Disclaimer: The story is fictious and all characters belong to their original creators/owners, as well as the game of Duel Monsters. The few characters that do belong to me are the Katsuhiko name, Erin and Davis Katsuhiko as well Takeshii Kuraito.

Domino Doom!

Chapter 13: Forever is not Enough

Papers were shuffled around the coffee table, a mug of the creamy liquid sat on a coaster, delicate hands moved the papers around once more, and sapphire eyes glanced over the items that would suit her taste. "After all we spoke about, he still wants some kind of reception. So intent on spending money." She chuckled as her eyes gazed at the engagement ring on her finger, it had been years since he gave it to her, and he had finally proposed to her last week. Now she was trying to figure out what she wanted for flowers on the tables where the guests were going to sit. Seto had chosen blue rose petals to lay on top and it was up to her to pick the flowers so she chose white lilies. "Those are pretty, I've always liked lilies." She smiled, picked up the paper, set it aside, and continued on with the other options.

Hours passed, she was asleep on the couch, her hands tucked under the throw pillow that propped her head up, she was sleeping when the front door opened. Kaiba entered, removed his shoes, passed by the den, and paused. He peeked in to see a sleeping Kisara, he smirked, quietly approached her, and leaned over the back of the couch. That same smirk stayed on his face as he leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek. Kisara's eyes fluttered open, she sat up groggily while he continued to lean on the back of the couch. She glanced around while he said, "That's four times now. Are you sure you don't want any help?"

Her eyes were still sleepy, "I'm fine Seto. You worry about your company, I can deal with this."

"But you help with the company too. I've gone to sleep with a messed up schedule only to wake up and see that it's been organized." She smiled up at him, "You do so much Kisara. Take a break." She shrugged and he smirked, "Always so selfless." He leaned over and kissed her, she returned it, and he kissed her neck, "Come on. Let's get you to bed."

"I just woke up!"

Seto chuckled, "Alright then let's have a bath first." He leaned away from her to see that her face was crimson. He laughed, "Still shy!" She swatted him playfully before he leaned over to kiss her once more, "Be sure to pick out a nice wedding dress." Again she swatted him playfully while he chuckled and watched as she cleaned up all her papers. The cup was placed in the kitchen sink, her gathered papers were under her arm, and Seto wrapped his arm around her waist while she did the same to him. They walked up the stairs to their room, she placed the papers on the desk, and he tossed his briefcase on the floor; immediately she picked it up and he chuckled.

As their bath together finished, Kiara pulled on her long nightgown, she wrapped a robe around herself, and felt refreshed. Before she could head to the desk to look over some more things for the ceremony, she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She giggled as she was pulled close to a bare chested Kaiba, she looked up at him, "Can I help you with something?"

"There are a lot of things you can help me with." She chuckled as he nuzzled her neck, "For starters we can roll around the bed for awhile...if you're up for it."

"I don't think you'd be able to handle me." He watched as she winked at him, he nuzzled her neck, and lifted her into the air before placing her on the bed. She laughed at his antics, he slid on top of her, while trailing kisses along her jaw. "You missed me that much?"

"I always miss you. Words can't express how much I miss you." Kisara chuckled and returned his kisses when he reached her lips and felt his wandering hands.


As the weeks progressed, Kisara was able to get the reception together, and the only thing left was to get a wedding dress. This she was picky about, everything she saw didn't appeal to her, and she sighed as she placed another photograph into the unwanted pile. Kiara placed her hands on her cheeks and stared at the other pictures of dresses that were littered around the coffee table. "What am I supposed to pick? They're all so...bland." Her eyes kept scanning the photos, wanting to see a dress that she liked, but found nothing. Kisara was getting frustrated and she wanted to throw all the pictures on the floor but she steeled herself away from that mindset.

When she felt that none of them would do, she picked up her phone, and called her mother, as she waited for her to pick up, Kisara smiled. When she answered Kisara replied happily, "Hello mother. How are you?"

"Oh I'm fine dear! How are you two doing all the way down there?"

There was a chuckle from the daughter, "We're doing fine."

"The preparations? It can be daunting to plan a wedding even a small one. Do you need any help?"

"I've gotten everything under control except the wedding dress. I don't like anything that I see in the catalogs."

Erin laughed, "Of course you wouldn't because you're my daughter!" When the pair laughed together, Kisara waited for her mother to speak once more. "Honey, if you can come over now, I've got the perfect wedding dress for you although it's not the traditional dress. It's more of a wedding kimono style dress that your other great great grandmother created."

"Okay mother. I'll be over as soon as I can."

