HI! Wow, September already! Just as promised, here is my version of book 9. Before, I did my version of book 8, and in case you (or I, for that matter) have forgotten anything, READ MY OTHER STORY!!!

Also, happy birthday to Lara D. Yesterday (the BEFORE day this was published) was her birthday. No, I didn't sit on it!!!! This is pure chance, baby, pure chance. Any way, hope you, especially, enjoy this.


Chapter One

9 days ago

Darren tugged at the rope holding Sabrina Grimm's hands together, trying to make her move faster. Sabrina resisted, although she new it was a lost cause. Behind her, Puck, bloody and bruised, staggered, fighting to breath.

Three and a half weeks ago, after learning that Puck was going to be sent away, Sabrina and Puck had, in a rash attempt to escape, found, and gone into, a portal to an alternative dimension.

In this dimension, any girl above eleven had to be betrothed or married, or else they were killed. Puck had claimed he and Sabrina had been engaged for a month, and soon, the village started to plan their wedding.

The butcher's son, Darren, however, wanted Sabrina. And he always got what he wanted.

On the day of Sabrina and Puck's wedding, Darren arrived and kidnapped them both.

Every night since then, after Darren made camp and tied Sabrina and Puck to separate trees, he would force Sabrina to watch as he beat Puck into a bloody pulp.

But he never laid so much as a finger on Sabrina, except to help her eat and drink.


That night, after Darren had gone to sleep, Sabrina started working on her ropes. If she could loosen them enough to slip her hands out, she could get to Puck.

Sabrina was certain that if she could get out of her ropes and hide Puck, she could take care of Darren. Of course, she would have to get out of the heavy skirts her wedding dress consisted of, but that would be no problem, since the night before her wedding, sure something would go wrong, Sabrina had stolen some of Puck's clothes to wear under her dress.

Sabrina bit back a whimper as he wrists started to bleed from her rubbing them against the ropes. The smallest sound could alert Darren. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She arched her back as much as she could, bringing her mouth to the ropes. They were only a few inches above her head, but in a painful position.

Why the hell did I try to rescue Puck? Sabrina thought as she began trying to untie the ropes with her teeth. My life would be so much easier if I'd just let him get shipped off!

Deep down, though, she new she'd have regretted it if she hadn't rescued him.

FINALLY! Sabrina thought as her ropes fell to the ground. She grinned a bit as she rubbed her wrists. She still had it—that gift to get out of dangerous situations.

She froze when she heard Darren move around. Her only thought was shit. Why did stuff like this always happen to her?

"Sabrina," Puck whispered. He'd seen her untying her ropes. "Go. Leave me, ok?"

Sabrina looked at him and rolled her eyes. "Don't be an idiot," she whispered back. "I wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't tried to rescue you in the first place, and I am so not leaving here without you."

It was Puck's turn to roll his eyes. "Look, you can come back for me. But staying here and having Darren see you untied will just make him mad and make him keep a closer eye on you."

Sabrina was about to say she wouldn't leave him, but Puck kept talking.

"If you go now, he'll keep me alive for a few more days, hoping you'll come back for me. Tomorrow, I'll…uh…" Puck paused, and then his eyes lit up. "I'll pretend to faint so he goes to get water to splash on me. Then, while he's gone, you can come and get me."

Sabrina sighed. "Fine." She stood up. Darren would wake up any minute, but instead of running, Sabrina walked over to Puck. She knelt down, grabbed his face, and kissed him. "See you soon, freak baby," she said with a half smile.

As Sabrina ran into the woods, Puck grinned a bit and closed his eyes. Life with Sabrina Grimm was anything but boring.


Sabrina ran maybe half a mile into the woods before stopping long enough to take of that ridiculous dress. Ah, sweet relief! To be free of those heavy, hindering, ANNOYING AS HELL skirts! Sabrina had almost forgotten how nice pants were. How good it felt to wear a normal shirt.

She rubbed her wrists as she searched for something to cover her tracks. Sabrina was sure Darren would come after her, and when he did, she wanted to be sure he didn't find her.

She found a few pine branches on the ground that still had their needles. That would be perfect! She quickly grabbed her wedding dress and climbed the nearest tree, going about half way up and leaving her dress there. If Darren followed her trail this far, she didn't want him to find it.

