing and apparently Alice didn't think so either. I watched in fear as she made her way back towards us. I wish I could step back into the wall or hide behind something until she went away. There was no way she could understand the pull between Bella and I. Yet if she was surprised to see me she didn't show it. She paused and looked up at me and back to Bella and then back to me.

She grabbed Bella's hand, and before walking away with Bella in tow she turned to me to say. "Hope you had a great night Dr. Cullen. Sure looks like Bella did." Then she chuckled darkly before walking away and taking my siren with her.

I raked my hands through my hair and tried to settle my body before making my way out of here. I needed to get away from this club and away from Bella before I took her in the middle of the dance floor. Rubbing my hands over my face I groaned. I could still smell her on my fingers. I briefly debated stepping into the men's room to wash my hands then thought against it. This could be the last time I got to smell her and I wasn't very eager to wash away the evidence of her orgasm by my hands.

Finally satisfied that I had my body under control I made my way out of the club looking around hoping to get one last glance of her before leaving. But to my dejection she was nowhere to be seen. I made it out to my Mercedes and sped off. Eager to get home and find some relief. Even if it came in the form or Rosie Palm and her five sisters in a hot shower.

As soon as I walked into the door I was assaulted. A muffled "What the fuck!" coming out my lips before a set of soft plump ones crashed down against mine. I quickly realized it was Bella. And then silently rejoiced as I realized she was waiting for me at home. She wasn't in the club because she came home. I wrapped my arms tightly around her waist and walked her backwards until her back came into contact with the wall. I grabbed a leg and wrapped it around my waist and her other soon followed. Her dress rode up to practically around her waist and my hands quickly cupped her round supple ass as I ground against her.

She moaned against my lips and pulled her head away from mine gasping and gulping for air. Not wanting my lips to leave her soft flesh I quickly moved them to her neck licking, kissing, and sucking all up and down her neck. She groaned and pushed her hot little cunt tightly against my cock.

"Wait… Oooh God! Carlisle," She moaned. So I continued my assault on her neck.

"God Damnit! Carlisle!" She whisper yelled at me. I briefly stopped what I was doing and looked up at her. Both of our breathing was labored and her eyes were dark with lust. I hoped my own mirrored hers.

She wiggled against me. "Let me down please," she said.

I reluctantly let go of her legs and her feet slid to the cool marble floor her heels clicking against it. I looked at her puzzled wondering what game she was playing with me.

She looked up at me from under her lashes and shyly bit her full bottom lip. God how I wanted to lean down and capture that lip between my teeth and bite it.

Slowly she started to walk me backwards, punctuating every step by a word. "I (click) believe (click) that (click) I (click) had (click) said (click) something," my back came to rest against the front door, "about tasting you."

I smirked down at her not believing my luck that I'd actually get to feel that hot little mouth around my throbbing erection.

I ran my thumb back and forth across her bottom lip, looking at her dark hungry eyes and said "Yes I believe you did. And just how and where did you want to taste me?"

She looked up at me with a smile that can only be described as criminal, and slowly started to unbutton my pants. "Well," she said. "I thought I could find out by seeing just how much of your thick hard cock I can wrap my lips around."

My knees went weak and I almost collapsed to the floor. She pushed my pants down my legs and wrapped her hand around my throbbing cock through my boxers. Stroking me up and down as she got on her knees in front of me and pealed my boxers down. I groaned at the feeling of not being restrained by any piece of clothing.

"Fuck Carlisle," She said. "Had I known you were this big I never would have waited this long."

I groaned to hear fuck roll off her perfect lips and then just about lost my shit when her mouth came down and her lips wrapped around me. I closed my eyes and wound my fingers in her hair as she set a furious pace. I could feel the head of my cock hitting the back of her throat and what she couldn't fit she stroked in time with her mouth.

I mumbled an, "Oh fuck!" as her warm little hand came up to cup the boys and she massaged them in her hands.

I finally managed to open my eyes and look down at her watching her head move back and forth against my dick. I could feel my stomach muscles clench in anticipation of my release. I forcefully grabbed her hair and pulled her head back off me her lips releasing me with a loud popping sound.

"Isabella I'm going to come," I barely managed to pant out.

She started stroking me up and down and said, "Good Carlisle, come. I told you I wanted to taste you and I meant all of you, every last drop." With that her mouth wrapped around me again and my head fell back against the door with a loud thump.