"Take your time dear." Kisara said her farewells to her mother, put her cellular phone in the pocket of her cardigan, and immediately grabbed her small purse. A smile appeared on her face as she remembered the day that Pegasus had bought it for her. She wrote a note telling Kaiba that she was going to visit her mother down the road and that she would be back in time for dinner. As she left the house, the butler appeared next to her on the porch, she jumped in surprise.

"So sorry."

She smiled, "It's alright. I don't think I'll ever get used to your stealth."

The man smiled, "Where are you off to young miss?"

"To see my mother. She's just down the road."

"Ah yes, I have heard. Do you need a ride?"

"No, I can walk."

"I suggest a ride beyond the fence." Kisara tilted her head in curiosity, he motioned for her to look out carefully, in the distance she saw movement between the foliage, and she could feel glaring eyes on her. She sighed with a small smile and the butler asked once more, "Would you like a ride?"

Kisara kept that smile on her face, "Yes, that would be lovely. Thank you very much, I appreciate it."

"Very good young miss." She could tell that he was pleased with himself as he pulled out his own phone, he dialed a number, waited for the other person to pick up, and stated, "Miss Katsuhiko requires an escort to her mother's new home down the road." He hung up, a few minutes later, a black sport utility vehicle rolled in, and the butler immediately opened up the back door.

Kisara climbed in, "Thank you sir. I appreciate all of your hard work. Could you tell Seto that I left him a note in the foyer but that I'll be back soon?" He nodded with a smile and she returned it, "What's your name?"

"I am Ishi and your designated driver is Akashi."

"Thank you so much Ishi and Akashi." Ishi inclined his head as he closed the door and she turned to see Akashi looking at her in the rearview mirror. "Thank you very much."

He nodded, "Please program my number into your phone young miss." She nodded, pulled out her phone while she input the numbers that he told her as they drove off. "Always give me a ring when you need a ride. As Mister Kaiba's wife you are going to have a lot of enemies, fangirls are not the ones that I am worried about. I know that you can take care of yourself concerning them but there are other dangers."

"I understand Akashi, I will always call you if I need to go anywhere that's off the property."

"Very good Miss Katsuhiko."

"You can call me Kisara. I don't mind."

"Perhaps when we are alone...Kisara." She noticed that he smiled at her while she returned it, "You are very good for Mister Kaiba." The blue haired woman tilted her head, "He has expressed himself much better since you came into his life. I am glad to have you part of the household. Many of us were worried that he would choose the wrong person."

"I understand what you mean." Her ocean orbs were twinkling with knowledge while his hazel ones gleamed with the same knowledge. The pair laughed as he turned out of the property and onto the road, "If I should encounter any trouble in any part of the city, I'll hide until you come to my rescue."

"Very good young miss!" She smiled and nodded to him as he drove to Pegasus' castle down the road to meet with her mother. They talked about the wedding plans and how she just needed a gown and date to set but she would have to discuss it with Seto first. Akashi listened to everything with open ears and interjected every once in a while to help her out with something that she was stumped on. He pulled to the front of the house, "I shall be waiting here when you are ready to return."

She climbed out, "Thank you so much Akashi." He nodded while he exited the vehicle as well and waited by the car for her to return. She entered the home, guided by a butler until her mother appeared, Erin thanked the man by name, and hugged Kisara. She returned the embrace, "Hello mother. It's been a few months right?"

"Yes it has. Come, let's have some tea and talk all about your plans." She nodded, followed her mother into the den. There was a tray of tea sitting there with everything they needed, she took a seat with Eri, and the two women began to discuss her wedding, how everything was laid out, and how things were going to be set. "As far as the wedding dress goes, I said on the phone that I have the perfect one. Just like that blue gown was a gift from your father's side, this is a gift from my side." Kisara nodded and she was taken to Erin's room that she shared with Pegasus. Inside the closet was a trunk, inside that trunk lay the dress, Erin pulled it out for her daughter to see; Kisara was awestruck at its beauty.


Hours passed, Kisara said her farewells to her mother, and she got inside the vehicle, "I'm so sorry that I was so long Akashi."

"Nonsense Kisara. It's fine." She smiled at him, he returned it, and they headed back to the manor, "Did you find out what you wanted?" The woman nodded, "Very good! I'm glad."

"It's going to be a small ceremony but I thought that I would invite the staff from both houses. What do you think?" Akashi was shocked, he asked her why, and she replied, "Because you all work so hard to please us, even though it's your job, you still work so hard. It would be like a day off for everyone!" He laughed and said that it would be a brilliant idea. "I'm glad because I was going to do it anyway!" He laughed even harder as they pulled into the Kaiba Mansion. Kisara was still smiling while Akashi was chuckling to himself. Ishi opened the door, "Thank you again Akashi." He nodded to her while she said her hello to Ishi.