Sabrina was going to go back to Puck by a less direct route, once she was sure Darren had followed her trail. But first, she was going to lay a false trail, walking deeper into the forest to keep Darren busy.

Sometimes, I really miss Ferryport Landing, Sabrina thought, sighing, as she ran deeper into the forest.


Puck staggered along, trying not to wince. When Darren had woken up the night before and found Sabrina gone, he had beaten Puck so hard, the fairy was fairly certain one of his rips had cracked.

Luckily, one of the few powers Puck had retained was to heal quickly. Unluckily, to heal quickly, he needed a night's sleep, which he probably wouldn't get for a while.


Puck was breathing heavily when Darren went into the woods to look for Sabrina. One of his ribs was broken, he was bruised, bloody, and in serious, serious pain. Puck knew it would get worse, though. Darren wouldn't find Sabrina, and then he would come back, and take his anger out on Puck. Again.

Just one more day, Puck thought, trying to ignore the pain in his side while shifting against the tree. Just one more day…


Good, they were about half a mile from a stream—Puck could hear it. It was time to 'faint'.

Puck let himself fall to the ground, making his eyes roll back in his head. Darren tugged on the rope, hard, and Puck forced himself not to respond. Darren kicked Puck's broken rib, and Puck had to bite his tongue to keep from screaming. Fairy or not, that hurt.

Darren started mumbling profanities under his breath, quickly tying his end of Puck's rope to a near-by tree. He walked off to look for water, talking to himself.

Puck opened his eyes, letting out the gasp of pain as Sabrina jumped down from the tree he was in. She landed a little to his left, looking concerned.

"Puck, you ok?" she asked softly.

Puck tried to muster a smirk. "I'll be fine, Grimm. Just untie me, would you? I know, I'm beautiful to look at, but that jerkazoid might come back any second."

Sabrina rolled her eyes and untied Puck, gently pulling him up. She wrapped one arm around his waist, pulling his arm over her shoulders and supporting most of his weight.

Sabrina wanted to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible. She had tied the pine branches to her boots, hiding her trail even as she made it.

"Where are we going?" Puck wheezed. He was in more pain than he was letting Sabrina see, not wanting her to know just how weak he really was.

"I found a cave that's impossible to find unless you either know where it is or stumble into it. I…stumbled," Sabrina said, grinning a bit. "Darren probably won't be able to find it, so we should be safe." As an after thought, Sabrina added, "Are you going to be ok? You're rib is broken, isn't it?"

Puck's first thought was, "Shit, how did she find out? Am I really that weak?" But then, his second was, "YES! SHE CARES! SHE CARES ABOUT ME!"

"Um," Puck said, trying to ignore the happy tingly feelings in his stomach. "Yeah. I just need some sleep and I'll be good as new."

"Good," Sabrina said absent-mindedly. "Good…"

They reached the cave and Puck hobbled over to a corner of it. He lay down, and Sabrina lay down near him, still distracted.

"Sabrina?" Puck asked.


"What's wrong?"

Sabrina blushed. "Well…it's just…Puck, what's going to happen once we go home? Are we friends?...are we more? Or do we go back to acting like we hate each other?"

Puck rolled his eyes. "Wow, Grimm, you really are dumber than I thought." Sabrina looked offended, but Puck just grinned mischeviously. "Sabrina, come on."

"Oh, don't 'come on' me, freak face!" Sabrina yelled. "Why the hell are you being so cryptic?" She was fed up with life. She was tired, she was hungry, she was sore, and there was dust in places dust never should've been.

Puck shook his head. "Grimm, I love you. Just because we go back home, and no one approves of us…Sabrina, I'll love you, and I'll never stop."

Then, rather slowly and painfully, he crawled over to Sabrina and kissed her softly on the lips. As soon as their lips touched, a golden light surrounded them, wind blew around them; what seemed like very nearby, Sabrina and Puck heard a scream that sounded very familiar.

Darren was coming.



Hey!! Sorry it took so long! -.- I got it out a day too late. Grr. Oh well, though. I hope you liked it!

Oh, wow, would you look at that gorgeous review button? I wonder what would happen if you clicked it… ;)