A/N: You guys are really proud of me, no? XD Because I surely am! This is the fastest update ever in my live all thanks to your amazing reviews that made me work on and complete the forth chapter so fast XD and because I was also curious how this thing was going to continue *laughs*.

Initially, I planned to work on 'Summer love' because it's the only one that is kinda left behind, but this story didn't let me follow my plan XD

Special thanks to the ones that supported me and this story from the beginning (KoTenshi, HUUGIRL, darkness0is0beatiful, hollowsmile, Imou and fishbird) It meant very much to me and I hope you will continue to do so ^_^. Sorry if I missed anyone –sweatdrop-

Now…enjoy this twisted author's chapter ^^


Chapter 4: Did you miss me?


One thing was for sure.

Uzumaki Naruto was going to pay dearly for the stunt he just pulled in the library. Nobody messes with Neji and lives to tell the story… not even Naruto.

He will hit the idiot where it hurt him the most and it helped that Naruto was a close friend.

It was easier to take revenge on one of your friends because you already know their soft spots and Neji knew that Naruto's weakness was Sasuke, even if he himself maybe wasn't fully aware of it.

He smirked in content. Oh yes, he had just to plan to make the score even! Maybe even transform it in a 5-1 for him.

It was perfect!

'Wait and see, Naruto my boy, why isn't anyone messing with a Hyuuga! You will shed tears… of blood when I'll be over with you!'


Something bad was bound to happen in this sinisterly cold night. I had an unpleasant feeling in my gut that I wasn't capable of shaking off. There was something intoxicating in the atmosphere that emanated disturbing vibes all over.

No clouds embraced the now naked sky; instead it appeared to be covered by a crimson red blanket. The weird shades playing on the sky were coming from the moon, which seemed to be drowned in the sickening color of blood.

"Innocent blood was spilled tonight!"

I almost jump up in surprise at the intruding voice.

"Jesus, Temari! Do you want me to die of a heart attack? Don't ever sneak up on me like that!"

"A kind person's blood."

She completely ignored me her eyes focused on the gruesome, but dazzling sky, her once firm voice was now almost above a whisper.

"He didn't deserve dieing this way."

"What are you talking about?"

"Didn't you know, Shikamaru? There is a legend concerning the crimson red skies…"

She choked, tears forming in her eyes and I rushed by her side stroking gently her back.

"When it has this color a great person had his life taken and the skies are manifesting their grief."

"It's just a legend, Temari! Don't be so affected for nothing! It's not like you at all."

"NO! I heard this story from my big brother, Kankurou. He told me about it when I first saw this… strange shade. That was the same night when our father was killed."

"Still… it may be just a weird coincidence!"

"I hope you are right… for all our sakes."

"Are you worried about Gaara?"

"It is said that only those who knew the person that died can see this sky while for the others it looks normal, as always. So it can be anyone!"


"One thing is for sure! We both know this person…"


"Oh, oh… I get it now! This is a prank, no? Hehe… I was almost fooled! Good one, Sakura. You almost caught me there!"

"I'm not joking!" she snarled in response "Could you stop goofing around in a time like this?"

My knees gave up on me. This wasn't happening, this wasn't true… it was all just a cruel nightmare. Sasuke didn't leave me. Sasuke can't leave me.


I could hear Sakura's voice somewhere in the background but I couldn't react as if caught in a black void. I can not move my body, nor can I speak. I want to answer her, tell her that I am fine and that it's no big deal, but my voice refuses to come out… and plus, it would be a lie.

"Naruto…" She tries again, taking me by my shoulders, shaking me lightly. "Naruto, snap out of it!"

My cheeks started to warm up and I guessed she just slapped me.

I didn't care. I didn't want to care.

Fuck, just let me…. leaving me alone right now would be a wise decision! Stop clinging onto me! Stop calling my name over and over again! Just stop it!!!

Did I say that out loud?

She backed away from me, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

I didn't have the time to care about hurting her feelings because I was more concerned with the overflowing of my own.

What had just happen? When did it happen? How did it happen?

I wanted to ask them all of this and many more but I couldn't find the strength within me to voice these questions… and I wasn't even sure that I could handle the answers.

I was afraid. For the first time, I was afraid of knowledge.

I was in denial, I knew that, but Sasuke isn't dead… he just can't be. And once I would've asked what had exactly happened I couldn't hold any longer to my fantasy.

It wasn't logic; it didn't make sense… a couple of hours ago I was with him. Talking and laughing with each other. Was that the last time was I allowed to do so?

Life is… indeed such a fragile thing.

NO! I reject the motion of Sasuke's death. The bastard is probably at home in this instant.

What time is it?

I glance at the pink framed clock posted on the living room table.

22:50 p.m.

At this hour he is surely in his living room, with our beautiful cat, Kurohi (a/n: Black fire) on his lap and his big brother besides him, watching his stupid smartass T.V show. It ends at 22:55 p.m. and then at eleven p.m. sharp he will call me, reminding me that I should shut down already my God damned PC cuz tomorrow I have to wake up early in the morning if I want to arrive on time on my classes.

