Disclaimer- I don't own the Twilight series.

A/N- One day, as I sat in class being bored another Jacob and Edward story popped into my mind, so I decided to share it. This is my first attempt of the characters being all human, so I hope everyone likes it. Some of the characters are OOC and unlike my previous Jake and Edward story, Bella is in this one.

Jacob is 15

Edward is 17

The ages of other characters will be revealed when they are introduced.

Jacob's P.O.V.

"God, Dad do I have to go to this new doctor," I asked as I stared out the window of dad's truck. Yesterday, I got sent home early from school, because I was running a fever and I puked everywhere in gym. It's nothing I can't handle on my own, but dad worries about me dying on him like mom did. It still hurts all of us, when she died from cancer years ago. I'm sure I don't have cancer. This is the only time I have been sick in the last few months, most of the time I'm perfectly healthy.

"Because, he doesn't charge too much and with you sick all the time. I rather not file for bankruptcy anytime soon."

I rolled my eyes at his statement. I'm not sick all the time, the last time I went to any hospital is because I broke my ankle by cliff diving. Later I accidently rammed a nail into my hand when I was using a nail gun to fix the porch. There is no point in pointing that out, so I continued to stare out the window as rain came down heavily. I hate living in Washington, it is always raining and there is nothing to do. I wish dad will come to his senses and agree to move away from the reservation. I love my tribe, but it's always the same people. Rebecca and Rachel were lucky to get away when they could. It would do me and Dad some good if we moved to Arizona or New Mexico, so I wouldn't be sick all the damn time.

Before we know it, we pull into the small parking lot of Fork's hospital. Getting out, I take out dad's wheelchair and help him get into it. As we walked inside, I noticed an expensive Volvo in the parking lot. Who the hell drives one of those in this area? I would love to meet that person. I'm addicted to cars and always have been since I was a little kid. When mom and dad gave me matchbox toys for Christmas. Soon, I'll be able to get my license and drive wherever I want. Hopefully away from the reservation. That would be awesome, with Quil and Embry by my side; there is no limit on what we will do. We'll hit Vegas or go to L.A. to see celebrities then to New York. Just for the hell of it we can drive down to Brazil to visit Rio.


"What," I asked as I snapped out of my thoughts. Just then I noticed; I almost rammed Dad into the hospital's front doors. "Sorry sir." Opening the doors, Dad gets in safely. As he fills out paperwork, I find a magazine about motorcycles and start to read it. When I turn sixteen in a few months, I'm going to beg Dad to let me get my own cycle. As I read, I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye peering at me. Snapping my head toward the person, he or she quickly disappeared. "Freak," I muttered.


Edward's P.O.V.

With a goal of entering UCLA's premed program, I volunteer regularly at the hospital, so I can have an advantage over other applicants. Also it's good experience to watch my adoptive father Carlisle work on his numerous patients. "Edward will you please give these folders to Gail?" Carlisle asked as he prepared to see another patient.

"Yes sir," I replied talking them. As I walked down the halls, I wonder which hospital; I'll work at when I finally get my degree. I want a hospital that is more exciting then being here. Dad is one of the best doctors in the country, but he choose to move us to Forks. A nothing town. Two years ago our home was Chicago, the place where I was adopted from. I miss being there and actually have things to do. Going into the reception area, I catch sight of a tall Indian boy looking at a magazine. For a second, I feel my heart stop. I have never seen someone like him before, as my heart starts up again, it beats like a jackrabbit. Seeing him turn his head toward my direction, I move out of view and deliver the folders. As I do, I get a better look at the kid.

"Thank you Edward," Gail said taking the folders.

"No problem," I barely get out as I continued to look at the Indian kid. God, I wonder who he is. Shaking my head, I try to get him out of my thoughts. I need to focus on getting into school and not on him or anyone. Besides, I'm not even attracted to guys, but there is something about him.

"Edward would you mind calling out the next name for me," Gail asked.

"Sure." Taking the clipboard, I walk out into the reception area. "Jacob Black." To my surprise the boy stood up. "You're here to see Dr. Cullen, please follow me." Jacob just nodded and walked behind me. As I took him to Dad's examining room, I can't help but take little peeks at him.

"Freak," he said under his breath.

"Excuse me."


How can I be attracted to him? His first word towards me was freak. Opening the door, I instructed Jacob to sit on the examining table. He shoots me a look, but does what I said. He's strange and highly beautiful and I don't want to leave him, but I have. Walking outside, I run into Dad and give him Jacob's file.

"Thank you," he replied going in and closing the door behind him.

I wonder what is wrong with Jacob, but I don't think about it as I continue on with my work. An hour later, I sit at the reception desk and finish up last minute work before I get to go home. Esme is making her special lasagna tonight and I want to get home before Emmett eats it all. As I save my data, Jacob and his father begin to leave. "Good bye Jacob, Mr. Black." Jacob gives me an evil look and then rushed out the door. What the hell is his problem? Finding no point to dwell over it, I decide just to go home.

How was the chapter, please let me know.