Okay so hi! I have to say that I didn't think I'd be getting as many reviews for one drabble as I did so thank you so much to

amu, xXxForbiddenDreamxXx, amu, Astalina, Myansk, NyammiToast, linblueneko, Kaori Kuni, iM-the-ISH, MaroonAngel of Darkness and Rini-Chan95

Okay so this is not continuing for last chapter, this is a completely different drabble, and completely separate. I don't own Shugo Chara.


He sat almost alone in her closet. His hands gripping roughly on the light wood inside. His back pressed hard against the doors, forcing himself to stay put and not barge out and reveal his presence. He was listening. Listening to Tadase talking to Amu. Confessing to Amu.

"Would you let me fell in love with you?" He had asked.

Ikuto's heart had stopped. What? This could not be happening. He thought he had more time. He thought he could tell her his feelings before Tadase could.

He closed his eyes, sheilding his broken stare from the rest of the world. This could not be happening.

He had lost his chance, and he knew it, But...why didn't she tell Tadase that she loved him? She never said it back. His heart tugged itself out of his stomach but he forced it back down with three simple words.

Amu loves him.

It killed him, saying that. But even though it hurt him, he repeated it over and over inside of his head. She's getting everything she wants with him. Everything.

He couldn't be happy for them. As he sat watching through the crack left between the door and the wardrobe, all he could feel was a deep crushing defeat. No, much more than a defeat. His heart had not only been smashed to the ground, but it had been trod upon, beat into the very floor of Amu's closet carelessly. And the worst thing was that she didn't even know. Amu was completely oblivious to the pain in Ikuto's chest when Tadase reached out for her hand.


"Ikuto-Nya!" Yoru whispered.

Ikuto opened his eyes once more and brought his gaze to the gap where sunlight seeped through, illuminating his hurt, weak expression.

Tadase was slowly leaning closer and closer to Amu's red face. She wasn't backing away.

Suddenly thoughts of Ikuto kissing the girl he loved flashed across the back of his mind, holding her close, breathing in the scent of her skin, brushing stray hair out of her eyes and clipping it behind an ear, staring into her eyes and see her looking right back. But then he thought of all the things she would have to go through. He wasn't free. And Tadase was.

Their faces got closer and closer, and Tadase's eyelids shut over pink eyes. Amu glanced over to the wardrobe, seeing blue eyes gazing at her.

Ran, Miki and Suu huddled closer together.

"Kiss him." Ran whispered.

"Kiss him..." Ikuto prayed.


Right, so. Very short and kinda rushed. But it's my apology form not updating on my other fics. I will be continueing with this and when I think of a moment that I want to explain Ikuto's or anyone elces feelings in, then I'll update with this. Unfortunatly I can't say when. Please review and tell me if you liked it, what could be done better or if you have a request or anything.

Thanks ^^