dreamgirl: I should really be shot for updating so slowly :C I was planning on making this my Christmas present to you guys but I didn't get any reviews telling me to make an epilogue till the day of and after, so it took me a while. And, I tried to write as fast as possible but it kept getting longer and longer. I've never written an epilogue before so you'll have to forgive me. It's been a wonderful year, four months and eight days. I've had so much fun writing this story and fusing my ideas with Jewish folklore along with Catholicism and other types of Christianity. It was really interesting ^_^ But this is where it ends. The product of my racking my brains out :D

warnings: Hehe, I don't wanna say. It's a surprise ;)

disclaimer: *sigh* Really? Even though it's the epilogue? Oh well, I do NOT own Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler. Yana Toboso does and God bless her soul for creating it!


Five Years Later

It was the eve of Ciel Phantomhive's eighteenth birthday and life carried on as it usually did. Except the Phantomhive Manor, of course.

Ciel rang the bell, motioning for Sebastian to come up from the kitchen and bring him some parfaits. The butler sighed as he heard it ring. His master truly had no restraint when eating parfaits. It was only half an hour ago when he last went up! But the crimson-eyed man did as his master wished because…well, he was his master, it was his birthday and over all else, he was his lover. Sebastian loved him, so he put up with his spoiled young lord.

When Sebastian prepared the sweets and the tea onto the cart, he made his way to his master's office. He walked. And walked. Up two flights of stairs and through long hallways. He sighed. The newly human butler could never get used to all the normal things he had to do now. Before, everything could be done in a flash, but now…Sebastian felt useless. Not only was he slow (in his mind he was), but he also could no longer protect the Phantomhive Lord as he so wished. Just the other day, an assassin made its way into the manor while everyone was sleeping. Sebastian had felt an extra presence as he slept by his master's side but due to his human senses, he couldn't quite point out where. Of course, he still got up and planned to challenge whoever came for Ciel's life, but once he lit the candle, the assassin was already right next to Ciel! Sebastian felt his stomach make somersaults but luckily, the young lord had been trained well throughout the years. He had also sensed an intruder and quickly grabbed the gun from under his pillow and shot the assassin at point blank range. Ever since, the butler has been feeling guilty for not training himself more. He had spent all these years believing that he could still accomplish the tasks that he once did but everything was for naught. He just found out sooner how worthless he truly was.

Once the ex-demon made his way to his master's room, he knocked on the door and walked in.

"Good afternoon, young master." Sebastian said as he set down the plate of sweets in front of his lover.

Ciel paid no mind to his butler as he read the newspaper, "Yes, good afternoon to you too, Sebastian."

Silence passed through the both of them.

"Lovely weather we're ha—"

The Phantomhive lord slammed the newspaper onto the table, "Cut the crap, Sebastian. I have been feeling it lately in the atmosphere. What dwells on your mind?"

Sebastian gave his master an irritated look, "Do you not think it difficult for a human butler to perform all the daily tasks? Do not think yourself so important that you would constantly be on my mind, young master. I do have other duties that weigh on my mind."

Had he said it to the Ciel from five years ago, he surely would've slapped him. But throughout the years, the boy grew into a man and swallowed his pride. At least only where his lover was concerned.

Ciel sighed, picked up his cup of tea and sipped it, "I understand that all your duties are important. But so am I, and I will NOT have you make me believe otherwise. You wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't think so." Along with the swallowing of pride, Ciel also learned how to be more confident about his place in Sebastian's heart. "I know you've been thinking about the event that occurred that other night."

The pale-skinned butler avoided his master's eyes. There was no use lying about it now, "I was of no use to you, young master! I could have slit that man's throat if I so wished, but I could not even figure out where he was. What kind of Phantomhive butler am I!"

The teen stood up and drew closer to his lover; putting a hand on his cheek, "Don't think for a minute that you serve no use to me. So what if you are not a demon anymore? You still accomplish all the tasks I give you. True, they take more time, but that doesn't even matter. If I lasted all these eighteen years as a human, you surely can pull through this fifth year."

Sebastian grabbed Ciel's hand and kissed it, "You have grown so much, young master." The young lord smiled softly, "But not enough to challenge me in bed." The butler grinned.

