Disclaimer: I do not own 7th Heaven.

Summary: This takes place at the end of Season 10. This is like my Season 11.

Camden family is changing. Sandy comes back with news for Simon how will this change both of their lives. Ruthie and her family disagree about her life decision. Matt Lucy and Mary are expecting twins and life changes. This is mostly a Ruthie and Simon centric story because I love them. Please Review.

Chapter 1

"Sandy, I'm glad you came" Simon said standing in my suit at the reception for what was supposed to be his wedding to Rose.

"Simon can we talk" Sandy asked as Anne took Aaron from her arms and started to play with him. She had a grave look on her face.

"Yea, sure" Simon said walking away from his parents leading the way into the kitchen. The two of them with inside and sat down at the table, "So what's up"? He said look at her serious expression.

"Simon I took Aaron to the doctor today for his check up" she said looking at the table. She paused.

"Is he alright" Simon worried.

"He fine" She say pausing a looking up at him "They took blood from him and…" She paused again.

"And" Simon said for her to continue.

"And…..Aaron is not Martin's son" she breathed.

"Dose Martin know?" He asked in shock.

"Yes he was with me. He is the one that notice that the blood type did not match his or mine" she answered with a grimace.

"How did he take it" Simon asked although he could guess.

"He is very angry with me" Sandy paused holding back the tear that was threatening to escape. "But there is no way that Aaron is Martin's son."

Simon sat shocked for a moment. He knew were this was going but didn't want to admit to himself. "Then whose son is he?" He questioned in a near in audible tone.

"He's your son" She said quietly barely above a whisper. "I thought he was just a few week early but he wasn't Simon." She said the words rushing out of her mouth as she tried to explain. "I am so sorry this happen," she said waiting for a reaction as she stared at the table. Simon sat silent for a moment. Unable to speak for a moment.

"He's….. He's my son" Simon said slowly, trying to remember how to breath.

"Yes" She confirmed not looking up from the table. "If you want to take a DNA test I will, but no one else could be the father" she said slowly.

"I have a one month old son" Simon said in shock "I'm a father, I'm Aaron's father. I can't believe this." He said standing up. "I want him to have my last name" he declared.

"OK" Sandy said relieved that Simon had taken it so well considering, "We can go and change it first thing Monday morning."

"How are we going to tell my parents" Simon said becoming nervous. "How can this be happening, I didn't go through with the wedding and find out I have a child all in one day this to too much" He said sitting back down and putting his head in his hands.

"I am sorry Simon, I didn't want to make your life more complicated but you need to know. I knew you would want to know," she pleaded for forgiveness she felt do guilty for her mistake. "This is all my fault."

"I don't think you were in it alone" He said calming himself and lifting his head from his hands, "I am glad that you told me. I want you to know I will be there for you and Aaron"

"I know you will but we have to tell your family, now" Sandy said the thought of it almost made he lose her lunch. She stood up from the table and walked towards the door followed by Simon.

Next Chapter: What happens when Simon tell his family