A/N: Just as a heads up, Link and Kafei get a little more...heated throughout this part of the story. There is a lot more going on between them and a constant sexual tension. This chapter is where it begins. You have been warned.


Chapter 1

"Okay, close your eyes," Link said as he turned to look at Kafei.

Kafei did.

They had just entered the outskirts of Hyrule, but Link wanted it to be a total surprise when they entered the field. The entire ride there Kafei had been gasping and pointing to all sorts of things like large open fields of nothing, lakes both small and large, creatures he wasn't used to seeing… Just about everything that wasn't in Termina he was noticing. And Link knew that he'd find Hyrule about ten times better than anything he saw on the way there.

Link looked back to the road to see the exit of Kakariko Village and he charged Epona forward. He waved absentmindedly at the people calling out to him as he tried to get out to the field as soon as possible. He wanted so much to see Kafei's face when he saw his new (Link's heart flip-flopped) …home. As Epona neared the stairs Link leaned forward and she leapt over them. She galloped over the bridge across the stream and Link slowed her to a stop atop a hill that would give Kafei a view of the entire field. "Okay Kafei, give me your hands."

Kafei, with a smile on his face, reached out and Link grasped his hands. He helped the other man down and moved so he could get a good look at his face. "Alright - open your eyes!"

Kafei opened his eyes and Link saw the sparkles in those ruby pools immediately. The smile Kafei had on his face seconds ago was nothing compared to this one that made his face absolutely glow. He gazed around, completely in awe of the beautiful surroundings.

Link stared around with him, his heart full to bursting with contentment. He hadn't realized how much he missed Hyrule until this moment. The sun had only just risen a few hours ago thus causing the grass to brightly sparkle. The field was alive with creatures, calling out their morning welcomes to each other and singing in happiness at such a beautiful new day. A gentle breeze was blowing, carrying with it the sweet smell Link could only associate with home. The sky was void of all clouds and was a perfect shade of blue that seemed endless as it stretched towards the heavens.

Nothing was spoken for a few moments while Link savored this moment with Kafei by his side. "Well," Link finally asked, "what do you think?"

Kafei flicked his eyes to Link who could've melted under that gaze. "It's everything I'm happy I left for," he said, moving to Link and wrapping his arms around his waist, "including you." He kissed him softly.

Link couldn't suppress his smile of joy as he kissed Kafei back. It was suddenly striking him how unreal this moment was. The only thing he had never stopped dreaming about for the past seven years was now becoming a reality. Kafei was in Hyrule with him, and they were finally together. Link pulled away, his eyes full of affection as he gazed at Kafei's beautiful face and brushed a lock of blue hair from his eyes.

Kafei returned his smile as a light blush crept onto his cheeks. "So what else is there to see?"

"Well…" Link thought a moment. "It all depends on what you want to see."

Kafei took a moment to think as well. "I'd love to see your people. Can we go there?"

Link nodded with a smile. "We can go anywhere you want," he said.

They galloped quickly across the field, Kafei still gasping and pointing at things that were nothing more to Link than landmarks. They were passing the ranch when Link's heart lurched painfully. In his head he could see Malon tending to the horses as she sang, patiently awaiting her love's return. Guilt and sadness pooled in his stomach as he thought of the turmoil he was about to bring into her world…

He bit his bottom lip and tried to clear the dark thoughts from his mind. Right now he needed only to focus on Kafei, think of only things he and Kafei could do before nightfall.

"Oh Link! What is that place there?" Kafei asked and pointed towards the ranch.

A sigh escaped Link's lips. "That's Lon-Lon Ranch. It's where…Malon and I live."

Kafei grew still behind Link. "Your fiancée?" he asked quietly.

"…Yes…" Link replied.

Silence fell between them, though Kafei tightened his hold on Link's waste. Link felt him nuzzle his blue head to his neck and Link leaned back towards the comforting embrace.

"Don't worry, Link, we'll get through this," Kafei said, failing to hide the uncertainty in voice.

"Why do you sound doubtful, Kafei?" Link asked.

Kafei quieted again. "I'm…I'm not sure."

Link slowed Epona as they came up upon the entrance to Kokiri Forest. He jumped down and Kafei followed suit. "Yes you are. What are you worried about?"

Kafei cast his eyes to the ground. "You're not going to…change your mind are you? I mean…is she more…" he trailed off, eyes haunted.