"Welcome home young miss. Everything went well?"

"Yes it did. I'm glad that the last piece is finally complete. Now I just need to set a date for the wedding and everything will be ready." He nodded while guiding her inside, she was told to wash up for dinner, and she nodded. "Always Ishi." He smiled at her while she headed up the stairs to shower for the coming dinner.

She exited her room with Seto wearing a long brown skirt with a white ruffled blouse, she still wore the sapphire engagement ring, she never took it off, and she took her seat at the table. Mokuba had just run down the stairs, she caught him before he sat, Kisara quickly fixed his hair, and he grinned at her while Kaiba rounded the corner. He intercepted Kisara and kissed her, Mokuba rolled his eyes while his older brother took a seat at the head of the table. It was a much smaller table, per Kisara's request, and Kaiba liked it. Their food was served, he could see that Kisara was still not used to it but she was learning, and she still thanked every servant in the house.

"You don't have to keep thanking them."

"I want them to know that they're appreciated."

He smiled at her as they began to eat, "How are the preparations?"

"Finished. We just need to set a date and get the invitations out."

"Who's coming?"

"I thought we could invite everyone from both houses." Seto stopped to look at her while Mokuba did the same. "They work hard even though it's their jobs. I thought it could be a day off for them and to show that they mean something to us other than just those that clean up after the ones paying them. They're people too!"

Seto smirked, "It's fine, Kisara." Mokuba chuckled while she did the same, "It's good that it's all finished. When we're done we can go to the study and look over the schedules for the next few months and find a date that will work." She nodded while they ate in silence until she asked Mokuba about his schooling, to which he replied with enthusiasm. Seto kept silent while they conversed between the two of them, and his thoughts began to flow. This is peaceful. I actually like this and I'm not as anxious as I once was when she first moved in. Perhaps it's because she's in my room now or it's because we're engaged or it could be something else altogether. She has been sleeping a lot lately but that's probably because she's been so busy with the wedding plans. Still stubborn and selfless, just like when we first met. He smiled and his cobalt eyes twinkled as Kisara laughed at Mokuba's story about chemistry class and the room filling up with smoke. Yes, this is nice.

As the dinner wound down, the three were sipping their peach tea, she was satisfied with it so much that she praised the young maid who had brewed it. The girl blushed and thanked her so many times but Kisara smiled and said that she would like to have the tea after every meal. The girl was more than happy to comply, Seto smiled at her, while the maid was lead out of the dining area by another. Kisara caught him smiling at her, "Praise is due where praise is deserved." Seto stopped drinking and began to laugh while Kisara continued to smile. "I thought that would make you laugh." He nodded as they finished their tea and Mokuba departed to play his console games while Seto and Kisara headed for the study to look at the schedules.


The weeks wore into months but it was just about time for the ceremony, she was anxious, the closer the date drew, the more anxious she became. She noticed that Seto had also been getting restless but she attributed it to the anxiety of finally being together forever. She sighed as she drank her peach tea, she also noticed that as the months passed by, she wasn't feeling all that great at times. This caused her some worry so she made an appointment, that appointment was today, and she finished off her tea. Kisara said her farewells to the maids, she exited the house, and saw Akashi waiting for her with Ishi; she smiled at the pair, they smiled in return. She hopped into the vehicle, Akashi began to drive off, and she put on her seatbelt.

He looked at her in the rearview mirror and asked, "Is everything alright?" She shrugged, "Is today's appointment to see if you have the flu?" She nodded, "How do you feel Kisara?"

"I'm not sure. Some days I'm nauseated, other days I have the munchies all day, and sometimes I'm dizzy or tired. I'm not sure what it is but I want to make sure that I'm not going to get sick yet."

He nodded, "I understand. You have a big day coming up and it would be bad if you got sick."

She smile and nodded, "You understand."

"Of course I do! I'm married too." Kisara chuckled, "Perhaps we should stop in after the doctor and get some water for you." She nodded once more, "Good. By the way..." her blue eyes looked at him, "this may be a bit personal but how is your cycle?"

"Normal..I guess. I haven't been able to keep track of it. Why?"

"It's just that your symptoms sound like my wife's when she was pregnant with our daughter." Kisara blinked a few time to process the information, she could tell that Akashi was smiling to himself as he drove her to the doctor. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure it's just from all the stress but..if you are pregnant, what are you going to do?"

