Disclaimer: "Yu Yu Hakusho" and all characters are created by Yoshihiro Togashi. All rights reserved. No profit is being collected from the fiction contained within. You can blame the rest of this on me.

Rating: T is my rating for physical relationship and intimate contact between consenting adult males. This also covers harsh language. And mentioning of death. If this will offend you, please read something else and then seek professional help.

Summary: Hiei and Kurama get into a serious fight causing Kurama to run off. After a few days Hiei finds him but what will happen when Hiei finds what he never in his whole life expected to find? His most dreaded nightmare come to life!

Most Excruciating Memory

"I love you. I'll never leave you."

The black haired man panted with each thrust at what embedded into him.

Pleasure swamped over him as his love claimed him body once more that night.

"Kurama…" he moaned at the redhead taking him.

As they continued there love making both men reached there climax within moments, crying out each others names.




Hiei stood on a cliff deep in the mountains. Head hung down, bangs covering his eyes as a red rose clung in his hand.

"Kurama…" Hiei muttered. "Not once did I ever say the words you desired to hear… Not until the very end…"

Hiei ignited his hand burning the rose to ashes and sending them scattering into the mountain heavens.


In a den not far from the cliff was Hiei huddled up in the fur pelts he had taken from prey he had killed.

Now, Hiei rarely ate. Not since that fateful night…


"Hiei, please just listen to me?"

"I don't want to hear it fox! I said no, and I stand by my word!"

"But Hiei-"

Hiei spun around. "No!" he roared. "If I would have known you would what that I would never have mated with you!"

Kurama was beyond shatter, surpassed destroyed, farther then obliterated, he was dead.

Kurama, now dead turned and ran out of the mountain den he and Hiei shared.

Hiei didn't bother to give chance. I figured Kurama just needed time to cool off and understand he would never give him what he wanted, but that was the greatest mistake Hiei would ever make and the greatest burden he would forever bare.


Three days passed and still Kurama didn't return.

Hiei still felt the fox just needed some steam to blow. Oh, how wrong Hiei was.

When the small fire demon went out the after noon for hunting, for he hadn't left the den for the three days his mate had been gone figuring he'd be there when he returned, he finally decided to look for some food. Mainly because hunger was starting to kick in royally.

Hiei didn't get far before he began smelling blood. And lots of it.

The scent led him to a cliff on the edge of the mountain were took residence upon.

There, was the greatest horror of the young fire demons life. His most dreaded terror.

And at that moment, for the first time in his life, a tear slid down his soft, tender cheek as Hiei began crying.