
My first FanFic for Twilight! Eeep! Kay, I'm excited, as you can tell :D You can check out my other story if you've read the Mortal Instruments Series; it's called Reunion. Anyway, I got this idea because I was reading several Fan Fictions about Bella and Jacob and I kind of got an idea of my own off of one that I glanced through. This is in no way copyright; COMPLETELY my ideas (with the exception, of course, of the little excerpt at the beginning; the characters; and background plot. ALL of that belongs to Stephanie Meyer. So technically, it's only the events that are mine... either way, you know who this series belongs to! I.e. NOT ME) this is a Jacob/Bella Fanfic; if Edward is in here, it's only to create drama ;) Enjoy!

Oh, and the first little bit is going to resemble the book slightly... just until I get the ball moving, so to speak.

Maybe it would be easy-like holding his hand or having his arms around me. Maybe it would feel nice. Maybe it wouldn't feel like a betrayal. Besides, who was I betraying anyway? Just myself.

Keeping his eyes on mine, Jacob began to bend his face toward me. And I was still absolutely undecided.


How could you? That voice... his voice rang through my head as loud and clear as if he'd been standing right behind me, watching the entire event unfold.

Jacob's lips were frozen less than a centimetre away from mine. He only had to flinch to close the distance between us... but he hesitated. Why did he hesitate? Was there something wrong?

I should take advantage of the situation. I should push him away and tell him that I'm not ready. But I'm not. Why. Am. I. Not?

I risked a quick glance at Jacob's face. His eyes were boring into mine, indecision and longing written on his face.

How could you?

I felt the familiar sting begin to nag at the backs of my brown eyes. Why was I still not stopping this? I had ample opportunity! Jacob was hesitating, unsure if he really wants to do this or not, and here I was having a mental battle about why I should or shouldn't kiss him!

When I didn't move, Jacob made my decision for me. He leaned forward again, slowly... prolonging the moment that he had waited so long for... and that I wasn't sure if I wanted to happen or not.


I nearly jumped out of my skin as the telephone shattered the almost solidified silence. Jacob let out a harsh exhale and leaned back about an inch, still keeping my face locked in his grasp.

How could you?

"Swan Residence, Jacob speaking." I heard someone mumbling into the receiver and Jacob's expression grew hard. He froze, slowly removing both of his hands from my face and glaring at something I couldn't see.

"He's not here." He said through gritted teeth. "No. He's at the funeral." There was another pause where there was some frantic mumblings on the other end of the line. "None of your business leech!" Jacob growled. Wait, leech? Who was on the other end of that phone line?!

"Jacob, let me talk!" I insisted, reaching for the phone.

He waved my hand away. "Of course it is! Who else would it be?" Jacob was beginning to shake violently and I briefly wondered if I should shift back... if he phased, I didn't want to be this close. But I trusted Jacob... even in wolf form he wouldn't hurt me.

All too soon, Jacob slammed the phone back into its cradle. I stared at him in shock.

"Who was that?!" I demanded. He'd just hung up on a vampire and I wanted to know which one!

"The big black-haired vampire. He was looking for Charlie." He added as I opened my mouth to yell at him for not letting me talk. Emmett? Why would he call here for Charlie?

"And you hung up on him?!" I was furious. I was so close to talking to one of them... even if it wasn't the one who had haunted my dreams for months on end...

"He hung up on me." Jacob offered no further explanation, only leaned back and pulled himself away from me. He took two long strides toward the front door, looking back at me only to offer a quick wave.

"Wait, where are you going?" I called after him, chasing him to the door.

"I have to tell Sam, Bells." He explained.

"Why? He didn't threaten you did he?" Knowing Emmett, his bark would be just as bad as his bite... he definitely had the muscle to back any threat his brain could come up with...

"No, he didn't threaten me Bella," Jacob sighed. "But I have to tell Sam anyway. It's a wolf thing; kind of mandatory."

I stared at him as he slammed the door behind him. There was no point in going after him... not when he was like this.

Besides, I needed to think.

Was I really about to let Jacob kiss me? We had come so close... And I had done absolutely nothing.