Link closed the space between he and Kafei and forced his friend to meet his eyes. "I would never change my mind, Kafei. Not for all the rupees or love in existence. Because my feelings for you would surpass any and all that people could offer me. You are my whole world, it's as plain as that."

Kafei's eyes filled with warmth but seconds later darkened with lust. Link grunted in surprise as Kafei slammed him against a tree and crushed their mouths together with a desperate need.

Link chuckled before resisting to Kafei's insistence and letting him ravish his mouth for a few moments. But he soon felt the need for control and swapped their places in one fluid movement. He brushed his lips softly against Kafei's at first, pulling back when Kafei would lean forward for more. Kafei let out a moan of frustration and at the sound Link lost the battle and covered Kafei's mouth with his own. The intoxicating taste took over all of Link's senses and he brushed his tongue against the roof of Kafei's mouth.

Kafei shuddered beneath his hands as another moan escaped him and vibrated on their lips. Link withdrew as Kafei nipped gently at his lower lip before leaving a trail of bites and kisses all along his neck. Link sighed and fell forward on Kafei slightly and tightened his grip. He opened his eyes and a devious idea came to him. While Kafei sucked on an especially sensitive spot on Link's neck (who hissed in pleasure), he grazed his teeth against Kafei's ear.

Kafei cried out and staggered where he stood. Link's eyes widened at the strong reaction but he did not hesitate. He lightly trailed his tongue along the bottom of the ear as chills erupted all over Kafei's skin and he whimpered. Link took it a step farther and gently nipped.

Kafei gasped. "Oh, Link…" he moaned as a shiver shook his entire body.

It was at that moment Link realized just how turned on they both were. Unintentionally, Link had been grinding his now erect member against Kafei who was equally hard. They were both panting and moaning and gripping each other as though if they loosened their hold, the other would disappear. Link sighed and reluctantly pulled away, kissing Kafei's lips as he moved back.

Kafei looked confused. "What's wrong?" he panted.

Link gestured around him. "As much as I would love to continue, we aren't exactly in the ideal place for this."

"Oh," said Kafei as he looked around himself, "yeah you're right."

"And anyway, remember what I said about it being my turn to lead? You know I won't continue if you keep this up."

Kafei stared at him a moment before narrowing his eyes. "You're cruel," he bit. (Link raised an eyebrow.) "You better be good after all you've been putting me through."

Link smirked and moved closer to him, their faces only centimeters. "Oh, I will be," he breathed in a seductive tone. A shiver crawled up Kafei's spine. Link grinned, gave him a quick playful kiss and (after allowing a few minutes of cool down time) led him into the forest.


"Oh wow they are small!" Kafei exclaimed in surprise when he saw the Kokiri.

Link laughed. "But they surpass us in age by far."

Kafei turned to Link with a questioning look on his face. "How old are they?" he asked.

Link thought a moment. "Hmm…probably one-hundred or so some of them…"

Kafei's eyes widened in surprise as he turned back to them. "That old, huh?"

Link nodded. "Yes, but they can be very wise. Though playful like children, if you need advice, they are as wise as the Great Deku Tree himself."


"Oh sorry, I forgot you don't know that story. He was the guardian of the forest. He took me in when my mother died and raised me as a Kokiri. He said that he could tell I was the Hero of Time, and would one day save this glorious land of Hyrule. But…" Link grew quiet.

Kafei stepped closer. "What is it?"

Link sighed. "On my very first quest, I had to go into the Great Deku Tree and kill a parasite of some sort living inside and killing him slowly. It sapped all his powers, leaving him unable to protect the Kokiri if something bad were to happen. So I went in, killed the little nothings, got some really cool weapons, and made my way to the final creature.

"It was a giant spider by the name of Queen Gohma. She was relatively easy. Just had to shoot her in the eye with my slingshot and slash at it a couple times. Once I brought her down, this giant beam of blue light came down. Curious, I stepped into it and it transported me back outside. Thinking I was all high and mighty, I told the Great Deku Tree how I had easily brought down his killer. He was grateful and gave me a stone called the Kokiri Emerald. He told me I needed to present that stone to the Princess Zelda of Hyrule, and that she would help me on a larger quest.

