
Disclaimer: I do not own either.

Entering the airport, she wondered if Bill had mentioned her to Quatre and if so in what context, before she quickly clamped down on such foolish thoughts.

She briskly walked towards the private jet that had landed mere moments before her arrival, noting that the blond pilot was just beginning to walk down the stairs.

"04. Welcome home." She stated, nodding in approval as she saw how well rested and confident he appeared. A vast difference upon the young man who sat weeping in her office a few weeks prior.

After gathering the bags, the five headed towards the car in comfortable silence, Rashid taking the Lady's place as driver and expertly driving them back to Preventers. Where hopefully they would be quickly debriefed and allowed to head home.

None of them noticed the braided teen that was tailing them, violet eyes wide as he had spotted just whom his boss had been meeting. Pulling out his cell phone, he deftly speed-dialed a number he knew by heart. He had no need to tail his prey so closely now, knowing where they were heading. After three rings, he received an answer, not waiting for formalities; he merely informed the other of his news before hanging up.

"Got him. HQ. ETA 14.5minutes."

They made quick time through traffic and swept briskly through the main lobby and into the elevator, heading straight to the Commander's Office.

Internally, Rashid smiled at how much faster and smoother gaining entrance to Preventer's was when in the accompaniment of Commander Une. Although it was a double edged sword. Their smooth entry was tempered by the fact that they were in her presence, something which he still felt uncertain about and would rather not do under any circumstance. It would make life much easier for him, if after the war ended Quatre had completed severed ties from the Lady and focused primarily on WEI.

He respected and liked the Commander and fully supported what Preventer's stood for and their necessity to prevent another war. However his loyalty and main concern would always be Master Quatre. The entire Maganac's Corps felt the same which was why they were still active much to Commander Une's ire, particularly as each and every one of them refused to join her organisation in any way and yet insisted on being present when Master Quartre was given an assignment.

As they exited the elevator and entered the Commander's office, Rashid contemplated whether or not to step out and call the house to ascertain the whereabouts of the boys and the condition of the young charge, along with the preparations for their return when he noted the tense atmosphere of the room.

Lady Une came to an abrupt halt two steps inside her office and only her years of military training kept her from being outwardly startled or cringing as realisation sank in.

'At least now I know why my secretary was absent. Wonder if I will need to hire a new one. Again.' She thought as she stared stonily at the sight before her.

Beside her, the newly returned pilot gulped audibly before gathering his nerve and staring straight-ahead determinedly without remorse.

Across the room, sitting stoically and rigidly, sat Agent 01 Heero Yuy. He was sat in the Commander's chair and glaring at them all across her desk, hands clasped in front of him, elbows resting on the desk.

A small reassurance to his recently arrived companions and superior, that he did not currently hold any lethal intentions towards them and was only seeking answers to Agent 04's whereabouts.

To the right of and slightly behind Agent 01 was Agent 05 Wufei Chang.

Upon realising this, Lady Une could sense a migraine coming on, especially upon noticing that Agent 03 Trowa Barton was absent.

Beside her, she once again noted 04's reaction and frowned minutely at the lack of reaction to his lover's absence.

'My only saving grace is that Maxwell isn't here.'

No sooner had she thought this, and begun to move forwards to remove 01 from her chair, did the doors behind her open once more and a voice she loathed to here broke the tension filled silence of the room.

"Well well well fancy seeing you all here, a Une-baby."

She cursed her luck inwardly as she continued onwards to her desk and glared at Yuy, only to be met with Chang ushering her to a seat across from her own desk.

"Now now Une, this will go a lot easier if you just sit on down. You too Q-baby. Let's all make this quick and easy like. No need for there to be any drama and issues. Afterall we're all friends and comrades here." The hyperactive braided pilot sing-sang as he moved gracefully to Yuy's side, who had not moved an inch or batted an eyelash, even when his boss had been glaring at him. "Right?"

Hearing the question in that one word, Une and Quatre both hastily sat, while Abdul and Ahmad took a flanking position on either side of Quatre, unsure of their current situation. Though, everyone had been well aware of just how angry and betrayed the pilots would be upon their return and that their annoyance and anger at being left out of the loop would be to mask just how worried and concerned they had been the entire time. However, none of them had been expecting to be ambushed immediately upon arrival. The absence of Trowa unsettled both Maganacs greatly.