He never failed once when it came to calling me! It was already a… ritual of ours that the last thing we hear before sleeping it's each others voice.

His voice before my bedtime was like a glass of warm milk in a sleepless night. It always lulled me to sleep.

I abruptly stood up, pulling my cell phone from my pocket starring at its screen.

22:53 p.m.

Another seven minutes and Sasuke will call.

"What are you doing, Naruto?"

I watch Sakura approaching me once again, concern visible in her green eyes.

Standing in front of me, her arms leaved the line of her body in a futile attempt to embrace me. I shoved her off of me… maybe a little harder than I intended.

She landed on the sofa, a clearly pained expression written on her face.

I didn't want, nor needed any type of comfort.

All I need is Sasuke's nightly call.

I saw Ino from the corner of my eye, shooting uneasy glances towards us, but she said nothing probably too wrapped up in her own suffering.

In the now silent room a steady beat started to reverberate and it was the most beautiful thing I heard in my entire life. For the first time I found the annoying ring tone that Sakura picked for my phone… refreshing!

I knew it! I just knew it! Sasuke was fine!

I flipped it open desperately, almost dropping it in the process.

"SASUKE!!! I knew you would call motherfucker!"


'Bip, Bip, Bip, Bip,"

"Shit…the line is busy! With whom are you talking at this hour, idiot?! "


I saw Ino jerking up in surprise, her face suddenly light up with hope. She rushed besides me, tears of joy flooding her extremely pale face, while Sakura remained emotionless on the couch.

"What are you shouting for, dammit?"


"No, darling! The tooth fairy! Who else? Why do you sound so surprised anyway? Didn't we agree that tonight we will –"


I clench my teeth and my fist simultaneously wishing that I would crush my stupid phone in the process.

I lifted the hand containing the phone in a desperate desire to take my fury out on it, throwing and smashing it against the wall. It didn't make me feel any better at all now that my phone was turned into pieces.


'Hello… this is Uzumaki Naruto! I can't answer the phone right now because either I am fucking Sakura or trying to shove my dick in Sasuke's stiff ass! Please, leave a message after the Bip'

"Hn… you'd wish!


Oh God! Where was this intense pleasure coming from? Focus, Uzumaki, focus!

Someone was licking desperately my collarbone in the same time playing with one of my nipples, twisting and caressing it with his fingers. The sensation was maddening.

Stimulating two of my most sensible spots in the same time was sending me in a breathing frenzy. With both hands he started gently to trace the lines of my body. A wet and hot tongue descended on my abdomen making me arch my back in pleasure.

Whoever was this knew his thing very well!

I couldn't help but moan as he found his way towards my neck, biting and licking it gently. I also wanted to touch him, to give back some of the pleasure he was granting me, but as I tried to reach him with my hands all that I found was… nothingness.

I open my eyes.

I was welcomed with pitch black darkness and I try to adjust my eyes as good as I could to the situation in order to see…anything.

Why was I in bed? When did I go to sleep?

I don't remember!

I saw a silhouette standing on the edge of my bed, but I couldn't see his face very well.

"Who are you?"

"Did the sleep kill one more neuron of yours… dobe?"

I gasp in surprise. So it was all…just a dream after all! Thank God!

"Sasuke… man… did I miss your stupid ass!" I say throwing myself at him embracing him as hard as I could.


"Shut up!" I said as I hurriedly took my pants and my shirt off.

"Eager much?"

I also took Sasuke's shirt off and he obediently let me. I tied both of our shirts together then tied Sasuke's hands with them.

"What are you doing, idiot?"

"If you died…you would've leaved me with the regret of not toping you once."

"That's all?"

"What are you smirking for? What are you implying anyway? Of course, that this is the only reason! Now, shut up and let me fuck you!"

"Don't do it, Naruto!"

"Why? This is my wish! Then I could die happy!"

"Exactly! Don't do it! Come back to me!"

"What are you talking about, Sasuke? I didn't leave you in the first place…so how can I come back to you? Did the heat affect your brain?"

"I beg you… don't do it! Come back and fuck the real me as much as you want!"



"We have pulse, Tsunade-sama!"

"Finally!" The doctor sighed wiping off the sweat that accumulated on her forehead, a content smile gracing her soft features.

A loud thud caught Tsunade's attention.

Sasuke collapsed to the floor, a single tear visible on his pale face.

"Thank God, you are alive, dobe!"


Ah yes…I am a bad, bad, bad author! ^___^

I had in mind 4-5 ways of continuing this story, each more appealing than the other. In the last minute (again _) this one popped in my head and it refused to leave me alone .

For those that didn't quite understand : All the stuffs concerning Sasuke and the girls were only played in Naruto's mind… in his coma state, while the others (with Neji, Shikamaru etc) really did happen!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will continue pumping my imagination with your wonderful reviews ^__^