A/N: Sorry all for the delay, I had a baby and got a little distracted.


Chapter Nine: Two Steps Back

Harry led Draco to the library and pushed the blond into a chair. He turned to sit in an oppisite chair when Draco held onto his hand and didn't let go. Harry sighed and knelt on the floor in front of the blond.

"So, what now?" Harry asked.

"I can't go back to Blaise, he'll kill me. I'd divorce him but our marriage contract stated that there can't be any divorce. The only way for me to remarry were if Blaise was dead."

Harry gaped at him, "Who in their right mind would ever agree to something like that?"

Draco looked down at the floor, "I didn't have many options back then, Harry. Pansy was arrested and imprisoned and any other offers were not forthcoming. I thought that Blaise was a good choice at the time. He was neutral so there was no stigma of being a Drath Eater. I didn't see the marriage contract until after the ceramony. Then once Aiden was born I had no way out. Blaise would never let his heir go."

Harry sighed, "I can have my lawyers look over your contract and try and find any loopholes. Right now that's the best thing I can think of."

Draco looked up at Harry and gave a small smile, "Thank you, Harry."

Harry stood and pulled Draco to his feet also, "Let's get you to bed. It's been a tiring day for you."

The blond nodded as Harry steered him towards his room. Settling him into bed Harry bent down a placed a chaste kiss to his lips, "Good night, Draco."

"G'night Harry."


An alarm blared loudly nearby and Harry jumped out of his bed at a run, heading towards the floo. He grabbed a handful of powder and called out, "St. Mungo's." then dissapeared into the flames.

He popped out into the emergency ward of St. Mungo's and looked around. Hermione was standing at the door to a room, a very concerned look on her face.

"Mione, who is it? Grace? Shawn?" Harry came to her side and glanced into the room. Many Medi-witches and Medi-wizards surrounded a bed that held a person who was screaming in pain. The persons distended belly showed exactly why the person was in pain.

"It's Theo, Harry." Hermione said. "His ex-boyfriend found him yesterday and beat him pretty bad. They have to deliver the baby or both of them will die. Luckily Theo is in his seventh month and the baby will have a higher chance of survival."

"Theo? But he was secure… there was no way his ex-boyfriend could have found him. Damn, why didn't Theo give us his boyfriends name. We could have kept the bastard away better."

"We think that Theo may have contacted someone outside the network, an old friend possibly."

"Mione, all of Theo's friends are Slytherins. Most of them are in Azkaban or dead. The only friend he has left is Malfoy and…"

"Zabini! Maybe he's Theo's boyfriend." Hermione sugested.

"But that's crazy, he's married to Draco. Theo wouldn't have an affair with a married man, especially not Draco's. They were beat friends."

"We shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet, Harry. Let's see how he's doing and if he'll be able to talk." Hermione laid a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I just want this all to end, 'Mione. When will it all end?" Harry collapsed into a lobby chair and raked a hand through his already messy hair.

"You can't save everyone, Harry. At the Last Battle, that was different. It was your sacrifice that day that prevented anyone else from dying. This… this is life. Everyday evil comes in all shapes and images. Muggle or Magical, there is no barrier."

"Why do you think I started SPAWW, 'Mione? To stop that 'everyday evil'."

"And you've done great, Harry. Fantastic really. You have saved so many from abusive relationships, children who were like you and Tom Riddle. Many of those children have a better future now. All because Harry Potter has a saving people complex." She gave a small smile and he laughed.

"Thanks 'Mione, I needed that." He smiled up at her.

Hermione sat down next to him and gave him a sly grin, "So… any particular reason why you had Narcissa Malfoy's house arrest changed to Grimmald Place?"

"It was so Draco could see her. She is his mother after all."

"Harry, when we accept people into the program they are supposed to leave their old life. No contact remember? How are we gonna hide Malfoy if the Ministry knows where she is. And with Malfoy Sr. ready for his parole hearing, that's gonna be another mess with him."

"It's fine, 'Mione, really. The Ministry will not interfere with me. Draco has not gone into hiding just yet. Grimmald Place will be fine until I can get things worked out."

"I hope you know what you are doing, Harry. Getting involved with a married man… it's just not like you."

Just the the doors to the ER swung open and the Healer that was working on Theo came out.

"Mr Potter? Healer Stanton. Mr. Nott is stable for the moment. As we were delivering his child he started to hemorrhage. The bleeding has stopped for now, but it's going to be touch and go for a while."

"How's the baby?" Hermione asked.

"She is fine, she is in the Nursery. Strong and healthy as far as I could tell. There didn't seem to be any brain damage. If you want to see either of them you are more than welcome. We are keeping Mr Nott in a Magical Coma until we can guarantee that he is out of danger. In the meantime I was wondering if you could shed some light on how a seven month pregnant carrier ended up beaten near to death."

"He is one of my charges. I run a sort of… shelter for battered witches and wizards. I was sure that he was secure and told him not to contact anyone not prior approved. We assumed that he contacted someone and that someone may have informed his ex-boyfriend where he was."

John Stanton examined the Boy-Who-Lived and came to the conclusion that the young man was worn out. "Mr Potter, care to take some friendly advice?" at Harry's nod he continued, "Take some time off. You are spreading yourself too thin. I'm sure that Mrs Weasley here is more that capable of handling your affairs."

Hermione chuckled, "We've been trying to get him to take a vacation for the last two years."

Harry scowled at them, "I'm going back to the safe house. Healer, if there is any chance or if Theo wakes up, please floo call this address." Harry handed a business card to the Healer and turned and left.


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