Ch 14 One War After Another

Within a few days, the civil war in Crimea seemed almost like a memory. All the rebels had been locked up and their trials were underway. It wouldn't be easy for Queen Elincia and her followers. There was nobleman who still opposed the queen. However, her recent victory and her willingness to forgive the peasants who rebelled had allowed her to gain more support from her people. There was one person who would never support the queen and he was locked up.

Queen Elincia walked into the prison and peered into the cell that held Ludveck. "So, Ludveck, your plan has failed. Tell me, what did you hope to accomplish as you tried to throw Crimea into utter chaos?"

"I had no intentions of destroying Crimea, Your Highness." Ludveck bragged. "I was merely trying to save it."

She took the bait. "From what?"

"From weak leadership. I wanted to see if you were strong enough to handle situations as severe as war and treason. You failed my test, Your Highness, which is why you don't deserve to lead this country."

"If I am incapable of handling such threats, then why are you the one in a cell and not me?"

"If you were a strong ruler, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I would already be in my grave, as would the rest of the rebels."

"Please." Elincia snorted in disgust as she turned and began to walk away from Ludveck's cell. She then stopped and turned to face the arrogant nobleman. "Let me inform you of something, Ludveck. Strength without compassion does not a ruler make. You will remain here for the rest of your life. All of your land, wealth, and power will be taken from you and you will go down history as a nobody."

Ranulf stared out the window, looking at the scenery. It was his last day in Crimea before he had to leave for Gallia and he wanted to enjoy it. Caineghis had left a few days ago to take care of royal affairs. The Laguz King had been away from his country too long and he was concerned about his people under his nephew's care.

Ranulf spotted a young Hawk Laguz flying towards him with great speed. The Cat Laguz happily waved, assuming the boy was here to see him.

"Hello, feathered friend." Ranulf greeted joyfully. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?"

The Hawk Laguz whispered something in Ranulf's ears, causing his eyes to fill with shock and rage.

"You're kidding me?" Ranulf gasped. He tore out of his room and immediately ran to Ike's room. He knocked loudly three times on the door, quickly getting the mercenary's attention. Ike answered, rather surprised. Never in his life had he seen Ranulf upset like this. "Ranulf, what's wrong?"

"I need to know if you're going to help the Laguz fight Begnion by the end of today." Ranulf informed rather hotly.

"What's the rush? What happened?"

"Caineghis sent messengers to negotiate with Begnion." Ranulf explained. "We just received word. The Begnions' reply was the messengers' heads."

"You mean they killed the messengers?"

"Yes. There's no stopping the war now. The bird tribes are joining forces with Gallia. Right now, the Wolf Queen is deciding if she's wants to join as well. I need to know if you'll help us."

"I will gather my group immediately." Ike assured.

"Thanks." Ranulf replied with gratitude before he ran off to prepare his departure.

Link stood behind a wall, listening. This wasn't good. Link ran into his room and removed the stone from his pocket to contact Zelda.

"Link? What is it?" Zelda asked through the stone.

"I just received information that war is about to occur between the Laguz and Begnion. I'm sorry. This is my fault. I never made it to Begnion to talk to them and warn them. If I had moved quicker, I would have…"

"Don't blame yourself." Zelda held up one hand to calm her friend. "There is nothing you could have done. Begnion is full of corruption, if the reports I received are true. It is probably better you didn't travel to their country." She paused, took a deep breath, and continued as though she had just realized something. "However, this does prove one thing."

"What?" Link asked.

"You need to find Rauru's successor before they perish in the war. If Rauru's successor dies, the very fate of the world will be in grave peril."

"Don't worry, Your Highness. I'll protect that person."

"I know you will. Be careful Link. I don't like what I'm feeling."

Ike gathered the mercenaries around him. "So that's the news. Begnion has done nothing to stop the Laguz slave trade, and they even killed the Laguz messengers. The Laguz are ready to fight, and I say we help them."

"I agree." Mist spoke up. "We need to help our Laguz friends. If it weren't for them, we would have never been able to defeat Ashnard."

"While that is true, we need to look at this from a logical standpoint." Soren argued.

"I agree with Soren." Titania announced. "There is one important thing we need to consider before we go to war."

"The medallion." Ike guessed.

"Exactly." She nodded. "During the last war, we were lucky. However, if we start another one, I'm not too sure luck will be on our side."

