((Well I've decided I wasn't going to give up on this story, This entire thing is under re-construction, I have bigger and better plans.))

The Street Cat Chapter 1

The night was cold and snowy.

T'was Christmas week in Gotham, A slender form stood next to the barrel full of coals her ragged hands over the flames. There were four days till Christmas, wait at least she thought so...she counted on her small calloused fingers. Yeah, and boy this week was gonna be hell. Standing there, she shivered at the relentless cold; The alley way was her only shelter from the wind. And a shitty one at that.

Above average she was, but too intelligent to sell herself. She didn't like the idea of being a whore, it didn't suit her. Although her mother never had a problem with the idea. Remembering how tasteless she really was. But oddly, no matter what she tended to miss her mother. She missed everyone.

A sound clamored and a loud shout erupted from the building next to her. The old run-down restaurant was obviously a place where the no-goods lived. It was awful but she had to sleep somewhere. In that area it wasn't really a surprise to see these kinds of things, and it sure as hell sucked to sleep around there. It was almost 3 a.m as she peeked through the corner of a window covered in paper from the inside. But one weird thing seemed to catch her off guard.

Laughter, a loud menacing laughter coming from within.

From little tear at the corner of the half broken in window there was a man with a Deep purple trench, and greasy green-ish hair. He had a dark figure and you could barely see his face; mostly because his back was to her. The door was slightly open and you could hear what he was saying but only slightly. So she stopped breathing so she could hear.

"Now! I want my money Mr. smarty pants!" He pointed the knife at a weak looking young man, A creepy disposition that made her spine tingle with fear. "W-what m-money?" The boy flinched and shivered. The boy could have only been 17... or a little older. "Listen we could uh...do this the hard way... Or... we will be civil and do this the way I want!"The man in the purple coat enunciated properly to add a creepy effect. He then took a knife and slid the knife into the mans mouth. "Now...I'm pretty sure you think you know what I'm going to say next? right ?" He chuckled and gave a slight smile."Y-yes...or N-no?" the man trembled as piss ran down his leg. Joker spat out in psychotic laughter. "A-are you pissing yourself?" He squealed and laughed so hard his body shook. The man started to whimper.

"HAHA! now he's crying! Look at this... he is a total mess boys!" He cackled teasingly, then turned serious. "...If I EVER catch one of you crying and pissing yourself from a mere threat, I'll kill you on the spot got it?" The men nodded at the Joker but all seemed to keep vicious smiles. Jokers voice tweaking and haunting every word he said. He turned back to the now hysterical man.

"oh shush!" he lightly slapped the man.

"I wonder what your daddy the big business owner would say if he saw you like you were now? hmm? " He pushed his dark greasy face close to the mans, shoving the knife into his cheek. The blood dripping down his purple leather glove. "Getting so...whiny, when I'm just a clown! Well I'm just the... death of the party! AHA!" He then stopped the laughing to a halt .

He stared deep into his soul. "WHY SO SERIOUS?" He growled in a monstrous yell slightly spitting in the mans face. He screams like a girl as Joker carved a big bloody smile into the mans cheeks. The room now inevitably smelled of shit. "Why so SERIOUS! HAHAHA!" The Clown Prince of Crime was certainly enjoying himself.

The Joker took his knife and slit the mans wrists and throat lightly. The so-called boss was choking on his own blood like a fish out of water. Then slit the entire throat, his head peeling off the corpse in a gruesome display.

"Ah ha ha! 30 thou... right here?" He checked under the table to see the money in big bulky green brief cases. "What kind of complete moron brings all the money? They killed the rest of the bosses men with silenced guns grabbed a couple wads and slipped them into his inner coat pocket then drank the rest of the mans shot glass. Making a dramatic slam of the drink.

"Ah whiskey, cheap and crappy whiskey! lets get the hell outta here boys!" Joker wiped his face with his gloved hand, clapped like a ring leader, and they all started to leave. Joker shoved his card into the dead mans mouth and waltzed out merrily.

She noticed they were going for the door, she started to pace away but the Joker saw her right before he walked out.