I had no more time to contemplate as Alice re-entered the kitchen. She gave me a little sympathetic smile. Why was she looking at me like that?

"Don't worry Bella," She put her small, cold arms around me in a reassuring hug. "You'll straighten it out eventually. I'm sure of it."

I was about to ask her what she was talking about when I saw that she had a bag with her. For one split second my heart stopped beating altogether. I thought for sure that I would go into shock.

"You're leaving?!" I choked. "But you just got here! I mean, don't let Jacob scare you off! He means well, really! He'll come around eventually just... please don't leave!" I begged. I was starting to cry. I didn't want Alice to leave me... not again.

"Oh Bella," She sighed, hugging me tighter. "Don't worry. You'll hear from me again. I'll call you and write you sometimes. It won't be like before... not since I've seen what isolation from us has done to you. But I have to go back... let everyone know that it was a false alarm. But you'll see me again. Besides, I think you're mutt is waiting for me to leave. I think he forgot something." Alice gestured to the front door where, unsurprisingly, Jacob was standing in the doorway, glaring at Alice. I stared at him for only a second and then Alice was gone, leaving nothing but a piece of paper with a phone number on the kitchen table behind her.

"Jake?" I asked, looking at him in confusion. "Did you forget something?"

"Yeah..." Jake sighed, looking awkward. I wondered what he was thinking. He rolled back on his heels for a minute and then took a tentative step toward me. I stared up at him, puzzled as to what his intentions were.

He leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. His scorching lips lingered there for a moment before he grinned a wolfish grin at me and exited.

Do you remember that decision that I was in the process of making?

Yeah, still haven't made that yet.


I lay face down on my comforter, thinking about everything that had transpired in the months since He had left. I had been so torn up about it that I didn't know what to do with my life. Now, at least, I had some idea... and it was all thanks to Jacob for bringing me out of my slump. Jake was my sun... my only life-line when I was drowning in a sea of misery... and when I was actually drowning. He was the only one to break through my shell and stick me back up again. But Edward...

I gasped out loud when I realised I thought his name.

And it still ripped through me like a knife.

The tears began to well as I thought more about him. How he'd just left me there in the woods when everything was going so well... I should've been more careful. I shouldn't have gotten that stupid paper cut!

The tears had spilled over now and I was on my side, clutching a pillow to my chest. I just needed a minute. I needed some time to collect myself.

I pushed the thought of him back; it was still too painful to think about it. There was no way that I could face this now.

I picked myself up and dragged myself over to the dresser to examine myself in the mirror. I looked horrible; there was no getting around that. My hair was tangled and my eyes were bloodshot from crying. My nose was so bright that I thought for a second I was looking at a picture of Rudolf and my lower lip was trembling. I needed something to distract me... and I needed it now.

I thought about calling Jacob... almost went through with it actually. But I decided that it wouldn't be smart to call the man I'm trying to convince myself NOT to like and invite him to be my shoulder to cry on.

Instead, I picked up my phone and called Angela. I hadn't talked to her in a long time... but I hoped she would still be my friend even after I alienated her.

"Hello?" She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey..." I greeted meekly. I was expecting her to yell at me, give me the cold shoulder, be snippy, or something like that. It's not what I got.

"Bella?" She gasped in disbelief, as if I had moved away for a long time and was just calling her after several years.

"Yeah... it's me." I shied away from saying too much. I was still unsure of she was ok with me talking to her. "How, um... how are you?"

"I... I'm fine. How are you...?" She sounded like she was still in disbelief.

"I'm alright..." I sniffed and tried to fix my hair. "Listen... Angie I-"

"Bella... no offense but... why are you talking to me?" I heard her ask. I thought long and hard about my answer.

"Actually Angie... I kind of need your help... I'm- I'm tired of living like a zombie." I tried to put my thoughts into words. I had no idea how she was going to take this but... I had to try at least. "I'm going through a lot right now... I mean I'm just... I'm really... ugh I don't know." I heaved a shaky sigh. "I guess I'm just really confused and I need a night out... did you maybe... wanna go to Port Angeles?" I awaited the inevitable response.

"Oh..." Angela sounded surprised. "I..." She paused to think, contemplating her answer. "Ok... sure. Why not?"

