...Yep. Er. Denmark and Estonia is blaringly historically canon, just about. Yet there's.. a severe lack of it. Historical liberties may or may not of been made. I tried. And, this is set back sometime in the 1300's, when Denmark owned Estonia. For a human name, well, although it's not that historically old I guess, Denmark's name is Nikolaj for the purpose of the story. The title, Sõnad, is just an Estonian song that helped inspire me. ;;

If there's anything you didn't get, there's footnotes at the end that shall probably clear things up. I will just state now however that 'Danmark' is Danish for Denmark, and not just a typo I kept making. |D; And on the other hand, 'Estland' is Danish for Estonia. AndEstonia'shomeisjustoneroom. :|

Warnings: ...Kinda a tiny bit of non-con, almost. And some blood. And a needle. ...Yep. Now onto the story. :|


As the door to his small home opened, Eduard didn't even feel the need to turn around and look to see who the visitor was, already sure that it was Denmark. The sound of his heavy boots could be heard quite a distance from the house, especially with how quiet it became during evenings in Tallinn. The smallest flinch crossed the young boy's face as the door was slammed, even though that had been just as expected. From his seat at the table, he continued to instead stare down at his bread, not acknowledging his presence. Although it may of seemed rude, especially towards the man who had just conquered him, the Estonian was sure the other wasn't one much for such formalities anyways.

And no use letting him see the satisfaction of Eduard jumping up to greet him, to fawn over him... "Estonia?" The voice accompanied a small chuckle, and Eduard finally tilted his head up and to his side to look at Nikolaj. The only part of his expression that didn't appear dull and emotionless was the fear he couldn't erase from his eyes. "...Hej, Danmark." The young teenager greeted. No longer hungry for the bread in front of him, he pushed his chair out. Standing up and turning on his heels, he gestured back to the loaf of bread. "...Have you eaten? Would you like some?" He courteously offered; his voice flat and dead-pan. The smirking man in front of him seemed to be in good spirits.

Denmark in high spirits wasn't always the best thing... Usually, the other only came to visit under business pretenses or under a veil of anger in the true style of the Viking he was. Denying the offer with a shake of his head, the Dane continued to walk to the table. Eduard quickly grabbed the loaf of bread, watching as Nikolaj passed the table. Turning around, he stared with icy blue eyes at Eduard. Although now the Estonian was being stared down at, he tried to muster his strength to not tremble as he took the food and walked past him, yet Nikolaj's laugh derailed him. As soon as he turned his head back to look at the other blonde, the Dane was throwing an arm around his front, grasping at the shoulder opposite of the side he stood on.

Leaning back ever so slightly, he spoke directly into the pale ear scarcely covered with a few wisps of blonde hair. "I brought a present for you, Estland. Don't you want to know what it is?" Eduard only looked down at the arm now wrapped around him, feeling long fingers gently stroke the back of his neck as it sent shivers down his spine. With a shove, the smaller nation stumbled back. Worry and anxiety written on his face, he set the bread back down on the table. Finally, he took a good look at the taller man. His other hand seemed closed tight to his torso, a slightly noticeable extrusion visible through the coat.

"A..ah.. ...A gift?... ...T-thank you, Nikolaj, truly, but such a thing isn't..." The good mood all of a sudden seemed sucked away from Nikolaj, and Eduard silenced himself as he looked up. It was almost as if the room had suddenly gotten colder as Denmark stepped closer to him. With every careful step back Eduard would give, Nikolaj just stepped closer. "Just go sit on the bed."

Giving a curt nod, Eduard turned and quickly moved toward the bed that he was only a few paces from. Sitting down as he was instructed, he let his legs hang over the edge. Uneasily, he kept his head down, green eyes only curiously peeking up towards the invader. Opening his coat up, Eduard watched him pull a package from it. Wrapped in brown paper and string, he threw it at the Estonian's lap. It made him jump a bit as the soft package landed in his lap, and Eduard was displeased as Nikolaj only continued closer. Part of him just wanted to throw the package back and insist that the other leave. Yet disobeying never had gotten him that far before.... Eduard gripped it gently, trying to test to see if he could figure out what it was.