Ciel's mouth gaped open, "You cocky little—"

The crimson-eyed man laughed and Ciel just pouted. They stared at each other for a while before they grew closer again. Sebastian grabbed at Ciel's hair and removed the hair tie that kept it up. His dark blue hair swayed down and over his shoulders. It was long, but not enough to look ridiculous. The cut was angled perfectly and made his face look exactly how it should for a soon-to-be eighteen-year-old. The young lord's face was slim and most would say he looked feminine. But either way, he was the most beautiful creature Sebastian had ever seen. Everything about him seemed perfect, even his personality defects evolved over time.

So, as Sebastian ran his hand through his young lover's hair, Ciel began unbuttoning his vest. Sebastian stopped his hands and kissed his soft lips. Oh, how he LOVED kissing those lips. The first time they kissed was soon after he returned. It wasn't that same day since they both agreed that it had been emotionally exhausting, but the morning after…well, lust grabbed a tight hold of them.


Sebastian had come to wake up his young master like any other day, even though it had been not even twenty-four hours since he arrived. He opened the curtains and his young lord was still sleeping. The ex-demon walked towards his master and ran his fingertips to trace the structure of his young lover's face. He couldn't help but bring his own face closer, taking in the sweet scent of the thirteen-year-old. His thumb ran from the right side of his cheek to his lips, feeling the smooth texture of them. Sebastian brought his mouth down to kiss his forehead, then the bridge of his nose, then the tip. And finally, he hovered above Ciel's pink lips and slowly, oh, so very slowly, brought his lips to his. The kiss was chaste, nothing more than a peck, but it seemed to last an eternity. Sebastian felt a small hand snake its way to the nape of his neck and pulled him closer. The kiss moved deeper and more passionate. Oh, how they longed for this day. After many years of being each other's bedmate, it was the first time they shared a kiss. But certainly, it was not the last.

(End of Flashback)

After reminiscing, the Phantomhive butler hooked up arms underneath Ciel's legs and carried him bride-style.

"S-Sebastian! What are you doing!" Ciel was startled.

The ebony-haired man kissed him passionately on the mouth. They broke apart for air and he said, "I think the bed would be much more comfortable for what I have in mind, young master."

The eighteen-year-old smirked, "That didn't stop you yesterday."

"Yes, and I am sorry to say that the desk was injured in the process."

"Injured! There's a bloody crack down the whole middle of it! You butchered it!"

Sebastian grinned, "I told you I ordered a replacement."

Ciel folded his arms, "Like that will repair an amazing piece of mahogany furniture."

Sebastian thanked God for giving humans the adrenaline rush because apparently, it happened to him often, causing beautiful furniture and walls to become ruined.

The butler nuzzled his nose into his master's neck as they walked out of the office, "But now you will get a brand new one and a little gift from me as well."

"Oh? And what might that be?"

Sebastian moved his lips closer to the teen's ear and licked the outer shell, making him tremble in pleasure, "You'll find out once we make it to your room, young master."

"Must you tease me so?"

"Why of course, young master. It is but my duty as your lover to make you feel the greatest amount of pleasure than anyone else in the world…. Ciel."

"God, are we there yet?"

The ex-demon laughed, "As a matter of fact, we are. It was excellent thinking on your part, young master, by moving your office closer to your bed chamber." Ciel mumbled something into his shoulder. "What was that?"

"N-nothing, never mind. Just hurry up already."

Sebastian walked over to the bed and gently laid his master down. He climbed on top and straddled his lover. He bit the tip of his glove and slid his hand out. He did the same with his other hand and once he was free of them, he ran his hands over Ciel's clothed body. It was a cold December evening so the teen wore a white button-down shirt with a red vest and a black jacket. Ciel quickly shimmied out of his jacket and vest but Sebastian took extra time with the buttons on his shirt. He leaned down some more so that his face hovered above each button when he undid them. The butler parted the two shirt parts to the side but left it on his lover. His lips trailed from his collarbone to his belly button, kissing and nipping everywhere they went. His skillful tongue swirled within the small hole, making Ciel's nipples stand erect. Sebastian smirked, but stopped. His thumbs and index fingers slowly slid the young man's trousers down right below his hips but teasing his lower half. Sebastian's mouth sucked at the bulged right below him, but refused to release it from its restraints. He sucked and lapped at it until it was wet.