"ah ah ah!" He waved his finger as if to scold her. "Bad bad girl!" He giggled, his blade aiming effortlessly at her. The knife went so fast not even his goons knew that he threw it in the first place.

It went straight through the side of her forearm, she screamed and fell holding her arm in agony. He stood right by her, watching with a smile as she clung on to the wound. Trying to stop the bleeding. Finally he stood over her turning her on her back, In his complete shock it wasn't fear he saw in her eyes. Just eyes of pain.

He pulled out his handkerchief and it came out in a repetitive series of colored hankies. Like it was a magic show or some crap. "Oops! Wrong side!" His voice sang while he ripped out the blade and started cleaning it off on a cloth that was inside his jacket. Stopping, To see her...she was young and pretty. Her blond hair poked out of her hat. Her porcelain milky skin and how the blood looked dripping down it made his heart skip a beat.

"My my my! do we have a looker!" He whistled and extended his last word with ease, almost mumbling.

"Didn't your uh...mommy...tell you it wasn't polite to snoop!" He watched and smiled as she blankly stared into his eyes. "hmm?" He kicked her a little while laughing and circling her. But kept watching her as she struggled to get up. Finally she started to crawl away from him "hmm?" He followed her slowly. She quickly ripped her glove and arm of her jacket off and stared at the gaping wound in her forearm.

The Joker was intrigued so he walked to the alley were she had wobbled away. She stuck her arm to the bottom of the hot barrel. She had a bottle of water hidden in a cooler next to the fire and she quickly started to dump it over her wound then stuck her arm to the barrel, to cook her skin. This would seal the cut to stop the bleeding. She grunted loudly and then stuck her arm in the snow to cool off. Her face went blank and her heart was racing. For the hauntingly ghost like color of the clowns face was still a sight to behold.

" J-Joker?" She trembled but spoke loudly, she was sitting in a crouching position ready for anything to come her way. Staring at his Dark and blackened eyes. They didn't scare her, but she found herself drawn into him like a fly to a web. Like a snake to a charmer.

"So what if I am!" He chuckled amused walking comically but quickly towards her knocking her in the stomach with his foot. She guffawed and fell to her side choking on air. "tsk tsk tsk...aren't you quite the survivor?" He looked at her in amusement. The girl was definitely not a long-time street-raised hobo. But why was she so hard to kill?

"You...uh... are... interesting...so just don't think I'm gonna kill you." He moved his hand to comb back his hair making her jump and back off. She was huffing heavily and his big gruesome red grin not leaving his shadowy face. "I don't...I don't trust you." she mumbled, if her heart beat any faster she'd die.

"Well~! what a smart girl!" He flipped the blade around his fingers in a deadly but skilled fashion. "I have to get going now but, don't let me ever catch you eavesdropping on my business again or I'll have to cut your pretty little face up, doll!" He cackled and jumped up kicking her then skipped away kicking snow. " Lets go boys!" He laughed another terrifying laugh.

And he zoomed off with out a trace. She watched the blood being covered up by the snow slowly by each second. Her swollen and pained arm made her dizzy but her curiosity got the best of back into the broken restaurant this was interesting to her; How he killed the man. She found the card tucked into the mans mouth and placed it into her coat pocket and wandered out. She knew she wasn't going to last long without any sleep, dragging her self to her normal place, and fell into a box behind some stairs. "Joker...eh?" Her eyes fluttered at the few snowflakes that dusted them, Blacking out with a shiver.

And the night winds carried her off to her own freedom in her dreams...

and her nightmares.

Ok I'm absolutely Obsessed with Heath Ledgers Joker, and I've been reading Fanficts on him for months now. I never got the guts to write a story with an O.C before. But I gained the courage last night! ^.^ woot woot! So I see the best of the best, and I see mine and i just oggle. Theirz is sooo gooood! and I strive to be that good! ^.~ pleaase Review, reviews are what keep my heart and thought alive! And Make me excited...there for there is a better product! Im a noob at Joker fanficts so if you have sugestions please give them, but pwease be nice! owo

EDIT: I'm currently reading things over. Re-writing, please give me you're honest thoughts and opinions. I'm trying :)

-luv kitty NOV, 21st,2012