'Master Qautre's continued health depends on him!' Was the one thought ringing continuously in both their minds.

Rashid remained further back and leant against the wall slightly, silently observing everyone, especially the three boys. For now, he would remain silent and let them all handle the issue themselves. He would only step in if their conversation began to deteriorate and it seemed necessary to keep them from arguing and fighting.

"Hmph." Duo snorted as he watched the two sit down at his request. "So we are still friends then?" He tried not to feel pleased when he saw Quatre flinch at his words. Seeing Heero's minute, invisible to all but him, nod out of the corner of his eye, Duo continued. It had been decided that he was the best to deliver this point, that it would have greater impact coming from him than from Heero or Wufei. "Cos, see the way I see it friends tell each other things. Friends trust each other. Friends ask each other for help." Duo paused to let that sink before moving in for the kill. "Only Q, I thought we were all more than just friends. More than just comrades or brothers in arms. We're family. You guys are all the only family I've ever known. And all I have." A sad, depressed image entered those violet eyes for the briefest of moments before they were gone in the time it took to blink. "We're brothers Q. After all we've gone through together and all we fought for, I thought you of all people would understand that. I thought you'd be the last person to pull a stunt like this. To up and leave and not tell us why. That's low man. Real low." Duo sighed heavily. He'd intended to go into more detail and depth but he just couldn't.

He stared directly into Quatre's expressive blue eyes and saw the remorse and regret there.

He sighed once more and nodded to Heero to take over, only partly surprised at Lady Une's continued silence and acquiescence.

'Though if looks could kill, He-chan would be well and truly dead by now.' He smirked at her as he moved back to lean against the desk, smirking wider when her eyes narrowed at him. It was worth the paperwork she was sure to force on him the moment he returned to duty.

"04 Explain." Heero's emotionless voice washed over the room.

A brief glint of envy flashed in 05's eyes. Try as he might, that amount of deadly authority and presence always evaded his voice. He envied 01's ability to pour such authority and impassivity to the shortest of words.

He observed Lady Une's mask intently and noted how calm and resolved she was. Not that he expected anything else from the Commander.

Silence reigned for a brief moment as several emotions ran through Quatre's eyes and his hand raised to hover above his heart.

Worry increased in each pilot, as Quatre remained silent and unsure.

Finally, he began to explain but not before shooting the Commander a look filled with gratitude and repentance much to their confusion and exasperation.

Several hours later and the explanations were done, though they had not taken as long nor been as hard as Quatre had expected seeing as how it was quickly made apparent that the guys had been informed of the existence of magic during his absence.

Though it was obvious that they hadn't informed the Commander of the new development if the glowering set of her face was anything to go by.

However there was a very good reason why she was the Head of Preventers.

"Agents 01, 02, 04, 05, you are all hereby assigned to the case. Priority One is the safety of one Harry Potter. Priority Two is the neutralisation of the terrorist threat the Order of the Pheonix, Leader Albus Dumbledore."

"Mission Accepted."



"Yes Ma'am."

"Very well. I would like to speak with Harry and Agent 03 tommorrow at 0900 hours. I will come to you. Now I need to contact Miss Relena and Doctor Po, they need to be informed and we need to make a plan of action in regards to the Hidden Communities."

Seeing the shock and concern on Duo and Quatre's faces she hastened to amend. "I have no intention of exposing them to the world. However the current method of communication and treatment between our worlds is unacceptable."

The four Agents quickly left her office with the Maganaqs trailing after them.

Quatre stifled a sigh knowing it was not yet over with, that they were still displeased with his actions over the past few weeks and that there was much they had not told the Commander concerning Harry and his issues.

'Our trials have only just begun... worse it soon to come.'

Together they headed for home, unaware they were working on borrowed time.

Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts Scotland:

(Mostly Dumbledore P.O.V):

Albus Dumbledore paced his office in frustration throwing many glares towards the previously whirling and glinting metal objects that sat stationary on top of a deep oak cabinet in the corner of his office. Each object had been special and of great importance to maintaining his plan and goals. Whilst they had appeared to have been nought more than mere insignificant trinkets and gizmos and thoroughly overlooked by any who entered his office, however they were anything but... or rather they had been.