All the while, Sebastian kept his eyes on his young lover, watching his every expression.

"Hm, that's a surprise. You haven't once told me to stop as you usually do, my lord."

Ciel smirked, "I am a man, Sebastian. An experienced one at that. What makes you think a little bit a teasing will do me in?"

"It seems I have created a monster. You were begging for me to hurry up before we even entered the room and now you believe yourself to be on equal footing as I." Then the butler realized his master's intentions, "Was it because of my comment earlier? The one where I said you couldn't challenge me."

"I'm not so transparent."

"But that is where you are wrong, young master." He kissed his flat belly, "You are but an open book to me."

Ciel couldn't fight back a blush. After all these years, Sebastian still managed to make his heart skip a few extra beats.

"Just go on."

"Does the young master wish to challenge me?"

The Phantomhive earl's eyes widened, "You couldn't possibly mean—?"

Sebastian looked at him nonchalantly as he sat up, "Well, I suppose 'challenge' isn't quite the right word." He unbuttoned his shirt and let it slide to the side, "What I am saying is…do you wish to make love to me, my lord?" Ciel couldn't help but gape like a fish. The crimson-eyed man chuckled, "My, young master, your face gives the answer quite blatantly."

The teen gulped, "O-okay."

"I see. Well, then we should get started, my lord." Sebastian put his hands on either side of Ciel and rubbed his clothed erection against his lover's. They both groaned in pleasure. The Phantomhive lord gripped his shoulders and stopped him from doing it again. "What is it, young master?"

"I…I want to touch you. Let me do it."

Sebastian eyes widened but he smirked, "As you wish, my lord."

Ciel threw a leg over Sebastian's and rolled him over so that their positions where reversed. His hands were shaking as he moved them towards his lover's chest. No matter how much he bragged about being experienced (although it was all thanks to Sebastian), he had no idea what to do in this situation. Since his first time, he had always been the "woman" in the relationship so it never occurred to him what the top must be like. And to have actually been given an opportunity like this, he was ecstatic!

The blue-eyed teen put his hands on the older man's chest and slowly rubbed them over his nipples. His palmed moved upwards and flicked over the pink nub. His ran his fingers down and massage it between his index finger and thumb. He was tempted to lick them…so he gave into that temptation. It was an experimental lick at first, but then when he saw Sebastian throw his head back in pleasure, he continued to do it more confidently. His slim tongue flicked at it to and fro multiple times. His other hand traveled down to the butler's trousers and slid them all the way down, past his half-hard cock. The action freed it and allowed the warm air to brush against it.

"My, how very impatient, young master," Sebastian teased while trying to bite back a moan as Ciel wrapped his hand around his length.

"Shut up, Sebastian. You know you can't resist me. Your cock is hard from just a few caresses and nips here and there."

The crimson-eyed man felt shivers down his spine as his master deepened his voice a few octaves. He threw his head back as his young lover stopped licking his nipples and bent over his erection. With his hand still pumping it, the mouth blew hot air onto it and he seductively looked up to meet Sebastian's lust-filled eyes. Ciel gave his cock a lick on the tip. Then he ran his pink organ from the base of his ball-sack to the very top of the head. Sebastian's breaths came out in short pants. The Phantomhive earl was amused by his butler's reaction. It's not as if this was the first time he was giving him a blowjob, so why was he acting this way?

"Just get on with it, master."

Ciel quirked an eyebrow, "Are you asking me to stop?"

"No, I just want you to stop teasing me, my lord."

"Beg and I'll think about it."

Sebastian's mouth opened in astonishment, "A bit too confident I see."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, I suppose not. Just do it."

Ciel made an attempt to sit back up, "I told you what you have to do."

The ex-demon took a deep breath and shook his head. He knew very well that his dignity wouldn't survive this. So, he outstretched his arms towards Ciel and brought him up into a messy kiss. He forced his tongue inside his lover's wet cavern and swirled it around. Ciel fought his tongue with his own and soon made them separate. He bit his lover's lower lip and ran his tongue across it.