Kisara smiled and placed her hands over her abdomen, "Well that's easy. Leave a note for Seto that says we have to go crib shopping." Akashi laughed heartily while she continued, "But maybe I should be more discreet. He might get cold feet before the wedding...what do you think about incorporating that into a vow?" Once more the driver laughed while she chuckled, "I suppose that would shock him too. Hmm...how would I go about telling him?"

"We can think about that later Kisara. Let's see what the doctor has to say first." She nodded as they arrived at their destination, Akashi parked, helped her to the door, and never left her side until she was called for her appointment. The hour passed by and she exited the office, thanking the good people there for their time, and they could only smile at her. Akashi immediately went to her side, he asked her, "Well?" She leaned up to whisper in his ear and she smiled down at her, "Let's get you some supplies." She smiled at him, thanked him, and the pair left the office; Akashi drove her to a health store, and they began to look around for supplements. She watched and listened very carefully as her driver told her what she would need, how much, and what to stock up on for the coming months; he was glad that she was attentive and Akashi knew that she was going to be a great mother.

Hours had passed before they were able to get home, she sighed in the vehicle, "How am I going to tell him?"

"How far along?"

She smiled at Akashi, "He said about eight weeks."

"Ah, I see. You're going to need some special bras for the coming months but that can wait, I think Mister Kaiba would rather shop with you for those things." He winked at her which made her blush, he grinned, "For now, just eat as much health food as you can. Try to avoid any refined sugar but I don't need to tell you that."

Kisara laughed, "Thank you Akashi. You're a life saver but I still don't know how to tell him."

"You could wait until after the wedding."

"Yes, I think I'll do that but I'm not sure how long I can hide this."

"If he's as perceptive as we know him to be, then not very long but we'll see sometimes Mister Kaiba gets so engrossed in work that he doesn't see what's right in front of him."

"Yeah..." Akashi reassured her that everything will be alright, "I know. thank you so much Akashi. I went ahead and booked a few weeks worth of appointments for the future so I can be set on that." He nodded, "But I think I'll look for a midwife, I don't want to go to a hospital."

"Understandable. Take your time Kisara." She nodded and said her farewells to Akashi as he left to park the vehicle elsewhere, she entered the house, and headed for the kitchen. Kisara could feel herself craving something so she opened up the refrigerator to see what she could eat. When her blue eyes landed on it, she smiled, and pulled out some red grapes. They were rinsed off, placed in a dish, and she took them to the patio to be enjoyed. Kisara knew that the coming months were going to be fun for her and for Seto but she munched on the grapes while trying to figure out a way to tell him that she was pregnant.


The day finally arrived for the wedding, she was anxious but excited as her mother fixed her long hair; it was being curled for the event and Erin noticed that the dress was much tighter in her daughter's chest area. She smiled, "Have you been eating good Kisara?"

"Yes. Why?"

"The dress looks a little tight up top. Can you breathe okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." When their eyes met, Kisara could see that knowing twinkle in her mother's eye, and she couldn't help but smile. "You're going to be a grandmother." Erin was shocked momentarily but squealed in joy before finishing the curls and hugging her daughter once the curling iron was put down safely. Kisara laughed, "I'm excited too!"

"Aww! When did you find out?"

"Not long ago but I'm only about ten weeks in." Erin hugged her daughter once more and was exclaiming how exciting it is to be a mother. "I haven't told Seto yet. I'm not sure when or how to tell him."

"He hasn't noticed that you're top heavier than usual?" Kisara laughed at her mother's choice of words and shook her head. "That boy must be more anxious than you!" Once more the incarnated dragon laughed, "Well you don't want to scare him but that's too bad. Once the initial ceremony is over, you should tell him."

"Well I do have something planned for today."

"Oh? Do tell!" Kisara whispered the idea to her mother and she just squealed in joy. "That's brilliant! You take after your father in so many ways. Being sneaky like that is definitely his trait. He'd be so proud of you."

"I know and I know that he's watching the both of us." Erin nodded and hugged Kisara while pulling her long curly tresses back into a nice clip. The rest cascaded over her shoulders, the veil was pulled down, "Will Pegasus be walking me down the aisle?"

"Who else?" The pair laughed as her mother got ready, she left her daughter alone to wait for Pegasus, she took in a few deep breaths to steady herself, and to keep from getting dizzy. Kisara heard the knock on her door, she got up, opened it, and was smiling at Pegasus who stood there with a warm smile on his face.

"You are so beautiful little dragon."