I gave myself over to the sensation and I could feel her tongue moving up and down over my shaft. With a loud groan I could feel my balls empty as I came in her mouth. I barely cracked my eyes open and looked down to see her looking up at me swallowing around my cock as she took everything I could give her in that moment.

She got up off the floor and stood up, her lips were swollen and her hair looked like she had just been thoroughly fucked. She licked her lips and looked up at me, "You really do taste just wonderful and you felt great on my tongue, but I can't help but wonder what you'd feel like somewhere else next time."

And with that she walked up the stairs leaving me leaning up against the front door my pants around my ankles and barely able to comprehend what had just taken place. I sighed and pulled my pants up making my way to my bedroom and crawling into bed next to a passed out Esme, falling asleep with a smile on my lips.

She had said next time.


The next couple of months flew by. Esme was busy planning the wedding and I was busy planning on how to get into Bella's bed. I now knew that I was going to get Bella. And once I married Esme I'd have complete access to Bella for the entire summer.

Esme had planned the wedding to take place just the day after Bella arrived home from school. I really wanted to get to her before the wedding. Because I knew if I got into her bed before I became her pseudo 'daddy', as she liked to call me, there was a higher chance of continuing the relationship past the joke nuptials.

But my luck would have it that Bella didn't arrive home from school until well into the night.

The wedding of course went off without a hitch. We danced our pre-functionary first dance and then I finally got to break away from her. I made my way through a couple of Esme's friends before finally being able to claim Bella for a dance. I pulled her to me and once again had to stop myself from dragging her away.

She smiled up at me and started to talk. "Carlisle you look so hot in your tux. I just wanted to rip it off you when I first saw you this afternoon."

I smiled at her and spoke softly. "And it's taken all my self-control and will power not to pull you out of here and have my way with you, Isabella."

She giggled at me and softly blushed the most adorable shade of pink. I knew for a fact that there was nothing innocent about her so the blush perplexed me, but figured it was probably for show.

Bella winked at me and then said, "I'm sure I'll see you later. And I hope you enjoy your honeymoon." And then she walked away, leaving me missing the feel of her body in my arms.

I was slightly confused. I wasn't going anywhere for my honeymoon. I couldn't get off from the hospital, not that I really pushed the issue. I was doing about everything my power not to be trapped somewhere with Esme for any length of time.

The hours dragged past and eventually I lost track of Bella. When I had last seen her she was laughing and talking with one of my colleagues, Dr. Brandon. I could see the lust in his eyes as he eyed her body wrapped in that pale satin dress she was wearing. To stop myself from becoming a fool I forced myself to concentrate on Esme's nagging in my ear. Somewhere in that time I missed Bella leaving and my heart sank. At least Dr. Brandon was still here. So I know she didn't leave with him. Then I heard the magic words come from Esme's mouth. She was whining that she was tired and wanted to go to bed. So I gratefully made my way around the room with her on my arm saying good night to everyone. If I couldn't feast my eyes on Bella anymore I was more then happy to leave the party.

We made our way upstairs to our suite of rooms. Just as we were getting to the doors I suddenly remembered I had forgotten something and told her to go on without me. I was just really trying to delay the inevitable. I was almost positive I'd have to perform my husbandly duties tonight and the longer I could put it off the more likely it'd be she'd pass out while waiting for me.

I made my way back down the hallway when a door opened to my right and I heard someone call my name. I stopped where I was and turned to look, not seeing anyone in the door way I stuck my head in the door and said, "Hello?" I heard my name again, faintly, it sounded like it was coming from the other end of the room so I made my way in calling out another hello. I was almost to the bed when I had to stop in my tracks.

This was Bella's room. How had I not known what room she was staying in at this hotel? She had just walked out of the bathroom and she looked like sin. My eyes made the circuit up and down her body a couple of times before finally slowing and making their way leisurely down her body starting with her head.

Her hair was teased into just fucked perfection. Her eyes dark and smoky, lips left nude, but shiny and plump. She was wearing a tan and black lace bra. The trim black and the cups a tan lace that was sinfully see thru pushing her supple breasts upward. My eyes traveled down her flat toned stomach admiring the gentle curve of her hips. They lingered on the matching string bikini panties she had on, just as see through as the bra was. And slowly down her legs covered in sheer black thigh high stockings that were attached to a garter belt. Her feet were in a pair of black patent leather peep toe pumps, fuck me shoes. She was sin, and I was more then happy to go to hell for her.