"Take me, young master." Sebastian said against Ciel's lips, "I want you inside of me."

As if the words themselves had a complete effect on Ciel, he felt his cock engorge and he flipped Sebastian over unexpectedly. He propped his ass up and kept his back down. The older man couldn't help but wonder just what the hell his master was doing but it didn't take too long to figure it out. He suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up and anxiety took him over. Ciel's face neared the ebony-haired man's ass and he used his hands to part the full butt cheeks. He bent his head over and licked his butler's puckered hole. The young man pushed his pink organ through the tight ring of muscle and skillfully moved it around. He didn't need experience to pleasure his lover. He had been pleasured so many times before by the same man that it all came naturally. As Ciel moved his tongue in and out of his older lover, his index finger crept its way into the mysterious tunnel. The finger went in knuckle-deep and Ciel saw Sebastian cringe his flawless features in slight discomfort. The young lord was hesitant but quickly added a second finger. Sebastian moaned but Ciel couldn't tell if it was in pleasure or pain. So, he pushed them in a bit further and moved them in scissoring motions. Ciel honestly had no patience for this sort of thing and looked at Sebastian for advice. When the seventeen-year-old looked up, he just saw his lover's eyes close and try to concentrate on something completely different to what they were doing. This aggravated Ciel a little and he threw whatever patience he had out the window.

The Phantomhive earl grabbed onto Sebastian hips and rubbed his erection against his ass. Not inside but right on the crack. Ciel threw his head back a little at just the thought of being inside the man he loved. Sebastian bit his lip and closed his eyes; he could just feel his lover inside him right now. And that moment came soon after. Ciel used his thumbs and opened up his lover's hole. His cock was fully erected so he just led it in towards the puckered hole. The young lord positioned the head right outside of his butler's anus and without warning, he thrust in. Sebastian tried his best to bite back a yelp but the pain and shock from being entered made his eyes open wide and his mouth to gasp open as well. He let out a scream of painful pleasure. Ciel felt goose bumps appear on his arms as he heard his lover scream. He never heard him lose control and it was incredibly sexy when he did.

As the ex-demon fisted his hands in the sheets, Ciel used his hands to steady his thrusting rate. He bent lower and kissed his lover's flawless back. His pink lips pecked at Sebastian's shoulder blades and kissed in between them whenever he would contract them. The Phantomhive earl couldn't help but think that his butler was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, especially when he was the one being made love to. With that in mind, as Ciel's hips rotated and set a steady pace, he used one free hand to pump Sebastian's length. As he heard his lover moaned, his lips moved up to the crimson-eyed man's neck and nuzzled them for a bit. He kissed and sucked and trailed back down his back again, just to go back up multiple times. Within seconds, purplish-pink markings could be seen on Sebastian's pale skin. Ciel grinned at his handiwork. Perfect.

As soon as he was satisfied, Ciel's pace became more rapid and harsh. The sound of skin slapping against skin could be heard quite easily and Sebastian screams for pleasure were sure to have been heard all throughout the manor. Oh how Ciel loved to make his lover lose control. So, once he was confident that his hips could do all the work without his help, his other free hand moved up Sebastian's chest. He pinched his left nipple and twirled it around in between his index finger and thumb. The multiple stimulation was a lot for the Phantomhive butler to handle, but he had enough control to hold back from ejaculating. Ciel, on the other hand, wasn't used to penetrating something so deep and hot and tight as Sebastian's ass hole. It was truly the best thing he had ever felt besides having his butler's thick cock inside of him.

The blue-eyed young man brought his lips close to Sebastian's right ear and licked the outer shell. The older man trembled in pleasure since his ears were his weak point.

Ciel whispered in his ear, "S-Sebastian, I'm going to come."

The onyx-haired butler couldn't even make out words from being pleasured both from the front and back, "Just d-do it. C-come inside me, y-young ma—ahhhhh!"