There was a soft feeling to it, and it caused the teenager to look back up at Denmark. Watching out of the corner of his eye as the other man too a seat next to him, he let out a soft sigh, fingers sliding into the string. Yet he did nothing still yet continue to shiver lightly as he felt a hand on his back. In almost teasing manner, he rubbed circles with his palm on Eduard's shoulder blade. The teen could feel every tiny movement through his thin shirt. "Open it." The hand crawled up a bit, causing the hair on the back of Eduard's neck stand up, unable to keep from trembling further.

With another glance to Nikolaj, the teenager still seemed unsure. It wasn't until he felt nails suddenly dig against his neck that he straightened his back up, jumping from the pain. "I said open it!" He commanded gruffly, his patience not reserved for what he considered to be such a lowly boy. A deep set grin suddenly adorned his face at the look of fright.

Eduard suspiciously untied the string, swiping it to the side. Hesitantly and carefully, he slid his hands in the brown paper. He could now feel fabric barely touching his fingers as he started to peel back the paper. As soon as Eduard pulled it open enough to see that familiar shade of red, he recoiled, the package with the folded flag inside nearly falling to the ground. It was only the blonde warrior beside him with quicker reflexes that saved it, a scowl now on his face instead. As he took the object from the boy, Nikolaj carefully opened it, a near perfect replica of the dannebrog in all its glory staring back at them. "...You're lucky. Let this fall to the ground and I swear it will be the last thing you do."

The Estonian was too petrified to reply. He only stared at Nikolaj, at the flag, with horror written on his face. It wasn't bad enough that the invading forces to his home now to carry shields with that symbol, but now Nikolaj had brought one into his home? The first time he had seen the flag... Eduard soon after wished it would be the last. Victory had seemed almost too sure, too perfect... Yet for some flag... This flag that it was told God himself was granting to the Danes... to be all they needed to defeat Eduard's forces? His face unnaturally pale, he continued to stare at Nikolaj with his mouth agape.

His reaction was priceless to Nikolaj. After all, the Dane had well expected it to be. As he fully inspected it, his scowl of anger turned back to an almost devilish grin. "Dannebrog. It's the dannebrog, Estland. Surely you remember it?" Yet the smaller teen was too horrified to react any further. Eduard after all knew what it was, and had always blamed it and God and anything else he could for his defeat. The defeat that had thrust him into the circumstances he was under now... The silence was broken by a deep chuckle. The Dane unwrapped the large flag to set around Eduard's torso, letting the vertical stripe of the Nordic cross fall against where his heart was. Lazily, he leaned in back to the teenager.

"Find someplace good for it, got it?" The authority in his voice rang out once more, and he tried to shake the other boy to get a reaction. With a small start, Eduard looked back up at his face, and it only brought a different sort of joy to the Dane to realize the tears that were brimming from those moss green eyes. "...Maybe over your bed." He suggested darkly, swooping in closer. As soon as Eduard put his head back down, Denmark rested his chin on his shoulder. The teenager smelled like the sea, and with his arms wrapped tightly around the thin body, he couldn't help but wonder what the other had done that day for some reason.

Pulling him up further onto the bed with him, the Dane casually laid back. He allowed Eduard to squirm until he pulled himself off of the larger man's lap, and as soon as Nikolaj let his own arms fall to the side, Eduard was at his side as well. Silently he watched the Dane prop himself up on his arm and look down at him, leading Eduard to bring an arm out from under the flag to wipe at his eyes. Although he was trying to wipe the tears away discreetly, he knew the other man had already noticed them. As he brought a hand back down he clutched at the flag, his cheeks starting to burn red with his desire to continue his tears over his failure.

"...W..what is that? Rose madder...?" The Estonian inquired of the dye used, staring down at the brilliant red of the flag. Lazily, Denmark nodded; swinging a leg over to Eduard's other side as he straddled him. With his breath catching in his throat, Eduard could feel how trapped he was. As Nikolaj lay down on top of him, the feeling of another human's weight on him, enveloping him, only was cause for further anguish.

