Kingdom Hearts

The Other Side

A Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction

"But, Your Majesty! You can't face them alone!"

"You will stay HERE! That is an order by the King!"

"…It may be an order by the King… But you're not my king!"


I can't remember everything from my home. I guess floating in space kind of does that to you… Or more like, your world being destroyed can have the same effect. Anything I ever knew so clearly has become a blur. Even my journey with the king has its unclear points.

…Oh! I'm sorry; you must be wondering what nonsense I'm going on about? Worlds being destroyed and kings and all that, right? You see, I spent—I don't know how long – many days traveling the galaxy. Looking for a way to set it right again. I never understood the source of it all, but it never seemed to matter. The King, Mickey, who I helped on this journey, was the only one pointing me to the correct path in getting my home back. All I knew about was what was responsible… Darkness.

How I came to know the King was by chance. I had been drifting… floating in the darkness of space for who knows how long. I was going to die. That is, until I was rescued by a ship. A ship that travels through space, though, I can't call it a space ship. They call it a Gummi Ship, or that's what the Royal Wizard told me. He was there when I was saved. Him, the King, and the Captain of the Royal Guards. Their names: Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Goofy Goof.

Anyways, they brought me to their castle, Disney Castle. Honestly, if felt familiar. In a way, almost like an old home. They introduced me to the others that lived there; Queen Minnie, Lady in Waiting Daisy Duck, their engineers Chip and Dale, and Pluto. There were others, of course, but let's move on. They all helped me recover, and explain to me how I ended up in their world. To tell the truth, I didn't take it so well. I never felt so… alone. Helpless. Defeated. Or, at the time I never felt more so. Little did I know the worst was yet to come. Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Everyone was kind enough to let me stay. During my time at the Castle Donald would try to teach me magic when he had the time. Key word "try", sadly I wasn't very good at learning spells. At least no one was sore about the…uh… minor damage I did. Goofy would also help in teaching me how to defend myself. Not all lessons ended up in success, but it was always fun! I was taught other things as well by the others, though small, but helpful. However, Mickey was someone I would always bug to teach me things. I'm still not sure why I felt closes to him. I suppose there was just a connection that I could not ignore. Something that always struck a nerve in both my memory and my heart. A sense, as if, I never lost my home. A sense that I had a friend from that same place.

I would ask Mickey if he knew any kinds of spells or fighting techniques he could teach me; he was the king after all, and knew far more then Donald and Goofy. He'd always laugh and tell me that I wasn't ready to learn anything as powerful as the stuff he knew. Even he didn't use all of his knowledge due to its power. So, when that didn't work, I asked him if there was anything he could tell me. This is where you could say my adventurous side came back to me. Mickey told me a fable of how the worlds became separated. How the light kept them alive and connected, even if we couldn't see it. He would always tell me that Light was the most powerful thing of all. If I ever felt lost or afraid in darkness, all I had to do was look for the tiny speck of light. I would ask him, "What if I can't find it? What if it… leaves me? And I end up lost forever…" He'd smile and tell me, "You'll find it. The light will never leave you, no matter how hopeless and empty the darkness seems to be. But it won't just come to you, you know. You have to look for it. As hard as you can. Fight the darkness and believe in the light, and the light will help you and pull you back. Never forget that."

I promised that I never would.