"Thank you papa." He laughed at her words, he hugged her, and they looped their arms together so that they could begin. She leaned up and told him about what was inside and he was shocked but happy, "Thank you Pegasus for being here." He nodded and replied that he'd always be there for her and her mother, "Thank you."

"Remember, today is about Katsuhiko-dear!" She laughed at those familiar words and they began to walk down the aisle, it was just family, close friends, and the servants of both houses. Everyone was in awe of her beauty and her dress, once they reached the altar, Pegasus whispered to Kaiba, "You take good care of our little dragon, Kaiba-boy." He smirked in return as he took his position next to the groom, and the ceremony started.

It progressed to the vows in which they both said their own words but it was Kaiba who added something extra, he slipped the ring on her finger and added, "Being with you is the happiest I've been and I know that forever is not enough." She put her fingers over her lips and there were tears in her eyes, he lifted the veil as the man stated that he could kiss the bride. He kissed her passionately which erupted into cheers and the small ceremony turned into the much anticipated reception that Kisara had planned on her own.

Everyone was mingling, happy to be around one another on such a joyous day, even Mokuba had run off to do something, and Kisara was sitting next to Kaiba. The cake had been cut but he noticed that she wasn't eating the cake nor drinking the champagne. "Are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine Seto. I'm just watching what I eat."


Kisara smiled up at him, she got up, and took a seat on his lap which made him happy; he wrapped his arms around her waist and snuggled against her bosom while watching everyone have fun. She leaned down and whispered, "Because we need to go shopping after this." He looked up at her, nodded, and when he asked where she smiled. "First we need to find the best crib."

"Crib? What kind of crib?"

She could see that his eyes narrowed at her and she chuckled, "For an infant."

"An infant? Why would we need a crib for an infant?" She guided his hand to her stomach, he looked at it, then to her face, and back again. "Are you?" Kisara kissed his cheek and nodded, "When?" She shrugged and he thought about his next question, "How long?"

"Ten weeks."

"Boy or girl?"

"I'm not sure yet. I thought we could let it be a surprise since I don't want to go to a hospital. I want to have him or her at home with a midwife."

Kaiba snuggled against her and whispered, "I thought you were extra pillowy up there." He looked up to see that her face was crimson and he laughed. "You're still so shy!" She swatted him playfully while he snuggled against her once more and kept his hand on her abdomen. "Have you picked any names?"

"Not yet. I was waiting for you."

"When did you really plan on telling me?"

"I wasn't sure but I had this whole elaborate thing planned out where I was going to write on our wedding cake, 'For Daddy' but that seemed a bit much especially with everyone around. So I've only told my mother and Pegasus but Akashi was the first to know. He took me to the doctor and stayed with me the entire time telling me what I need to do and what I need to get since he went through this with his wife."

"He's a good guy."

"He's my designated driver for whatever I need."

"Who said?"

"Ishi said."

Kaiba laughed while he rubbed her stomach gingerly and she could see a warm energy behind those normally steely cobalt eyes. "You're going to be a great mother Kisara."

"You're going to be a great father."

"I'm not so sure. I have a company to run."

"Trust me, you'll be fine."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because forever is not enough."

Kaiba chuckled, he looked up at her as she sat on his lap, they kissed once more, "I was looking forward to taking your gown off tonight but now...well..I'm even more eager now." Her face turned bright crimson and he chuckled. His voice went down a few octaves, "Trust me Kisara, we're going to have a big family or at least I'll try to."

"I don't mind."

"Are you sure? It's painful right?"

"I wouldn't know but I'm sure whatever the cost, it's worth it as long as you're here with me."

"I couldn't have said it better myself."

Kisara laughed, "I know but you said it best of all when you said that forever is not enough because it's true. Should we tell Mokuba?"

"Not yet. Wait a while, see if he notices."

"If he acts anything like you then he won't notice unless you take away all of his console games." Kaiba laughed while nuzzling her bosom once more, "By the way," this time her voice dropped down, "the doctor said it was completely alright to continue our nightly romps in the bed. He said it wouldn't bother the baby at all."

Kaiba glanced up at her as she gave him a wink and he grinned, "Well then if the doctor says that it's okay then we should start as soon as we can. Do you know what we're going to need?"

"Akashi said that he would be more than happy to help out."

"That's good. At least there's someone we can count on for all this."

"There are others, you just need to ask your maids and butlers plus I've got the best expert on call." He tilted his head in curiosity, "My mother." He laughed while she smiled at him, he snuggled against her once more, and she smiled while wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you Seto."

"I love you too. The both of you."

"Because forever is not enough?"

"Forever is never enough."