Yo 8D

So yeah. Hope you either enjoy or don't get too offended by this XD

But fair warning: These have homosexual themes. One-sided anonymous/Dr. Nero.

The name of the title character is owned by me. The actual character is owned by Mark. It's pretty easy to guess by now.

like I said, have fun. C8

Kazuno Kobayashi: The boy who loved Nero


The entrance cavern opened up to the endless sea, a welcoming sea gale anticipating their newfound freedom. Tyler Rhinnes adjusted his graduating class outfit and watched as certificates, actual certificates stating their six-year attendance at the Higher Institute of Villainous Education as successfully concluded. The Aussie guessed that these would probably be burned a little later on, if H.I.V.E. would stay true to the policy of secrecy.

And if they'd learned from the last time, Tyler mused.

The line thinned. Names were called, rights were performed, and before long, Tyler found himself loaded onto the helicopter that took him away from what had been his home for the last half-dozen years.

He remembered the last time he'd ridden a helicopter. The young man looked to his right, to an empty space beside the door, as if expecting something, or perhaps, someone, to be there.

It had been a year since that time, but he hadn't forgotten that look. The look that anticipated freedom. Ultimately, Tyler decided, Kazuno got that freedom. Just not as any of them had expected.

Thirty years later....

A man lay in a hospital bed, drifting in and out of consciousness as the nurse upped the dose on his morphine by the doctor's order.

The sign on the hospital door read as "Kazuno Kobayashi"; his reason for being there was a fire, which he wasn't so lucky to survive unscathed as he did in the car crash it followed.

The doctors asked no questions, and only certain nurses were allowed in to change his bandages. His was a work more complicated than simple first-degree burns.

"Why that name?" A voice demanded in the hall.

"That was what he requested, sir." A voice responded, sounding for all that she was worth that she was about to get fired.

"How could he-"

There was a silence, save for the life support machines beeping rhythmically in the ICU.

"Never mind. Have his name changed once he wakes up. I don't want him or anyone else to use that name ever again. Do I make myself clear Miss Turner?"

"Crystal, Doctor." Was the frightened reply.

Joyce Turner watched the man, all dressed in an expensive black, walk out of the building, followed by a mere shadow of movement which she decided would be best left ignored. She wanted to live, after all.

In the room, the man, Kazuno by name, shifted in his sleep. Joyce wondered if his dreams were sweet, or at least a little pleasant. She couldn't have guessed, though, not on her life or her extremely precarious position, what the man was thinking then.

"I am Kazuno Kobayashi.

My status is 'assumed dead'.

According to government records, I never have existed.

I am a father of two children.

One is a boy, one I could not protect.

Another is one I could not protect others from.

I am Kazuno Kobayashi.

My status is, in records, deceased."