With another glare and a huff, Dumbledore spun on his heel and continued his erratic pacing, deep in thought.

Each item was a highly complex and delicate piece of spellwork which were all attuned to certain locations or individuals and monitored a number of specific areas. Some would tell him who came and went form a location and the level of their magic. Other's would tell him the safety of a location. Whilst the one's attuned to people, kept track of a number of areas, such as the person's well-being, their magic levels, their physical condition, their happiness, safety and in some cases he could make them show him what that person's view of him was.

Or rather, they had until a certain bloody ungrateful brat had gone and destroyed them in an uncontrolled burst of magic. So his no-good untameable godfather died. It's not like he really even knew the man.

It had been doubly irritating and unfortunate as the majority of the objects had been attuned to the brat, Harry James Potter and his home at Privet Drive.

Damn brat had to go and ruin everything.

The only good thing to come from that night at the Ministry was that the mutt was now dead. Even better was a Deatheater had actually killed him and he hadn't had to go and find a way to kill him off himself. He was almost tempted to send Lestrange a thank you basket, almost. Of course, seeing as how the rest of that night was a complete and utter disaster it was only a small concession.

His arms clasped behind his back, brow furrowed, he continued pacing.

How? How had the brat done it? He was only supposed to have access to a part of his magic. A mere monitored slither. Nowhere near the amount he'd used that night to defeat Voldemort. So how? How did he override the suppressor on his magic? And what of the horcruxes? There's no way the brat had discovered and destroyed them all. He knew for a fact that the Gaunt ring was still where Voldemort left it. So how could he have killed Riddle? He was supposed to die a martyr because of the horcrux inside him not find a way around that and kill the Dark Lord! His whole plan had been built around the brat sacrificing his life, willingly, for the greater good. The boy was supposed to slowly learn of magic and his role in the wizarding world and when he finally learnt of the prophecy he was supposed to come to him, to his mentor and the one who got him away from his abusive relatives. He'd sent him to the Dursleys so they could break his spirit and make him unloved and perfectly mouldable. Then when the great Headmaster offered him a way to escape for most of the year he was meant to feel indebted to him and want to please him. He was not meant to go it alone and win! He was meant to die! He'd convinced the Weasleys to befriend him and have Ronald be his best friend. They were meant to keep him from discovering anything in detail about the magical world. So how had he done it? He had a tracking device and suppressor on and neither had been broken during the school year. His 'friends' kept an eye on him and never reported anything out of the ordinary. So how in the name of merlin did the godforsaken brat manage to learn magic like that? Magic that could destroy a Dark Lord who had made himself partly immortal?

His plan had been perfect. Everything the first four years went to plan perfectly. Sure adaption's had to be made.

Molly had insisted on more money and for Ginerva to become Lady Potter before he had the brat killed once she realised the danger her youngest two were in.

Not that he had truly minded. The Weasleys were in his pocket and the marriage would assure that he got his hands on the Potter and extended families vaults.

Granger had been insistent that she acquire a powerful position in the Ministry upon graduating as well as books from the brat's vaults.

None of that truly mattered compared to what he would get by killing Voldemort after the brat's 'noble' sacrifice. Especially given the what the content of the brat's will would say about his character and all that the Headmaster had done for him over the years. in the wake of Voldemort's demise none would question the brat's death much.

It had all been perfect.

Now it was in tatters.

Somehow he knew Black was involved in all this. All the more reason to savour the man's death.

Black had always been a problem. A thorn in his side. He'd been all too glad to throw him to Azkaban for the betrayal of the Potter's.

A cruel smirk formed on the weathered lips.

Even now it was hilarious that everyone had so easily believed Black capable of betraying his best friend and bond-brother.

Fortunately everyone had merely thought the man's family blood had come into play and turned him Dark.

He snorted.

Black was never a light wizard but he wasn't like his family. No Black was much much worse and therefore had to be removed. He was a Wildcard. A Threat. Had he remained free he never would have had any control or say into Harry's upbringing and lifestyle. He would have come to Hogwarts an independent spirit and a prankster. He would trust his godfather first and foremost and not have been so easily led into his 'adventures'. He would have been impossible to control. And that was only if Black sent him to Hogwarts. Afterall the man knew it was Dumbledore who had insisted on Peter as the secret keeper.