"We know." Ike retorted. "However, we can't stand by and watch the Laguz fall. I'm not going to force anyone to help, but I will join their battle."

"So will I." Mist spoke up.

"Well, if Mist is going to fight, so will I." Rolf informed.

"Yeah, me too." Boyd chimed in.

"Which means I will as well, if only to keep my little brothers out of trouble." Oscar announced.

"Don't forget about me." Mia perked. "And Rhys, too."

"Do I have a say in the matter?" Rhys asked.

Mia grinned at him. "Have you ever had a say?"

The priest sighed. "No. Count me in."

"Anyone else?" Ike asked.

"What's the pay?" Shinon asked.

"Probably good." Ike shrugged, letting his friend know he hadn't thought to ask about payment.

Shinon sighed. "Oh, fine. I suppose I'll help."

"That means I'll come too." Gatrie announced.

"Titania, Soren, that leaves you two." Ike turned to his remaining friends. "What will it be?"

"As always, I will follow your lead, Ike." Soren assured. "Even if I don't agree with it."

"I suppose I'll do the same." Titania sighed.

Ike nodded his gratitude. "All right then, pack your things. We're leaving in three hours."

The Greil Mercenaries packed their belongings and said their goodbyes. Many of them were sorry to leave the comforts of their current residence and to leave their friends in Crimea behind. Soren, on the other hand, seemed happy to leave. The person who had the toughest time was Ike when he had to say goodbye to the Queen.

"Once again, you must leave us?" The Elincia didn't hide her sadness. She should have known this day would come, but she had fooled herself to hope. Ike was there as a bodyguard during the rebellion. Now that the rebellion was over, there was no need for him to stay with her.

"Yes. I don't want to, but this is something I can't ignore. Begnion has to be stopped."

"I understand." Elincia spoke softly, turning her back to him to look out a window. "Ike, before you go, there is something that I'd like to say."

"What is it?" Ike asked.

"It's...well...I…" Elincia stopped, not allowing herself to speak further. Even if Elincia did ask, he'd never stay and live his life as a noble. He was a mercenary, a hired sword, and she was his queen. That was how things would always be. "There have been sightings of the Black Knight in Daein." Elincia quickly covered.

"The Black Knight?" Ike repeated in astonishment. "But how?"

"I don't know." Elincia responded. "It's possible the sightings could be rumors. No matter what though, please promise me you'll be careful"

"Don't worry, Your Highness. I'll be fine. Even if the Black Knight shows himself, I'll defeat him." Ike assured. "Thanks for the information. Oh, Your Highness?"

"Yes?" Elincia asked, the slight sound of hopefulness in her voice.

"Once this war against Begnion is over, I'd like to check on you to make sure you're well. After all, you're becoming one of the my best employers."

"Oh, right." Elincia responded with a tight laugh, the word 'employer' sticking in her mind. "Yes, thank you, Ike. You are all too kind."

"Well, I better take my leave. The others will get antsy if I'm away.

Elincia watched Ike leave the room. Once again, he was leaving her without knowing how she felt for him. For all she knew, it would be another three years before they saw each other again. She sighed, knowing again that this was how it had to be.

Ike walked back to his mercenaries, feeling the same annoyance that he hadn't told Elincia how he felt about her. He had even called her his employer. Couldn't he have used another word, anything, that would have been better than that? He kicked the ground angrily.

"Ike. Ike! IKE!" Mist yelled, getting Ike's attention.

"What?" Ike snapped out of his reverie. "What's happening?"

"We were getting ready to leave and then you started daydreaming." Mist informed with a sly grin. "Geez, can't you focus for one minute?"

"Oh, right. Is everyone ready?" Ike asked.

"Yep. Oh, where's Link?" Mist asked. "I never got to say goodbye."

"I'm right here." Link greeted, walking towards the mercenaries.

"Oh Link, there you are." Mist responded. "We're…"

"I've already heard the news." Link spoke sadly.

"And are you going to attempt to stop us?" Soren asked.

"No. You need to do what you need to do." Link replied. "Just please, be careful all of you."

"You don't have to worry about us, Link." Mist assured. "This isn't our first war. We know what to do."

"I'm sure you do. Well, I need to meet with someone. Hopefully, I'll see you after the war ends." Link left the mercenaries and Ranulf came down to greet them. "Are you ready?" The blue Cat Laguz asked.

"As ready as we'll ever be." Ike announced.

"Right. Then let's go!"