"You have a good eye..." With his arm trapped awkwardly under Nikolaj, the blonde tried to pull it away. It was quickly enclosed with Denmark's larger hand as he took it instead. It was a compliment that was entirely meaningless, and Eduard didn't even respond. Nikolaj's hand felt calloused and rough, making it feel uncomfortable to have caressing Eduard's own. A battle axe was not the kindest mistress, something he could understand even when he wasn't much into combat himself.

As soon as he could feel lips press against his own, Eduard closed his eyes. It had been shameful to even be kissed once by this man, and the teenager realized that must have been weeks ago by now when that one kiss had occurred. To make matters worse it was impossible to imagine that those chapped lips tasting of liquor as they bruised against him were Tino's, having only had the pleasure once of tasting his friend. Yet he tried still, especially as the Dane was soon exploring his mouth with his tongue.

Eduard often suffered the ignominy of simply being noticed by Nikolaj whenever the man would come around. As busy as he was, he still found time to visit his wards, and, spare hand on Eduard's trousers, visit them thoroughly. What good was having conquered so much and ruling over so many things if he couldn't get a taste-- more or less-- of their cultures and people? Yet in the green-eyed boy's mind, he was busy trying to think of another blonde. A gentler one who he shared so much with, even their bodies once, when they had gone into a forest during Midsummer's to...

As the Dane bit his bottom lip, tugging at it with his teeth, Eduard opened his eyes in surprise as he lost his train of thought. "Take my jacket off." He demanded; voice husky as he spoke against the soft lips of his subordinate. The hand he held he placed against his buttons, waiting for the younger nation to join it with his other hand. Lithe fingers soon were unbuttoning his jacket, leaving Nikolaj with a smile on his face. Eduard on the other hand was less than pleased. Even as his hands worked the cold buttons off, exposing the other's chest, he was able to keep his eyes closed.

In his mind, he could see the sea. Beautiful and infinite, it took him away at the least from here. He knew the Dane was likely to only continue, and soon, much like his land had been, his body would be invaded once more... Yet already it seemed to him as if their visit had gone too long. The hand on his trousers seemed more concerned with comfort then lust, and the other hand brushed against the side of his face.

Quickly burying his hand in the Estonian's hair, he grabbed his bangs and tilted his head back. With Eduard finishing the job assigned to him, his hands only rested listlessly against his shoulders. Opening his eyes at the stinging pain, Eduard looked down to see the top of the mess of blonde hair. Nikolaj was kissing his chin, down to its underside, nudging him and letting his eyelashes flutter briskly against the pale skin. The daydreaming teen beneath him was nearly unmoving, yet Nikolaj could feel his pulse on his neck. Warm and inviting, he let his teeth scrape against it.

"I'm staying the night." He finally spoke again, and could feel this declaration had made Eduard uncomfortable. Yes, usually the visits lasted rarely longer then an hour. Nikolaj had often informed him that his home was terrible, something Eduard always had to bite his tongue to inform him he had lived better before it had been burned down by his soldiers. Terrible, and thus not ever a place he wanted to stay long. "W-... Why?" Was all Eduard could manage to say, tilting his head to look down.

Backing away a bit, he sat up. Shrugging off his jacket the older man cast it to the ground, before motioning with a finger for Eduard to come closer again. As he was being hovered over, Eduard scooted out from under him for the most part, catching the flag and holding it before it could fall to his lap. "It's too late to travel back to Copenhagen." Swallowing his breath, Eduard nodded in fervor. "I... I understand."

Perhaps if he didn't know Tino better, or if he knew less of Nikolaj's nature, he would have ushered and insisted the other spend the night in Helsinki. It was quite a manageable distance away, but sadly instead, Eduard did know these things. Nikolaj slowly peeled the flag from his hands, setting it to the side as he let himself then run his hands across the smooth fabric of Eduard's shirt. As he was removed of his shirt, he trembled over the hands brushing against his skin. Yet he did nothing but allow it, not even idly wondering if there was anything he could do.

Again, the other's lips were soon on him, lavishing him with attention he didn't desire. While the stronger set of hands rested against his hips, Eduard moaned as the thumbs rubbed circles into his skin. His body only that of a teenager, it was very programmed into him to want to be touched and fondled in these ways, even though his mind did wish it was coming from a gentler man. Eduard carefully wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hands cradling the other man's head against his chest as the hands moved down and the kisses turned to small bites.