But, of course, even at the mercy of the dementers Black couldn't behave. No, the mutt had to go and break out! Break out of Azkaban! It shouldn't have been possible. Even if Black was an animagus! Which irritatingly the man had been. Black an animagus! While he, HE, Albus Dumbledore, was not! Ridiculous!

Fortunately, his mind seemed to have decorated while in prison and he was easily led and controlled. His contact with Harry very minimal. Or so he had thought...

In recent months, he knew Black had begun to grow suspicious and restless. His magic was healing the damage done by the dementors. His mind was becoming clearer. He was beginning to remember the details or the past. That couple with his upbringing made him dangerous. His unofficial title as Lord Black could also cause problems should he decide to use the pureblood ways to gain his freedom or at the very least a trial under veritaserum.

He realised that he needed to get rid of Black and quickly. More importantly, he needed to make it so that the brat blamed himself for the death of his beloved godfather. Guilt, could be so useful afterall. Perfect way to keep the brat in line. Make it so that he wouldn't do anything without Albus' approval so that he wouldn't have another Sirius on his hands.

It had all played out perfectly, he hadn't even needed to cast an Avada on black and say it was a deatheater, Bellatrix had taken care of the problem for him. Perfect. It was all according to plan.

Tom would show up and they would duel. The Minister would see he was right and he could gain more power and control to deal with the problem. The brat was grief-stricken and had even gotten his 'friends' hurt. Wonderful. He could use it all to control the brat in the future. He recalled cringing slightly knowing he'd have to do something to smooth things over with molly because her "precious babies" had gotten hurt. A minor nuisance.

Yet somehow it had all gone wrong.

Tom was dead. Key deatheaters were in Azkaban. The world knew the brat had been telling the truth all along. Molly was more than a little upset.

But worst of all the brat had done the impossible and unravelled all his plans.

His only good outcome was that Black was dead.

A weathered fist slammed down onto the desk with enough force to dislodge several papers which fluttered quietly to the carpeted floor.

No one had reported anything unusual in the brat's behaviour. Nothing out or the ordinary had occurred. Nothing.

Yet, here he was. Plans all gone. All because of one kid.

Bloody brat.

At least he'd gotten the brat out of the Ministry before he had the chance to speak to anyone or worse speak to Madame Bones.

He shuddered lightly at the mere thought of the brat speaking to Madame Bones.

Another cruel tinted smile graced his face a she thought of how he'd made it impossible for the firmly neutral law-abiding witch to become the Minister in the past three elections. He had even covertly seen to it that her Department's size and monies were significantly reduced.

With a twirl, he resumed his pacing.

He had to regain control of his pawn and fast. Too much time had already gone by since the Dark Lord's downfall.

Fortunately, he'd usurped Black as the whelp's magical guardian and therefore had a fair bit of control over who talks to him and over his finances. But it wouldn't keep the press at bay forever. Moreover, since he refused to let them conduct an interview they'd retaliated by publishing an ever changing array of stories about the brat's triumph and his adventures in previous years.

That was only a minor problem. The main concern now was reining the brat in. Get him under control and find a new way to kill the brat without raising suspicion.

He laughed throatily.

The brat can't cause him anymore troubles now. He was trapped at his aunts, unable to escape.

He'd shipped him off there right after he wrecked his office, even denied him treatment for those 'little scratches' he'd obtained from the battle.

Hopefully, this summer the Dursleys would do their jobs properly and break his spirit or his mind. Break him off this damnable rebellion and stubbornness. He knew they'd treat the boy horridly. He'd cut them off from the brat's money. They'd get nothing ect until he was satisfied that they were obeying his orders. Knowing how greedy Dursley was he knew the brat must be having a delightfully wretched time.

With a rather nifty blood spell, the brat could not leave the presence of a direct blood relative without suffering severe pain and reliving all his memories of his relatives' house. Thus eliminating the chance the brat would succeed in running away.

Of course, things would be much simpler if young William would just listen to his mother and come and perform that ritual for him and bind the brat.

He sighed wearily.

Perhaps he should have paid more attention to the elder Weasleys whilst they were in school. Though he never thought he'd have any purpose or need of them. He'd truly believed that by the time Harry begun Hogwarts he'd only need the youngest two and the Weasley parents to influence and complete his control of the brat.