True to his word, Ciel came and let out his heavy load deep inside of Sebastian. He held his hips in place to make sure he was as deep in as possible. Sebastian enjoyed the feeling of his lover's semen fill him to the brim, but it wasn't enough to satisfy him. As Ciel pulled out and relaxed right next to him, Sebastian rolled onto his side and rubbed himself against the younger man.

"You're still hard?" The Phantomhive earl asked.

"It appears that I am, young master. Apparently I am much too used to being the giver than the receiver that this end does not satisfy me a much."

Ciel sighed, "I'm tired Sebastian and your bum obviously hurts like hell, so just let it go away."

The butler couldn't help but frown at his statement, "No."

"What did you say?" Ciel asked.

Sebastian lifted himself up and ignored the shooting pain radiating from his used ass hole. He got in between Ciel's legs and pulled him closer to his extremely hard rod. As Sebastian spread his legs a little to maintain balance, he felt Ciel's essence drip out of his hole and down his thighs. The ex-demon shivered but loved the feel of it. It was sexy in that weird sort of way. So, as he positioned himself in front of his young lover, Ciel made no move to stop him. He knew he must have been hurting from being used for the first time and for not being able to ejaculate, so he let him do as he pleased. They have been each other's bedmate for almost six years, so Sebastian knew that Ciel didn't need any kind of preparation. Especially when their late-night activities were often every night in a row. So, Sebastian thrusted in almost as fast as Ciel did when he first entered him just a few moments before. Once he was seated to the hilt inside of his lover, Sebastian was proud that his lover remained the same throughout all these years. His body could still satisfy him and he was still as tight as ever. One of the reasons why the butler never wanted to share his lover with anybody else. Not even Lau when he begged him once. Many want his master's body, but he knows that only he can satisfy his master's body and vice versa.

As Sebastian quickly set his usual pace, Ciel wrapped his smooth, pale legs around his lover's waist. He tried his best to not get hard because then he would just end up more tired than he already was. It was his first time being on top, and thrusting took more energy than receiving it. But he gladly obliged his lover's request for harder and faster sex. Hell, who didn't like rough sex?

Ciel purposely clenched his muscles and tightened around the older man. He didn't want it to end too soon but he couldn't help but have fun. He decided that even though he was tired, sex with Sebastian was always his number one priority. Sebastian kept his rough pace and his actions towards Ciel's upper body reflected that. He bit and nipped at every nook and cranny he saw. He nuzzled his face into Ciel's pale neck that was already decorated with butterfly marks from a few nights before. And apparently, they both had a thing for necks because the majority of love bites were located there. So, Ciel nudged his lover's head down and urged him towards his chest. The butler complied and sunk his teeth into the young earl's pec. Ciel winced as his lover's bite drew blood but as he saw his own blood on his lover's luscious lips, he wanted more of it. He grabbed the back of Sebastian neck and smashed their lips together into a passionate, yet sloppy, kiss. He tasted the coppery taste of his blood and licked them from his lover's lips. That was when he felt Sebastian's long length hit that specific bundle of nerves that always sent him over the edge. But instead, he cock stood at immediate attention and had precum dripping from the tip already.

"Bloody hell, Sebastian. Look at what you do to me," Ciel said with a lust-filled voice.

The ex-demon smirked, "If I couldn't do this much, then how could I call myself a proper servant to the Phantomhive household?"

Ciel joined his smirk, "I see your cockiness hasn't changed in all these years."

"My, what made you think it had?"

The blue-eyed man laughed but soon it turned into cries of extreme pleasure. Sebastian fisted Ciel's length and kept hitting his prostate head-on.

"Oh…oh sh—mmh!" The young man couldn't hold back anymore. His lover was just that good, "I can't take it anymore, S-Sebastian!"

The crimson-eyed man brought his lips to his lover's and gave him the wettest, most passionate kiss they've had in a long time.

Then, he whispered into his mouth, "Do it." He kissed his chin, across his slim jaw and up to his ear. The butler nibbled at the pierced lobe and finally spoke into it. "Lost yourself to me, my love. Feel me inside of you and…let go."