"When will the snow start here?" Eduard gave the question quiet contemplation, stroking his fingers through the Dane's dirty blonde hair. "Not... not for quite a while." He murmured, the casual conversation the only thing keeping him rooted to reality. At a particularly sharp bite, the Baltic gasped, curling his fingers. "So it's still raining...?" Nikolaj nestled against his stomach, his own digits busily unfastening Eduard's trousers.

The breathing on his abdomen tickled almost, and amidst a small cough, the teenager nodded. "Here and there, it is..." He replied, wishing the Dane would stop taking his time. The sooner he finished, perhaps the sooner he would fall asleep, and let the Estonian to try and convince himself this nightmare didn't happen. Swiftly, Nikolaj relinquished him of his lower garments, leaving his body cold and exposed. Gripping Eduard's hips, he pulled him underneath him again, once again straddling the boy. As he moved to sit up, the Estonian's pale limbs let go of him, resting over his stomach. He resisted the urge to cover himself up as he sat awkwardly underneath the other.

Nikolaj gripped the bottom of his own shirt and pulled it up. His body was firm with muscle in all the right places, something that the Estonian's soft body paled in comparison to. Jagged scars were spread randomly across his torso, badges from so much hand to hand combat in war. There were even a few fresh bruises littering his body, and... Eduard shyly brought a hand up to his stomach. As he heard the other man's shirt fall to the ground, he gently grazed his fingers around the wound on his stomach. Blood was splattered around his skin still and he couldn't help but flinch at the touches, no matter how miniscule they were.

"Nik—" As soon as he started to say the human name, the other's grunt staved him off. "...Danmark... When did this happen?" The slice was long and red, causing a gouge in his otherwise taut skin. At the least, it looked as if it should have been sewn up. Denmark looked uneasy at the subject however, and grabbed Eduard's hands, pulling them instead down to his bottoms. "Don't ask. Just keep going."

Compassion filled him, even though it was against his better judgment. It was something that had rubbed off from Finland onto him, the moral of having concern. Even though as Nikolaj looked down at him with impatient eyes, and Eduard knew full well what was on his mind, he still couldn't help himself. The idle conversation, the abrupt mood changes, letting himself silently bleed without showing the tiniest hint of pain... Even the 'gift', which Eduard initially believed to only be for inciting mental trauma upon him, was such an unordinary thing that...

"...Danmark, tell me what's wrong..." Managing his voice to be steady and calm unlike his hands that were shaking like leaves caught in gale winds, by looking up it was obvious he had ruffled the Scandinavian ruler's feathers. Able to scoot back out from under him, Nikolaj let go of Eduard's hands. It seemed to be shame that compelled him as he brought a hand up to his face, looking away and not noticing as the Estonian slid his pants back up. Through the silence, the Estonian spoke again instead. "...You didn't have anyone look at this, did you?" As he studied the wound he found the circumstances increasingly stranger.

Surely, although the wound was probably caused by the rifts Eduard heard had been happening with Sweden, if Nikolaj had visited Norway or Finland or anyone else, they would have tended to him... So that just led him to believe, either he just hadn't visited, or...

"...There's no one else." His normally proud voice came out distant, a little desolate even. "They all... they all want to follow him instead, they..." Watching as the Dane went silent in his grief, Eduard shuffled off of the bed. Although a Viking in spirit as well, he never did understand any of this quarreling or fighting over land. The only one who had shown unbridled kindness to him had been Tino, whereas everyone else around them seemed caught up in the fighting.

Quickly procuring a needle, cloth, and some thread, he came back to Nikolaj just as the other was seating himself more suitably on the bed, looking over at the flag that still lay there. He was a bit at a loss over what to say about Denmark's desertion, knowing that if given the chance he'd run off as well. The regime of living under the Dane wasn't a particularly kind or forgiving one, yet as he sat down on the floor between his legs and set his equipment up... Well, for the moment at least, he had pity on the other man. "...Have they... ..Left?" Eduard asked softly. Nikolaj shook his head, watching the teenager below him as he wiped at the blood.