He never once thought a curse breaker would be needed.

Yes, he had been disappointed when William had chosen to leave the country and work with for the Goblins but he never figured the young man's wonderlust would lead him to disobeying his mother. He had always been given the impression that Molly could have perfect control of her brood.

Afterall look at young Percival working as a spy for him within the Ministry even splitting form his family to complete his duties and gain the Minister's full trust.

Then again, he should have foreseen trouble with William, working with goblins always altered a wizards perceptions. He should have discouraged it. Offered the boy a job at Hogwarts or found him a position with the Unspeakables. While a nuisance, they were much more controllable than those foul Goblins.

He wrinkled his nose in revulsion. How he loathed the Goblins.

Always questioning his rights to access the Potter vaults. His use of the money in there. Questioning whether he had proper access to enter other old family vaults for lines long since extinct. Demanding a private talk with the young Lord Potter. Asking why the boy hadn't signed the forms and accepted his title or come in and formerly appointed the Headmaster as his overseer. Refusing to let him use the family properties.

Constantly questioning his use of the Hogwarts Student Aid Fund.

Honestly didn't they know who he was! Didn't they understand that what he did was for the greater good?

He stroked his beard thoughtfully.

He recalled why he'd agreed to Molly's demands that Ginerva become Lady Potter before they killed the boy.

It would guarantee him the vaults.

Perhaps it was time to have the two witches make their move.

Yes, yes, douse the boy with love potions over the summer. Let their romance blossom and get them married at Yule.

Nobody would really question if the Saviour returned to Hogwarts madly in love with the Weasley girl. It would be just like his father and Evans' sudden romance. Potter men were known for falling in love with redheads. His closeness with the Weasley family is legendary, a marriage would be completely plausible. He'd just saved them from a Dark Lord and is a teenager. Completely plausible.

Plus they could alter the potions used and it would allow for a short term soloution to the brat's rebelliousness.

It would solve the problem until he could get William to come cast the necessary spells. Or find another capable of doing it. Though that would be difficult considering how so many would consider it unethical, vulgar and vile, unmoral.

With the skip to his step he moved over to the fire place to floo The Burrow. He needed to make arrangements to have the brat moved there within the week. Once he cast certain spells around the house to keep the brat from leaving. Maybe tether him to Molly?

Before he got the fire shot to life and Arthur's disembodied voice spoke.

"Albus are you there?" Worry was seeping through his voice.

"Yes, right here my dear boy. What is it?"

"Bad news. Madame Bones had been appointed the new Minister."

Shock ran through the Headmaster. "How'd she manage that?" He questioned, tone sharp.

"I don't know. Rumour has it that she had the support of several old families."

"Which families?"

"Nobody is saying. She's leaving in 10miuntes to speak to Potter. A team of Aurors, a Healer and two Unspeakables are going with her. None of them are out people."

No! This was impossible. This could not be happening.

"Arthur gather Kingsley, Tonks and Mad-Eye. We move the boy to Headquarters immediately. We must get there first."

Quickly he stood and strode out of the room, ignoring the man's splutters of how that wouldn't work, that there wasn't enough time.

Striding through the halls he spotted Severus Snape and bellowed to the man.

"Severus come, we have work to do."

He ignored the sneer and look of disdain shot towards him. The bloody fool should watch himself afterall it was only on his generosity that the man wasn't wasting away in Azkaban.

The moment he reached the gates he apparated. Reappearing straight outside of the wards surrounding Privet Drive.

Upon arrival he noted that the others had already arrived. However he grew annoyed upon realsing they were standing still.

"What are you doing we have to get the boy away before Bones gets here?"

His harsh tone startled Tonks, reminding him that the woman had only ever seen his grandfatherly side.

'Naive woman.' He sneered inwardly.

"We're too late Albus. The muggles already took him. They noticed something wrong within the house and took the boy away and arrested the muggles." Shaklebolt's calm dulcet voice washed over him.

Behind the group Severus Snape slipped away silently with a broad smile on his pale face. He disapparated away silently.

