So, in the end everything worked out for me. I guess the saying "Things will get worse before they get better" really is true after all. After we told the Chairman about Tawny's love potion...he expelled her, and sent her back to America. I guess we won't be seeing any more of her. I almost feel bad for her- almost. Because I don't think she'll ever be seeing Jet again, either. When the Chairman discovered he'd come back, he threatened to call the police on him. Jet took off at record speed, without even saying goodbye to Tawny. Well, bad things do happen to bad people occasionally.

My scars are almost healed now- the ones on my leg. It's still there, and I think it always will be there, as a reminder of worse times. At the same time, it serves as a reminder that I survived, because I was stronger than my demons. So, yes, in the end, I won. Happy endings rarely happen, and I never expected to get a happy ending for me. Maybe it was to make up for all of the bad things I went through. But I'm just happy to be with people I love. I'm graduating next month, and even though I don't have plans to even attempt going to a University, I do have something going for me. I've decided to become a psychiatrist, in honor of everyone at the hospital who helped me save me from myself. There's nothing more I want then to spread the feeling that was given to me. Even to those who might not appreciate it at first.

My anger problem is getting better, too. It's far from gone, but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. I've faded into the background again, and pretty much everyone has forgotten about all of my little scuffles last year. Now, I sort of appreciate being invisible again. Because I'm not totally invisible. I'm important to those who love me.

And in the end, I realized that it isn't about being noticed, or being popular. It's about being noticed by those who are truly worth your time and love.