"I thought I was so brave, saving the Great Deku Tree. I was getting to leave the forest - which if Kokiri do, they die - and doing the Tree's biding. But then…then he…" Link trailed off again, and his face showed pain.

"Go on, Link."

Link looked to the ground, and sighed in a sad sort of way. "Then he died."

Kafei frowned. "He died? Why?"

Link did not look up from the ground. "He says he was doomed before I started, but I believe it was my fault. I don't think I destroyed Gohma in time. The Tree was just sparing my feelings when saying he was a lost cause, regardless."

Kafei, apparently having forgotten they were not in private, took Link's hands. "Link, I highly doubt it was your fault. It seems he was just making sure you were ready before letting himself go. His last act of fatherly love and protection."

Link smiled, grateful for Kafei's words. He looked up at him and his eyes flicked behind his head, seeing all the Kokiri looking shocked. The children had only just caught on someone had entered their haven.

He cleared his throat. "Um, Kafei?"

Kafei turned towards the direction of Link's gaze, and jumped back. "Right," he said.

"Kokiri!" Link cried.

"Link!" they cried back in unison.

About twenty little Kokiri all rushed up to Link, throwing their small arms around his neck (as he bent down) and his legs. He hoisted one up on his shoulders, a small girl with pigtails, and turned to Kafei. "Everyone, this is Kafei. He's an old friend of mine from a whole different world."

The Kokiri made one large "ahhhhh" sound and rushed at Kafei.

Link laughed at his startled face as a bunch of different questions were thrown at him. "Okay okay, calm down now," Kafei laughed. "I'm from a place called East Clock Town in Termina Field, to answer your most common question."

"Where is it?" asked a girl Link knew as Raon.

"Oh far from here," Kafei replied. "Even I'm not positive."

A few of them laughed.

"So Link," said someone to Link's right, "you've returned I see."

Link turned and was surprised to see none other than Mido standing a few feet away. The Kokiri all quieted. Mido still housed a great dislike for Link even after all this time and never failed to show contempt any time Link meandered into the Forest. Link watched as Mido walked over to him. He quickly stooped and let down Mido's sister, Avana (who was curiously glaring with a pointed look at her brother), and stood back up. "Of course I came back, Mido. You can't expect me to not visit my home."

Mido eyed Link for a moment, his eyes once flicking to Avana, before holding his hand out. "Welcome back."

Link couldn't help but smile as he shook Mido's small hand. "Thank you," he said quietly.

Mido gave a nod before walking stiffly away.

Cheers erupted the moment Link and Mido shook hands. Many chorused "finally" above the roar while a lot of them hugged Link again. Avana rushed up and whispered something to Link who nodded with understanding and ruffled her hair (she squeaked in protest, hands flying to her pigtails).

Link looked over at Kafei then and saw the confusion. He laughed. "I'll explain it later, Kafei."

Kafei smiled. "Of course. You just enjoy your visit."

Link smiled back.


"Goodbye all!" Link called as he left through the cave in which he came.

"Goodbye Link and friend!" the Kokiri called back.

Link pulled out his ocarina and summoned Epona back when he reached the field again. "Now Kafei," he said, turning to him, "where would you like to go next?"

"Well…I dunno. I mean…what else is there?"

"There's the Lake, the market, Gerudo Valley, Kakariko Village, Goron City, Zora's Domain… There's…the castle." He trailed off a bit at the end.

Kafei apparently didn't notice. At least, he acted as though he didn't. "The lake? Isn't that where you said your people - your actual people - originated from?"

"Yup, Lake Hylia. I don't know of many others though. I think they must have all died in the fire."

Kafei looked up sharply as though he just remembered something. "Link, you said earlier that the Great Deku Tree took you in after your mother died."

Link nodded. "Yes. My mother must have dragged herself, wounded and dying, to the Kokiri Forest to make sure I'd be all right after the fire."

Kafei hesitated. "Did…how did she…die?"

"I'm not really sure," said Link, shrugging. "I mean, it must have just been her wounds. I think Ganondorf had something to do with it. He probably knew about the prophecy and how a Hylian boy would end up saving the world from his wrath. He must have tried to kill off every Hylian woman and son to keep the prophecy from coming true.

"But I suppose he made his tragic mistake when he thought he killed them all. My mother must have feigned death and found some way to keep me quiet until he left, before taking herself all the way to the Kokiri Forest. Now I'm not sure if she lived in town, or if she actually lived in the area of Lake Hylia - because I think maybe there was a little village there before Ganondorf came -, but either way, that's a long way for someone wounded.