"Wait. Why would the muggles notice something wrong here? I thought Harry was meant to be safe with his relatives?" Tonks questioned, eyes narrowing at the unusual expression her mentor and the Headmaster wore, an uneasy feeling of guilt worming its way into her stomach.

Ignoring her, Dumbledore turned to the others. "Arthur, gather the usual people, we meet in my office in one hour."

The balding father of seven nodded before apparating out.

"Kingsley, Tonks, question the muggles find out what happened. Steer clear of Bones and her group. Alastor, find and retrieve Harry."

Without waiting for a response he apparated away.

"Albus knows what's best for our world. Do as he says. Leave no trace of your presence. Remember Constant Vilgilance."

With that the retired ex-auror stomped away, magical eye whirling rapidly.

Glancing at one another, Kingsley nodded minutely and the two headed off towards Magnolia Crescent to question the local Squib.

Tonks cast one last uneasy glance at the yellow police tape covering Number Four and the boarded up window and obviously busted door, wondering not for the first time if she was on the right side.

'I wish Remus hadn't of disappeared so I could talk to him about this. Something isn't adding up here.' she thought morosely as she followed her superior.

The Burrow:

(Mostly Molly P.O.V.)

Molly Weasley idly waved her wand and the dished quickly began washing themselves as the mop began work on the dirt-covered floor.

She sighed heavily and cast a disdainful look around her frumpy, patch-worked home.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the headline on the Prophet proclaiming Madame Bones as the new Minister of Magic. Though she was displeased with this as Madame Bones was firmly neutral and believed upholding the law above all else, even if that meant giving those vile Malfoys a fair trial and letting other dark evil wizards go free if they could swore under veritaserum that they didn't support You-Know-Who. Utter rubbish. If they weren't light or on Dumbledore's side then they shouldn't be allowed to have their money and big houses and house-elves.

But what really angered her was the small side article proclaiming the heroic deed of Harry Potter and his defeat of Lord Voldemort earlier in the summer. Ever since that damn brat had killed the dark lord the Prophet had run article after article of the deed every single flaming day.

It just wasn't right. It wasn't how it was meant to be.

"Damn brat never could do anything right. And after all I've done for him!"

She jabbed her wand harshly at the kettle to set it to boil and summoned a plate of biscuits to help calm her frazzled nerves.

She returned to her small notebook and reread the potion notes.

"Going to have to move up the doses and move things along. Need him to fall in love with Ginny by Christmas... yes yes... a winter wedding... and a child on the way... perfect... shouldn't be too hard to get us back on track... of course killing the brat and leaving my sweet little Ginny a wealthy famous widow will be harder now..." She muttered around her food, a heavy frown marring her features.

Now how to go about getting it to the brat?

She mulled over this whilst half-heartedly watching the actions of the mop, not for the first time wishing that she had a house-elf.

"Why Albus can't let me have one of the Hogwarts elves is beyond me. Merlin! He has plenty! Least he could do for us. It's not like anyone would know."


She jumped at the sudden noise. Grabbing her wand she ran into the living room when another noise rocked the house.


Staring at the smoking family clock, she felt a sob rise in her throat and half-screamed in outrage when she realised what had happened.

Someone had disowned themselves from the family.

As the smoke cleared, two names were no longer present on the clock.

William Arthur Weasley and Percival Ignatius Weasley were no more.

She collapsed into the nearest armchair in disbelief, hand hovering over her heart, wand falling to the floor with a clatter.

"No no no no... it's not possible... it can't be... no no no..." Tears stung her eyes as she shook her head.

The Orchid near The Burrow:

Ron blocked the latest apple shot at him by his sister Ginny. He sighed loudly and signalled for her to land.

"This is boring." He bemoaned not for the first time this summer.

"I know. I wish the adults would just make up their minds already and let us have access to Potter's money." Ginny pouted and whipped her hair behind her in what appeared to be a seductive manner.

"Shut it both of you. Don't you get how much trouble the brat caused by killing You-Know-Who at the Ministry. He's ruined the entire plan!" The superior voice of Hermione called out as she headed over to the two siblings, a large tome clasped in her arms.

"But mione this is so boring. I mean we've played out parts now it's time for our reward. Can't Dumbledore just kill him and be done with it?"

Ginny hit her brother and scowled fiercely. "After I'm Lady Potter. You prat!"

