Ayane-chan: ZOMG! My first fanfic 8D I'd like to thank me, myself, and... a couple of small pplz xD Anyways, it's based on the song Just Be Friends by Megurine Luka, one of my favorite Vocaloid songs. The guy in the song is just some random person that no one knows, but he kinda looks like Kaito, so i used him.

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloids or any of the characters used. D:

Enjoy the Story!

Chapter 1- A Mass of Suspicion and A Load of Boredum

Megurine Luka pushed a strand of her misty pink hair out of her ocean blue eyes as she sat on the gray stone wall surrounding the school garden, reading a book.

She saw a mass of blonde hair go by at the corner of her eyes. She stopped reading and looked up at a short, blonde female standing right in front of her, leaning down at the pages in Luka's hands.

"Hi. Luka. Whacha reading?" She asked with curiosity.

Luka closed the book and placed it on her lap. "Oh, Rin, hi. It's nothing, really," She insisted.

Rin's sky blue eyes stared carefully at Luka, as if examining her every action.

"Alright, what is it?" She asked suddenly.

Luka stared back, confused. "Eh?"

She pointed her index finger at her, inches from her face. Luka's gaze focused on it, still confused. "What?"

"You…you're way happier than usual," Rin inquired.

"Huh? No, I'm not…." She sighed. "Is it really that obvious…?"

Rin sat down beside her, with a smirk formed across her face. "Tell me~" she demanded.

Luka looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact. "Seriously, it's nothing important."

"You know, you're pretty lousy at keeping things to yourself sometimes."


She was cut off when yet another female with two red swirled pigtails, red eyes, and pasty complexion skidded to a halt, panting, suggesting that she was running.

"What is it, Teto-chan?" Luka asked.

She took a moment to catch her breath before speaking.


"You what?"

"I stole Len-kun's lunch 'cause he wouldn't give me half of his bread," she said, holding up a yellow lunch box. "And now he's chasing me!"

"Teto…It's just bread…" Rin stated.

"Well, whatever! He should be nice and share. Ever heard of sharing is caring?" She whined.

"Yet you barely ever share in the first place," Luka mumbled under breath.

"Teto, come back here with my lunch!!" An aggravated voice shouted.

"Crap, I gotta run. Seeya' whenever!" And she was off, with the male version of Rin right on her tail.

Rin shook her head. "I know where she'll be in 10 years."

"Buying up all the bread in Japan?"

"I was thinking world, but yeah."

They laughed and then silence fell, apart from the other students bustling about, until Rin broke it.

"What were we talking about again?" She paused to think, finger tapping her chin in an inconsistent rhyme while Luka prayed she wouldn't remember. "…Oh, yeah." Luka slumped slightly. All hope was lost. "You still have to tell me what's going on with you."

Luka was frantically searching for an excuse as Rin eyed her with expectation.


Then the bell rang, signifying the end of lunch break.

"Oh, sorry! I have to go now!" Luka exclaimed gratefully.


"I'll talk to you later!" She shouted, cutting her off.

Luka ran towards the side entrance of the school, breathing a sigh of relief.

Luka was sitting in class, staring hard at the pop quiz in front of her, as if the answers would pop up on the page just like that.

She had too much on her mind lately and completely forgot to study.

Let's see…Question 1…3/5x-7 is…ugh, I hate this!

She was so desperate she ended up plugging in random answers. Better try and fail then not try and fail, even if they were just random guesses.

Just as she was about to fill in the last answer, the last bell of the day rang.

Crap! And I was almost done…

She gathered all of her things in her schoolbag and placed the paper not even worthy of low marks, let alone high marks, on Kasane-Sensei's desk. (A/N: Teto's brother!! I had to use someone. xD)

Later that afternoon…

Every once in a while, people would go through that dreaded feeling of utter boredom, yet surrounded with millions of things to do, though the boredom would blind the person of such things, making them believe that there really isn't anything to do and occupy themselves with.

This is exactly how Luka is feeling.

She w as on her small twin bed, all but her head actually on it Her long, pink hair was sprawled out on the floor, her eyes staring at the blank wall, face expressionless.

She sighed. I'm so bored I wouldn't mind doing extra homework…okay, maybe notthat bored.She smiled despite herself.


Luka practically jumped right off her bed, the sudden noise upsetting the quietness.

Why the hell did I leave the ring tone so high?! Oh, right. Teto was playing with in a couple days ago… Geez, for a 15-yar-old she acts half her age.

She rubbed her now aching back and pick up her cell phone from her dresser.


"Can I come over~?!" The person on the other end practically screamed, causing Luka to swiftly pull it away from her ear.

After a few seconds, she dared to put the electronic device back to her ear. "Uh…Wha'?"

The familiar voice sighed and repeated herself. "Can I come over?"

"Um…sure, I guess…"

"Great! Oh, and I'm bringing Teto-chan 'cause she wants to come too."


"Later!" And she hung up, not going Luka a chance to protest.

Well…so much for utter boredom.

Ayane-chan: How was it? Was it good, bad, boring, crappy, awesome, needs work, blah blah blah? Review and let me know! =)

Btw, Luka's ring tone is a line from her song "Goggle it, you moron!"