I hadn't expected that. I let a smile appear on my mouth. Leave it to Angela.

"Ok, you wanna leave around six?" I was honestly surprised by her acceptance; especially where I had been so distant...

"Alright, I'll pick you up then." I heard some shuffling though the phone. "I'll see you then."

"Oh, and Angela?" I took a deep breath. "Thanks,"

There was a long silence and then the dial tone kicked in. I could only hope that she was still planning on picking me up...

Now, my appearance needed some work. First off was a shower. I desperately needed one. I grabbed a pair of white wash jeans and a loose dark green shirt. Charlie was still at work so I was safe... for now. If I was still here when he came home, then I would no doubt be questioned to near death. I would have to hurry. The bathroom door was already open when I stepped across the hall. All I had to do was turn the shower on.

The hot water was soothing against my back as I let it run over the contours of my skin and soak my dark brown hair. My strawberry shampoo was on the shelf to my right and I poured a generous amount into my hand. The fruity scent was comforting and the lathering massage relaxed my senses. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. This was harder than I originally thought. I didn't even know what I was thinking about! On the one hand, I almost kissed Jacob. On the other hand, I was still in love with Edward. Was that wrong? I mean... Edward was never coming back. I had accepted that. Did that also mean I'd accepted that I could move on... and not betray anyone?

Except Jacob. A little voice in my head sounded quietly. I was honestly surprised to hear this but... it made sense. I didn't really love Jacob and I probably never would; not like I loved Edward. It was only after the third or fourth time that I thought his name that I realised I was doing it at all. What was happening to me? I had come a long way since that dreadful night in the woods... I was smiling again. I was laughing again. I was hanging out with Angela again. I was feeling again. And I owed it all to Jacob. But did I really owe everything to Jacob? Not my life, I know I owe him that. He saved me when no one else would or even could for that matter. But did I owe him the heart that he helped piece together?

The shower water had begun to cool off; indicating that the hot water tank was empty. I turned off the water flow and grabbed my fluffy white bath towel. It felt warm to my skin after the cool air had harassed me. I secured the towel around my body and began trying to haul a brush through my hair. Eventually it was straight and on its way to becoming dry. I decided that a simple lip gloss was my best bet... I wasn't in the mood to dress up completely.

By the time my hair was dry, my clothes on, my teeth brushed, and my nerves calmed slightly, it was six on the nose. Angela would be showing up soon... if she was showing at all. Evidently, she decided I was worth it. She pulled up almost five minutes later, walking up to the door and knocking three time. I smiled to myself as I quickly scribbled a note for Charlie and grabbed my bag. I locked the door and turned to face Angela. She smiled awkwardly before rocking back on her heels.

"Hi Bella," She said, averting my gaze.

"Hey Angela, thanks for doing this. I really needed a break."

"No problem..." She trailed, chewing her bottom lip in thought. "Bella? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I agreed, stepping towards her car.

"Ok, so... why now? I mean... we've tried to talk to you all year and you've never... I mean you didn't..." She abandoned her explanation, knowing that I knew what she meant. "What changed?"

I heaved a sigh. "Actually Angie... That's what I wanted to talk to you about. It's a long story..." We climbed into her car and I proceeded to tell her everything that was going on... leaving out the bits about the voices of course. She listened intently, nodding and giving small indications that she was really listening. When I was done, she licked her lips and took a breath.

"Well Bella, it seems to me like you're still not ready for a relationship... I mean, this Jacob guy obviously means something to you... you just don't know what that something is yet. Spend more time with him. See if you can picture yourself going out with him and go from there. You never know, you might realise you feel more for him then you originally thought." By the time our conversation had reached this point, we were in the parking lot of a restaurant in Port Angeles. We walked in and requested a table for two, preferably a booth. We lucked in and managed to get one near the back. Angela ordered a chicken burger and I got the cheeseburger platter.

"Did that help any?" Angela asked me, taking a sip of her diet Coke.

"Yeah..." I agreed. "A little," I twisted my fork around in my fingers, contemplating what she had said. I wasn't ready for a relationship; she was right on that front. But my biggest problem was still the dilemma I was having about my feelings for Jacob. If I even had any.