"No... But... ...They..." His paranoid suspicions were something that he found uneasy to voice. Gently, he stroked the Estonian's bare shoulders, fingers occasionally clutching to him in an effort for comfort when the cloth moved too close to the wound. "...It just seems... like one day I'm going to wake up and they won't be there..." Eduard uneasily glanced up at Nikolaj. He was expressing himself with an almost poignant anxiety; one Eduard still was unsure why he was sharing.

Even though new blood began to bubble from the wound, Eduard folded the cloth up. Making sure that the blood was tucked inside, he sighed softly as he handed it up to Nikolaj. "They're... ...I'm... ...I'm sure they... ..won't just..." He struggled to find comforting words, When Nikolaj took his hand roughly, and it seemed as if his heart skipped beats when it was kissed.

"Sure.. Just look at what Berwald does. Guy loves me, I'm telling you..." As he gestured to the wound he let out a childish chuckle, trying to offset the mood with humor. Eduard nodded, finding his face begin to flush red. "...I'm certain..." Waiting until Nikolaj grabbed the cloth; he pulled his hand away quickly. Shyness began to overcome him as he grabbed the needle and thread.

"...The cloth, you should......this may hurt, you may want to bite down on it..." Eduard's words came out as if they were an apology already, and yet Nikolaj cast the cloth to the side. "Don't you have any faith in me, Estland?" Hearing the cockiness in his voice, the teen glanced away. "...Well... alright..."

His hands gripped again at Eduard's shoulders instead, watching as the teenager's forehead was nearly pressed against his chest as he worked. The initial feeling of the needle entering his skin was the worst, and he dug his nails into the pale bare skin. Eduard tried to keep his hands unmoved from being grabbed. The Dane breathed in and tried to hold his breath, sucking air in from his teeth as Eduard began to sew him up. Eyes and teeth both clenched tightly closed, he tried to slowly adjust. Feeling Eduard's light blonde hair barely brush against his skin made him open his eyes again, tilting his head back down to watch as the younger man intensely worked.

"There." Eduard finally declared after what seemed like an uncomfortably long time to the Dane. While the Estonian quickly brushed the hands off of him and busied himself setting the needle back to where it belonged, Nikolaj was looking down at the wound. The sutures weren't that well done, they could have been pulled tighter, and he wondered if the other had any experience in the first place. Even with the work a bit shoddy it would still serve the purpose however, and the Scandinavian gave a grin as Eduard returned with another cloth and sat between his legs again. Dabbing up the blood from the wound and the blood he had caused, his fingers still worked ever so delicately.

A chill ran down Nikolaj's spine. Only now could he sense the intimacy in the nature of how close the other was as he tended to him... And couldn't figure out why he was. After all, he'd done innumerable unkind, sometimes just plain cruel things to the blonde. "I'm done." The simple statement pulled Denmark away from his thinking, He watched as the Estonian tilted his head up, and Nikolaj scooted to the absolute edge of the bed frame. Firmly, he took hold of the other's soft face, holding his cheeks as he leaned down towards him.

Eduard let out a soft whimper. The blue eyes were emotionless, at least, not one that he could read, and the uncertainty frightened him a bit. Even as the signature grin tugged on his lips, Eduard just silently let his hand fall onto his knee, looking away. Once nudged, he couldn't help but to look back up however. The moment his lips parted, about to ask what was going on, they were instead met with Nikolaj's lips crushing against them. Tender and chaste, even though the sensation would have now been easy enough to pretend it was someone else the Baltic didn't bother.

He instead found himself pushing up into the kiss as well, eyes becoming half-lidded. It wasn't the gentlest kiss, but one that that drew sparks between them. Eduard trembled, unsure what to do with his hands, only balling them up into fists against his lap. Just as the Dane had nearly made him melt in his hands, he pulled away, hands firmly planted on his face still. "...Your eyes." Nikolaj finally spoke up. Eduard opened them all the way, blinking in confusion. "...They're so... ...green."

