Sex Cheques

Chapter 1 - Shopping

I was asked to do this a long while back, so inspiration for this chapter belongs to Dre and this fic is dedicated to her and Lizzie. You are my hero, Dre.

Summary - Axel feels that Zexion and Roxas need to further their ten-month-long relationship. He thinks they don't have enough of a love-life and decides he'll help them change that by taking them to his brother's sex shop. The young couple is mortified by what their best friend buys for them. In the mass of sextoys and other 'unmentionables', Roxas picks out a package of 'Sex Cheques'. What is in store for the two?

Disclaimer - I don't own. You guys do. Tell me what you want and, if Sam-ily possible, you shall get it!

Warnings - boyxboy, (all in later chapters)smut, threesum, handcuffs, stuff that is up to you guys

Pairings - ZexionRoxasZexion, AxelDemyxAxel


Ten months already. It had been ten months since they had finally opened up to each other - after a lot of prodding from Axel - and confessed feelings for the other. Already in their last year of school together and they hadn't gotten any further than making out on Roxas' couch when the blonde's parents were out.

It was a Friday, lunch time. Roxas and Zexion were sitting in a stairwell with their two best friends, Axel and Demyx. Axel, an extremely lanky redhead, was grinning evilly at the youngest blonde and his slate-haired boyfriend.

"Axel ... Are you okay? I don't like that look," Roxas whimpered, moving farther back into the wall at Zexion's feet, relishing in the feel of the slender hand that shifted through his blonde spikes in reassurance.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me, Rox-as. You just have to worry about yourself," the redhead warned, that smirk growing, showing off amazingly white teeth. The small blonde nuzzled into Zexion's pant leg, whimpering slightly. "Oh, now, I'm not that scary! I just want the two of you to meet me out in the parking lot after school today."

"What about Demyx?" Zexion inquired, still running his hand through Roxas' spikes. The elder blonde perked at the sound of his name, momentarily ignoring the peeling rubber on his sneaker that he had been pulling at absentmindedly. He beamed, laughing lightly.

"Axel's already told me all about his plan. I don't want a thing to do with it."

"Aww, but, babe! It'll be really fun!"

The redhead gripped the blonde's hands in his, gazing into his aquamarine orbs pleadingly. Demyx laughed again, sticking his tongue out at the elder teen. "Nope. Ain't happenin'! You can't drag me into this harebrained scheme."

"What harebrained scheme?! Axel, What do you have planned?"

Axel ignored the speaking blonde, opting to place his spidery fingers on his own blonde's knees, edging closer to nip at his lower lip with a moaned "C'mon, Dembabe! It'll be fun."

Zexion pulled himself up to his feet, dragging Roxas to stand in front of him. He leaned down to press his lips quickly to Roxas' for a hint more of reassurance. "Come on, Roxas. The bell is about to ring. It would not do to be late for class."

"Remember," Axel howled, appearing at the railing above the couple walking down the stairs. "Meet me in the parking lot! I'll give you a ride home, too!"

"Yes, Axel. Now, goodbye or else we shall be late."


"We're here. Now what?" Roxas deadpanned, eyeing his friend suspiciously. Axel just beamed at the sight of the 'cute couple' walking towards him with their linked hands.

"Get in."

The redhead opened the back door, bowing overdramatically. Shuffling in wearily, the two eyed Axel nervously. Demyx just huffed from the front seat, grumpy that his lover had managed to drag him along.

"It's okay, it's okay, I promise. This is completely to your benefit."

"Of course it is, Axel, of course it is." Roxas rolled his eyes, smirking at his love who smirked back.

"Well, it is," the redhead pouted. Five minutes later, the vehicle pulled up in front of a flashy building. Roxas gaped at the sign and Zexion gagged slightly.

"Hallow Erotica? Axel, what the hell is this?" Roxas spluttered, peering at the building with mild disgust.

"Never mind, just follow me. Dem, are you comin', babe, or are you stayin' in the car?"

"I am not going in there ever again."

"During daylight hours when people can see you?"

"Shut up! Gah, Axel, I hate you!"

"Love you too. Okay, fine, just the three of us then."

The redhead opened the back door once more and had to grab Roxas by the collar of his shirt in order to pull him out. "Axel, I don't want to! That's a porn shop."

"It is not. It is a store to increase sexual pleasure."