She walked towards me swaying her hips gracefully back and forth. She looked hungry and I had a feeling I was going to be her buffet. I sat down slowly on the edge of the bed and she kneeled over me. One leg on either side of my thighs. Running her fingers through my hair I sighed in pleasure and then she grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked backwards causing me to hiss in pain and then moan in more pleasure.

She leaned in close to me her soft lips just barely grazing my ear and whispered, "I really hope you enjoy your honeymoon, because I'm not letting you leave this room for the next day or so."

I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer arching my hips up to rub against her and pushing her down to grind against me. We both moaned a the contact. Then her lips crashed into mine and from there the only thoughts in my head, both of them, were of her hot little body against mine and her lips moving with mine. We kissed and grinded against each other for what felt like decades, but probably was no more then a couple of minutes, when she broke contact. I moved my lips to her neck and sucked and licked at the tender flesh as her hips moved harder against mine.

I quickly stood up and she wrapped her legs tight around my waist, my lips never leaving her skin. I laid her down softly on top of the bed and crawled up between her legs. My hands ran up the length of her legs skipping over the parts of her where I knew she wanted me most. I chuckled at her whimpers and pleading for more and casually pushed down the cup of her bra exposing one of her pebbled pink nipples to my hungry gaze. I leaned down and licked it teasing it with the tip of my tongue and she cried out softly for more. Not wanting to deny, I wrapped my lips around her nipple and sucked it into my mouth, my hand coming up and rubbing and teasing the other one through the material still covering. I could feel her hands in my hair tugging and pulling, not quite sure if she wanted more or had enough.

I released her nipple and laughed softly, "Patience Isabella. I've wanted you for years and now that I finally have you where I want you I'm going to take my time with your body. And when I'm done with you, you won't know who you are, just that your body belongs to me."

I stood up next to the bed and shrugged out of my tux jacket dropping it to the floor and loosening my tie and letting it follow. My eyes were locked on her the entire time. She was practically panting watching me strip in front of her. I slowly started unbuttoning my shirt and watched in fascination as her had slipped into her panties and she started to rub and play with herself. Her back arched and my hands sped up the process of shedding my clothes.

Just as I was pushing my pants down my legs she sat up and quickly released the clasps of her bra. I watched transfixed as her perky breasts bounced slightly with their release. Then she reached for her panties and I had to stop her there. That was my job and I was going to relish seeing her laid bare before me.

So I quickly grabbed her hand to stop her and shook my head no. "Let me. Please." I said.

She leaned back on her elbows, propping herself up so she could watch me. I let my hands run down over her shoulders the back of my fingers running over the soft mounds of her breasts, moving down across her stomach watching the trail of goose bumps that trailed in my wake. When my hands reached the top of her panties I hooked my thumbs in them and gently pulled them down inch by agonizing inch. I let my fingers run down her stocking enclosed legs before pulling them over her heels.

I sat back on my heels and just looked at her laying down on the bed before me. I could feel my cock get harder and I'm pretty sure she could see it twitch under my boxers if her gasp was of any indication. I grabbed one of her legs and put it over my shoulder kissing my way slowly down her leg. Running my thumb over the seam that ran down the back of her leg. When I reached the top of her stockings I set her leg down and repeated the process with her other leg, this time moving up to the bare skin exposed between the top of her stockings and the bottom of the garter belt.

I kissed her once at the juncture where her long legs met her body just on the outside of where I could tell she wanted me most. I let my lips linger just for a couple seconds longer while I breathed in the heady scent of her arousal. Her hips arched off the bed and I looked up at her our eyes meeting briefly before I let my eyes drift lazily down her magnificent body. Resting once more on her bare glistening pussy.

"Your so fuckin' wet Isabella. I can't wait to taste you." I said, and with that I took one long slow lick from the bottom pressing my tongue harder against her clit.

Her body practically shot off the bed and I had to grab her hips with both hands to keep her still. One of her legs came up over my shoulder anchoring me to the bed as I started to flick my tongue against her swollen clit. I wanted to feel her hot tightness wrapped around me so I released one side of her body and ran my finger up between her wet lips. I pushed my finger into her and groaned to feel her wrapped around me again. She let out one of the sexiest noises I've ever heard. Somewhere between a moan and a scream with breathy little "oh fucks" thrown in. I just smiled and wrapped my lips around her again sucking and nibbling as I began to fuck her with my finger, adding another to the mix.