"As soon as she reached the Tree and had his assurance he would keep me safe from all things horrid, she let herself go. And I was raised as a Kokiri until I turned eleven. That's when my trials and training began." Link finished his story with a sigh.

Kafei stayed silent for a moment. "Do you miss her?" he asked quietly.

Link flicked his eyes to Kafei's and saw pity and sadness within them. He inwardly grimaced. Link hated pity. "I do, but I think it's more of missing what could have been. I actually didn't even know I had a real mother until I was eighteen so…"

Confusion then shone in Kafei's eyes. "But…you're eighteen now. Wait…and you were eleven when you were in Termina. I don't understand."

A grin broke out on Link's face. "Did you forget the story of how I saved Hyrule, Kafei?"

Kafei flushed. "No…I just can't recall the details."

Link laughed. "All right. Let me explain it to you, again."


Link's story died down, and Kafei shook himself from his tense listening. "Wow…" he said.

"Yeah, that's my story. Pretty bad ass, huh?" Link chuckled at himself.

But Kafei did not laugh. His eyes had fallen a bit and he was trying (and failing) to hide the odd look that crept up within them. "Link…was there something going on between you and Sheik?"

Link's eyes widened at the question and he hesitated. Clearly Link's feelings had leaked out a bit during his story but he hadn't thought Kafei would pick up on it, let alone ask about it. It certainly was not a road Link enjoyed going down, especially due to the treachery Sheik - or rather, Zelda - had shone him. After everything they had gone through together Zelda never had the decency to stop him, to stop herself, to explain to him what was going on, that she was a lying, despicable wench. She used him and "Sheik" to get what she wanted out of Link - his loyalty and his affection. Link's insides burned at the thought and he narrowed his eyes.

Kafei's odd look fell away. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. You don't have to tell me."

Link took a deep breath. "No it's alright. I won't lie to you, something...technically happened. I don't wish to go into detail right now because it involves a lot of deceit, all of which played out in a way to hurt me." He walked over to him and put his arms around Kafei's waist. "But I'm more than blessed you came along, Kafei. You healed all my wounds and made me happy in a way no one has. Don't worry; Sheik didn't hold a candle to you."

Kafei smiled then. "Thank you. I'm sorry you were hurt." His eyes grew hard.

"Always. And don't worry; it was long ago and forgotten." He kissed him gently in hope it would distract Kafei from the topic at hand. "Now, where do you want to go?"

Kafei thought a moment. "I guess let's go to the Lake."

Link smiled and nodded. "Good choice! But will you let me take you out to swim?"

Kafei withdrew a bit. "Oh…I dunno, Link."

Link stared at him. "Why do you not know how to swim yet, Kafei?"

Kafei sighed. "You're going to think it stupid."

Link sat down against a tree and pulled Kafei down with him. "Try me."

Kafei sighed again. "Okay. When I was younger, my mother and father took me to the Great Sea. I was to learn how to swim that day. And at first it was really easy and I enjoyed it. But then this huge wave overtook me and pulled me out further than I could touch. I thrashed around a bit as my father rushed to come to me. But suddenly I found myself engulfed inside of something."

"Inside?" said Link.

Kafei's eyes glazed over as he sunk into his memory. "There was so much pain, I felt like I was being ripped apart inside out. It was excruciating to say the least." (Link took Kafei's hand in horror) "I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, I couldn't break free from whatever monster had taken me. All I knew is that I was going to die, pure and simple.

"And then just as suddenly, I was shot out like an arrow towards the top of the water. My father was there seconds later, frantically pulling me to shore. I was covered in blood and could scarcely move. I never did figure out what tried to eat me but I never went into the water since. Well, except for that day with you."

Link nodded, upset over the thought of Kafei in pain. "I can understand that, then. But Kafei, you can't let fear hold you back from doing things. Had I done that, I wouldn't have so many triumphs under my belt. Besides, you know I'd die before I'd let anything hurt you."

Affection sparked in Kafei's eyes and he regarded Link. "Yes, I know." He paused. "Alright...I guess I'll give swimming another go. Just don't leave me," he added in a slightly panicked voice.

"Never," Link replied.