"And you brought us here because you believe that Roxas and I are not happy?"

"Correctamundo, my friend."

"Well, for your information -"

"Oh, Zexion, shove off. Just come with me. It'll be fine. I won't force you to buy anything."

Axel grabbed his two best friends by their upper arm, dwarfing them in size and strength. Pushing them through the door, the trio was greeted with an agitated groan. The redhead chuckled softly.

"Axel, out."

"Oh, relax, Reno. I'm here for community service."

"No, Axel, let's do as he says." Roxas piped up, slightly weary of the redhead behind the counter. Crescent-shaped red tattoos outlined the glaring blue eyes, seeming to be a slash at the corner of each stern orb.

"Listen to that twerp, Axe. I don't want to know what you do in your spare time."

"It's not for me this time, bro!"

The two that had entered with Axel gaped at their best friend. "Bro? As in ... brother ... as in ... Ugh, Axel, is everyone in your family so perverse?" The younger redhead smirked while his brother turned his glare on the two pint-sized teens in front of Axel.

"Hey, you know nothing about my family! Keep your comments to -"

"Re, I'm gonna take Rox-as and Zexion down back, okay?"

"Wait, what? These are those two twerps you're always talking about?"

"Yup. Now, if you don't mind..."

"Ugh, fine. Just hurry it up. Before I get paying customers."

Axel rolled his eyes, pushing his best friends towards the merchandise. He led them easily down the aisles as they split and combined, little signs on the shelves describing the way. The first branch stated 'Men' and 'Women'. The second also stated, 'Men' and 'Women'. Still, Axel led them through the 'Men' aisle. 'Alone' and 'Partner' was next and the two younger teens glanced at each other nervously when they were led down the right aisle.

"A-Axel ... where are we going?"

"Just one more, Rox-as. Don't worry."

'Starting Out' verses 'Old Pros' and Roxas gulped, gripping Zexion's hand nervously. Axel paused just after making his way towards the long aisle of 'Starting Out'. He turned back to the two following him, that beaming smirk back on his features. "I'll let you two search around a bit. If you need any help, I'll be over in the next aisle," he stated with a wink. Both Roxas and Zexion blushed, looking down at their feet.

"S-So ... a-are we really gonna ... look through this stuff?"

"I see no reason to ... although ... I also see no reason not to."

Taking a deep breath, Zexion took a step toward the dimly lit, well-stalked shelf. He peered at a bottle. "Makes sense," he hummed, taking in the label.


Roxas was at his side, glancing nervously around himself as though a news crew were going to pop out from behind the shelves and start exposing the two as world-class perverts. "Lubricant is one of the more ... essential aspects of having ... pleasurable sex. So, of course there would be bottles of it near the beginning of the aisle."

"O-Oh." Roxas could feel the red covering his face and vaguely wondered if it was shining like a beacon to his innocence. "Y-You ... aren't actually thinking of getting any of this stuff ... are you?" the blonde asked incredulously as the slate-haired teen fingered the bottle from the shelf.

"I'm ... not sure yet."

There were muffled snickers behind them. "I would love to know what it is you find so hilarious about that statement, Axel," Zexion snapped without even turning around. The redhead behind the two didn't see the point of attempting to hide his chuckles so appeared from behind the shelf, large Cheshire grin covering his lips. In his hand he held an intimidating black object that appeared to have sharp, black spikes along its length. Roxas eyed it suspiciously but Axel just hid it behind his back.

"I just think that it's cute. Well, that the two of you are just so adorable. How far have you gone so far?"

"Wh-What do you mean?" Roxas stuttered, impossibly red face growing far more crimson.

"Have you fucked yet? Have you blown one another off? Have you even seen Zexion naked, Roxas?"

The blonde's cerulean orbs grew wide, his breath catching in his throat. Zexion jumped to his rescue, stepping in front of his love as though Axel were wielding a gun or something of the like. "Why would you want to know something like that, Axel?"

The redhead rolled emerald orbs as though that were the most obvious question in the world. "Well, Zexion, if you must know, I can't help you pick out what you need if I don't know how far you've gone."

"Why would you suspect we need anything?"

"I want to help you spice up your love life so that you won't be so awkward around each other at school. People can cut the sexual tension rolling off of the two of you with a knife, you know."