She tasted like heaven and hell combined. She was so sweet and addicting and I was determined to have her come around my fingers so I could lick it all up.

I could feel her tightening around my fingers and I picked up my pace working her harder and faster. Her fingers wrapped in my hair and she came with an earth shattering scream. I took care to lick her clean not wasting a single drop of her intoxicating sweetness.

Working my way up her body placing kisses at random intervals I stopped with my lips hovering just above hers. Waiting of her to open her eyes as she came down from her orgasm. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled a soft smile at me while running her hands down my chest. She pushed her hands into the back of my boxers and started to push them down my ass, her hands giving it a quick squeeze. I sat back and helped her remove them throwing them behind me in my haste to get rid or any material that might hinder me from burying myself in her.

Sitting back I let my eyes roam over her perfect body once more before I grabbed her by her hips and pulled her to me. She let out a little squeak at sudden movement and it was just about the most adorable sound I had ever heard. I grabbed both her legs and threw them over one shoulder pushing her ass tight against my solid erection. She moaned and I groaned at the sensation of her wet heat pressed against me. I pulled back just enough to rub the tip of my cock up and down over her pussy.

"Protection Isabella?" I asked.

She looked at me wantonly and shook her head no and my stomach dropped. "I'm on the pill," she said.

I smiled at her and did a silent fist pump. I was going to get to ride her with nothing between us. I aligned myself rocking my hips back and forth preparing to enter bliss. I looked at her my eyes asking if she was sure. She gave me a barely there nod.

And I pushed home. I had to stop moving or I'd lose my load for sure. I had never been buried in such a tight hot pussy before, even when I was Bella's age.

She whimpered and started to move her hips rocking back and forth. Trying to gain some sort of friction. I relented and slowly pulled out of her my hands holding her hips steady as she fought to sink herself back onto me. With a flick of my hips I pushed hard into her burying myself deeply again.

"Oh shit. Yes! Carlisle more… please more." She yelled out.

Not wanting to refuse her this request I picked up my pace my hips slapping against her ass. The only sound in the dimly let room was my heavy breathing, her moans of pleasure and our skin clapping together.

I could feel her constricting around me getting impossibly tighter around me and I quickly pulled out flipping her over. And as if she was reading my mind she got up on her hands and knees and stuck her ass out wiggling it back and forth. An invitation for me to take what I wanted so badly. And seeing her in this position her perfect ass on display for me framed by her garter belt was right at the top of the list of Bella induced fantasies. I grabbed both sides of her ass cheeks and squeezed them rubbing and letting my thumbs run over the lips of her pussy.

She moaned and stuck her ass out further and without even thinking about what I was doing I reached back and brought my palm down flat across her left cheek. A resounding smack echoing in the room. And she let out a throaty little moan so I repeated the same smack on the other cheek.

"You like that Isabella?" I asked. "Do you like having your round little ass spanked like the bad girl you are?"

"Yes." She whimpered and I spanked her ass once more before sliding my throbbing cock back into her.

We both cried out loud. I was in her so much deeper in this position. I instantly started to fuck her. Going so fast and hard. I could feel her getting ready to explode around me and I reached down to start rubbing her clit. Forcing her over the cliff she was on.

She exploded and I followed just seconds after her stilling my movements as I released in her. Both of us panting as I fell to the bed beside her and she laid down on her stomach turning her head to look at me.

She smiled at me lazily and I know I looked like I had just won the lottery. "You know," she said "I really do plan on keeping you in this room with me for the next couple of days. I've wanted you since you first moved here and I saw you at the club."

I looked at her with shock plainly written across my face. When I had first moved here she was just barely 16. She wasn't even a blip on my radar way to young for me to even consider. I guess I just didn't notice her until she turned 18 or my brain wouldn't let me at least.

"What about Esme?" I asked.

"Don't worry about her." she said. "I have that situation handled."

I briefly wondered what she met by having that situation handled before she rolled over and sat on top me, straddling my abdomen. All thoughts that weren't Bella centric left my head when she asked. "Are you ready for more?"

I grinned and rolled her onto her back and started to grind against her. "I sure am. But the question is are you?"


A/N: See my profile for all the outfits.

Will be a two shot once the contest ends.