"So this whole thing with Jacob is really about Edward?" She clarified.

"Yeah, I guess so." I nodded, popping a french-fry into my mouth. "It's just that I feel like I'm betraying Edward by thinking about all of this." I didn't know why I was freely dumping all of this on Angela, but it was making me feel better... and I think she was happy to help if the way she smiled at me was any indication.

"You're just suffering from PTRD, you'll get over it."

"'PTRD'?" I quoted with uncertainty. "What's that?

"'Post Traumatic Relationship Disorder' You feel like, since you were so head over heels for Edward, that going out with Jacob would contradict everything you've ever felt about him. But that's not true," Angela quickly told me. "You loved Edward sure, but he may not have been the one. Jacob might be... you'll never know unless you give him a chance."

I contemplated what she was saying as I took a bite of my burger. As juvenile as this 'PTRD' thing was, it made sense. She had just described everything I've been feeling for months about Jacob in two sentences!

I certainly like Jacob... that fact I couldn't deny anymore. But liking him didn't mean anything. Not when you've been in love before.

"You wanna catch a movie? The theatre it right down the street. We could walk." Angela suggested. "In case you needed to clear your head," She clarified.

She knew me so well. "Thanks Angie," I smiled and put a twenty on the table for our food. We left the restaurant, both of us in decently good moods after our little chat; Angela because I was finally talking again and me because I had a slightly better grip on the situation. Angie was right; all I had to do was spend more time with Jacob with my feelings for him in mind. I would figure it out eventually.

As we rounded the corner of the street, I noticed a small gathering of people in front of a building. My stomach lurched as I remembered the last time I had been here and noticed a group of people... but there was something different this time. These people were... scared?

"What's going on?" Angela asked as if reading my mind.

"I don't..." I was about to say I don't know but if I had finished it when I did then it would've been a lie.

Standing in front of the group of terrified people was a snarling, red-brown creature on all fours with its fur puffed out and its jaws snapping. The size of it alone was enough to scare anyone; it towered above the smallest of the group and was eye level with most of the adults. I watched in horror as the great wolf continued to growl and bite at the air.


"JAKE!" I yelled, taking a step forward. Angela grabbed my elbow and hauled me back.

"Bella! What do you think you're doing? Isn't that the thing the police have been looking for?" She demanded in a hushed voice that still managed to sound frantic.

"I have to get to Jake!" I told her, wrenching my arm free only to have her snatch it back.

"Jake's over there? Bella, listen to me. We have to call the cops! They can handle this!" She threw her gaze back to the people, trying to identify the overly-buff seventeen year-old. She was staring right at him and couldn't tell.

I shook my head. "No, I need to do this. JAKE!" I called again. Angela tried to hush me but I ignored her. The giant wolf turned its head in my direction with a fierce growl and snap of its jaws. Its eyes fixated on me almost instantly and I felt the urge to scream or cry or... or something.

The creature staring back at me was not the Jacob I knew. He glared at me with an overwhelming hate and his eyes pierced through me like daggers. The most disconcerting thing about him was, in fact, his eyes. They weren't the milky chocolate brown I was used to and was comforted by; they were black. Cold. Hard.

Just like Edward's.

Angela was pleading with me now. People had gathered and most were calling the authorities but I couldn't move. I couldn't tear my gaze away from Jacob's.

Abruptly, he flung his head back to the people he was terrorising. With a great chomp he had one man between his teeth, bleeding and close on death.

"JACOB!" I screeched, unable to hide my shock and horror. Jacob had killed a man! An innocent man just walking up the street! What had come over him? What was he thinking?

With the sight of blood came pandemonium; people screamed and turned to run. Angela was having no more of my resistance and grabbed my arm, forcing me to run after her. I looked back in time to see Jacob running off into the night with the man's body still in his mouth, a pair of black shorts tied to his back leg.

Kay, end of chapter one. I'm trying to make these chapters longer so you guys have more to read! Ok, I shall try to update as often as I can and I can promise you that Bella will get over her depression SOON (I don't like it when she's being stupid, no offense Stephanie Meyer)