Beginning to crack a small smile, it erupted into a small fit of laughter, and Nikolaj found himself joining in. Resting his forehead against the smaller boy's, finally he felt hands on him as well, gently caressing down his neck. "Green? Yes! I know they are!" Playfully, the Dane squeezed his face softly, nodding. "...Ah, that...I meant..." He began to shift off of the bed, and the Estonian pulled away a bit, welcoming the other to join him on the floor.

Wrapping both arms around the small waist again, he pulled Eduard against his torso, giving a shrug. "Well, you know, I'm too cool to be wrong..." The gaffe had made the previously frightened boy much more comfortable. So the king—his owner, his essential master, had a human side, just like him. Even he was capable of messing up, no matter how he tried to play it off. "...Yes. I can tell." Eduard teased, looking down in between their bare torsos. Taking gentle care to not press against the lesion, he otherwise fit snugly in his arms.

"...They're a nice green." The comment made Eduard's face turn as red as a flower again, and he rested his head down against the other's collar to try and hide it. "...Thank you?" The teen murmured in his arms, and while grinning, Nikolaj kissed the side of his head. "Yeah... ...and about the... Er..."

"...You're welcome." Eduard replied swiftly, leaving Nikolaj to only nod. "It should hold hopefully, but..." Just as soon as he was about to get off into explaining his lack of experience, a finger covered his lips. "As long as my guts aren't spilling out..."The mental image his words provoked made the Estonian flinch a bit. Even though it was a joke, Eduard found it in poor taste, seeing as he'd been on battle grounds before where he saw that same sort of fate befall men before. Eduard didn't even know if such injury could happen to their kind, being living and breathing personifications of their land, but wondered what would occur if it could.

Would they die? Could they even? And if they did... Nikolaj could sense the tense mood in the air. Eduard was too wrapped in thought for his own good, and gently the Dane leaned over to place him down on the floor. With a start, the teen looked back up at him, biting down on his lip. Blinking curiously, the Dane just nestled back against his neck, taking a deep breath. "...What is it?" He inquired, nudging his nose against the younger one's ear. Eduard shook his head.

"..How human do you think we are?" At the serious question, Nikolaj's eyes widened. Lifting his head, he looked down at the other male's face. Never had he pondered it before. Being immortal, or seemingly so, was a strange enough feat in itself... "Don't know." He replied in his regular chipper voice. Once again taking a hold on one of the smaller hands, he let dead silence overcome the room for a few moments.

"Well... ...we laugh... cry... smile... sleep.. dream.. hurt.. bleed... We do everything they do..." Raking the Estonian's hand down his own chest, he gave a nonchalant smile. "We touch, we feel..." Underneath him, he could feel the shuddering breaths as Eduard took them in. Placing their lips back together as Eduard contemplated his words; the Estonian found it nice for once as the Dane's hands traveled around. "I'd say..." Nikolaj murmured as he pulled their lips apart, a small noise signifying their depart. "...As human as we want to be...?"

The reply, despite being spoken with such uncertainty, ignited a flame in Eduard's chest. Nikolaj was taken by surprise as Eduard jerked his hand away, both around wrapping tightly around his chest instead. He pulled the Dane close, kissing him with fervor as he let his eyes close. The reaction wasn't a displeasing one, and the Scandinavian gleefully kissed back. Now mutually caught in a deep kiss, it was enough to make Eduard moan into the kiss when he began to rub at his hips.

When they parted for air, Nikolaj's hands were trying to pull away the Baltic's bottoms once more. When Eduard's eyes flew back open he let one hand reach down and grab Nikolaj's wrist. "Wait." The word alone only made him less patient, and he stared at Eduard, wordlessly conveying that the smaller boy better of had a damn good reason to insist that. "Will... Will you show me, then? Not... ...Not force me... but... ...teach me..." The words seemed more carefully chosen then they were, and the Dane quickly nodded in response. Although he still seemed nervous, Eduard pulled his hand back away, letting his fingers rest along the side of the Dane's hip.

Intruding on the Estonian's mouth again, he kept pulling him into reassuring kisses. Exposing his thin, pale legs, he felt compelled for some reason to caress him, pressing against Eduard. Yet he wasn't that much slower then usual as he moved on to preparing him, despite the hisses and gasps. Shaking and tensing up, he clutched tightly to the Dane. It wasn't long until his nails dug into him, feeling his legs being spread apart and grasped.