"Ginny's right. He needs to make a Will before he dies otherwise we get nothing."

"I know. I know. I just want this over with before we go back. I'm sick of pretending to be his friend. Come on, I mean he almost got us killed in the Ministry!" Subconsciously the gangly redhead rubbed the spot where the brains had attacked him even though the attack had left no scars.

Hermione sighed and laid her hand on Ron's arm. "I know. But be patient it will only be a little longer. Just until Dumbledore can get him back under control and we can feed him the love potion." She smiled flirtatiously and smirked. "If we play our cards right it will only be until the New Year and then everything will be ours."

Ginny looked at the sickening image of the two's flirting and beginning's a make out session before quickly excusing herself.

She shook her head and smirked as she headed back towards the house.

Everyone thought that once Harry married her and died she would let them all have access to the Potter and Black fortune and use what she inherits for Dumbledore's agenda.

"Fools!" she muttered darkly. As if she would just give it all up and be a puppet to her brother and his whore, to her mother and to Dumbledore.

'Nope. As soon as I get what I want I'm out of here. I'll be the one in control and in power. Not them.'

Before entering the house she altered her facial expression back to the sweet obedient girl they all thought her to be. She often found it comical that none of them thought her affected by her time under the influence of the diary. She remembered much of Tom's knowledge of the Dark Arts and had been putting it all too good use with a scheme of her own. She need only wait until they began to douse Harry with the potion and begin to add a potion of her own before she made her move.

'Once I have Harry in my control I won't have need for this pathetic family any longer.' Was her last thought before she entered the house.

Only to roll her eyes at the sound of her mother weeping. 'Time to play the role of good daughter.' She fought the urge to sneer.

"Mum, mum what's the matter. What's happened?"

"Oh Ginny! My sweet sweet Ginny!"

Molly quickly embraced her daughter in a smothering embrace oblivious to her daughter's obvious discomfort.

Godric's Hollow Graveyard:

James Charlus Potter

1960 – 1981

Lillian Marie Potter nee Evans

1960 - 1981

"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death"

A worn and fatigued figure stared forlornly at the grave before him, sneering lightly at the last line, knowing it was not what either would have like engraved upon their final resting place.

His patched threadbare robes fluttered in the cool breeze.

A trembling hand reached up, brushed the unkempt early greying hair from a lined face and tired amber eyes. A lone tear rolled down unwashed skin.

"I'm so so sorry... please... forgive me...James, Lily... I.. I never meant for th-this... sob..."

Unknown Location: Egypt:

Bill rubbed at his eyes and pushed his hair out of his face, unbothered by its unkempt greasy appearance. He fidgeted slightly before deciding that no matter where you are hospital chairs will always be uncomfortable as hell.

He gazed at the pale shivering form of his baby brother, so still, so slight, so very pale that you'd think he was dead. If not for the small rise of his chest and the reassurances of the Healer, Bill would be inclined to panicking. Not that he hadn't done plenty of that in the past few hours along with raged incessantly and thrown endless vases at the wall.

The last had been courtesy of the Goblins who decided it was a far safer and cheaper way for him to let lose his anger, especially as they had forbidden him from leaving the camp and to not contact anyone in any way. They had also placed charms on him to protect him.

He had been pleasantly surprised by their actions and decision to send a team and retrieve his brother.

The Goblins were known for remaining aloof from wizarding affairs, especially in Britain.

Though it was a great relief to have at least one family member he could count on, even if it was swathed with guilt over not being there to protect him or save his other siblings from this plan and deceit of his parents and Dumbledore.

Tears pricked at his eyes as he realised just how much his baby brother had suffered, how he had obviously fought the spell to such an extent that he was magically drained and severely malnourished.

There was also the belief from the extraction team that he had been planning to commit suicide that evening as a means to escape.

A hoarse sob escaped his throat as the tears fell.

He knew he needed to get in touch with Lady Une and Quatre, that they needed to know of the recent developments. He knew he needed to talk to Harry, that he needed to get Harry to safety and that something needed to be done about his ex-family and Dumbledore. But most importantly he needed to be there when Percy woke up. He needed to there to protect his baby brother, the only family he had and he needed to help him heal and smile again.

"I promise Perce, I won't fail you again." He whispered shakily.