Sebastian's hoarse voice dropped an octave when he said that, causing Ciel to spill his essence into the older man's hand. As his hole contracted, Sebastian was happily awaiting the next events. He felt his lover tighten a significant amount and he threw his head back in pleasure as he released his semen inside of the seventeen-year-old.

"Let my hands flow through your hair

Moving closer a kiss we'll share

Passionate love to be all night long

We'll never break, as one too strong"

-"1000 Hours" by Green Day

The Phantomhive butler collapsed onto the empty spot right next to Ciel. The bed had never been so comforting in his life. But when he noticed that it was well past nighttime, he reached under his pillow to grab his pocket watch. He popped it open and looked at the time.

"Good lord, Sebastian. Don't you ever take a break from your duties?"

The man in question smiled softly, "You know a butler's job in never complete." He paused for a moment before saying, "But that is not my concern right now, young master."

Ciel rolled onto his stomach and leaned on his elbows as he wrapped himself in the bed sheets. "Oh? Then what is your concern?" Without warning, Sebastian pressed his lips softly against the young man's. Ciel was stunned but he leaned into the kiss; never wanting it to end. Sadly, it did. "What was that for?"

"It is well past midnight, my lord."

"And? Are you going to tell me that I will be punished for staying up past my bedtime? I am not a child anymore, Sebastian."

The butler shook his head, "That isn't it, young master. The truth is…. it's your birthday as of now."

Ciel's eyebrows shot up, "Yes, well, I suppose it is." He buried himself in his lover's arms.

Sebastian embraced him; "I have been waiting for this moment for five years, young master."

"What does it even matter? Age is just a number. Eighteen has no real significance. As opposed to however old you are, of course." Ciel joked.

The fun ended when the young earl saw the look on Sebastian's face. He noticed the seriousness that his eyes told and the expression that adorned his flawless features was one that scared the earl shitless.

"I have to tell you the truth, Ciel. About everything I was and everything I have done up until this moment and why I am the way I am." Sebastian stated.

To be honest, Ciel would be lying if he said he wasn't interested in what his lover had to say. Ever since he found out he had been turned into a human, a myriad of questions raced through his mind, but he didn't dare ask one since he was afraid of the truth. But it seems that he will have to find out sooner or later.

With that, Sebastian told his eighteen-year-old lover everything. From the archangel that he once was to his last moment in Heaven when he was transformed into a lowly human for Ciel's sake. All the while, the young lord stayed in the ex-demon's arms, not moving an inch. At one point, Sebastian swore he felt water make contact with his skin, but he couldn't be sure. And as soon as he was done, he took a moment for it all to sink in. By this time, it was almost dawn but neither man was tired.

Ciel was the first one to break the silence, "I…I never knew."

"Of course not. I didn't want you to know how much of a filthy creature I was."

The young man's hand went up and caressed the older man's face, "You're not filthy, Sebastian. You are the most beautiful creature I've seen."

Sebastian didn't know what to make of that. It had been a while since anyone showed kindness towards him and he especially didn't want any after his first failed relationship.

"What about Eve?" He was still a bit worried about Ciel's thoughts on her.

To his surprise, the blue-eyed man leaned up and kissed him on the lips, "Whoever you were once before has nothing to do with you now. I love you and nothing from your past will changed that."

The butler fought back tears. He had waited more than a millennium to hear those words and to finally have someone who cared for him despite of what he was, it was…a wonderful feeling.

"You…you truly have grown so much, young master." Sebastian kissed the palm of his lover's hand.

They lied there for a few moments before Ciel asked, "Do you remember that time when you asked me if I believed in destiny?"

"That was a long time ago, but yes. Why do you ask?"

Ciel curled up in his lover's arms, "The answer is yes…yes, I do."

"What if I told you it was all meant to be

Would you believe me, would you agree?


A moment like this


Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me"

-"A Moment Like This" by Kelly Clarkson

dreamgirl: Why must all good things come to an end? TT^TT I tried my best to write an appropriate epilogue and I hope it came out to all your expectations. Reviews would be lovely but I just want to take this chance to say thank you everyone for lasting this far with me! You guys truly are the best :) I'd like to thank all the 81 Favs, 104 Alerts, so far, 174 Reviews and 30,461 Hits! I love you all .