Zexion glared, Axel returning the look with a giant smirk. Roxas peeked up from behind his boyfriend, a blank expression on his features. "We've made out before. We've slept together, just without having sex, so, I guess we would have seen each other in boxers? He's gotten rid of my shirt once." Roxas shoved his face into Zexion's shoulder-blades from embarrassment.

"Aww, Rox-as, you are so adorable! So innocent!" Axel cooed, causing Zexion to get an instant pang of jealousy, determined to protect his boyfriend.

"He's mine, Axel. You keep your grimy paws off him."

Axel took a step back, hands going up in defense, that smirk never leaving his features. "It's alright, Zex. Take a chill pill, would you? I have Demyx. That's all I need. Now, let's see. Why don't you guys go make conversation with Reno? Tell him that I'll be putting a lot on my tab."

"You have a tab?"

"How many times have you called me a horny bastard, Rox?" was Axel's response, now shoving the two from his 'domain'.

"Make up your mind, already! You want us back here or not?"

"Nah, just wanted to show you it was here. Now, if you'll excuse me..."


"Okay, so, you can pay for all this, kay Re?"

The elder redhead glared at his brother over the small pile of sexual merchandise. "No, that is not 'kay', Axel."

"You'll just be paying for it anyways!"

"Oh yeah, how?"

"You pay my allowance. So, just take all this stuff out of that munny."

"This is about four allowances."

"I'm willing to pay that much. It's for a good cause." Axel placed his hand on his chest, puffing it out slightly as he straightened his posture in a valiant pose.

"Oh, cut it out. I'm going to wait in the car," Roxas sighed, being followed by a silent but also red-faced Zexion.

"Ugh, how much of this is even yours, anyway, Axe?"

Axel beamed. "Just this." He held up the intimidating collar and spikes. Reno shuddered, obvious mental images rolling through his mind.

"Okay, okay, fine. Just ... ugh, just don't do anything too graphic."

The younger brother winked. "No guarantees, there, bro."


"So, explain what these are?"

Roxas was laying on his back, his jeans bulging, most of the items from the Erotica shop strewn about his bed. Eyeing the pack of long, rectangular cards he held above his head, he rolled his head farther back to gaze at Axel upside-down. Axel smirked, leaning forward, batting off Demyx's roving hands to pluck the item from Roxas' fingers.

"Oh, these are fun. They're Sex Cheques."

"They're what?"

"Sex Cheques. Basically cards that have some sort of kinky deally written on them. What was one of ours once, Dem?"

"Blowjob in the locker room?"

"Mmm, that one was fun. Teach-man almost got us. But they could be nearly anything. Well, anything humanly possible."

"Why are they called Cheques? Do you have to cash them in or something?"

Axel shrugged, handing the smaller blonde back the cards. "I dunno why they call em that. Why do they call them Thunder Beads? Why do they call anything what they call them?"

"Well," Demyx piped up, smiling happily. "I think that they call Thunder Beads that because when you get them used on ya, you moan and it sounds like thunder."

Axel snorted. "Aww, Dem, that's cute, babe!" The redhead gripped the elder blonde round the neck, pulling him close to rub his spiky mohawk with his knuckles.

"Okay, okay. Let's call it a night, then. I've had a long week. I just want to sleep right now."

"Aww, but Zex!"

Axel winked at the pair of blondes as the slate-haired teen stretched, draping his arm over his blonde's legs. "Nah, Dem, it's okay. We should be getting home anyways."

Gripping Demyx's hand to pull him up, Axel said his goodbyes, dragging his blonde behind him. He came back a couple seconds later. "Forgot something," he smirked, winking again as he held up the spiked choker.

"Later, guys," Roxas waved them out. After making sure he heard Axel's car drive down the driveway, Zexion smirked, sitting up to take in the blonde. "Oh god. He smirks. That's never a good sign."


To Be Continued


I'm still Roxas!Innocent. -winks- So, bear with me, kay? This'll be a fun ride. -smacks self- What am I getting myself into? You all horny bitches out there? Tell me your suggestions, right? What do you wanna see?! You can review with them or if you want to keep it a secret, you can PM me! I write your idea, you get the chapter dedicated to you! I can't wait to see what you guys do to me!

I'm just another little faggot with a problem, fuckin around with someone elses hard-on - I Hate Jimmy Page

Mindless Self Indulgence
