And for the sake of Alana-kittychan, I'm doing a chapter that involves Australia! I know much less about that country than my own, however, so this could be a bumpy ride!

I don't own Hetalia! end /AN/

England sighed, holding his newest adoptee in his arms. His house seemed so empty without America in it, even though there were still a bunch of his other colonies still here.

He moved into the kitchen slowly, settling Australia on the counter. Where were the bottles again? Right, in the cabinet.... His thoughts seemed to come slowly as he opened it up and got a bottle down. He didn't notice Australia was wriggling off the edge of the counter until it was almost too late.

"Gah! Don't- Don't do that ever again! You could have hurt yourself!" He reprimanded the smaller nation, who looked back up at him with wide, almost fearful eyes. England sighed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, you didn't know better..."

He set the Australia on the floor, where he sat contentedly, staring at a cricket that had managed to get in the house. England looked around for the milk, since it usually worked to make new colonies happy. It still made Canada happy, even at his age. He glanced down again at the little blonde, sighing as he thought of America, who would probably also be going after that cockroach- Wait just minute... Cockroach?!

England dropped the bottle, causing it to smash on the floor, and stomped vigorously on the offending insect, while Australia watched wide-eyed. Panting, England finally stopped stomping on the remains of the unfortunate insect. "I better clean up this mess..." He said with an absent sigh, going to get a broom- and leaving the tiny nation by himself in the kitchen.

Said nation immediately started crawling across the floor, anxious to discover what was in the cupboards. A few minutes elapsed, and England came back into the kitchen, sullenly sweeping up the glass. As he dumped it into the waste basket, he looked around absently.

The realisation hit him like cold ice. "A-Australia! Where'd you go?!" He looked around frantically, terrified at the idea of having lost the tot already. What if he got into something dangerous? What he got taken by some other country? He would never hear the end of it! What would France and Spain and even America think?! They'd think he was some kind of horrible parent and idiot! America would feel even more justified and sneer at him and-

A sudden clang caught his attention, as a pot rolled out of the cupboard. He dashed over to the cupboard and opened it the rest of the way, to be met with Australia's joyful face. The child was wearing a pot on his head and moving things around inside the cupboard.

"G'day!" the tiny tot greeted him, quite content where he was. England let out a long sigh of relief, leaning against the wall next to the cupboard. It seemed that Australia was different from America after all, and would probably be fine...

/AN/ I hope this was satisfactory! I figure England would make a slightly depressed parent after America left, especially since he'd be suspicious of the next children doing that... Australia strikes me as a pretty happy, self-sufficient child.