Nikolaj pressed their arousals together, keeping his lips attached to Eduard's with more ferocity now. It wasn't long before he was instead pushing inside him, throwing everything else to the wind. The hands dug deeply into his skin felt like they would almost crush him, yet initially, Eduard didn't feel much more comfortable himself. With a whine and a strangled whimper, he pushed his body up, arching his back off the floor as he tilted his head up.

Thrusting with excitement, while he was pulled away from the younger man's lips, he delighted instead with nipping and licking at his neck. There was more passion unveiling in either of them then any other previous time they had spent together, as if they were determined to feel more. As Eduard's cries grew louder and he lifted his head again, he stole a kiss from the Dane. He felt as if he was being split in half, trying desperately to stay together with the act of melding their lips together again.

Even as the moans continued to spill into his mouth, Nikolaj soon lost track of what noises belonged to whom. Every nerve in his body felt like it was burning, shivering with joy and pleasure as he pushed again and again into the Estonian. He could feel a set of those long, skilled fingers grasping against his hair, causing Nikolaj to wince slightly. As Eduard let himself fall against the floor, he wrapped his legs around Nikolaj's, pushing the other man's head down so their oral bond wouldn't separate.

Sweat began to form on the Dane's body. It easily became an irritation on his injury, along with other, smaller cuts his body had. Yet he continued, unwilling to stop for such a thing, having gone through much worse before. This... and this was far better a reward. After a few minutes, he could feel his body tense up, and pulling out of the kiss he furrowed his brow. Panting and grunting, he pressed his forehead to the other man's lithe shoulder as the Estonian cradled his head there.

With a gasp, the Scandinavian nation finally released himself into the blonde, the cause for Eduard's louder moans. Continuing to stimulate the man beneath him as well, it wasn't long after that the small blonde held his breath, expelling his own seed between their stomachs. His legs felt weak from the experience as he unwrapped them from around Nikolaj, and the Dane waited until Eduard released his arms as well before taking to resting beside him. Nikolaj turned on his back, brushing a hand through his already mussed up hair.

Both of them panting wordlessly beside each other, Eduard finally mustered up the strength after a few minutes to glance over at him. The gash had a small amount of blood beginning to pool at the sutures again, and the teenager reached around for the cloth before turning on his side. As he nestled in between Nikolaj's body and arm, dotting gently at the cut, he rested the side of his face down against his chest. With a wince, Nikolaj wrapped an arm around the Baltic's shoulders, letting out a long sigh while the other started to clean up the rest of the mess.

"So, was that human enough for you?" Nikolaj's playful nature once again showed through, leaving the Estonian with no real answer left but to nod against his chest. "Eduard..." He tilted his head up at hearing his name spoken. Instead, Nikolaj only gave a soft chuckle, icy blue eyes glancing down at him with a grin planted on his face. Resting his arms over Nikolaj's chest, he finally understood the silence. It was simply the name alone the other man had meant to say. The names alone pulled them closer to human roots.

"...Nikolaj." The Estonian returned the sentiment, for once not being scolded and struck until he referred to him as Danmark. That alone was enough to let him smile peacefully, and he just listened carefully to the other man's breathing. It felt warm and almost familiar to have another's arms around him, and the feeling was mirrored in the Dane that held him. Lying silently intertwined with each other, Nikolaj was the first to drift off to sleep. Eduard soon followed, drifting off to seamless dreams.


The legend of the Dannebrog states that it fell from the heavens in the middle of a battle against Estonia's capital, now known as Tallinn, given to the Danes by God himself to help rally up the troops and lead them to victory.

Rose madder is a type of dye made out of madder. Used to dye the color red for army uniforms and historically the Dannebrog.

And yes. If you squint, there is hints of Estonia/Finland or Finland/Estonia, whichever, around there. heh. :D

Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Helsinki is the capital of Finland.

It kinda at the end there turned into an existential crisis thing, but well, can't help but think all the nations have thought about such things sometime or another. And, well, it helped move the plot along, so...

There may... or may not... be more chapters to this. If there is, the basic idea would be only three more chapters... So that... That's all for now, though. Yep.